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  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
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    French Horn, Decorating
  • Occupation
    Homeschool Mom
  1. I have a 4th grader who does well on spelling tests but then makes numorous spelling mistakes when writing or responding to answers in other subjects. When he does creative writing assignments, he also does well when he dictates to me but when asked to write it himself, he writes very simple sentences, misspells words and has very poor handwriting and inattention to grammar rules that he has demonstrated previously that he knows. I admit we have not been superconsistent with handwriting practice. We were using Trail Guide to Learning for 2nd and 3rd grade but switched to Winter Promise this year because the language arts instruction was more direct rather than relying on dictation and narration alone. I am at a loss as to what to try next. I don't mind backtracking with him in order to help him to the where he needs to be but I want to make sure I am using the resources and techniques that will really work. Does anyone have a suggestion?
  2. My daughter is in 7th grade and we are looking for something that will help give her a review of direct grammar instruction before getting a lot heavier into writing essays and such next year. Does anyone know of a good resource we could use that ould be completed over the summer months without being overwhelming?
  3. We have used TT for years. I am an upper level Math tutor and I find the program pretty comprehensive. We do often skip a lot of the review in the beginning of the year as we review during the summer and don't need this. As a result, we sometimes finish math early for the year and are ready to start a new grade level. We have always been working a grade or two above what they would be in in ps but they are working ahead in other subjects, too, so I wouldn't consider that the program is behind but that as homeschoolers they are able to move faster in general than students in ps. BTW, we LOVE TT!
  4. Blessings to you and your family. I pray for quick closure and wonderful happy beginning for your family together.:)
  5. We were having very similar issues this week. I have a son 10 and a daughter 11.5. They were bickering over the silliest things. We were not sure what to do either. What we decided was to take it to the Teacher. He says, if any of you lack wisdom, ask me and I will give it to you. What we remembered was that when he was showing the disciples how to lead, he washed their feet. We decided what we were looking for was for our children to learn how to lead by thinking of others more than themselves. Obviously this is a big task that even adults have trouble carrying out. However, we decided to lead by example. We read the story to them then asked if they wanted to be leaders - someone that others look up to because of the choices and behaviors they exhibit. They both responded in the affirmative. So, we told them that Jesus said to be leaders we must first be servants. Washing someone's feet is a great act of service. If you add praying for that person as you wash their feet, it is a powerful combination. My husband and I led the kids in this activity by washing their feet first. Then, we asked each of the kids to participate in washing their sibling's feet. I hope that the message came through. We'll see how it goes. I am sure there will be other times when tempers flare but I hope this is a reminder to them about the importance of putting other's first.
  6. At my kids' ages now (10 and 11), they are doing some of their work completely on their own. While they are working on math (if they are not needing help), I can load the dishwasher or clean counters, etc. The kids have specific chores to do, such as vacuuming and cleaning their bathroom, taking out the trash and unloading the dishwasher. Now that they've been doing these for a while, they are pretty proficient at it and saves me time. I did get a science program this year that is on computer, so the kids can basically do this on their own, too, and it requires no prep on my part. However, I am usually sitting in on the lesson with them because I can't seem to stay away. When I finally went to a curriculum that was well-planned out for me, this was the biggest time saver of all. I don't out source classes that I can do at home. But, I have no problem with my kids going to art or sports or music classes as long as it fits in the budget and they enjoy it. However, I do keep this to a minimum (one thing per child at a time and preferable at the same facility) in order to keep from complicating life and spending too much time driving all over town.
  7. We LOVE our AG church. We didn't even know that's what it was when we first attended there but found out at a church 101 class. It is a lively church with truthful and compassionate teaching. It is a church that is big on outreach into the community and the people are friendly and excited about what God is doing. I am sorry that others replying here have not all had the same experience. Unfortunately, people in every church have issues that need to be worked out. It is sad that those issues end up turning people away.
  8. For now, the drama is relatively low - 1 or 2 some days. I have a great family. Though with divorced parents, the drama can slide a little higher especially during holidays. This is mainly just because there are extra places to be and trying to make sure that everyone has had an opportunity to get together. Both my parents, my husband's parents and all his mother's and father's extended families live in town so there are lots of get-togethers over the holidays. We can feel pulled at times but it is a good problem to have. I am glad that we live close to family, even when it is a little more stressful.
  9. A nice gesture to bake the cake, especially if she really is doing for everyone. But, I would feel uncomfortable, too, if another woman made my husband a birthday cake and insisted he take it home to his family.
  10. Lately I have heard several friends talking about their children who went right into 2nd semester intermediate Spanish and made a 100 on the quiz or started playing their instrument and skipped right to the third level band. My kids are the kind of kids that progress at pretty regular rates. They are smart but not overly interested in school. They like to try new things but are not prodigies. I'd like to hear from other homeschool moms who have "normal" kids like mine. Mind you, I celebrate the achievements of these kids who are super-excelling. I think it's awesome that they are doing well and finding out what their special talents are. My kids are 10 and 11 so I know they have plenty of time to find out their special talents, too. I'm just feeling like somehow I have messed up somewhere if my children don't have a lifeplan yet. Crazy, right??
  11. I have a 10 yr old son and an 11 yr old daughter who are both doing Winter Promise All American 2 (4th - 8th curriculum). We do like doing some of the activities. But, I admit that I don't do all of them by any stretch (there are a lot). As for bad reviews, I haven't heard these. But, then again, I haven't been looking for them. It is a good interesting program that is working for us and keeping the kids pretty interested in history. I say that is a success no matter what others think of it. There is a lot of reading aloud, which you could take turns doing with your son or let him read some of those on his own if you wish. I just really like reading the books along with them. It is a little challenging finding the materials if you are looking to find them used. And, it does take a while to get your materials from the publisher if you order it new. Other than that, I highly recommend it. I think that Winter Promise and Sonlight are similar but there is definitely more reading in Sonlight and there are more activities in Winter Promise. The activities, though, are often very simple to do and do not bother my son who is not into crafts as much like my daughter is. Hope this is helpful...
  12. My kids are 10 (4th/5th) and 11 (6th/7th). They usually can complete their work within 4.5 hours if they are working consistently.
  13. I really love Education Exploration for Physical Science that we are doing this year. However, they only offer Physical Science so I am looking at options for next year. I would really love to have another computer based program that has a supply kit with it for experiments. Does anyone know of anything like that for Chemistry for middle grades? I have been interested in Noeo but would just like to search out all my options before making a decision. Thanks for your input.
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