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My friend's son is missing ...

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and has been since Monday night. He's 15 and friends with all three of my kids. I've been friends with his dad for 21 years. We spent the morning driving around hanging up Missing fliers and talking to anyone we saw. We had to come home because the kids were hungry. I don't know what else to do. I feel so helpless. :(



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The police aren't doing anything?


Yes, they are. But I still feel like I should be doing more than sitting in my nice warm house, eating. I took my husband's winter coat with me this morning because they believe the boy is only wearing a hoodie, and it's COLD out there. If I saw him I was going to give him the coat.



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Oh, I know how scary that is. It is very strange, but this morning I was remembering when my dh's best friend's 15yo son went missing for three days. He turned back up, but his mother aged years in those days that she never got back. She just got older. He was fine, he had just been holed up smoking pot with some new friends from school until his Christmas money from his grandfather ran out.


I am so, so sorry.

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Do the parents and police suspect foul play, or is there a possibility that the boy just took off on his own?


(I'm not trying to disparage the boy at all -- I'm just wondering what happened.)


Whatever the case, I pray that he's found safe and sound, and that he's back at home today. :grouphug:


His parents must feel so terrified and helpless.

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There is information of a possible (yet unconfirmed) sighting this morning. His mother and some friends are out right now putting up more fliers. I am getting ready to go out again with more fliers to put up and a winter coat and food/drink, in case I see him. I was encouraged that many of the places I went this morning, people told me they had seen the info on Facebook. Twenty-four of the 25 places I went allowed me to put a flier on the front door. I won't ever again patronize the 25th place, a locally owned coffee shop.



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I won't ever again patronize the 25th place, a locally owned coffee shop.


I wouldn't, either. What kind of rotten person doesn't let someone hang a missing persons flyer on their door??? :angry: (I'm assuming you spoke with the owner and not just some idiot working at the counter.)


The possible sighting is encouraging -- I hope you get some good news soon.

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Any update?


Praying he is found safe and sound.


I would be posting on facebook once he is found about the coffee shop that would not let you hang a missing person flier. It is not like you were advertising something there. You are looking for a missing teen. Despicable!



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There was another possible but unconfirmed sighting of the boy this afternoon, but he still has not been found. Our downtown is wallpapered with Missing fliers that I and other friends have put up. Many people, including myself, have been out driving around looking for him and handing out additional fliers/talking to people. I'm very surprised that, with the police involved, he hasn't been found yet. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. My kids are devastated.



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