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So freaked out-Green on Blue attack

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I'm so freaked out. I'm trying not to be, but I can't help it. I hadn't heard from James Bond in several days, which is unusual given that he works on a computer and has email access.

I finally heard from his tonight (telephone) and he said the reason he hadn't been in contact is because he was involved in a Green on Blue attack (Afghan soldier attacking international forces) and communications were on lock down until the families of the wounded soldiers were informed.


James Bond is fine. He was not hurt in the incident, but just the fact that he was involved at all has me on the edge. I can't go into details, but he's no longer a combat soldier but works in the rear. Technically, he's never really been a "front line fighter", but has been through plenty of combat. I went through years worrying about him in combat situations and thought I might breathe a little easier now that he's in the rear. Apparently not.


I'm so upset I'm shaking. We have more than 9 months left of this deployment and weekly there are reports of Green on Blue attacks. I feel like my head whole body is in a vice and being compressed more every day. It's just after 10pm here and I'm tired, but I know I won't sleep for hours yet as my mind is racing and my lungs don't seem capable of pulling in oxygen.


There's no point to this post. I just have to get it out so I can remain calm for the boys. Thank goodness they're asleep.

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You guys are amazing. I'm much calmer now. I think I spent a few moments in shock. Seriously. I was shaky and cold and nauseous. I did a quick infusion of sugar (via a Pepsi) because I've always heard sugar is good for shock. I don't know if it worked or if I just needed some time, but most of the shakiness and coldness is gone. I still feel nauseous, but that could be because I'm so tired.

Poor James Bond has been awake for 28 hours, because of what happened and having to deal with the aftermath and has another 7 hours before he gets off shift. I don't know how he does it.


Again, thank you all for your kindness. Many of you frequently restore my faith in humanity.

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I'm so freaked out. I'm trying not to be, but I can't help it. I hadn't heard from James Bond in several days, which is unusual given that he works on a computer and has email access.

I finally heard from his tonight (telephone) and he said the reason he hadn't been in contact is because he was involved in a Green on Blue attack (Afghan soldier attacking international forces) and communications were on lock down until the families of the wounded soldiers were informed.


James Bond is fine. He was not hurt in the incident, but just the fact that he was involved at all has me on the edge. I can't go into details, but he's no longer a combat soldier but works in the rear. Technically, he's never really been a "front line fighter", but has been through plenty of combat. I went through years worrying about him in combat situations and thought I might breathe a little easier now that he's in the rear. Apparently not.


I'm so upset I'm shaking. We have more than 9 months left of this deployment and weekly there are reports of Green on Blue attacks. I feel like my head whole body is in a vice and being compressed more every day. It's just after 10pm here and I'm tired, but I know I won't sleep for hours yet as my mind is racing and my lungs don't seem capable of pulling in oxygen.


There's no point to this post. I just have to get it out so I can remain calm for the boys. Thank goodness they're asleep.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Hang in there. I don't have the right words other than I wish I could help.

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I just wanted to add that my mantra when communications go down is "No new means good news (for me/us)." Several times a day, over and over, until I *do* hear from him again.


It's tough. I know. BTDT, but communications can go down for so many reasons (like the one you mentioned) that I feel "lucky" that I haven't heard anything, KWIM?


More :grouphug:

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I'm so freaked out. I'm trying not to be, but I can't help it. I hadn't heard from James Bond in several days, which is unusual given that he works on a computer and has email access.

I finally heard from his tonight (telephone) and he said the reason he hadn't been in contact is because he was involved in a Green on Blue attack (Afghan soldier attacking international forces) and communications were on lock down until the families of the wounded soldiers were informed.


James Bond is fine. He was not hurt in the incident, but just the fact that he was involved at all has me on the edge. I can't go into details, but he's no longer a combat soldier but works in the rear. Technically, he's never really been a "front line fighter", but has been through plenty of combat. I went through years worrying about him in combat situations and thought I might breathe a little easier now that he's in the rear. Apparently not.


I'm so upset I'm shaking. We have more than 9 months left of this deployment and weekly there are reports of Green on Blue attacks. I feel like my head whole body is in a vice and being compressed more every day. It's just after 10pm here and I'm tired, but I know I won't sleep for hours yet as my mind is racing and my lungs don't seem capable of pulling in oxygen.


There's no point to this post. I just have to get it out so I can remain calm for the boys. Thank goodness they're asleep.


Oh honey!! That is so hard. :( I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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