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"Re-post this" on Facebook

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Do these status updates bug anyone else? You know, the ones that insinuate that there's something wrong with you, that you're unkind, or that you're not brave enough to put it as your status?


Let's get this straight: I'm not annoyed that anyone else chooses to re-post them. I'm annoyed at the content of the message, specifically that a person doesn't care about the subject if they don't post it.


They remind me of chain letters that insisted something bad would happen if you didn't send the chain letter on. I never sent those chain letters either, just to be contrary (and also because I didn't want to annoy anyone else with them).

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They used to bug me. Especially the ones that would imply you were ashamed of Christ if you didn't. But then I just learned to shrug it off. I do enjoy the humorous ones that come around occasionally like "Do you know someone oppressed by the Galactic Empire? Are you oppressed by the Galactic Empire? Etc." I notice they tend to be the same people over and over and over again and even if the folks don't know each other, I'm sure if I introduced them, they'd be very good friends. :D

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Can't stand it. I'm not a heavy facebook user, but when I read those, especially when someone starts by saying "I know most of you won't post this" as if we're all a bunch of heartless jerks because we won't re-post. Annoying!


:iagree: Those are the worst ones. I never re-post any of them. So annoying. I do think the spoof ones are funny, though (like the "eaten by dragons" one.) What I think is funny is when the people who post the "serious" ones also post the spoofs. I guess they just think they're funny and don't really realize that they're making fun of the chain posts!

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Well, I reposted a status about families of special needs kids just last night.


The reason I did it, is b/c I honestly feel that so many families don't get the support they both need and deserve, and hey, if something as simple as reposting a status makes them feel supported, less alone, recognized, then geez, its a really simple, 1.2 seconds out of my time to do.


If its something that matters to me, makes sense to me, then I'll do it. If it doesn't, I don't. *shrug*

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Do these status updates bug anyone else? You know, the ones that insinuate that there's something wrong with you, that you're unkind, or that you're not brave enough to put it as your status?


Let's get this straight: I'm not annoyed that anyone else chooses to re-post them. I'm annoyed at the content of the message, specifically that a person doesn't care about the subject if they don't post it.


They remind me of chain letters that insisted something bad would happen if you didn't send the chain letter on. I never sent those chain letters either, just to be contrary (and also because I didn't want to annoy anyone else with them).


It bugs the heck out of me too. It insinuates that the person posting is a better person than those of us who don't repost.

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I don't repost and I don't forward emails, unless the are fall out of the chair funny (which does not happen often). I have some friends on facebook who repost EVERY single one of those things. There are days that that fills my page! It is annoying. That is not why I use facebook.

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If it tells me to repost, that will be the one thing to keep me from reposting.



Can't stand it. I'm not a heavy facebook user, but when I read those, especially when someone starts by saying "I know most of you won't post this" as if we're all a bunch of heartless jerks because we won't re-post. Annoying!

Yes!! It is annoying. It's a false dichotomy. They all need to take logic.:)

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I LOVE the ones that say "80% of people won't re-post this." Oh really? You've done research? Does that mean if you don't re-post you're a coward and if you do you're brave? Please. Maybe 80% (probably 99.9% in actuality) don't re-post because they have better things to do, or causes to fight for in a meaningful way.

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Once or twice I've reposted one, but they were the spoofs, which are pretty much poking fun at the regular posts.


If I ever were to post one, I'd take off the lines about others reposting and the made up statistics about how many will. But honestly, I don't like being guilted into reposting messages like that either. If I have a message I feel compelled to share with the (FB) world, I believe it will be much more effective if I write it from my own heart and share it in my own time.

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I think of it as helping me understand my FB friend a little better, but on the most part I just ignore that type of post. It may be irritating, but in the big picture it isn't harming anyone. Most people's hearts are in the right place, so I figure I can just let it go. Now once in a great while I may borrow part of the quote, but I cut out the part that says, "If you agree, cut and paste this..." because I don't want to make people feel the way the op described.



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They are annoying. I don't repost, nor do I comment on them. I just ignore them. It actually has a name. It's called slactivism. It makes people think they're doing some good when in reality they're taking the lazy way out. Some will say it's a way to draw attention to an issue, but it really isn't since so many people ignore those posts anyway. If someone really wants to do good, they should donate their time or money to actually doing good rather than just talking about it on a social network.

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Please copy and paste this as your status if you know someone, or have heard of someone who knows someone that may know someone who knows anyone. If you don't know anyone, or even if you've heard of anyone who doesn't know anyone that doesn't know someone, then still copy this. It's important to spread the message. Oh, and the hearts. ♥♥ For Pete's sake, don't forget the hearts. ♥♥


My FB friends and I have gotten a lot of mileage out of this one. The last sentence gets randomly quoted frequently.




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I usually just ignore them. They are pretty irritating.


There was one that a couple of my friends posted last night about cancer and posting it as your status for one hour if someone you know was battling cancer. An hour??? If the posters think it's important enough to honor them in that way, why only an hour?!?!

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Do these status updates bug anyone else? You know, the ones that insinuate that there's something wrong with you, that you're unkind, or that you're not brave enough to put it as your status?


Let's get this straight: I'm not annoyed that anyone else chooses to re-post them. I'm annoyed at the content of the message, specifically that a person doesn't care about the subject if they don't post it.


They remind me of chain letters that insisted something bad would happen if you didn't send the chain letter on. I never sent those chain letters either, just to be contrary (and also because I didn't want to annoy anyone else with them).


I make it a point not to forward on chain Facebook statuses. I don't care what the person thinks of me.


(Well, except for the one about being eaten by dragons. That one kind of points out the ridiculousness of the rest)

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They bug me. Especially the ones about cancer. MOST especially the ones about breast cancer. I get soooo sick and tired of being reminded of breast cancer every time I turn around. Cuz somedays - since I had pretty decent reconstruction -I can almost forget and feel normal.


Guess I'm just silly. :glare:

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Yes, I hate them. I dislike being manipulated into what I should share with my friends.


I never post them, even when I agree with them


"Bleh bleh bleh! You are a chicken butt Christian if you won't post this on your FB neyah!"


Ok first of all, anyone who is friends with me knows my religion. Secondly, shut it.


And the cancer ones!??! My sister is going through cancer, I am not about to post dumb stuff like that where she would see it.


I have only shared the one about oh...I think it was about the Death Star

Edited by Sis
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Do these status updates bug anyone else? You know, the ones that insinuate that there's something wrong with you, that you're unkind, or that you're not brave enough to put it as your status?


Let's get this straight: I'm not annoyed that anyone else chooses to re-post them. I'm annoyed at the content of the message, specifically that a person doesn't care about the subject if they don't post it.


They remind me of chain letters that insisted something bad would happen if you didn't send the chain letter on. I never sent those chain letters either, just to be contrary (and also because I didn't want to annoy anyone else with them).


I just remind myself that my facebook friend didn't *write* the message. They read it, same as me, on another friend's status. They just didn't have the gumption to refuse to be guilted into re-posting. I've got the guilt-free gumption thing going on! Stay strong! :D

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I ignore the ones that imply that I'm heartless or a coward if I don't re-post.


However there WAS a very funny one that I came across that I inboxed a friend. It wasn't appropriate for the youngsters that I have as friends. It was something about, "I don't usually repost these kinds of things, BUT if someone comes to your door and asks you to dance naked in your front yard, DO NOT DO IT! It is a SCAM!! The person just wants to see you naked. I wish someone would have told me sooner. Now I'm sunburned." Oh my, that one had me rofl:lol::lol:. Anyone else seen it?

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I ignore the ones that imply that I'm heartless or a coward if I don't re-post.


However there WAS a very funny one that I came across that I inboxed a friend. It wasn't appropriate for the youngsters that I have as friends. It was something about, "I don't usually repost these kinds of things, BUT if someone comes to your door and asks you to dance naked in your front yard, DO NOT DO IT! It is a SCAM!! The person just wants to see you naked. I wish someone would have told me sooner. Now I'm sunburned." Oh my, that one had me rofl:lol::lol:. Anyone else seen it?



:lol::lol::lol: Oh, that is TOOO funny!!! I'm totally going to steal it and post it on facebook! :D

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Ok my white young male cousin just posted one that says "repost if you are a beautiful black woman that don't need no man" That made me laugh rather hard



:lol::smilielol5:And it probably didn't even occur to him how funny that was. Or maybe it did and he did it on purpose? Does that sound like him?

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My FB friends and I have gotten a lot of mileage out of this one. The last sentence gets randomly quoted frequently.







I posted this once...I hope it didn't annoy anyone...:001_smile:


A real woman always keeps her house clean and organized, the laundry basket is always empty. She's always well dressed, hair done. She never swears, behaves gracefully in all situations and all circumstances. She has more than enough patience to take care of her family, always has a smile on her lips, and a kind word for everyone. Post this as your status if you, too, have just realized that you might be a man. :)

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My FB friends and I have gotten a lot of mileage out of this one. The last sentence gets randomly quoted frequently.





I literally laughed out loud at that one. Reposting :lol::lol:


A friend just posted this racy number..


You laid on my naked body and applied your mouth to me without guilt or humiliation. You drove me near crazy while you drained me. Today when I awoke, you were gone. I searched for you but to no avail. Only the sheets bore witness to last night's events. My body still bears marks of your ravishing, making it all the more difficult to forget you. Tonight, I will remain awake, waiting for you .....Frickin mosquito!


Wowzer! :w00t::w00t:

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Please copy and paste this as your status if you know someone, or have heard of someone who knows someone that may know someone who knows anyone. If you don't know anyone, or even if you've heard of anyone who doesn't know anyone that doesn't know someone, then still copy this. It's important to spread the message. Oh, and the hearts. ♥♥ For Pete's sake, don't forget the hearts. ♥♥


My FB friends and I have gotten a lot of mileage out of this one. The last sentence gets randomly quoted frequently.




I have seen this one and it makes me laugh every time. The others, I just ignore. They are chain letters and not something I need to get my knickers in a twist about.

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