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Can you hear this sound?

Can you hear the sound on the linked web page?  

  1. 1. Can you hear the sound on the linked web page?

    • I am under 25 and can hear it.
    • I am under 25 and can not hear it.
    • I am over 25 and can hear it.
    • I am over 25 and can not hear it.
    • Other.

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Well, I didn't hear it the first time, but the volume on my laptop was turned down. Dd heard it from across the room, though. Tried it again with the volume turned up. I heard it then and dd said, There it is again! Got the earbuds, which I usually use with the laptop because then I can keep the volume to a very low setting and I heard it. But I was trying to hear something. Not sure how well I'd notice it if I was in Target or something.

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I could hear something, but I think it might not have actually been the sound. Perhaps a sound associated with my computer generating the sound, if that makes sense, because it just sounded like a somewhat high pitched hum to me.

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My dc & I visited this website some time back (couple of years) and I couldn't hear the ringtones but the dc could. They're marketed as something kids can use in class so their teachers won't catch them.


FWIW, I couldn't hear the tone on the site the OP linked. I'm 51, and I've had hearing loss in both ears since I was a child, so I didn't expect to be able to hear it.

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My dc & I visited this website some time back (couple of years) and I couldn't hear the ringtones but the dc could. They're marketed as something kids can use in class so their teachers won't catch them.


FWIW, I couldn't hear the tone on the site the OP linked. I'm 51, and I've had hearing loss in both ears since I was a child, so I didn't expect to be able to hear it.


I could not hear the "24 & younger" tones on that site. I could hear the rest, but I'm only 31.

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My dc & I visited this website some time back (couple of years) and I couldn't hear the ringtones but the dc could. They're marketed as something kids can use in class so their teachers won't catch them.


FWIW, I couldn't hear the tone on the site the OP linked. I'm 51, and I've had hearing loss in both ears since I was a child, so I didn't expect to be able to hear it.


I also tried these on my 4yo DD. She couldn't hear the 18 & under ones either. She could hear the 24 & under ones though (I can't). Hopefully by the time she's old enough to have a phone she won't be able to hear anything I can't, lol.

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It reminds me of the sound of feedback, or from a stereo being turned up way too loud without anything actually playing. I'm sensitive to sound. I can't stand it if my husband's nose is whistling even the tiniest little bit across the room :tongue_smilie:

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I could barely hear it, but even with the window open, cars going by, and kiddo being down the hall, around the corner, and in another room, came to me and said "I heard a funny sound."


I like the idea of playing opera in hang-out spots for gangs, like street corners, and naming the streets things like Pansy Drive to keep gangs from hanging out there.


Same here, I could hear it, but not very loud. Dd, however, in her room, came out and asked what that sound was. Ds could hear it when he came over to the computer, but not very loud.

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My sister posted this on Facebook and says she can't hear it. I can definitely hear it; it's a horrible sound that makes my eyes water and my teeth feel like they're going to fall out. It blows my mind that my sister can't hear it. Actually it makes my brain feel like it's going to "blow" for realsies. The web page says it can generally only be heard by people under 25 (I'm 40), and is sometimes used to deter teens from loitering in malls and shops. I certainly wouldn't "loiter" (or shop) anywhere near that horrific sound.


So now I'm curious can you hear it?




Looks to me like they are inadvertently annoying a lot of women over 25. I bet this is the reason I hate the mall. If this is in fact true, it's costing them money (but saving me some! ;))

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I can't hear it, but when I played it, my 9 year old son who was sitting across the room looked up and asked me what was making noise. He said it sounds like a loud squeak.


I am 32 and generally don't have anything wrong with my hearing.


ETA: I turned the volume way up and could hear it. But, my son could hear it even with the volume way down.

Edited by mom23boys
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Interesting. I'm going to test my dh when he gets home. I heard it. Both of my boys heard it (5 and 7). My 7YO has some sensory issues and immediately covered his ears and left the room quickly. Oops! At least he knew enough to leave the room.

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