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I'm trying to talk myself into getting rid of my smart phone

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Ugh. I feel like a brat. We are looking at every single expense and trying to cut corners. I just trimmed $30 off of our cable bill by ditching a bunch of channels and adding netflix instead. I would like to save an additional $30 by getting rid of my smart phone. I don't need it. There's nothing I can't live without on there. I would miss the GPS for sure. And having Pandora right at my fingertips is nice. But other than that, it's all a serious waste of time.


But I don't want to! I feel like a toddler, lol. I need to just do it. :tongue_smilie:

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Ugh. I feel like a brat. We are looking at every single expense and trying to cut corners. I just trimmed $30 off of our cable bill by ditching a bunch of channels and adding netflix instead. I would like to save an additional $30 by getting rid of my smart phone. I don't need it. There's nothing I can't live without on there. I would miss the GPS for sure. And having Pandora right at my fingertips is nice. But other than that, it's all a serious waste of time.


But I don't want to! I feel like a toddler, lol. I need to just do it. :tongue_smilie:



Ditto. Even to feeling like a toddler.

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Ugh. I feel like a brat. We are looking at every single expense and trying to cut corners. I just trimmed $30 off of our cable bill by ditching a bunch of channels and adding netflix instead. I would like to save an additional $30 by getting rid of my smart phone. I don't need it. There's nothing I can't live without on there. I would miss the GPS for sure. And having Pandora right at my fingertips is nice. But other than that, it's all a serious waste of time.


But I don't want to! I feel like a toddler, lol. I need to just do it. :tongue_smilie:


Well, you can always tell yourself that you lived _______ years in perfect happiness (well, maybe not perfect happiness) before you had a smart phone and you can adjust.


I have made a couple of stabs at ditching our satellite tv completely. My family acts like I want them to go without air.

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I canceled my iPhone when my contract was up. I went with a Virgin Mobile Triumph. I like it *almost* as much as my iPhone, and it saves me $45/mo ($25 vs $70 - and I didn't even have unlimited data or texting on the iPhone!).


The monthly savings paid for the phone in 4 months, since I paid just under $200 for it. I don't think the $25 plan is available anymore - I think it's $35 now. If you *must* have a smartphone (I needed one for maps/traffic, email, etc) you can definitely save money by looking for a deal on a smartphone with a prepaid provider.

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I canceled my iPhone when my contract was up. I went with a Virgin Mobile Triumph.


It's a good idea to check your contract to see if there is some kind of early cancellation fee, and how that would compare to not having the monthly bill.


After that, ditch the phone! :001_smile:

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I'm not a fan of smartphones because of the security and privacy issues, and I still use a $15 prepaid phone because I don't need a smartphone. Truly. I don't go many places, and having the email and the web at hand isn't a must for me. No one texts me but my kids, and they have $15 phones as well.

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I'm no help, Nakia. I have my fingers in my ears. :001_smile: I will cut corners somewhere else.


Ditto. For the insatiably curious, a smartphone is the highest need in life. :D We have no cable and cancelled Netflix and Audible (among other things) to save money for traveling, but I couldn't ever go back to life before my Android.

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Ugh. I feel like a brat. We are looking at every single expense and trying to cut corners. I just trimmed $30 off of our cable bill by ditching a bunch of channels and adding netflix instead. I would like to save an additional $30 by getting rid of my smart phone. I don't need it. There's nothing I can't live without on there. I would miss the GPS for sure. And having Pandora right at my fingertips is nice. But other than that, it's all a serious waste of time.


But I don't want to! I feel like a toddler, lol. I need to just do it. :tongue_smilie:

I got rid of mine about 8 months ago and really haven't missed it. My bill went from 95 to 45 a month, unlimited text and talk. I just didn't need it, and only realized that when I didn't have it.

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Dare to be a trendsetter and to buck the fad: ditch the smartphone!


Tell yourself that you're too cool to walk around just like everyone else, enslaved to the marketing geniuses at Apple and the larger social culture around you. You're a leader, not a follower! You're a free-thinker, not a plebian clone! You're all about delayed gratification, and not instant access to Pandora! You're all about old-school Mapquest, and not fancy-schmancy GPS technology! You're all about a bunch of other things that are escaping my mind right now because the Baileys is finally kicking in!


Elitism: the new white meat.



I'm Not Just a Member, I'm Also the President

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Ugh. I feel like a brat. We are looking at every single expense and trying to cut corners. I just trimmed $30 off of our cable bill by ditching a bunch of channels and adding netflix instead. I would like to save an additional $30 by getting rid of my smart phone. I don't need it. There's nothing I can't live without on there. I would miss the GPS for sure. And having Pandora right at my fingertips is nice. But other than that, it's all a serious waste of time.


But I don't want to! I feel like a toddler, lol. I need to just do it. :tongue_smilie:



Well, just remind yourself that there's nothing on a smartphone that you truly need. You don't even "need" a mobile phone. How long did you manage to live without a smartphone before you got one? Were all of those years spent lost and miserable? (If the answer is honestly yes, then just ignore the next paragraph).


You can replace the GPS by getting a decent map of the area. You can replace the calendar with a notebook style agenda. Games? Schmames! They're time-wasters. E-books? Try some library books -- free and still portable. Really, you can create a heck of a lot of caché for yourself by going it old school all the way. Call it retro-chic and run with it!


And then, when you have done this and you are a fabulously freed smartphone-less woman, please pm me and tell me what it's like. I am a slave to my BB (which is issued to me by one of my jobs -- the really good paying one). I loathe it and it's ball and chain of ding-ding, ding-ding, its shackles of instant access to me. Please let me live vicariously through you and your unbound smartphone free life.

Edited by Audrey
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I've never had a smart phone. (Yes, I have a *stupid* phone :D )


I have unlimited texts, which I couldn't live without, and it has a low-quality camera and video, but that's it. I don't really need anything else. I've never used a GPS in my life and never intend to.


Over the summer, I broke down and bought an iPod Touch. But I couldn't afford a new one. I had my BIL find a really good deal on a used one through a pawn shop where he's friends with the owner. It's 3G (which someone explained to me it's an older version ;) ) but who cares? It works, and that's all I needed.


You can do it! Be a non-conformist ;)

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We get out tv OTA, and for years ditched our cell phones completely (now have a non-smart one just for emergencies, like calling dh at the store to have him pick something else up on his way home. ;) We got it as an add on, is it's only $13/mo. If it were over $25/mo I'd ditch it, too.


What worked for us is to "try to go without for 6mo". After the 6mo you'll realize (1) you didn't need it, and (2) it's much harder to START to spend $$/mo for something than to continue to spend it.


My dh was addicted to having cable, until I convinced him to "try" -- and we haven't missed it in 10 years. Any shows we miss, we stream on our iMac (not Netflix, either).


We also ditched our landlines and use GV, which also gives us the ability to send/receive text messages via e-mail. Totally free.


So, our total internet/phone/cell/tv bill is $43/mo. The money we save each year means no guilt over buying a new itouch (we use wifi for a lot of "smartphone" features) and iPad. :D


Just. do. it. If you REALLY still miss it after 6mo, find something to trade for getting it back. Like food. :p

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Well, just remind yourself that there's nothing on a smartphone that you truly need. You don't even "need" a mobile phone. How long did you manage to live without a smartphone before you got one? Were all of those years spent lost and miserable? (If the answer is honestly yes, then just ignore the next paragraph).


You can replace the GPS by getting a decent map of the area. You can replace the calendar with a notebook style agenda. Games? Schmames! They're time-wasters. E-books? Try some library books -- free and still portable. Really, you can create a heck of a lot of caché for yourself by going it old school all the way. Call it retro-chic and run with it!


And then, when you have done this and you are a fabulously freed smartphone-less woman, please pm me and tell me what it's like. I am a slave to my BB (which is issued to me by one of my jobs -- the really good paying one). I loathe it and it's ball and chain of ding-ding, ding-ding, its shackles of instant access to me. Please let me live vicariously through you and your unbound smartphone free life.


Now I want to get rid of my phone. lol

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I live very happily WITHOUT a smart phone. I have a basic free model T-mobile flip phone (no texting either!). However, I do have an iPad and almost everywhere we regularly frequent has free wireless. I also have an iPod touch that works with wireless. So I have the devices without the monthly fee. We actually can't imagine paying smart phone fees on a monthly basis! That probably wasn't helpful either, but just another angle. We also don't have cable or get NetFlix (we order movies from our library - yes we have to wait often, but we're used to it).

Edited by kck
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Well, you are talking to the wrong person here....I lived with a stupid phone until this past November when I bit the bullet and joined the 21st Century.


I didn't even have texting.....I had a phone that was a phone only and a very low bill.


I finally decided I wanted an iPhone and I got it! I love, love, love it!


However, we do cut other places and I waited until Dave Ramsey's step 6 to get the smart phone added to our monthly budget.


We do not have Directv anymore. We cut it ALL.....we now have Roku boxes and an antenna and Netflix and HuluPlus. We do not miss satellite TV.


We don't eat out much.


We do cheap vacations.


We drive older cars.


You get the picture.......but I felt the need to justify my smart phone! :lol:

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I would rather cut in other areas. We haven't had cable in years, do our own car and house repairs. Dh drives VERY old cars. One cost $500 years ago and the other was free.


There are many things I can do without, but my iPhone makes me too happy to ever be willing to scrimp there.

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I just did the same thing. $30 a month was just too much. I got a plain old cheap phone which does have GPS through Verizon. I can turn this feature on for $9 per month or use it only when I want it for a per use charge. It's not as nice as my smart phone navigator but seems to work just fine.

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I'm no help, Nakia. I have my fingers in my ears. :001_smile: I will cut corners somewhere else.


Yes, that would be me. In fact, it was me. We don't have a landline, so a cell phone is a necessity; a smartphone is a luxury. Still, we cut corners elsewhere rather than give up our iPhones. We have a Garmin, so I don't even use the GPS feature. But it has my shopping lists, my calendar, to-do lists, and all my contacts. I use a barcode scanner to compare prices when shopping. I could go on and on, but I'll just say my phone is always with me, even around the house.


Some things we did to save money -


-We ditched Directv and bought Roku boxes. We were already Netflix and Amazon Prime members, so streaming with Roku didn't cost us any extra.


-I went to a cash system for groceries and gas.


-We rarely eat out.


-We hardly ever go on vacation.


-We don't see movies in a theater.


If you have to do it, you have to do it. But I feel for you. I would find it hard to give up my smartphone.

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It would help me to think of it in terms of $360 a year. What could you do with that money that would improve the quality of your life more than Pandora and GPS?



Ugh, you had to put this.


I am with you Nakia. I have been hemming and hawing about cancelling my smartphone when my contract is up in June.


I like reading on my phone though... which I can get a kindle for. I like the GPS, which I can get a GPS for the van for. I like instant email. I don't know what I can get to replace that, I refuse to buy Apple products, I don't like them. Maybe an android tablet. These will cost initially but no recurring fees!


Hmmm I might have just talked myself into cancelling it.

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Over the summer, I broke down and bought an iPod Touch. But I couldn't afford a new one. I had my BIL find a really good deal on a used one through a pawn shop where he's friends with the owner. It's 3G (which someone explained to me it's an older version ;) ) but who cares? It works, and that's all I needed.


You can do it! Be a non-conformist ;)


:iagree: My mom was getting a new phone in Nov. Rather than upgrade to a smartphone with the additional $30/month fee, she got a plain' ol phone and then got a Kindle Fire with free wifi and 3g. It has all the apps a person could want and there is no fee to use it all. With the audible special offer, that is $99 for the fire, and that's it. If we hadn't just signed a new contract on my phone I'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Nakia, you are a very brave woman!


Some of the reasons given here to ditch it are very sound... makes me wonder (coming from a woman who uses her smartphone for everything - gps, weather, games, geocaching, price comparisons in stores, etc).

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Yes, but that is per phone. We have 4 phones on our plan (my Dad is on our plan too)


4 strait talk plans are much more than my everything plan through Sprint.


I do get a 23% discount through Sprint through work though.




Straight Talk has upper end phones and the unlimited monthly plan is $45.00.
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We've never had one and I am glad because it seems once you have one it is hard to go without. DH and I couldn't justify the $720/year it would cost for the two of us. TBH I don't understand how so many people can afford the smartphones/blackberries.

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My husband and I ditched our Smartphones about a week or so ago. We went and got each one of those GoPhones from Walmart (because our contract was not up for an upgrade yet with AT&T), then we put those phones on our lines and ditched the data fees. We saved over $60 a month.


The first few days was hard, I did feel the withdrawal. I kept reaching for my phone to check Facebook or my mail, but then after a few days, no problems now. I even forget I have a phone and leave it in my purse or on the desk at times.


Neither of us miss ours. Very happy we got rid of them. Do it!!

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:grouphug: its just hard to not have the toys other folks have. i got a new cell phone yesterday. i've been waiting for SIX YEARS to get a new phone. i wanted a smart phone. i wanted to be able to sit with all the other dance moms and theater moms and surf the web. i wanted to use it geo cache.... i could go on and on and on....




one of our "stay out of debt" rules is that "thou shalt not have recurring costs that are not necessary". sigh..... so i got a nice pantech link with unlimited texting, because when i went over our bills from last year, i was paying more than that cost for pay per use texting. :grouphug:


i just kept saying to myself.... i want it, but i don't need it. i want it, but i don't need it.....


you can do this!


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:grouphug: its just hard to not have the toys other folks have. i got a new cell phone yesterday. i've been waiting for SIX YEARS to get a new phone. i wanted a smart phone. i wanted to be able to sit with all the other dance moms and theater moms and surf the web. i wanted to use it geo cache.... i could go on and on and on....




one of our "stay out of debt" rules is that "thou shalt not have recurring costs that are not necessary". sigh..... so i got a nice pantech link with unlimited texting, because when i went over our bills from last year, i was paying more than that cost for pay per use texting. :grouphug:


i just kept saying to myself.... i want it, but i don't need it. i want it, but i don't need it.....


you can do this!



I especially agree with the bolded part: sometimes helps to calculate the yearly cost, or think in terms of what else that $$ could buy. Getting sucked in to recurring costs is a budget killer.


I think harder about spending $8/mo than $50 today. ;)

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But I don't want to! I feel like a toddler, lol. I need to just do it. :tongue_smilie:


Not to try to talk you out of something you think you need to do, but as a mom I know that I sometimes talk myself into sacrifices because I think I should just suck it up and do without because I'm a responsible mom. The question I would ask you is, "Is that $30 a month really going to make a difference in the budget?" If not, then you are worth the $30 to have something nice, convenient, and fun.


I always told my family that when I got a job, I was getting a iPhone. I had to get a job in October of 2010 to help after my husband's hours and salary were cut 25% at his old job. Even though we needed the money I brought in, I bought a $30 used iPhone and spent $15 a month for a data plan. I told my family, "I am worth $15 a month." My iPhone is totally unnecessary, but I love it.



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Me also! I would give up expensive haircuts, make up and nail polish before I gave up my Smartphone!


Ha! I don't think any of these were ever in my budget to give up. It's been almost two years since my hair was cut, and I do that myself. Sometimes I get free makeup or nail polish from CVS, but I only wear it a few times a year.


(Of course, I don't have a smart phone to talk myself out of either.)

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