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In the classics in school thread the question came up of if we are expecting a level of performance from today's teens that never existed in the past. Have we exagerated the number of classics that were taught in schools in the past?


I tried to make a list of the works I'd call classics that I covered in my school days. These are works that were assigned, not books I read for my own enjoyement. I went as far back as 8th grade, because that class included Chaucer, Shakespeare, etc. (I didn't include other works that I read as a high schooler that weren't assigned.)


It would be interesting to see what other people remember reading for school. I used this list to jog my memory, but I think there are many other works that could also be listed. (Here is the Modern Library list, which has some more recent titles.)


Here's what I came up with:

Chaucer (KnightĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Tale)

Greek mythology

Romeo and Juliet (read in class)

Great Expectations

Macbeth (read in class)

GulliverĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Travels (all of it, not just Lilliput)

The Crucible

The Scarlet Letter

Short stories by O. Henry, Poe, London, Hemingway, Swift, etc

The Red Badge of Courage

Pride and Prejudice

The Brothers Karamozov (my selection for a senior paper. Everyone read a different work and wrote a long paper on it.)

Murder in the Cathedral (read in class)

Rime of the Ancient Mariner (read aloud)

Beowulf (first section, in translation)


Lots of poetry by Frost, Browning, Shakespeare, the Romantics

Sherlock Holmes


The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Great Gatsby

The Lord of the Flies

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Huckleberry Finn

Tom Sawyer



Spoon River Anthology

Animal Farm


This was for a suburban/semi-rural school in SW Washington in the mid 1980s. Good solid school but not rich or famous for its academics. And then senior year in a suburban/semi-rural school on the eastern edge of Dallas County, Texas. Smaller, poorer community than the first school.


Both of these districts were not particularly affluent. Solid middle class. Not a farming community per se, but the highlight of many summers was working in strawberry fields or plum orchards or on alfalfa/soybean farms for extra money. The schools offered both solid vocational (shop, automotive, typing) and academic offerings. AP classes were a new concept and there were none offered at my first school and only one (US History) at the second. But my honors (not AP) US History class was good enough that I got a 4 on the AP exam that year.


One other thing I recall is that many of these works (Shakespeare, Murder in the Cathedral, Great Expectations, the poetry, the section of Beowulf, the short stories) were included in the literature books we were using.


I'd love to see what classics other people remember reading, along with a rough time and geographic context.

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Here's my ptitful list -

8th grade parochial school - The Red Pony, Red Badge of Courage

9th grade Molokai High School - can't remember any books, maybe excerpts.

10 - 11th (first semester) - high school in Allentown, PA - Animal Farm, Catcher in the Rye, and Old Man and the Sea.

11th - 12th - high school in Fayetteville, NC - Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, probably one other.


graduated high school in 1980.

Edited by bugs
added one - woo hoo.
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Classic or not, here's what I remember of the assigned reading, though it's been a long while. This was in Canada, so you see CanLit selections rather than American Lit.


Never Cry Wolf

Who has Seen the Wind

To Kill a Mockingbird

Lord of the Flies


Romeo and Juliet

Julius Caesar


The Tempest

As for Me and My House

The Stone Angel

Fifth Business

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


The Plague

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Waiting for Godot

The Wars (Findley)


Death of a Salesman

Heart of Darkness

The Catcher in the Rye

Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

Brave New World (I think... I seem to remember discussing this)


We read a lots of short stories and some poetry (including several poems by T.S. Eliot and Shakespeare) as well.

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I went to a public high school in suburban NJ. Trying to remember...


Ninth grade was really intensive grammar and American lit. I think we read


The Scarlet Letter

The Crucible

Spoon River Anthology

To Kill a Mockingbird


a lot of Poe

a lot of Dickinson


Romeo and Juliet (they just threw that one in there)


Tenth grade was British lit, and we read


Wuthering Heights

A Tale of Two Cities



Canterbury Tales

Northanger Abbey (at least, I think so... I know we read a gothic-like novel)


I must have blocked out my eleventh grade year, because I cannot remember who my English teacher was, much less a single thing we read.


Twelfth grade was world lit. Some of the readings the whole class did, and then we also had a long reading list of mostly-20th century lit that we had to choose two books off of each semester.


I know we read Beowulf and Hamlet as a full class, but I forget the other books we read together. Off of the reading list I read The Handmaid's Tale, Slaughterhouse-Five, Catch-22, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Fountainhead, Things Fall Apart, Beloved, and something else I can't remember.


I was an English major in college, so I think maybe what I read in 10th and 11th grade gets all jumbled in with what I read in college. My two favorite college lit courses were a seminar on Keats and Austen (I hadn't been a fan of either before we started, but I loved both after the class) and another seminar called Slavery and the African-American Literary Imagination, where we spent about 1/3 of the term reading slave narratives and then the last 2/3 reading contemporary novels about slavery. It was a fantastic class. Oh, and I took a Chaucer course where we spent the entire semester reading The Canterbury Tales in Middle English, and I enjoyed it so much more and got so much more out of it than I did reading a modern translation in a couple of weeks in tenth grade. The only bad part of that class was that we had to, at some point during the term, recite the first 34 lines of the prologue in Middle English from memory in front of the entire class, which was incredibly nerve-wracking.

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I'm sure I'll miss things, but here's what I remember (from middle school on):


To Kill a Mockingbird

Romeo and Juliet

Julius Caesar

Of Mice and Men

A Farewell to Arms

The Scarlet Letter

The Crucible

Crime and Punishment

Wuthering Heights

Death of a Salesman


Walden (excerpts)

Various poems

Lots of short stories--Kafka, Faulkner, Poe,and others

ETA: Oedipus Rex and Antigone


I know there were more, but I can't remember what they all were for sure. I was in a large school (graduating class of around 500) in a town of about 25,000 in PA in the early 1990's--graduated in1995.

Edited by Kirch
Memory was spurred by someone else's list!
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You guys have a great memory! I remember...


Les Miserable

Lord of the Flies (three times)

The Old Man and the Sea

Cry the Beloved Country

Oliver Twist

The Scarlet Letter

The Great Gatsby

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn




That's all I can remember from 8th through 12th grade. There was lots of excerpts and short stories from anthologies but I don't remember what.

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My kids and I were just talking about this the other day. It's hard to remember what was assigned and what I read on my own, but I know I wrote papers on the following:


Oedipus Rex

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Romeo and Juliet


Julius Caesar


Wuthering Heights

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Deerslayer

The Scarlet Letter

Catcher in the Rye

Of Mice and Men

Lord of the Flies


We also read the usual short stories and poems. I attended an Alaskan high school in the early nineties.

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My kids and I were just talking about this the other day. It's hard to remember what was assigned and what I read on my own, but I know I wrote papers on the following:


Oedipus Rex

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Romeo and Juliet


Julius Caesar


Wuthering Heights

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Deerslayer

The Scarlet Letter

Catcher in the Rye

Of Mice and Men

Lord of the Flies


We also read the usual short stories and poems. I attended an Alaskan high school in the early nineties.


I forgot Oedipus Rex and Antigone. I'm pretty sure I read both of these in high school.

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Books I remember reading:


Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (read-aloud in 4th grade)

Romeo and Juliet (original language, but abridged in 4th, and I believe we read the full play at a later point)

Julius Caesar


The Pearl

Lord of the Flies

A Separate Peace

All Quiet On The Western Front

To Kill A Mockingbird

Parts of Canterbury Tales (memorized the introduction in old English, and read modern translations of a few of the tales)

I was supposed to read a book by one of the Bronte's, but didn't.

The Scarlet Letter

We were supposed to read "a classic" and do a group presentation on it in 8th grade. I chose Oliver Twist and didn't actually read it.

The Great Gatsby

I read The Crucible out of personal interest, but I believe other classes had it assigned

The Stranger


Can't remember if I read Brave New World on my own, or in conjunction with 1984

The House On Mango Street


The Handmaid's Tale

I want to say The Once and Future King, but I'm not sure if I'm confusing it with another Arthurian adaptation

Various poems and short stories


I'm sure there were others that I don't remember.


I had kind of a mixed-up, independent study high school career. If I'd done normal courses I'd have read more classics. I had a reading list for several of the years that contained a lot of books that were very good, but not typical "classics" or "modern classics" read in school.


This was at a well-respected high school (unless otherwise noted) in Southern California in the mid-90s.

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Here's what I recall. I'm sure I won't remember everything.


The Phantom Tollbooth

Julius Caesar

The Merchant of Venice




The Taming of the Shrew

Oedipus Rex


Canterbury Tales (can't remember which ones)

A Separate Peace


The Old Man and the Sea


Lord of the Flies

To Kill a Mockingbird

Madame Bovary

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Animal Farm


I also recall covering Shakespeare sonnets and The Lottery.

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In no particular order:


The Pearl

Great Expectations

To Kill a Mockingbird

Romeo and Juliet


Les Miserables

A Brave New World

Animal Farm


Our Town

The Great Gatsby

The Catcher in the Rye

The Jungle

Earth Abides

The Scarlet Letter

Jude the Obscure


No Exit

The Stranger


Absalom, Absalom!

The Sun Also Rises

Crime and Punishment

A Doll's House

Death of a Salesman

Wuthering Heights

Jane Eyre

The Tell-Tale Heart (and others by Poe)


Plus poetry and short stories. I'm sure there were others, but this is what I remember. This was the honors track in a semi-rural school with few kids going on to elite colleges. I think it was probably ~4 larger works per year, but a lot more senior year in the World Lit AP class.

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I read a number of the classics that others have already mentioned. What I did not see that I recall reading was Aeschylus (The House of Atreus) and excerpts from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. (Looking up the spelling of the latter, I had a revelation. This work is quoted by Eliot in The Wasteland. No wonder why the nun who taught my 11th grade literature class felt compelled to include it!)


Also, I read Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico and parts of the Aeneid--in Latin.


I think that I had a decent high school education in my Midwestern childhood.

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

To Kill a Mockingbird

Animal Farm

Grapes of Wrath

Of Mice and Men

The Good Earth

The Pearl


Romeo & Juliet



Julius Caesar

Canterbury Tales

Grapes of Wrath

Great Expectations

Billy Budd

Catcher in the Rye

Silas Marner

To Sir With Love

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

The Hiding Place

Flowers for Algernon

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Gone With the Wind

The Color Purple

Many short stories and sonnets

And in our Lit. class we watched videos of : Tess of the D'Urbervilles, and Rebecca



I know there was more - I just can't remember. :confused:

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Private high school in suburban Phila. Late 1980s (I included 8th grade too) :


Romeo and Juliet




Midsummer Night's Dream

Jane Eyre

Wuthering Heights

Pride and Prejudice

A Tale of Two Cities

Oliver Twist

Things Fall Apart

The King Must Die

Canterbury Tales

The Odyssey

The Mayor of Casterbridge

A Room With a View

The Bell Jar

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Cannery Row

Oedipus Rex

All Quiet on the Western Front

The Catcher in the Rye

The Stranger

Waiting for Godot

No Exit

Death of a Salesman

Hedda Gabler




The Color Purple

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


Manchild in the Promised Land

Heart of Darkness

The Awakening

Death Be Not Proud

To Kill a Mockingbird


The Count of Monte Cristo


The Unvanquished

Most of The Norton Anthology of Poetry

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Too many to name here probably, but I'll try...


Romeo and Juliet



Twelfth Night

Midsummer Night's Dream

Merchant of Venice

Julius Caesar


The Epic of Gilgamesh

Le Morte D'Arthur

Animal Farm


The Scarlett Letter

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Billy Budd

Lord of the Flies

The Odyssey

Jane Eyre

Pride and Prejudice

The Crucible

Twice Told Tales

Heart of Darkness

Les Jeux Sont Fait

Le Petit Prince

Huis Clos

Madame Bovary

Cry, the Beloved Country

Things Fall Apart

A Doll's House

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man



Murder in a Cathedral

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Anna Karenina

The Canterbury Tales



All Quiet on the Western Front

The Sound and the Fury

The Trial

Slaughterhouse Five

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

The Time Machine


Oedipus Rex


A Separate Piece

Flowers for Algernon

A Modest Proposal

Gulliver's Travels (excerpts)

Paradise Lost (excerpts)


I added more, but I still know that's not everything... I'm forgetting a lot of books. And I know we also did significant excerpts from a number of things, including The Wealth of Nations, and all the Enlightenment thinkers - Locke, Rousseau, etc. Plus, there was certainly a lot of poetry. I remember we had to read what felt like every poem from the Romantics in our fat Norton Anthologies. Oh, and lots of short stories - Poe, Guy de Maupassant, Garcia Marquez, and so forth. And we did a whole thing reading mythology as well as bible excerpts for literature at one point. I could go on...


I feel like my high school education was pretty good, actually. I was all set to be an English major in college until I realized that all the required courses would make me reread stuff I had already done for two straight years. Forget that, I thought and I did history instead. My school was pretty influenced by the Paideia model of classical education.

Edited by farrarwilliams
seeing other people's lists!
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I went to a large suburban hs - graduated in '99. I think the AP classes were pretty solid (good number of us got 4s & 5s), though whether APs are the end-all, be-all of education, well...;). No idea what regular classes were like. Our lit selections (what I can remember):



Great Expectations (summer reading)

Uncle Remus Tales (summer reading)

Bible stories, for cultural literacy (summer reading)

The Old Man and the Sea (summer reading)

Jane Eyre

The Odyssey

Assorted short stories from lit book

Romeo & Juliet

Tale of Two Cities

Watership Down

The Chalk Garden

To Kill a Mockingbird

Turn of the Screw

Plus four classics for indep. reading (I did Pride & Prejudice, My Antonia, Wuthering Heights, and Brave New World).




Of Mice & Men (summer reading)

Anthem (summer reading)

Things Fall Apart (summer reading)

Lord of the Flies (summer reading)

Julius Caesar

Merchant of Venice

A Separate Peace

Les Miserables

The Awakening


Vanity Fair (indep reading)



Common Sense (summer reading)

On Walden Pond (summer reading)

Lots of plays: Raisin in the Sun, The Crucible, Our Town, Children's Hour, some Lillian Hellman plays, plus others

Moby Dick (selections)

Billy Budd

Transcendentalists: Emerson, Thoreau, maybe others

The Scarlet Letter

Short stories: Poe, Chopin, others

Huckleberry Finn

Grapes of Wrath



Cry, the Beloved Country (summer reading)

David Copperfield (summer reading)


Wuthering Heights

Lots of poetry: Milton, Donne, et al.

Invisible Man

Heart of Darkness

Oedipus Rex


Canterbury Tales (selected stories)

Paradise Lost (parts)

A Modest Proposal

The Stranger


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My list is pathetic. This was at a small-medium sized high school (just under 200 in my graduating class) in central Iowa in the early '80's. There were no AP or Honors classes available. The only "advanced" track available was taking Algebra in 8th grade (9th was standard), which allowed you to take one more year of math. It was a farming/railroad town.


English Lit (elective senior year)

- Romeo and Juliet (I think we just read sections)

- Beowulf (again just sections)

- Canterbury Tales (once again, just selections)

- Pride and Prejudice

- Sense and Sensibility (both my choice because we all had to research an author, and I chose Jane Austen. The really pitiful thing is that I reread both a couple years ago and had absolutely NO recollection of even the basic plot. I got an A on the paper though.)


American History (sophomore year, I think)

- The Jungle (yuck! Almost quit drinking milk as a result)

- The Grapes of Wrath


American Lit (sophomore or junior year)

- Of Mice and Men

- Flowers for Algernon

- The Scarlet Letter

- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

- The Tell-Tale Heart

- The Raven

I ended up with a definite opinion that American literature is dark and depressing. As a result, when I think of classics I tend to not put American authors on my list.


Overall, I think the school did a much better job at math and science than English and Literature. I didn't even hear of Homer or Virgil until much later, but I had some great math and science teachers and had no trouble with college calculus, chemistry, or physics.


It's disappointing reading other posts and realizing how lacking my own education was. I am grateful to have found the Well-Trained Mind, and this list, and am determined to do better by my own kids.

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College Prep Boarding School


Ancients -

Oedipus Rex

The Bible

Epic of Gilgamesh

A couple more Greek plays that I can't remember

Homer - The Odyssey and the Illiad




Medieval Times -

Canterbury Tales

Dante's Inferno


I know we read some Bede but I think it was just selections

Everyman (we did this as a play)

Shakespeare - Romeo & Juliet, MacBeth, Midsummer's Night Dream, The Tempest, Hamlet

Shakespeare poetry

Lots of other poetry

Tale of Genji


Age of Discovery -


Milton - selections, I think

Gulliver's Travels (I hated this)

Excerpts from a lot of early American writing

William Blake

Wuthering Heights

Jane Eyre

Dickens - Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, Tale of Two Cities

Poe - The Raven, The Bells, The Tell Tale Heart, and a couple more I think

The Scarlett Letter

Moby Dick

Les Miserables


Modern Age -

Kafka -

Thoreau - Walden

Communist Manifesto and the Humanist Manifesto

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Anna Karenina

The Jungle

Father Brown - Chesterton


The Great Gatsby


Animal Farm

Our Town (we watched the play)

The Grapes of Wrath

Mere Christianity

A Man for All Seasons (we watched the play)

The Gulag Archipelego

The Old man and the Sea and one other Hemingway book that I can't remember

J.D. Salinger

D H Lawrence

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I'm very impressed with some of the lists here. I have come to the conclusion that my education was pretty pathetic because I really had to think long and hard to come up with any, but then I remembered reading these:


The Scarlet Letter

To Kill a Mockingbird

Jane Eyre

Animal Farm


And that's all I remember. This was suburban Minneapolis area high school in the late 1980s. I did go Post Secondary Enrollment in 11th grade and took my English courses at the college, so I read more from that point on and on my own as well.

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My school already had the textbook excerpts of classics. So I knew bits and pieces of the many of them from school, but hardly any were read all the way through. I read a great many on my own though! I loved/love to read.


These are the four that we actually read in full:


The Scarlet Letter

The Great Gatsby

Romeo and Juliet

To Kill a Mockingbird



I graduated in '96

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Here's what I remember off the top of my head...


Canterbury Tales

Julius Caesar

Romeo and Juliet


King Lear



Great Expectations

Brave New World

Westside Story

The Crucible

Silas Marner


The Pearl

The Good Earth

Tobacco Road

The Light in the Forest

Huckleberry Finn

The Lord of the Flies


Animal Farm

Short stories and poetry -- lots and lots of both

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I was moved to a remedial English class when my 7th grade teacher realized I wasn't catching on quickly enough to sentence diagramming. I continued in those classes for the remainder of my schooling, so I never read a 'classic' in school.

We did watch Romeo and Juliet in my eighth grade year. :glare:

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I don't remember reading any "classics" in school - but my 8th & 9th years were a mess of this school, that school, no school, alternative school, etc. My high school experience includes a few months of being registered in the tenth gradeĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ but I rarely showed up for any classes.


I do remember my 6th grade teacher reading "The Hobbit" to us.. drove me crazy though, as I *hate* having anyone read to me. Just give me the dang book already. :p


That's not to say that I haven't read any of the books being listed, as I've actually read quite a few of them - both on my own as a kid/teen and as an adult. I just don't have any 'school experience' with them.

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I'm sure I will miss a lot of them, but here's a short list from 7-12 grade (leaving out modern classics like The Outsiders):


Tale of Two Cities

Greek mythology

Romeo and Juliet

The Pearl

The Scarlet Letter

lots of short stories


Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, The Knight's Tale and The Squire's Tale

The Great Gatsby

Lord of the Flies


Julius Caesar

The Hobbit

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The UK system tends to go for depth rather than breadth, so I didn't read that many works. I did study each one for long periods, however. I remember:

Silas Marner

Wuthering Heights

The Woodlanders

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Measure for Measure

Our Mutual Friend

Keats complete poems

Tennyson complete poems

The Importance of Being Earnest and An Ideal Husband


ETA: also, in French, Candide and a couple of other less classic French novels.


There must have been more.



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Here's what I remember 10-12. I'm sure I'm missing some. I also read classic and modern novels extensively outside of school, so I may be wrong about a few of these. My hs classes were heavy on novels, but historical lit. and original historical sources were seriously lacking.


Lord Jim

The Tempest

Taming of the Shrew


Oedipus Rex


Our Town

No Exit


The Stranger


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

As I Lay Dying

Great Gatsby

portions of Canterbury Tales

portions of Paradise Lost


A Christmas Carol

Old Man and the Sea


lots of other short stories

Bartleby the Scrivener

Tell-tale Heart

Pilgrim's Progress

Wuthering Heights

Madame Bovary

The Scarlet Letter

Lord of the Flies

Gulliver's Travels

Crime and Punishment


Walden excerpts

poetry, mostly in the Brit. lit. year

I remember Moby Dick, excerpts only

The Wasteland

Lesson Before Dying

Edited by Penelope
fix something
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I'm assuming that you're asking about up through 12th grade? I'll asterisk the ones that I can't recall were H.S. or college. I was on the honors track.





Romeo & Juliet

Julius Caesar

Antony & Cleopatra

Merchant of Venice

Twelfth Night

Midsummer Night's Dream

*The Tempest

Arthur Miller anthology

Animal Farm


Brave New World

Fahrenheit 451

Crime & Punishment

Pride & Prejudice

Wuthering Heights

Great Gatsby

Old Man and the Sea

Scarlet Letter

To Kill a Mockingbird

A Separate Peace

Huckleberry Finn

Great Expectations

A Tale of Two Cities

Jude the Obscure

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Ethan Frome

Age of Innocence




Bullfinch Mythology

The King Must Die


Aeneid (in Latin)

Epic of Gilgamesh excerpts

OT excerpts

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison


Autobiography of Frederick Douglass

Call of the Wild

Gulliver's Travels


Canterbury Tales


Edgar Allen Poe anthology

*Grapes of Wrath

One of the Dumas novels, can't remember if it was The Three Musketeers or The Count of Monte Cristo. One was assigned and I liked it so much that I read the other on my own.

Candide (in French)

Le Petit Prince (in French)


ETA: I'd forgotten about being assigned The Joy Luck Club until I saw it on someone's list. We also read one of Louise Erdrich's novels during the same "multicultural" unit.

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I went to a private, all girls hs that followed a classical curriculum. All we studied was classics in literature and history. I don't think I could list them all!


For ps from 1st through 8th grade, we did many classics as well, but I was in an accelerated/gifted program so our books were often 2+ grades ahead. Here's what I remember...


The Hobbit

A Wrinkle in Time

THe Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Poe's short stories

The Cay

Tom Sawyer

Huck Finn

The Secret Garden

Charlotte's Web


The Diary of Anne Frank

Farenheit 451

Call of the Wild

A Separate Peace

To Kill A Mockingbird

The Red Badge of Courage

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

A Christmas Carol

Our Town




I know the mainstream kids did not study the same caliber of literature as my group did just from being friends with kids who were not in my program.


When I was teaching 8th gr. Language Arts in NH 6 years ago, we would teach The Diary of Anne Frank, Poe's short stories, Night, The Giver, and The Incident at Hawk's Hill (not a defined classic), The Dangerous Game (ss), and an assortment of poetry.

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Okay, this is what I remember by looking at other lists. Some I may have read starting in 8th grade - I know Romeo & Juliet and Dante's Inferno were 8th grade. In high school I took Honors American Literature one year and Honors British Literature another year. One year I took what was officially called Multi-course English but we called Multi-Course Slide. Each semester was a different topic and I chose Science Fiction as one of my options. Some that I really like, I read for the first time around high school age but I don't know if they were assigned or I just read them. We didn't have a television so I read a LOT! In class we averaged a novel a week - didn't realize that was so unusual.


I went to school in Suburban New Jersey in the late 1980's.


The ones I think were just for fun:

Watership Down (have this on my shelf to reread now)

Three Muskateers

Count of Monte Cristo

Bulfinches Mythology

Martian Chronicles

Alas Babylon (love this book)

All Creatures Great and Small (also All Things Wise & Wonderful and All Things Bright & Beautiful)

Oliver Twist

Murder on the Orient Express (I used to read all my grandmas old Agatha Christie books - my favorite is And Then There Were None)


Lord of the Rings

Time Machine

War of the Worlds

Handmaids Tale (may have been after high school - not sure)

Martian Chronicles


My favorites that were definitely assigned:

Flowers for Algernon

Portrait of Dorian Gray

Joy Luck Club (maybe college?)

Greek Myths

Dante's Inferno

White Fang

Brave New World


Scarlet Letter

pretty much everything Poe


Fahrenheit 451

Lord of the Flies

Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde

Canterbury Tales

Animal Farm

Witch of Blackbird Pond

Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank

Island of Dr. Moreau

Lost World

The Odyssey

Color Purple (a rough one to read - emotionally)

Romeo & Juliet


Frost poems

Tom Sawyer

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Once & Future King

On the Beach


Ones that were assigned that I didn't care for/don't really remember much about them:

The entire Norton Anthology of British LIterature

The entire Norton Anthology of American Literature


Pilgrims Progress (sorry to those who love it but I hated it)

Paradise Lost

Gullivers Travels


Ralph Waldo Emerson selections (Boring!)

Death Comes for the Archbishop

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Old Man & The Sea

Slaughterhouse Five

The Jungle (yuck!)


Raisin in the Sun

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Look Homeward Angel

Notes of a Native Son

Autobiography of Ben Franklin


I forgot the Most Dangerous Game - but that was a short story, wasn't it?

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I definitely remember reading these with my classes in high school:

The Scarlet Letter

The Jungle

Call of the Wild

Billy Budd

The Crucible

The Great Gatsby

Red Badge of Courage


Ethan Frome

Walden (in detail, for the entire year, or at least that's how it seemed)

Catcher in the Rye

Lord of the Flies

Native Son (not sure if the entire book or only portions)

Light in August

Doll's House (Ibsen)

Romeo & Juliet (8th)

Much Ado About Nothing (12th)

Pride & Prejudice

Jane Eyre

Crime & Punishment (in great detail, for at least one semester, maybe the whole year)


Time has probably made me forget several (including all of 9th grade), but those are the ones that stick out.


I also read others where one book was not specifically assigned but where we had to read on our own and present/write about it. Others like, say, The Hobbit, I read in 7th grade, I think, along with an inordinate amount of Sherlock Holmes (assigned) and Edgar Allen Poe (not, but we did memorize The Raven).

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I graduated high school from a small (v.v.small) mining town in Arizona in the late 70's. I think all the high schools in Arizona had the same procession of reading back then. My husband grew up in a different small mining town and read the same books I did.


Freshman: Romeo Juliet

Sophmore: Red Badge of Courage

Junior: Julius Ceaser

Senior: MacBeth


There were probably other books but those were the 'big one' each year.


I have no idea if Arizona high schools still follow the same pattern.


I learned to love Shakespeare but I loathe...loathe...loathe Red Badge of Courage.

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It's been a while since high school but off the top of my head:


A Midsummer Night's Dream

Romeo and Juliet


Julius Caesar


Pilgrim's Progress (excerpts)

Dante's Inferno (excerpts)

Last of the Mohicans

The Turn of the Screw

Oedipus Rex


Henry V

The Great Gatsby

The Old Man and the Sea

Moby Dick

Grapes of Wrath

Farenheit 451

Lord of the Flies

Animal Farm

The Scarlet Letter


Of Mice and Men

Atlas Shrugged

Catcher in the Rye

Death of a Salesman

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Crucible

Canterbery Tales (excerpts)

Walden (excerpts)

Of Mice and Men

Red Badge of Courage

All Quiet on the Western Front


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The Odyssey

Lord of the Flies

Tom Sawyer

The Hobbit


Animal Farm

Lots of poetry- I especially remember Keats

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Romeo and Juliet and several other Shakespeares

Tess of the Durbavilles

Jane Eyre

Pride and Prejudice


Probably more.....I went to a pretty good highschool- we learned Latin too.

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I spent all my school years in the same district.

It had a good reputation.:glare:I only was assigned 4 books I'd call classic , 3 in 11th & 1 Shakespeare play in 12th.Literature was from texts all other years.It was all about comprehension.:001_huh: In 11th grade we studied Hemingway, Falkner & Steinbeck, needed to read one from each author.There was no discussion ,just a little bio info lectured about.In 12th we read 3 plays, 1 of which was Shakespeare.No discussion, we did set design, costumes , lighting schedules as projects.

In no other grades were books assigned. I did have 1 crazy teacher in 3rd grade who read aloud to us from a classic.She chose "A Scarlet Letter", I remember as the book drug on , wondering when did we get to find out about "that valentine". :w00t::blink::lol:

I had a personal library pass arraigned from the guidance councilor I could use any time I wanted to get out of a class. I was given this because I had complained of not getting any help from my teachers and I was bored.Not once, ever did a my parent, teacher, the councilor or librarians speak with me to offer advice on something to read.:ohmy::sad:


I read about a book a day, saved the long ones for weekends. Part of my library time was spent in the reference section following bunny trails of interest. I read most of the library, my regret is spending little time on biographies.

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Some of you ladies have amazing lists.

High school was in the early 80's so a few things may have been forgotten.


Great Expectations

The House of the Seven Gables

The Scarlett Letter

The Old Man and the Sea

Romeo & Juliet


The Great Gatsby

The Catcher in the Rye

Two Gentlemen of Verona

several classic short stories, including The Lady or the Tiger, The Metamorphosis, & The Gift of the Magi

a poetry unit or two, including one of Shakesphere's sonnets and some Poe

a unit on Poe, included The Cask of Amantillado and The Tale Tale Heart.


Being frequently bored in class, I used to pull the anthology off the bookshelf next to me and flip through it. So among others, I read The Lottery and The Red Badge of Courage. :D

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I tried to make a list of the works I'd call classics that I covered in my school days. These are works that were assigned, not books I read for my own enjoyement. I went as far back as 8th grade, because that class included Chaucer, Shakespeare, etc. (I didn't include other works that I read as a high schooler that weren't assigned.)




Wow - that's quite a list!


I don't remember reading anything in Jr. High, although I'm sure I must have read something.


In high school (public school) I remember reading lots of poetry - Dickenson, Poe, Shakespeare, Eliot, Frost, etc - probably from a lit. book.


Animal Farm

Tess of the D'urbervilles

Tale of Two Cities

Jane Eyre

Brave New World

Wuthering Heights

Cry, the Beloved Country

some Flannery O'Connor

some Greek Myths and several Greek plays

Huck Finn

a couple short stories by Scott Orson Card


Surely there was more? I just don't remember. Some of y'all had some serious reading going on there! A lot of the classics you've listed I didn't read until an adult, and some I still haven't read (The Scarlett Letter! I'm going to dig that out right now.)

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I cannot even begin to fathom how some of you ladies remember the years you read what.


in no particular order and to the best of my recollection (meaning I'm sure I'm forgetting...)


The Great Gatsby

A Separate Peace

Catcher in the Rye

To Kill a Mockingbird

Lord of the Flies

Of Mice and Men

The Outsiders

The Brother's Karamazov

Romeo and Juliet



The Old Man and The Sea

For Whom the Bell Tolls


Narcissus and Goldmund

The Jungle

The Scarlet Letter

The Crucible

Lots of Poetry. My senior Eng teacher was a published poet/Author


The Canterbury Tales. And that year my teacher could read/speak in Old English and man, hearing him lit a fire in me. He loved literature. All of my English teachers did.


More, but those I really remember.

Edited by justamouse
as I remember...
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This is what we read in its entirety in high school. We did a lot of excerpts in our literature studies as well as a lot of poetry but I can't remember all of those now.


The Hobbit

Wuthering Heights

Romeo and Juliet

To Kill a Mockingbird

Lord of the Flies

Julius Caesar


Tender is the Night (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Jane Eyre

Far from the Madding Crowd

Cry, the Beloved Country

Murder in the Cathedral

In depth study of poem Gift of the Magi


In Jr High, I remember reading:

A Separate Peace

My Brother Sam is Dead

April Morning

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Oedipus Rex



Romeo and Juliet

Julius Caesar


The Taming


Midsummer Night's Dream

Henry V

Richard III

Grapes of Wrath

Pride and Prejudice

Northanger Abbey

Mayor of Casterbridge

Flowers for Algernon

Les Miserables

To Kill A Mockingbird

Canterbury Tales

The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet Pimpernel


Fahrenheit 451

Tale of Two Cities

David Copperfield

The Crucible

Anna Karenina

Animal Farm


Tom Sawyer

Madame Bovary


DanteĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Inferno

The Painted Bird


On the Beach


Watership Down

Diary of Anne Frank


Le Morte D'Arthur


Jungle Book

Heart of Darkness

GulliverĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Travels

The Voyage of the Beagle

Moby Dick


Kipling, Byron, Frost, Tennyson, Longfellow


Selections of myths and short stories


and I am sure many more.

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Let's see if I can remember. My school was lit heavy, especially my senior year, Brit Lit.


Romeo and Juliet

Julius Ceaser

Our Town

Of Mice and Men--some other Steinbeck too

the Pearl





Twelfth Night

Henry V--the movie had just come out so we went to see it too

some sci-fi book I can't remember

Great Gatsby


Oedipus Rex


Cantebury Tales

Great Expectations

Call of the Wild



On my own, I read

Madam Bovery

Jane Eyre

Pride and Prejudice

Les Miserables--unabridged

Wuthering Heights

Not so much "classic" but I read Herman Wouk and Leon Uris


There has to be more, we always read in my English classes. I do know I got out of high school having NOT read Lord of the Flies, Huck Finn, Grapes of Wrath Not sure how I lucked out with those.:D

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12th grade - AP English

The Grapes of Wrath

Wuthering Heights


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

King Lear


Crime and Punishment

Native Son

Lord of the Flies


11th grade

I took Journalism and Creative Writing - no major books


10th - English 10X

The Diary of Anne Frank


Romeo and Juliet

Julius Caesar



9th grade - English 9Y

Mostly excerpts - don't remember any particular books

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My recall memory would miss most of what we read. My recognition memory works better, so I'm mostly working off of your lists. Here's what we read (and I know I'm going to be missing some). We were always reading something and always outside of class. (80's, small high school, upstate NY)


Grapes of Wrath

Red Badge of Courage

The Oxbow Incident

Romeo & Juliet

King Lear



Richard III

The Taming of the Shrew


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

To Kill a Mockingbird

Lord of the Flies

Oliver Twist

Tale of Two Cities

A Christmas Carol (this was likely earlier than high school)

The Diary of Anne Frank (middle school I think)

Our Town


Call of the Wild

Les Miserables (abridged - in French)



Flowers for Algernon - both the book and the short story

The Scarlet Letter

Heart of Darkness

The Portrait of Dorian Gray

Bridge over the River Kwai (sp?)

Count of Monte Cristo (a favorite of mine - I used it on the AP test)

The Old Man and the Sea

The Sun Also Rises

The Good Earth

Tom Sawyer (middle school I think)

On Walden Pond

some Canterbury Tales

Black Like Me

Silas Marner (middle school I think)

The Color Purple

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

All Creatures Great and Small

Light in August (my least favorite!)


Plus, poems and short stories, etc.

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Of Mice & Men

Romeo & Juliet

The Scarlett Letter

if it counts, Slaughterhouse Five

The Oedipus trilogy


the end.


I read way more on my own. This was in a "nice" school district and their higher level English classes.

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I don't recall being required to read one single classical work in school.


I can only remember reading excerpts of the Odyssey, Romeo & Juliet, and The Tell-Tale Heart from our literature textbooks.


I read lots of biographies, true-crime (Ann Rule) and Stephen King novels on my own during my junior-high and high-school years.


Graduated in 1985 from a northern VA high school.



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I'm sure there were others, but this is all I can remember right now. (Public school, '80's)




Poe short stories



Romeo and Juliet



Julius Casear


Of Mice and Men

The Inferno

Death of a Salesman

Shakespearean sonnets



11th: ???





something else Shakespeare - maybe King Lear? or Richard something?

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Canterbury Tales

Wuthering Heights


I feel like The Crucible and Fahrenheit 451 might have been in there somewhere, too.

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I graduated in 2001. After looking at these lists, my lit education was pitiful! I was in an australian public school, I guess they went for lowest common denominator books...


I took a course in literature (not the normal 'required' english LA) which is where I read most of this in years 11/12:


Tess of the D'urbervilles

Some shakespeare (medea)

some plays (streetcar named desire)

some poetry (mostly sylvia plath and emily dickinson)


yep, that's about it. I read a few others on my own at home, nothing to do with curriculum. Pretty standard too, my university literature lecturer was livid that no-one in the class knew anything about the odyssey, illiad, inferno, paradise lost etc... grumblings like 'what are they teaching now-a-days' were often heard!

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