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How long was your engagement?

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June to October. Dh was on a deadline and cutting it close.


Everyone expected him to ask at Christmas. I was already 30 and told him the day after (we'd been dating 2 years by this time) that he had six months to make up his mind. He waited until 2 days before is deadline.

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7 months. At our church, the minimum is 6 months, unless there are special circumstances. Most people I knew were engaged for a year or more. However, I was 27 and we didn't see a point in waiting any longer than necessary. It was the soonest we could get the church and the banquet hall. My sister was engaged for over 18 months, but her fiance had to finish school.

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Met in December.

Really started getting to know each other the following September and became very close friends.

Had one official "date" on Valentine's Day 3 years later.

Moved in together April 1 of that year.

Handfasted on April 2 (only because Apr 1 was a Friday and the friends officiating weren't available until Saturday:))--very small and private, only two friends involved.

Started planning a legal and church wedding in June and announced that to friends and family.

Married legally the following May because the date of a Saturday that year matched the month and day inscribed in my engagement ring (which had belonged to my husband's great-grandmother).


So, as far as we're concerned, we've been married for 18 years, but it's been legally recognized for only 17. I don't know at what point in that process it would have been called an engagement in the traditional sense.

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It was short!


Met Aug 11, 1995.


Got engaged Aug. 17, 1995.


Got married Nov. 19, 1995.


A lot of people said it would never last, or that I had to be pregnant. It's been almost 17 years! And my first child was born in 2001, so that was a loooong pregnancy!

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We dated for 11 months and were engaged for 11 months. It would be hard to have a wedding of any size local to us faster than that unless you were doing it on your own property or at a courthouse. We married in November just to have more options for venue. We would not have had many options October or earlier.


11 months later we had our oldest! (who was pushing a month early) :D

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That sounds very similar to my parents; they met and married in a matter of a couple months. Everyone thought they had to get married, but I didn't arrive for another 11 years :001_smile:.


This sounds very familiar!


We met in late September, were engaged in November and married the following June. So, two months of dating and seven months engaged.


I was only 18 when we married and so many people assumed we "had" to get married. In actuality, our first baby was born 12 days before our 10th anniversary. And we just celebrated our 20th anniversary (also with a new baby!). :D

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Our engagement was four months. If I had known how difficult my mother was going to be during that time (for the record, dh and I were paying for the entire wedding), we would have eloped immediately.


Oh, and we got the "It'll never last ... you haven't had time to get to know one another well enough" speech, too.


This year marks our 27th wedding anniversary. When it's right, it's right. :)

Edited by Maverick_Mom
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Met beginning of June, Engaged end of September, married end of February, so nine months start to finish. ;) My mother-in-law had expressed concern when her daughter met and married within 11 months. Two years later, we were 9 months... and then she remarried that same year. Her timeline? About half as short as ours. I think she's changed her tune. ;)

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Two months. Engaged mid-June, married August 27. We'd been dating virtually for about a year and a half with a couple in-person visits of a week or two. Small home wedding. Timing was somewhat dictated by visa/INS requirements. That was 12 years ago this month. :001_smile:

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Met in February, became engaged in April, planned a wedding from 3,000 away, and married in August after determining that if not then, the wait would have needed to be at least a year. My poor mom's initial response was, "What! Four months to plan the wedding!" But with my parent's on-site help, it came together beautifully.


Prior to meeting my dh, I wouldn't have dreamed of marrying someone after only a few months. I was equally surprised that I had no reason not to say, "yes" (kept waiting for the other shoe to drop - never did!). We went through pre-marital counseling and sought the wisdom of others who knew us. We said if our pastor, friends or family said we weren't ready, we'd take heed and wait. No one did. When my dad, who flew across the country to meet my dh, gave his blessing that sealed it. God was so in it all. We'll celebrate 21 years together next week. :)

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Our engagement was about a week shy of 6 months.


We met August 20, 1978, and began dating pretty much immediately. Dh was 18 years old & I was still 17.

We got engaged December 28, 1979 (1 year, 4 months, 1 week, 1 day after we met).

We were married June 20, 1980 (1 year, 10 months after we met & 5 months, 3 weeks, 2 days after we got engaged). We were both 19 years old.


We were just kids, but we're still together; we celebrated our 32nd anniversary in June of this year. Today is dh's 52nd birthday. :)

Edited by ereks mom
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We did it "Mormon style"--dated for two months, engaged for two months. And that was difficult enough. :tongue_smilie:


Mormons here too--met in September, started dating the next May, got engaged 2 weeks later, and got married 3 months after that!


I always said I'd never do it that quickly, but when the Spirit is telling you it's right, you know it's right, he knows it's right, why wait?!


And we'll celebrate 15 years next week. :001_smile:

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Dating to marriage-- six years. :svengo:


Engaged to married-- two years. :001_cool:




We started dating at the end of my sophomore year of high school. :drool:


We got engaged at the end of my sophomore year of college. :w00t:


He was one year ahead of me (we went to the same university) and we wanted one "engaged" year together to enjoy being fussed over :Angel_anim: before he headed off :auto: to his first year of grad school while I finished up my undergrad.


We got married two weeks after I graduated. :cheers2:


...to be continued, as the board is complaining about my smileys...

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  • 4 weeks later...

We dated for about 6 years, but our engagement was about 2 months. The time it took to make settlement on our house and throw together a wedding in the back yard. People seemed to enjoy the wedding and told us it was the most relaxed and best wedding they had been to in a while, but if I had to do it over, I think I might have just done Justice of the Peace.


Other unusual tidbits---I have no engagement ring. I would not allow Dh to buy me one b/c we needed the money for the house and wedding--which we paid for.

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7 months. We had known each other (same circle of friends) for a year or two before we started 'going out'. That was Nov. 98. We were 17. By the next Feb. we knew. Got engaged Nov. 99 and would have gotten married over Christmas but my dad said I had to finish my AA or he wouldn't pay for the wedding. :tongue_smilie: So we waited until June 2000. We were 19 and I'm not sure anyone thought it would last. 12 years this summer!


ETA: Hey Impish - what happened to your blog?

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I'm not sure how long our engagement was. He never really asked me to marry him. One day we decided that if we ever got married it would be on our birthday (we have the same birthday). After that we just had to pick a year. It was probably close to two years before we flew away to Vegas to be married just after midnight, but not by Elvis - he doesn't do weddings after 9pm.

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We dated for 6 weeks before we were engaged, then were engaged from Sept that year to December the next year, so 15 months. But DH didnt turn 18 until a few months before the weeding, he went through his entire senior year of hs engaged while I did some college and worked my tail off. 2 weeks after our wedding we moved across the country for him to go to school. That was all nearly 15 years ago!

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Dated for a couple of months, he went back to college so we dated other people and only talked a couple of times, he came back in May, we moved in together in June, married in August. Crazy, I know. I would kill my kids if they acted like we did. We have been together for 22 years and are very happy even if our beginnings were a little crazy. :001_smile:

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