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Check out my 7yo's $300+ mistake.

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:001_huh: :svengo::nopity::blink::blink::crying:


His sister TOLD him the keychain attachment would break glass (it's to break the windshield in case of submersion) but he decided to try it out on our SLIDING GLASS DOOR. It will cost us $550 if we have to have the glass company come out and replace it, hopefully my dh will be able to do it for cheaper. :crying:

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Uh....oops? :001_smile: Sorry, I couldn't help but giggle when I saw it, and I hope that you will someday, too.


In the meantime, :grouphug:.


I am a firm believer in emergency fundS, plural.


One fund for major events (loss of job, illness).


One fund for minor events (vehicle repair, furnace goes out, etc.)


And one other fund for Children and pet events. Those inevitable oopses that will need to be fixed. One time my dog dug a whole completely through the linoleum AND the sub-floor of the porch, trying to get outside when we were away for the day, for example.

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and of course I hope this never happens to anyone, but maybe the lesson in how well that keychain breaks glass will be a life-saver someday. :D


yes, that would be worth it. :tongue_smilie:


Nothing like a little "hands on" science to ruin your day. I'm so sorry that happened. One day this will be funny. Not anytime soon, but one day when you are old and grey and your kids are grown. Ever the optimist, I am confident that we will survive the raising of our children. Hang in there!


Ha, someday this will be funny. When I'm not still reeling from the sting of such a huge bill!


Oh my gosh! Was it him that came and told you? I'm thinking if I was him, I would have ran and hid under my bed. Egads!


Oh I was right here. The sliding glass door is about 15 feet from where I was sitting. It sounded like water pouring, the whole thing just shattered immediately. He started crying as soon as he saw the look on my face, I was just completely shocked.

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I'd be more shocked if it was your daughter who did this and your son was using common sense! Ah...boys :tongue_smilie:


No kidding huh! They certainly seem to be lacking in common sense! :banghead: That's an ongoing theme around here!


Thanks for making me laugh everyone. :lol: Yes, we do know it works-- so that's a plus. :glare:

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Oh no!


One day you'll laugh about it over holiday dinners.



Not funny now though, I'm sure!


As a child, one of my brothers tried to kill a fly on the glass part of the garage door using a croquet mallet. Yeah, not a good idea. My family laughs about that one now, 35 years later ;)

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Yesterday we paid for our neighbor's window to be replaced. That was $224.

Sadly, It was the second time that window was broken due to me ds and his friends.

There is NO ball playing in the backyard for the rest of their lives!

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My 14 year old made that same mistake a couple of months ago. Smaller window and it cost us just a few dollars over $200. Sorry! :(


Hey, we have that keychain attachment also! Does yours have the little hidden spot for cutting a seatbelt? I saw an interview with Adam from Mythbusters and he said that was one of the most surprising things he's learned during the show. He said he'd never be in a vehicle without a way to get out again.


Still sorry about the window but cool to see how well it works. Don't you feel better about that now?? ;) (just kidding)

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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My dh broke our patio door one time. He was trying to install a special kind of pin lock, followed the directions and all. We heard the drill bit hit the glass and then got to see a stained glass window appear before our eyes. It was cool to watch but a pain in the rear to clean up and expensive to replace. So sorry it happened to you!

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Oh no!


Reminds me of the time when dh was on child duty and our two sons were outside playing. He had left the garage door open so they could get their bikes/toys out and play on the driveway. He was inside keeping an eye on them from the kitchen windows (great big windows that looked out on the driveway and garage). He is very bad at multi-tasking.


The 4 year old boys found a bucket of sand, figured out how to open the door to the gas tank on our van and put sand in it. The van had to be towed and it cost over $500 to clean the sand out of the gas tank.


Dh called me, freaking out, when it happened (and he is normally the calmest guy you'll ever meet - it takes a lot to get him upset). We laughed about it today but it wasn't very funny at the time.

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Perhaps you could contact the company and see if they need a testimonial spokesperson. Yes it breaks glass, if my 7 yo can break a sliding glass door you will be able to break glass in an emergency.:lol:


That would be a way to make lemonade out of lemons for sure! :lol:

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