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Does anyone here do this? DH thinks it will never fly here..............

Would You Be Able to Do This with your kids?  

  1. 1. Would You Be Able to Do This with your kids?

    • No - it would never happen
    • Yes - we do it now
    • We could do it -- they would go along with it
    • Other

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WHAT WE DECIDED: I love reading what other families do -- it is so interesting -- going out, staying home, travelling, house guests -- really interesting how varied our traditions are.


We have reached a decision: Botanical Gardens today (check this out on YouTube:



Mass at the Basilica today - 5pm (DSmith -- I will light a candle for your mom)


Dinner Out - Tonight


Tomorrow -- Home -- dd31 and her dh will visit in the early afternoon


Tomorrow or Monday -- Ice Skating


Monday -- dd11 wants to go to the movies

We are all discussing ways right now to figure this out. FTR, all three kids were fine with waiting till the afternoon when we returned home to open gifts.....I had even suggested opening one gift beforehand and saving the others till later, and all agreed they would prefer to wait. I think perhaps I was speaking to them in Swahili and they had no idea what I was saying.





be patient with me -- and please, let's keep this light and let's not have it become contentious. I am curious if anyone does this, this is the only board I am on, and I am thinking about trying this.


The five of us will be here (or wherever we decide to be) by ourselves on Christmas -- that doesn't bother us. Days are usually so hectic, that simply relaxing on Christmas is a huge blessing.


I proposed to DH that we go to a morning Mass at the Basilica in DC (we visited there this past week and all five of us LOVED it and said that we couldn't wait to return). Then, I said we should go to the Botanical Gardens (yes, they are open 12/25) and see the model train display that gets rave reviews every year -- we've never seen it, and if we are already downtown, it would be the perfect time......and the exhibit is only there till 1/2.


THEN (stay with me -- this is where DH busted up laughing): I said that after the train thing, we should come home and open gifts then.


DH said that if the kids went along with it, he would have an even deeper respect for the Advent lessons I've been having with them (total emphasis on cleaning the 'stable' of our heart and making it a home for the Lord -- it's in my blog if you want to read about it).


I may add a poll -- I cannot decide, but if I do, I would love well-meaning comments offered with mirth, cheer, wisdom and kindness.


TIA Surprise-Gift-animated-animation-pop-smiley-emoticon-000334-large.gif

Edited by MariannNOVA
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With the kids being 11 and 12--oh, totally! I'd do that in a heart beat. I actually don't see what's the problem is? Sounds like a special, memorable Christmas. :)

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Mass at the Basilica sounds wonderful, as well as the Botanical Gardens. We would have to do gifts first though. Ds does not do well with suspense and anticipation. The gift aspect of Christmas is actually very stressful for him. His tics get much worse right before Christmas. We can't put any presents of his under the tree until right before it's time to open them. I was watching a concert that was held at the Basilica the other night, and would love to go there next time we are in DC. I'm jealous that you could go to Mass there on Christmas day!

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I would talk to the kids about it, and maybe open one gift before you leave?
I DID think that this was a way to approach it. Thank you -- :D


My kids would revolt if we waited to open presents. They would love the activities, but would wake up at 4am if necessary in order to open presents.


Hope you have fun and Merry Christmas!

Yes, and I think in the back of dh's mind was the thought that the kids would be up at

'0-dark:30' so that gifts could be opened and then we could go to Church and the BG. I have to go back and see if you have the ages of your kids in your sig line -- I think that ours are getting to the point where a little restraint should be able to be practiced....:glare:.....I'm sure I am kidding myself.

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Mass at the Basilica sounds wonderful, as well as the Botanical Gardens. We would have to do gifts first though. Ds does not do well with suspense and anticipation. The gift aspect of Christmas is actually very stressful for him. His tics get much worse right before Christmas. We can't put any presents of his under the tree until right before it's time to open them. I was watching a concert that was held at the Basilica the other night, and would love to go there next time we are in DC. I'm jealous that you could go to Mass there on Christmas day!



It took us ten years just to get there for the tour -- :grouphug: -- if we go, I will light a candle for you!


You make good points, because there are issues we deal with here -- and yes, gifts and expectations do cause one of the three alot of anxiety. Thanks for reminding me.


There are over 70 chapels -- is there a particular one where you'd like a candle lit, or should I just select one on my own?:grouphug:

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We're not a rip into the gifts first thing kind of family so it took me a minute to see why your dh didn't think it would fly. Have you asked your kids about that scenario? Because Christmas is on Sunday this year our normal traditions are going to have to be changed a bit. I asked my kids before planning out our day.


I am going to bring it up tomorrow -- I wanted to run it by the hive first.:tongue_smilie:

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I answered "they would go along with it," but I thought of another alternative.


Why not open the gifts on Saturday, and then do those things on Sunday?


We are choosing to open presents tomorrow so that we can focus on church and a family meal on Sunday. We opened our "Christmas Eve" family present (a new game) tonight. We just moved the gift stuff back one day.


Would that help your situation?


Even though I responded "they would go along," I think they would only do so if it were discussed well in advance (at least a week or two). I can't take my vote back, but I'm not sure my children would readily go along if it were sprung on them close to the last minute.

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Funny, we're doing that this year. Well, not exactly that, but opening gifts later in the day. We almost moved gift opening to the 26th (we did that last year!), but figured out how to do it on Christmas Day. We have Divine Liturgy at 8 a.m., and can't imagine opening the gifts before that, so will wait until after. But after Divine Liturgy we have our fast-breaking feast at church and we can't imagine missing that either. So we'll get home at about noon or so, then we'll open gifts at that point, before our dinner guests arrive at 4:00 p.m. IF I hadn't put pizza on the menu, and I had to cook from noon to 4:00, then we'd have opened the gifts the next day. Last year we chose to wait (kids included, they were fine with it) because my mom and dad wanted to come over on the 26th, and having them here for Christmas is very, very rare, so we waited.


Let us know what you decide!

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How funny that you brought this up--dh and I were just talking the other night about opening gifts Christmas night rather than morning. Currently, we've always done morning, but the last couple of years we've tried to pull back from the commercial mayhem a bit and are working on changing some things about how we celebrate.


What brought it up at our house was the fact that it'll just be us this year, plus it's a Sunday. If they open their gifts before church, we'll NEVER get out the door. So we're going to do stockings in the morning, pick out a gift for others from the World Vision catalog, and then open the other gifts when we get home from church. I have no idea how it will go:D, but I guess we're going to find out! :lol:


I say go for it--it's not like the kids are going to be sitting in front of the gifts twiddling their thumbs--they'll be out doing fun stuff!! Although I do get why your dh laughed--as a kid, I would've just opened 'em up in the middle of the night if I knew that was coming!! :lol:

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Oh, you're so sweet! I believe there is a shrine for Our Lady of the Rosary. If you could light a candle for my mother, Marion, I would appreciate it. It is our first Christmas without her, and that would give me so much comfort. Bless you!



It took us ten years just to get there for the tour -- :grouphug: -- if we go, I will light a candle for you!


You make good points, because there are issues we deal with here -- and yes, gifts and expectations do cause one of the three alot of anxiety. Thanks for reminding me.


There are over 70 chapels -- is there a particular one where you'd like a candle lit, or should I just select one on my own?:grouphug:

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we've always opend gifts first things on christmas morning. After being up until 2am one year, no one is allowed to bother mom (or go in the living room) before 8am. (and standing outside mom's bedroom door "whispering" to each other, "is it 8am yet?" is not on the list of things it is okay to do.)


this year, dd suggested we wait until after church to open gifts. (church is at noon.) :lol: did I mention we have a 6yo aspie who has been having meltdowns because he wants to know before christmas what his gift from his brother is?


while the big kids could do it, it ain't gonna happen.

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I could not contain MY excitment that long! I am 35 and am yet to have a full or good nights sleep on christmas eve!


I get the lesson you're trying to teach but after lots of delayed gratification in childhood myself (dad died when i was 6 and mum didnt work so money was extremely tight) i no longer believe in it :tongue_smilie: I'm still really good with money though - just dont save everything up for either b'days or christmas - i get stuff as i need it (as long as its within budget) and i'm not bothered if i get stuff for birthdays/christmas or not.


Thats just me - i can be a bit strange :tongue_smilie:

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I could not contain MY excitment that long! I am 35 and am yet to have a full or good nights sleep on christmas eve!


I get the lesson you're trying to teach and i think its sweet, but after lots of delayed gratification in childhood myself (dad died when i was 6 and mum didnt work so money was extremely tight) i no longer believe in it :tongue_smilie: I'm still really good with money though - just dont save everything up for either b'days or christmas - i get stuff as i need it (as long as its within budget) and i'm not bothered if i get stuff for birthdays/christmas or not.


Thats just me - i can be a bit strange :tongue_smilie:

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This thread is funny... we don't open presents until after lunch (so around 230 / 3pm). The kids get up in the morning and open their santa stocking which is in their room, but no children are allowed in the lounge until after lunch when we all go together to open our gifts from under the tree. So yeah, in our house it'd be fine.

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I could not contain MY excitment that long! I am 35 and am yet to have a full or good nights sleep on christmas eve!


I get the lesson you're trying to teach but after lots of delayed gratification in childhood myself (dad died when i was 6 and mum didnt work so money was extremely tight) i no longer believe in it :tongue_smilie: I'm still really good with money though - just dont save everything up for either b'days or christmas - i get stuff as i need it (as long as its within budget) and i'm not bothered if i get stuff for birthdays/christmas or not.


Thats just me - i can be a bit strange :tongue_smilie:


:lol: We've never opened presents before noon - after eating a special breakfast and reading the Christmas story and singing carols. It has never ever been about teaching anyone a lesson - even one about delayed gratification. It's just that for us, while we enjoy the presents, Christmas isn't primarily about the presents. It has never been a problem for the kids even when they were little tykes because this is how we've always done it.

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I think it sounds like a lovely day. I've noticed quite a few people doing new traditions with gifts this year, so I think there is something in the air.


Could you do the BG today, then Mass before gifts tomorrow. I don't know your logistics, but we did the BG one year (St. Louis) with the train set. I can't remember if it was on Christmas day or not. Ds was little and very into trains, it was great.


I would be afraid the BG would get rushed in anticipation of the gifts.

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Up to a certain age, we pretty much did Christmas Day the same every year, but once our youngest was about 10 we tended to shake it up a little -- doing it differently. This year we are spending all of Christmas Day on an airplane! Maybe talk to your kids about it ahead of time, and open just one present each in the morning?

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I chose Other, because *I* wouldn't want to.


Yes to the Basilica for Christmas (if we were Catholic).


No to the Botanic Gardens. I can do that 365 days of the year, and I wouldn't choose to spend my Christmas there. We often spend holidays at home with just the four of us. We've lived near family in the past, and both ways have advantages.


Christmas morning is special, and I wouldn't want to miss it.

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How about a compromise - open one gift and then go?


It doesn't sound that much different from how my family does Easter - you get a look at your Easter basket (and find the eggs, so they don't rot), but then you get ready and go to church, then the grandparents'. No time to play around with the goodies until much later.


ETA: I'd ask the kids what they think of it. They are old enough to have an intelligent opinion.

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I like the idea of opening one present before and then the others after.


Your plans for the day sound great. One thing to keep in mind, is that certain Masses on Christmas Day in some places like Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral require a free ticket to get in. Those who want to attend have to apply for them beforehand. I'm betting you already know this, but thought I'd mention it, just in case.


Enjoy! :)

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Oh, you're so sweet! I believe there is a shrine for Our Lady of the Rosary. If you could light a candle for my mother, Marion, I would appreciate it. It is our first Christmas without her, and that would give me so much comfort. Bless you!



I would be honored to do that for you and your mom! And, that particular shrine was on our tour on Wednesday and i know just where it is b/c we took photos of all of there.


Consider it done! I'll confirm with you after we do it and I will try and take a photo.

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:lol: We've never opened presents before noon - after eating a special breakfast and reading the Christmas story and singing carols. It has never ever been about teaching anyone a lesson - even one about delayed gratification. It's just that for us, while we enjoy the presents, Christmas isn't primarily about the presents. It has never been a problem for the kids even when they were little tykes because this is how we've always done it.



Well put -- in blue, I agree. While the 'present' aspect has never been given the over-riding emphasis of the season in our home (it has always been the celebration of Christ's birth), I am always trying to tweak to avoid boredom and sameness (more for me than anyone else).


So as Jean said above, it isn't about teaching a lesson (and I am sure that in my exhausted state last night, I may have stated it that way in my original post), the 'lesson' or 'lifestyle' is one that is at the forefront every day of the year (I pray).


I guess I would consider being able to do this with my kids (and I certainly know that everyone's family is different) as a sort of maturing thing for them -- but that is just me.


And, as an update (I will also put this in the OP), we are all discussing ways right now to figure this out. FTR, all three kids were fine with waiting till the afternoon when we returned home to open gifts.


Thank you all for your suggestions and insights. It is incredibly interesting to see everyone's ideas. :grouphug:

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It wouldn't go over well in my house. I'd be the one itching to get home and therefore would be unable to enjoy being out at all. But then again, our family isn't used to going out on Christmas day at all, or Christmas Eve for that matter.


I love reading what other families do -- it is so interesting -- going out, staying home, travelling, house guests -- really interesting how varied our traditions are.


We have reached a decision: Botanical Gardens today (check this out on YouTube:



Mass at the Basilica today - 5pm


Dinner Out - Tonight


Tomorrow -- Home -- dd31 and her dh will visit in the early afternoon


Tomorrow or Monday -- Ice Skating


Monday -- dd11 wants to go to the movies

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I love reading what other families do -- it is so interesting -- going out, staying home, travelling, house guests -- really interesting how varied our traditions are.


We have reached a decision: Botanical Gardens today (check this out on YouTube:



Mass at the Basilica today - 5pm


Dinner Out - Tonight


Tomorrow -- Home -- dd31 and her dh will visit in the early afternoon


Tomorrow or Monday -- Ice Skating


Monday -- dd11 wants to go to the movies


I love family decisions! Yours sounds like a good one.

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I love family decisions! Yours sounds like a good one.



Thank you so much -- I consider it a real compliment coming from you. I am pleased that we all reached a really good decision for our family and the only aspect of the gift thing that entered into it was that the kids told us they didn't really care about opening their gifts, they wanted to see dh's and my face as we opened their gifts to us. THAT was really sweet.


I know that DD12 has worked for months translating inspirational phrases and psalms and the like into Latin so that she can give to dh and to me a year's worth of phrases that she has translated into Latin. i know that she cannot wait to 'gift' us.


Merry Christmas and may your family receive the blessings of the season! :grouphug:

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It's too late for you to see this before you go, but I hope you all have a wonderful time together. I think your plan sounds very lovely!


My children are older and they are fine with the way we do Christmas, which is very similar most years. We will go out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants this afternoon. They always like to go to a bookstore afterward. We have to be at church a little early because the youngest is playing tonight for the service. Our Christmas Eve service begins at 5 and lasts only about an hour. We should be home by 6:30, certainly. We will then open our gifts to each other.


My entire life, my family opened presents to each other after Christmas Eve dinner dishes were washed, which meant we generally didn't start until 8 or 8:30, sometimes even 9. As long as there aren't little kids who are getting too tired to stay up, I see no problem with opening gifts late on Christmas Eve.


For my own family, now, it's the tradition of the time spent together that is as important as any gifts they're getting.... As I said, your plan sounds wonderful to me and I hope this can perhaps become a tradition for your family!

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We open our gifts tonight, Christmas Eve and save the stocking for tomorrow followed by Christmas Day Services. I'm not sure if we'll make the midnight services tonight, since we'll be there tomorrow morning.


Do what makes you happy:001_smile:.


The gardens are worth the trip btw.;)

Edited by Tammyla
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