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Sum it up if you can. THE MAIN reason you

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choose to homeschool your kids. A single reason. The big one that all the others stem from. I'd love to hear!


There are many many reasons we want to try this, but the factor that led us to make the change right now instead of later is...


dh travels. A LOT. 5 days a week many weeks. We take the kids along for a couple of trips a year but then our days to miss are used up & we miss some great travel opportunities. Plus we just plain miss him. We need the flexibility in our schedule to be able to just go if the stars line up :).


We were already planning to bring the boys home for the junior high years b/c honestly, nothing good happens in junior high imo. But, we're giving it a whirl for an entirely different reason now!

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My dh is a public school teacher who has taught in several different schools and in several different states. Long before we had children we knew that we would homeschool. Public education as he's experienced it is not something we want for our kids.

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It's hard to sum it up into one reason, as there are many, but a big one - we feel our children will get a much better education and moral guide by being taught one-on-one, tailored in a way that they learn best, rather than being taught in a class of 35 in a one-size-fits-all environment, where they would typically be very peer-oriented. Also - I'd hate to look back and think I missed out on so much precious time with them. They are only children for so long. I already dread the day they move out of the house. I miss them already!

Edited by tammyw
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To avoid commercialism. Not just from the schools, but from the other kids. A neighbor just told me that she won a contest at school, and the prize was to have a McDonalds lunch with the teachers in the teacher's lounge. I can't deal with that. That's just not my world.


But of course, there are SOOOOO many other reasons.

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One MAIN reason? Hmmm...that's tough for me. It has changed over the years. Currently it's because I love having my kids with my all the time. They're awesome ppl and I can't fathom them gone from home from 7:30am-4:30pm 5 days/week. I would feel ike I don't know them like I do now. Simple.

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This conversation with DD 2 years ago.


Me - "DD what did you do in seminar (the gifted pull out 2 hr. per week class) today?"

DD - "Played Webkinz"




Conversation with oldest dd when she was still in PS:

Me: What did you do in math today


DD: Oh, we didn't have math today. We saw a movie about ants smoking crack.


That was 3rd grade. :glare: :auto:

Nuff said.

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I didn't like my 6 year old son being molested in the restroom by the older kids and the teacher thinking he could use the teacher's restroom instead. He lost too much weight that year, not eating lunch so he wouldn't have to go to the bathroom.

I had always wanted to homeschool, but didn't know why.

That experience he had decided it for me.

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I want to be the one to raise my children. I don't want anyone else (besides my husband) to have a say in what they do or what they know or how they live. They are ours and ours alone.


ETA: We aren't weird and controlling and antisocial. We do see other people. I just don't want anyone else making decisions for my family and forcing us to abide by them. I do the research. I have strong opinions. I am highly capable. I care more about my kids than anyone else ever will.

Edited by strawberrymama
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There are many reasons we chose to pull our son out of school, but if I had to pick one it would be because I wanted him to keep his love of learning and his self confidence. Public school was destroying both of those.

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To have a better academic quality high school education for my boys. The oldest two want this and appreciate it. The youngest is trying to make it work at our ps after having homeschooled from 5th through 8th for him. He can see the academic difference too and mentions it often. He's also working outside of school to try to make up for some of it.

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The initial reason I started homeschooling was because I felt like I had no other good choice...oldest was too young to begin K in PS, private school was too expensive, and another year of preschool would have been a waste for a kid who was reading well and ready to learn.


The reason I continue with dd is because I feel like it is the only option for a child with her lifestyle...she can do all her academic learning, practice her music as much as she wants/needs to to achieve her goals, and still have lots of time to be a child and play. Plus it leaves us free to travel when we need to.

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Love for my God and love for my children.


Love covers all things...including children who have "forgotten" their alphabet, how to copy letters, tell time, how to hold a pencil properly, the silent e rule, every historical and scientific fact ever discussed, and on and on and on...

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It's hard to sum it up into one reason, as there are many, but a big one - we feel our children will get a much better education and moral guide by being taught one-on-one, tailored in a way that they learn best, rather than being taught in a class of 35 in a one-size-fits-all environment, where they would typically be very peer-oriented. Also - I'd hate to look back and think I missed out on so much precious time with them. They are only children for so long. I already dread the day they move out of the house. I miss them already!

:iagree:I would say this is it. This is so much more succinctly put than I would have.

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Love for my God and love for my children.


Love covers all things...including children who have "forgotten" their alphabet, how to copy letters, tell time, how to hold a pencil properly, the silent e rule, every historical and scientific fact ever discussed, and on and on and on...



:thumbup: Here!

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there are 2 main reasons...but since you asked for one:


The main reason I homeschool is the freedom I have to choose my son's social settings carefully & his friends (he's 5). I want him to be free to be who he is w/o the bullying & negative social aspects of public school.

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It has shifted over the years and it varies by child.

In elementary school, for one, it was because he didn't learn at school and keeping him home kept him sweet, and for the other because he learned to read early and then I found that it worked better to homeschool two together.

In middle school, it was to avoid school. For one, it was because his teacher suggested it.

In high school, it was so they had time to do non-school activities like peacewalking.

Throughout, family togetherness and time with grandparents has been a huge factor.

If you asked them why, I think they would tell you because they like being home and don't want to go to school.


Not exactly the answer you asked for, but we don't have one basic reason.



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Really, every reason listed so far except chronic illmess applies to us but the main reason is:


Hsing is a part of parenting my children. Educating my children is part of my job. Others choose b&m schools to help them do that but Dh and I are doing it ourselves.

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