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Weird? Or sweet?  

  1. 1. Weird? Or sweet?

    • Weird.
    • Sweet.
    • Rivka, there're a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing

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My husband's birthday is tomorrow. He came home from work today with a cake. Apparently, one of his coworkers has decided that this year she's going to bake everyone a cake on their birthday. Not for everyone to enjoy at the office, which I think would be sweet, but for the birthday person to take home. He suggested sharing it around, and she was determined that he should not.


Well, I baked him a birthday cake. I'm his wife. I think it's distinctly odd to supply a birthday cake for someone who has a family to bake for him. As it happens, I'm an excellent baker, but even if I weren't I would feel as if my role was being supplanted. And now we have two cakes in the house.


Am I the weird one, or is she?

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MY husband's birthday is tomorrow too!



That is a bit.... odd. I assume she wants an outlet for baking rather than consuming her own baked goods. But then why not let him share it around the office?


My dh has a coworker that brings a bunch of cakes on HER birthday to share, and sends home slices with T to share with us. We always record L singing Happy Birthday to her as a sort of thank you.


But I've got nothing on this one. :/

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Not weird if she shared it in the office. Definitely weird for insisting it was to be taken home.




Can you send your yummy fantastic cake to the office to share? Also, it's would be great if your husband could let everyone know that his wife baked that wonderful cake they're all enjoying.

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I'm not understanding why so many people think it's weird. I think it's very nice of her! She's doing this for EVERYONE in the office? How sweet is that? I bet her feelings would be crushed if people were talking about how weird her sweet gesture is behind her back. I also don't think it's weird she's insisting the birthday person bring it home. While it's more popular a choice to share in the office, I don't find it weird she's baking special treats for birthday employees to take home.


I would understand your feelings more, Rivka, if she only did this for your husband or just a couple/few people. But for everyone? She sounds like she has a very generous and sweet spirit.

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Sweet to bake a cake for the office.

Weird to send it home.

Possibly a sad projection because no one makes her cake for her birthday.


I'd bake a cake and send it with DH for her on her birthday. If she's a creep that meant to insult you, she'll be as insulted as she expected you to be and might stop. And if she's intending to be sweet, then she'll really appreciate it!

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The more cake the better!


It's a boxed mix (I can tell, because it's "funfetti") with canned icing.


It's also somewhat the worse for wear, because...:lol:... he put it in his backpack to bring it home. Yes, really. ("What else was I supposed to do with it?" "...Carry it in your arms?")


The kids will eat it, and I think he'd better eat one piece so he can tell her how much he enjoyed it, but other than that I don't think it will get eaten.

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It's a boxed mix (I can tell, because it's "funfetti") with canned icing.


It's also somewhat the worse for wear, because...:lol:... he put it in his backpack to bring it home. Yes, really. ("What else was I supposed to do with it?" "...Carry it in your arms?")


The kids will eat it, and I think he'd better eat one piece so he can tell her how much he enjoyed it, but other than that I don't think it will get eaten.


Boxed mix? That makes it stranger. I was expecting her grandmother's special from scratch coconut cake or something similar.

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Boxed mix? That makes it stranger. I was expecting her grandmother's special from scratch coconut cake or something similar.


Now I think it's really extra weird. Yuck! I'm sure in her head she thinks she's being nice, but who wants an extra nasty cake made from a mix sitting around their house?

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I think he should have thanked her and then gregariously insisted that everybody in the office have some. Just profusely thanking her, laughing and gesturing really grandly while grabbing some napkins, ignoring her commands to take it home.


I also think that if he were to come home with another woman's home-baked cake he could have done no better than to bring it in a backpack. Well played!

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I think he should have thanked her and then gregariously insisted that everybody in the office have some. Just profusely thanking her, laughing and gesturing really grandly while grabbing some napkins, ignoring her commands to take it home.


I also think that if he were to come home with another woman's home-baked cake he could have done no better than to bring it in a backpack. Well played!


:iagree:. Tibbie offers good advice for next time.

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I like box mixes, because cakes are the one thing I can reliably screw up. Always dry and bland.


Anyway, it's off putting that someone would give a birthday gift of cake and then instruct them on exactly how they were to enjoy it.


I'd find it nice, but weird. You can not eat it here or there. You can't just eat it anywhere. Eat it at your house I say, your house and don't delay.

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I'm not understanding why so many people think it's weird. I think it's very nice of her! She's doing this for EVERYONE in the office? How sweet is that? I bet her feelings would be crushed if people were talking about how weird her sweet gesture is behind her back. I also don't think it's weird she's insisting the birthday person bring it home. While it's more popular a choice to share in the office, I don't find it weird she's baking special treats for birthday employees to take home.


I would understand your feelings more, Rivka, if she only did this for your husband or just a couple/few people. But for everyone? She sounds like she has a very generous and sweet spirit.


I agree. Maybe she wants to be more like a present in which case one would be expected to bring it home. I don't know, but I don't think it is weird. She seems like a sweet gal.


My husband gets stuff like this all the time from his fellow teachers. They'd REALLY want him to take it home so they are not all tempted by it. LOL.

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I'm still mentally picturing a cake in a backpack! :D


I suspect she meant well and din't think about impinging on your right to bale him a cake. Let the kids enjoy it and tell him to thank her. Let it go....




And I think it is rude for people to put her down for baking a cake from a mix. She meant it to be a present. One that she will be able to provide for everyone at some point. I doubt that she meant it as some baking competition. Or as a competition for the person's affection. It's just cake. Perhaps next year she'll give everyone a potted plant instead.

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I think she meant it as a kind gesture. Also, sharing it in the office might have meant she'd need to make much more cake...and then listen to people complain that they don't like chocolate, are on a diet, etc. Perhaps this is her 'pay it forward' plan- maybe she never gets a cake for her birthday and wants everyone else to have a cake. Who knows.


I think it's kind, but I wouldn't feel obligated to eat it.

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I think he should have thanked her and then gregariously insisted that everybody in the office have some. Just profusely thanking her, laughing and gesturing really grandly while grabbing some napkins, ignoring her commands to take it home.


I also think that if he were to come home with another woman's home-baked cake he could have done no better than to bring it in a backpack. Well played![/QUOTE]


:D Yep. Especially to the second part. Ha ha!


It does seem odd to me because it's not something that most people would do. It seems especially...odd...that she insisted that he bring it home to enjoy, but I doubt she meant anything by it. The more cake, the merrier (though perhaps not after it's gone for a joyride in a backpack. Heh.)

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It is a bit weird but more sweet. She is probably baking for everyone because to not to would be rude. If she just baked for people she thought had no one to bake for them odds are someone would get their panties in a twist because they didn't get a cake.


Just freeze her cake and pull it out for company as a dessert and conversation piece.

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Just freeze her cake and pull it out for company as a dessert and conversation piece.


Would that be before or after she hauls it out of her husband's backpack? :tongue_smilie:


Personally, I think it was a sweet gesture, if a bit unusual. Maybe she didn't want him to share the cake, so he would have all of it for himself and his family. In most offices, it's Open Season on cake, so the birthday boy would be lucky to get more than one slice of it.


I would be curious to know if she actually follows through with baking cakes for all of her other co-workers, though, because if she doesn't, I would seriously think she might have a little crush on Rivka's dh.

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I had to choose the third answer simply because it's a line from one of my very favorite movies ever. :D


I think the gesture is sweet, I think the insistence that it be carried home was a little weird and I would feel put out if someone else baked my husband a birthday cake while still being appreciative of the thought. I wouldn't think there was any particular meaning behind it since it's known she's baking a cake for the birthday of everyone else in the office.

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Weird. . . ish. Baking a cake is sweet, but insisting that he can't share it at work is weird. If it's a gift, why can't he do what he wants with it? :confused:




Yes, the insistence on not sharing it at work is odd. Not as weird as my mom's new, male, married, back-out-of-retirement coworker buying her a pearl necklace for Christmas, but still a little weird.

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:iagree: She probably was trying to be nice but it is weird insisting to take home.


That's what I think is the weird part--insisting that he take it home and not share it at the office. It would irritate me, too, as the wife.


Maybe you can put it in the freezer and serve another time?

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Apparently, one of his coworkers has decided that this year she's going to bake everyone a cake on their birthday.

...Well, I baked him a birthday cake. ...As it happens, I'm an excellent baker, but even if I weren't I would feel as if my role was being supplanted. And now we have two cakes in the house.


She's apparently not coming on to him because she does this for everyone else as well. I think it's sweet.


Can you send your yummy fantastic cake to the office to share? Also, it's would be great if your husband could let everyone know that his wife baked that wonderful cake they're all enjoying.




I'd bake a cake and send it with DH for her on her birthday.



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It's a boxed mix (I can tell, because it's "funfetti") with canned icing.




Until I read this, I was thinking that maybe she's trying to make a little extra money by baking cakes, and is spreading the word by sending home samples. But now...I'm voting weird.


Perhaps she spiced the cake up with a little "secret ingredient" that would make the cake, ummm, unfit for consumption at work? ;)

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