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As a married woman, how do you sign cards?

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If I knew how to add a poll, I would.


Do you sign your name as the author of the note, then dh, then the kids?

Do you sign dh, you, then kids?

Do you sign with titles Mr. And Mrs. X?

Do you just sign your name?

Other, please explain.


I am curious to see what others do and what is proper letter etiquette.

Edited by Excelsior! Academy
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If I knew how to add a poll, I would.


Do you you your name as the author of the note, then dh, then the kids?

Do you sign dh, you, then kids?

Do you sign with titles Mr. And Mrs. X?

Do you just sign your name?

Other, please explain.


I am curious to see what others do and what is proper letter etiquitte.


That assumes I write cards. :) :p

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I sign


"David, Genevieve, Madeleine, Henry, Olivia, Louisa & Vivienne"


I've done a lot of b-day cards recently and this is how I sign it. If it is specifically a note from me, I just sign my name.

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If the card is to someone in DH's family/circle of friends I sign his name, then mine, then the dc. If it is for someone in my family/circle of friends, I sign my name before DH's. If the recipient is someone I would consider to be equally close to both of us I would sign my name first (it's not like DH ever buys cards anyway!).

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Do you sign your name as the author of the note, then dh, then the kids?


This is what I do for things like B-day cards for family because I am the one writing the little note.



For our family picture Christmas cards that are printed with our names (I don't actually write them myself), I put: DH, Me, Kids.

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Usually if it's someone from my side of the family or a closer friend of mine, I write my name first, followed by my husband's name and the kids' names.


If it's someone from my husband's side of the family or a closer friend of his but I'm the one writing out the card, I'll write his name first, then mine, then the kids.

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If it is a holiday card from our family to another family I sign The Lastnames. I address it to The Lastname Family.


If it is a personal note such as a thank you, I sign it from me as I'm the one writing it. Dh and dd can do their own personal correspondences.


If it is a holiday type card from my family to relatives, I sign our first names starting with dh, then me, then dd.

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If the card is to someone in DH's family/circle of friends I sign his name, then mine, then the dc. If it is for someone in my family/circle of friends, I sign my name before DH's. If the recipient is someone I would consider to be equally close to both of us I would sign my name first (it's not like DH ever buys cards anyway!).


:iagree: This exactly.

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I sign everything me, then him and then kiddo if he's on it.


And actually reading this, I don't think I've ever actually signed "Mrs." on anything. EVER. I've filled in the little electronic bubble on forms, but I've never written it. I've always just used my name.


I did work as a teaching assistant for year, so I introduced myself to the kids as Mrs., but that's been the ONLY time I've ever used that.

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Usually if it's someone from my side of the family or a closer friend of mine, I write my name first, followed by my husband's name and the kids' names.


If it's someone from my husband's side of the family or a closer friend of his but I'm the one writing out the card, I'll write his name first, then mine, then the kids.



I put the name that the recipient is likely to recognize first.

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If the card is from all of us we all sign it ourselves, 3 yo included.


That's what we do too (except I don't have a 3yo, lol). If one of the family is not around in time to sign, I'll write that person's name too. Everyone ends up signing in a different place, at a different slant, etc..., so there's really no particualar order to it. :D


I hardly ever put our last name on card signatures unless it's something like a wedding card for folks we don't know that well.

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Usually if it's someone from my side of the family or a closer friend of mine, I write my name first, followed by my husband's name and the kids' names.


If it's someone from my husband's side of the family or a closer friend of his but I'm the one writing out the card, I'll write his name first, then mine, then the kids.


:iagree: This. Assuming we're talking about Christmas cards or casual cards for another occasion. Formal correspondence has totally different rules. But since I've haven't whipped off a note to the queen of England lately, almost all of our correspondence is the informal kind. :lol:

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I write my husband's name, then mine, and then the kids' names in birth order if it for a non-family member.


I write my name and the kids' names on cards for my husband's family and I have dh sign it for himself.


I write my name first, then my husband's name, and then the kids' names in birth order if it is to my family.


If it is to my son's friend I sign it "Auntie ____" and "Uncle _____." (I do not approve of children calling adults just by their first name, unless the adult requests it.) Saddly, I have no one to whom I am "Mrs. Warde" to, except here :tongue_smilie:

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What I learned and use in our cards:


If it's to extended family or friends - wife, husband, children in age order oldest to youngest


If it's to business associates - wife, husband and family; or wife, husband and children in age order (if appropriate)


If it's to immediate family (parents, siblings) - husband, wife, children in age order, oldest to youngest


Envelopes are address to Mr. & Mrs., Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Dr., Drs. XYZ, with the male first in the couple, female to follow within the line when last names are same; otherwise it's his name then her name in full...either way if family is also included, "and family" follows

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If it's just a card with no note, I sign my first name then dh's name and underneath I add the kids names (and our last name on the third line). With very close relatives I have the kids sign their own names for fun.


If it's a card with an added note, I sign my own name and on the next line I add everyone else. This differentiates between the person responsible for the remarks and those who simply wish to be part of the congratulations.

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