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What your shoes say about you

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Ha! Any shoe shopper could have told you this...

Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes.


"Shoes convey a thin but useful slice of information about their wearers," the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality. "Shoes serve a practical purpose, and also serve as nonverbal cues with symbolic messages. People tend to pay attention to the shoes they and others wear."


Medical Daily notes that the number of detailed personality traits detected in the study include a person's general age, their gender, income, political affiliation, and other personality traits, including someone's emotional stability.

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My shoes say, "She hates shoe shopping, hasn't had a decent pair in 10 years and gets flustered in a shoe store and leaves!" My oldest daughter, on the other hand, is a budding Imelda Marcos and my 20 month old baby was getting very excited when we passed the shoe store today down town. She kept wiggling in my arms yelling, "Shoe! Shoe! Shoe!"

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This may have happened on the old board, but I remember someone describing an experience she had when she took her kids to a doctor or dentist's office. Some lady kept talking to her about how she was sure that they were homeschoolers because apparently you can always tell homeschoolers by their shoes.

Does anyone else remember this? :lol:

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This may have happened on the old board, but I remember someone describing an experience she had when she took her kids to a doctor or dentist's office. Some lady kept talking to her about how she was sure that they were homeschoolers because apparently you can always tell homeschoolers by their shoes.

Does anyone else remember this? :lol:


I totally remember that post! I seem to remember a lot of follow-up funnies, too, but don't remember any of them.

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I would have those researches a little baffled then. I have a dozen or so different pairs of shoes. I like to match the style of shoe to how I'm feeling, what I want to portray to the people I'll be with that day, and how much activity I'll be doing. My best friend has a shoe addiction and a closet just for her shoes, I had to have a few more just to feel put together beside her. The only thing my friends shoes tell me, is what color her underwear is. Strange and disturbing, I know.

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Right now my shoes (erm, steel toed boots) say, "Listen, you sorry sack of *^%#! Stop giving me lip; stop fighting every thing I do to try & help your sorry a$$; and get on the stretcher before this steel toe is put to some use!"


My boots don't have an internal censor. They get to say things I can't.



It's been a long shift and I still have 7 hours.

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Oddly enough - it was the very first thing I noticed about a guy when I was dating. I have no idea why - but something about the shoes always tipped me off about them. :lol:


That's interesting. :) I never looked at a guys shoes. For me it was always their eyes that I noticed first that and their smile. Of course that wasn't a foolproof method since I had to kiss many frogs before marrying my prince. I probably should have looked at their shoes instead. :tongue_smilie: hehe


My shoes say, "I have plantar fasciitis and need lots of arch support."


:lol: Love this! hehehe


Mine say "your dog thinks I am tasty."


:lol::lol: too funny!


My shoes say: I care more about comfort than what you think about me.


:) Mine too. Mine would say something like, "I live in a HOT place and don't like swampy feet. I LIVE in sandals even in the winter and don't care. I need to have my feet out in the open. I only wear closed shoes to go jogging. :tongue_smilie:

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I rarely to never notice people's shoes. I do remember someone telling me once to make the hiring decision based on the car the person drove and their shoes when I was on a hiring committee. It turned me off to her majorly.


My shoes say I have neuromas in both feet. It really limits a person's choices unless, perhaps, you've got lots and lots of money to spend!

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My shoes say "The wearer does not give a rat's behind about what shoes look like, as long as they are comfy". :D


I do not notice shoes on other people either, unless they look hideously uncomfortable.




The person who wore a pair of Isotoner "ballerina" slippers under her wedding dress. And again at a formal ball. I have black satin and white satin. (That is why they invented floor length formal gowns, in case anybody is wondering!) :lol:

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This may have happened on the old board, but I remember someone describing an experience she had when she took her kids to a doctor or dentist's office. Some lady kept talking to her about how she was sure that they were homeschoolers because apparently you can always tell homeschoolers by their shoes.

Does anyone else remember this? :lol:


That reminds me of when the boys were infants and we went to the park to play with a friend who also had infant twins. My now 11 yo was playing on the equipment and a group of mothers and children approached... We'll just say they were of the denim jumper set. The looooooong denim jumper set. Anyway, one of the kids asked if they could go play with her and got an aghast sounding "no" in reply.


My friend looked at them for a moment, turned to me and said, "They've seen the Birkenstocks. They *know* we're heathens." :lol:


Conversely (haha! I made a shoe funny), I also have a pair a black sling backs identical to a pair Ann Coulter is wearing on a book jacket. I love those shoes, but admit to having a mad urge to burn them in the driveway whenever I hear her.

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I can't recall a time I have ever noticed someone's shoes without having them pointed out to me. Then I don't care.


I own barn boots, hiking boots, hiking sneakers (my everyday shoe), Keens sandals, and a pair each of flat black and brown shoes for wearing to school/church. That's it. I don't have a need to buy any more and rather dislike shoe shopping.


I guess my shoes say I'm boring or more into other things. They're right I suppose! ;) I'm also rather independent as a voter as no party truly represents my views.


And my brain is wondering why people spend oodles of money on shoes anyway... It's a concept I truly can't relate to.

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This may have happened on the old board, but I remember someone describing an experience she had when she took her kids to a doctor or dentist's office. Some lady kept talking to her about how she was sure that they were homeschoolers because apparently you can always tell homeschoolers by their shoes.

Does anyone else remember this? :lol:


That was me!!! That lady was so hostile! She said you could tell my kids were home schooled because they had nice shoes. She felt that home schoolers were elitist and trying to segregate from the poor kids in public school. There was not a lot I could say, mostly because I was completely taken off guard. She actually stood up and yelled at me! The sweet nurse finally came out and gently ushered her to the back. That was so upsetting!

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That was me!!! That lady was so hostile! She said you could tell my kids were home schooled because they had nice shoes. She felt that home schoolers were elitist and trying to segregate from the poor kids in public school. There was not a lot I could say, mostly because I was completely taken off guard. She actually stood up and yelled at me! The sweet nurse finally came out and gently ushered her to the back. That was so upsetting!


She'd have missed us as homeschoolers. My boys only wear sneakers and they're usually ripped, etc, from being worn around the farm (coupled with my distaste of shoe shopping). When they are almost falling off we finally go get new ones. Youngest actually got new sneakers when he went back to public school (each year). ;)

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This may have happened on the old board, but I remember someone describing an experience she had when she took her kids to a doctor or dentist's office. Some lady kept talking to her about how she was sure that they were homeschoolers because apparently you can always tell homeschoolers by their shoes.

Does anyone else remember this? :lol:


I remember that. I don't remember why though.

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Oddly my dh can look at a persons shoes and tell if they are visiting (or just moved) from Europe, well usually he's specific and says Germany. I don't understand how he can tell, but every time weg et close enough to the group to eavesdrop, sure enough they are speaking German!

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Oddly my dh can look at a persons shoes and tell if they are visiting (or just moved) from Europe, well usually he's specific and says Germany. I don't understand how he can tell, but every time weg et close enough to the group to eavesdrop, sure enough they are speaking German!


My DH misses German men's shoes. Not enough to pay shipping without trying them on though.

I do judge people by their shoes, have since I was a teen. Now it's a habit I can't break even though *my* shoes shout "comfort & convenience first!".

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I remember that. I don't remember why though.


'cuz it was me! I was so upset when I got home and I just banged it out on the computer. I remember someone actually chiming in and correcting my grammar, spelling and tendency to swing from past to present tense. Then someone defended me, I got my feelings hurt... Another great board moment.:iagree:

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Oddly my dh can look at a persons shoes and tell if they are visiting (or just moved) from Europe, well usually he's specific and says Germany. I don't understand how he can tell, but every time weg et close enough to the group to eavesdrop, sure enough they are speaking German!


That's because German shoes are like their cars. Quite superior in many ways. :D It's easy to spot that kind of quality.


I wear Dansko, myself. My winter clogs are Bordeaux colored, and need to be polished because they are beat the heck up. But I love red shoes. I love red.


If I'm not barefoot in summer (but my toes are always polished), I'm in Birkenstocks for everyday wear.

Edited by justamouse
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Mine say DS (Doctor Scholls). My flip flops say OP. My crocs say...... you really should throw us away, please. And the wear depends on the foot. My shoes also say, wow you have messed up feet that are two different sizes, wtg.

My shoes say "The wearer does not give a rat's behind about what shoes look like, as long as they are comfy". :D


I do not notice shoes on other people either, unless they look hideously uncomfortable.




The person who wore a pair of Isotoner "ballerina" slippers under her wedding dress. And again at a formal ball. I have black satin and white satin. (That is why they invented floor length formal gowns, in case anybody is wondering!) :lol:


I was barefoot under my wedding dress :D

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My shoes say: I care more about comfort than what you think about me. :D

My most expensive outfits are my bellydance costumes and I don't wear shoes with them :-)

:D Yeah- we spend more on dance shoes and costumes than we do on regular clothing. So glad I have a Karate girl who trains barefoot.


Mine say, she used to buy good shoes...now she is broke and has no money to replace them. :0(

:iagree: I have a pair of $120 Dr. Martens sandals that bought when I was pg w/BabyBaby. I think they are finally beyond all hope of repair. :crying:


Right now my shoes (erm, steel toed boots) say, "Listen, you sorry sack of *^%#! Stop giving me lip; stop fighting every thing I do to try & help your sorry a$$; and get on the stretcher before this steel toe is put to some use!"


My boots don't have an internal censor. They get to say things I can't.



It's been a long shift and I still have 7 hours.

LOVE this! :lol:


That reminds me of when the boys were infants and we went to the park to play with a friend who also had infant twins. My now 11 yo was playing on the equipment and a group of mothers and children approached... We'll just say they were of the denim jumper set. The looooooong denim jumper set. Anyway, one of the kids asked if they could go play with her and got an aghast sounding "no" in reply.


My friend looked at them for a moment, turned to me and said, "They've seen the Birkenstocks. They *know* we're heathens." :lol:


Conversely (haha! I made a shoe funny),.....

:glare: Been there, had that done to me. But in my case, it;s Dr. Martens,

Oddly my dh can look at a persons shoes and tell if they are visiting (or just moved) from Europe, well usually he's specific and says Germany. I don't understand how he can tell, but every time weg et close enough to the group to eavesdrop, sure enough they are speaking German!

Our friend- who is Military, says the same thing. He came home from Europe in jeans, t-shirt, and black shoes- sounds pretty tyopical, but the cut/fit and style were just not what you see here.... in a very good way. But he didn;t look like a "Runway Weirdo" in Haute Couture.\

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