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Court today for ds

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Can't go into details, but pls keep us in your thoughts. No jail time expected.

I'm not going--Dh will be there.


And any prayers for healing would be appreciated.


Can I ask what time specifically? I would be honored to stop and pray during this time.

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Thank you, all. I believe his court time is 9am. The court wouldn't appoint an attorney (Public Defender) for him, because, the judge said, there's no jail time on the table.

We have some family stepping in to offer to take him. However, the offer is to HIM, and is not something we want to happen. I wish I could spill my guts, but what would come out would stay forever on the internet, and be exceedingly ugly and hurtful, no doubt.


We are falling apart over here. Sorry to be a drama queen--prayers that I hold it together and get the help I need to continue functioning would be appreciated, too.

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This one is for you, Chris.


"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." - Galatians 6:9


You've been in this storm for far too long, but I believe one day the storm will dissipate. The sun will shine on this area of your life, and your heart will be filled with gladness.

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This one is for you, Chris.


"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." - Galatians 6:9


You've been in this storm for far too long, but I believe one day the storm will dissipate. The sun will shine on this area of your life, and your heart will be filled with gladness.


:iagree: And Paula - that was just so beautiful.

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:grouphug: Chris. I have been praying for you and your family and will continue. Saw Dana on Sunday and asked her how you were doing. She, of course, did not share personal details but just told me to pray. If you would like to PM me or call me, I would be happy to pray with you. Hang in there, Chris. You are going through a storm right now, but God IS right there with you. I promise he is. I love Mandisa's new song, "Stronger", b/c it speaks to situations just like this. Love you.

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We are falling apart over here. Sorry to be a drama queen--prayers that I hold it together and get the help I need to continue functioning would be appreciated, too.


I say confidently that no one here has ever thought of you as a drama queen.


:grouphug: Children can never know the distress they give a parent until they are one themselves.

Edited by kalanamak
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Thank you so much, everyone, for continuing to support me and my family, in thoughts and prayers.

I got thru most of the day without tears--I was driving to one of my dog appointments, and realized that fact, and then just knew it was because of you all. :001_smile:


The judge gave him less of a punishment than he could have gotten. It was a pretty good outcome. I told my hubby that now is our chance to support ds, to come alongside him in a renewed way. Don't know what the future holds, of course, but I can say that today, he chose some "good" kids to hang out with.

"Just for today" is enough. We'll work on tomorrow, tomorrow. And, he can't leave VA for a year anyway, so he can't live with the relative I mentioned. That's probably a positive thing.


And elegantlion, you must have gotten your name for being just that--you have an elegance with words, and are as strong and sure as a lion. Thanks for your help and kindness. Thanks everyone.

Edited by Chris in VA
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I recently returned to the boards after a very long break. When I joined several years ago, you had very insightful and encouraging words for me that I have always remembered. I will be praying for you, Chris, and your family. Although I'm not familiar with what is happening in your family, I can feel your pain, as I have a brother with a court date this coming Monday.....:grouphug: :grouphug:



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I was watching the movie The Tourist tonight. Angelina's character had a bracelet with the god Janus on it. The two-headed god of beginnings and transitions, looking both back to the past and forward to the future.


She made the statement, can't remember the exact words, that when you love someone you love both sides of them. The good and the bad.


Maybe you could find a trinket of some kind with Janus on it. It could celebrate his time of transition, and be a reminder that despite his past he has a future to look forward to.

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I was watching the movie The Tourist tonight. Angelina's character had a bracelet with the god Janus on it. The two-headed god of beginnings and transitions, looking both back to the past and forward to the future.


She made the statement, can't remember the exact words, that when you love someone you love both sides of them. The good and the bad. Maybe you could find a trinket of some kind with Janus on it. It could celebrate his time of transition, and be a reminder that despite his past he has a future to look forward to.


That's why I named my blog Twilight and Sunrise. :001_smile: We are all a mix of good impulses and not so good, eh? I've certainly been schooled in not comparing sins, in looking at the log in my own eye, and in offering the grace I would wish to receive. My son has been my teacher, that's for sure. It really is a blessing--one whose lessons I wish I could have received another way, but nonetheless, God used my son's choices to bring about good things. I believe he's like that.


Don't think I'll be going the Janus route ;) but I totally appreciate what you are saying.

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I recently returned to the boards after a very long break. When I joined several years ago, you had very insightful and encouraging words for me that I have always remembered. I will be praying for you, Chris, and your family. Although I'm not familiar with what is happening in your family, I can feel your pain, as I have a brother with a court date this coming Monday.....:grouphug: :grouphug:




Thank you so much. That's incredibly humbling. I will pray for your brother. :grouphug:

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