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OMG what IS it with boys?!?!?! (or is it just MY boy)?

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My 5 y/o son got a talking to yesterday when one of my almost 8 y/o nephews came inside and informed me, "Ben just peed on the side of the house." (like on the walkway between the houses).


I called Ben (my 5 y/o) in and asked him what the heck did he think he was doing and told him that's gross and he'd better not ever pee on the side of the house again, and that we have a bathroom right here thank you very much and he'd better come in and use it when he has to go.


His response?


"Caleb did it, too."


My almost 5 y/o nephew had followed him in and I told him sternly, "Well, don't you do it again either! NONE of you better pee outside in the yard again, if you have to go to the bathroom, come in the house!!! That's not appropriate!"


Fast forward to a little while ago. Ben wanted to go in the backyard with his cousins and I reminded him, "You better come in the house if you have to pee, you hear me?"


So a few minutes ago, what do I see when I look out the kitchen window into the backyard to check on them?


I see my son's bare butt and he's got his front pressed up against the fence and he's PEEING INTO MY NEIGHBOR'S BACKYARD!!




All I could think was, I hope they aren't looking out their window! :svengo:


So I called him in and made my nephew go home and yelled at him and plopped him into a time out on the steps...


I swear, my girls didn't do things like this!!

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No, it's not just your boy. Nor is it just my boy. Sometimes it's my husband, and that's all I'm gonna say about that. :glare:



I actually asked my dh to pee in the backyard to keep the coyotes from eating our cats.....and to keep my garden safe from whatever it was that ate all of my canteloupe.


He politely declined. :glare:

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I swear, my girls didn't do things like this!!


Girls aren't as easily equipped to do things like that :lol:


Ds really like to pee outside and I finally told him that "big boys who are 5 don't pee outside" We were a few weeks away from his birthday so I told him that after his birthday he wouldn't be able to do that anymore. That worked for a while :lol:

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Girls can be pretty disgusting too. When my neice was 4 she came around the corner of my mom's house, pulling up her pants. My mom asked her what she was doing and she said "I had to poop". Mom went to check and sure enough, she had gone around the side of the house and done just that. Her explanation? "I had to poop and I didn't want to go inside cause I wanted to stay outside and play".

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No, it's not just your boy. Nor is it just my boy. Sometimes it's my husband, and that's all I'm gonna say about that. :glare:


Ummm...yeah. Same thing here. And god forbid we're at the Inlaws who have 10 acres. Then it's FIL, uncles, cousins.

SO gross. :glare:

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I swear, my girls didn't do things like this!!


Girls aren't as easily equipped to do things like that :lol:

dd7 recently told me that when we were at a relative's house, she saw her younger (boy) cousin in the bathroom, with the door open, and he peed standing up! We've been teaching her about privacy, and closing the door when you use the restroom, so she was as much concerned about the fact that he didn't close the door as the fact that somehow he was able to go while standing. :lol:

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I invited our new preacher's wife and her children to our house to have a playdate and meet some of my friends. As she drove up our driveway, she was greeted by the sight of 8 naked backsides as my and several others' children lined up to have a pee race in our backyard.

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Tazzie has been caught racing outside to pee on our tree.


The one that almost killed Wolf and I though...


Diva had been teasing him. I watched him stand out of arms reach of her, arch his back, and hose her down. First time I'd ever seen the term 'p*ssed off' in action :lol:

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We told the boys it is okay to pee in the woods. Way away from the playground.


I still remember the day I caught my son going potty next to a tree. Way away from the playground. In the middle of a field. So everyone could see him. Except he was popping a squat to go #2. As I ran across the field screaming "Nooooooo!"

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Oh, my goodness! :lol::lol::lol:


Schmooey peed on the playground the other day, at the Lutheran school where Emma participates in Girls on the Run. He was underneath the jungle gym, the one that looks like a dome, whipped his shorts down and peed. His little friend was mortified. I told him he needs to pee in the potty, and he's been good about telling me since then that he needs to go and we go inside, but I thought I would die.


He really likes it when we're working outside and he gets to pee in the bushes. By "gets to" I mean he sneaks off where I can't see him and pees on something.


A good friend of mine asked me recently if he'd tried to see how big of an arc he could make yet. :ack2::laugh:

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I just asked my boys if they ever peed outside. My 13 yo laughed and pointed at the 14 yo and said, "HE DID!!!!" I never knew!!!! That was the same child that peed down the drain in our basement. (Again, a surprise to me!)_


Then there's the 10 yo. There was a HORRIBLE smell coming from the bathroom for a couple days. I kept it VERY clean, but it still smelled like pee!!!! Well, the then-4 yo boy was PEEING IN THE TRASH CAN instead of the toilet. Why? He doesn't know.


My dd, on the other hand, is appalled that people would go outside. We were hiking the Appalachian Trail this past summer and she had to go. I kept showing her how we could do it. I even showed her!!! My dd REFUSED!!!!! She actually held it forEVER - seriously - HOURS (I wasn't going to cut the hike short for one person!)!!! We made it to a grocery store and she was a happy camper!!!!!

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Ya, we have similar stories. My dh loves to write his name in the snow. He saves up so he could attempt to spell the last name too. He's greek... he has a loooong last name. :lol:

My boy peed in the middle of my sister's outdoor wedding. I do mean the middle. He was literally behind the bride in groom (who were holding hands) and everyone saw his cute little tooshie. Thank God he pointed it that way and not towards the bride and groom! :lol:

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Well, thank you all for sharing your stories and making me feel better (and some of those are truly hilarious) (and I've learned it could have been worse, he could have pooped outside haha).


I'm all for letting a kid discretely pee outside somewhere if there is no alternative/no bathroom nearby, but when the bathroom is about 20 paces from where you're playing and a neighbor could look out and see you (and you're also peeing through the fence into their yard)... just, no! lol.

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No, it's not just your boy. Nor is it just my boy. Sometimes it's my husband, and that's all I'm gonna say about that. :glare:

My next door neighbor was complaining about the shed in her yard. Her main complaint was that every man that ever entered her yard always went to the back and peed. She could never keep her flowers growing there.


I will say that last week several men, including my dad, were were here building me a shed. They were here 8-10 hours a day and not one came into my house to pee. As long as I don't see them, and the neighbors don't either, I would much rather they pee outside than dribble down my toilet.

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:lol::lol::lol: I think *all* boys go through that stage of peeing outside!


My two boys have freaked out when caught on a trail, and I tried to get them to pee in the woods. It took some major convincing to get them to pee outside, so I'm pretty sure they've never done it in public where they could be seen. My DH is super modest so I can't picture him doing it anywhere but the woods.

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Ohhh, yeah. I hear you! We used to live in the country where it was more...hmm...acceptable for the little guys to do that if need be. Since dh rejoined the military, we've NOT been in the country, but the little guys will still act like it on occasion.


My almost 9 yr. old came barreling into the house last week, yelling that my 5 yr. old peed in our driveway. I asked said 5 yr. old WHY he did that when the house (and bathroom) were not far away. "But Mama!" he said, "I REALLY had to GO!" :glare: :tongue_smilie:

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I have no problem with boys peeing appropriately outside against a tree if they are mostly hidden from anyone- as in, if they move into a bush or stand behind a tree. It's a boy thing and I like to keep that nature spirit, wilderness loving aspect alive even in the 'burbs. Against the house? No, thankyou- that would smell! I have my limits!

I love boys! I mean, the world would be boring if it were all girls :)

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My 5 y/o son got a talking to yesterday when one of my almost 8 y/o nephews came inside and informed me, "Ben just peed on the side of the house." (like on the walkway between the houses).


I called Ben (my 5 y/o) in and asked him what the heck did he think he was doing and told him that's gross and he'd better not ever pee on the side of the house again, and that we have a bathroom right here thank you very much and he'd better come in and use it when he has to go.


His response?


"Caleb did it, too."


My almost 5 y/o nephew had followed him in and I told him sternly, "Well, don't you do it again either! NONE of you better pee outside in the yard again, if you have to go to the bathroom, come in the house!!! That's not appropriate!"


Fast forward to a little while ago. Ben wanted to go in the backyard with his cousins and I reminded him, "You better come in the house if you have to pee, you hear me?"


So a few minutes ago, what do I see when I look out the kitchen window into the backyard to check on them?


I see my son's bare butt and he's got his front pressed up against the fence and he's PEEING INTO MY NEIGHBOR'S BACKYARD!!




All I could think was, I hope they aren't looking out their window! :svengo:


So I called him in and made my nephew go home and yelled at him and plopped him into a time out on the steps...


I swear, my girls didn't do things like this!!


:lol: It's not just yours, I promise!


We went to visit friends that we hadn't seen in about 2 years. We had all 3 kids, dss-8, dsd-9 and ds-4. Now, I must confess, that I worked full-time then and Ds was in day care and THEY insisted on potty training him earlier than I think he was ready so they could move him into another room and open up a spot in the room he was currently in. It didn't work well and he ended up in pull-ups for probably a year, was still wearing them at night at the time of this instance. He followed our dog around the yard all the time at home. It was nothing to look out side and see him peeing, anywhere and everywhere. Thank God we live in the country! He had the hardest time with bm's and would frequently hold them until bath time and then go in the tub. YUCK! To put it simply...we had potty issues! Back to the story...We were visiting friends who lived on the edge of town on a corner lot. Dsd came in the house looking utterly horrified. Well, EVERYthing ds did at this point in time horrified her so I wasn't too worried. Until she said...Ds just pooped in friend's yard! :001_huh: And....then Ds wobbles in with his pants around his ankles and poopy butt. :glare: It was then that we realized what else the dog was teaching him to do outside! Dh and I were absolutely HORRIFIED!


So, um, no...it's not just your boy!

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I have no problem with boys peeing appropriately outside against a tree if they are mostly hidden from anyone- as in, if they move into a bush or stand behind a tree. It's a boy thing and I like to keep that nature spirit, wilderness loving aspect alive even in the 'burbs. Against the house? No, thankyou- that would smell! I have my limits!

I love boys! I mean, the world would be boring if it were all girls :)


I am with you, Peela. I just don't think our neighbors would be (proper Southern ladies and all, lol)!! :lol: I always tell them to run behind a tree, but it doesn't always work. This is the same little guy that when we were in FL, I told him he could pee in the ocean, meaning while he was IN the water. I would turn around and see a bare bum with him peeing into the water... Oh, well!

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My dh told me the other day that he has *never* been golfing with a guy who leaves the golf course to pee. Find a tree and get back to the game. I was a little stunned.


That said, he has been sure to teach our boys to use their flies. Don't want to MOON anyone, just pee in public. :confused:

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Drives me nuts, but dh pees outside (we are bordered by national forest though so private) while ds would never do it.


Anyone see that email circulating with the best photos for 2010? Loved the one with the little guy peeing on the army guys hat.

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Ya, we have similar stories. My dh loves to write his name in the snow. He saves up so he could attempt to spell the last name too. He's greek... he has a loooong last name. :lol:


I was cracking up at this, and read it to DH. He was like "Oh yeah, I do that too." What!?! I think it was better when I didn't know that!


This thread is hilarious! :lol::lol::lol:

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We live on several acres, so yes, my 11yo will pee in the woods when it is necessary. All my boys have done it from time to time (or a lot :001_smile:).


We were at an amusement park last week and a young man, probably about 18, stepped out of the line, turned his back, and peed. THAT was a little much.

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It was then that we realized what else the dog was teaching him to do outside!


:lol: When we were potty training DD2, she would always yell "I need to poop in the grass!" Yeah, just like the dogs. Now I'm glad she never did it! :lol:

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We had this problem with ds last Spring. We went camping at a place where the closest bathrooms were porta-potties. DS has some sensory issues particularly smells and sounds, and flat out refused to go in the porta-potties. We were able to drive up to the main building when he needed to poop but couldn't every time he needed to pee so DH "taught" him to pee on a tree out of sight. We were back home, at a playground where the only other kids around were two little girls there with two women. DS dropped his pants and started peeing in the middle of the playground. I was mortified and firmly told ds no more peeing outside. Later in the summer we were visiting friends who were having a huge backyard party. Because they didn't want people over-working their septic system, they had porta-potties. The little kids (they had two boys 5 and 3 years old) were allowed to pee outside in the back of the yard. My son decided to poop in the back of the yard. Once again, mortified.


I'm really glad to see this thread. I really thought we were the only ones dealing with these kind of issues.


DH occasionally uses what he calls the "second bathroom" which is off our back porch. We don't have any close neighbors and with a teenage daughter the only bathroom is often unavailable.

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Nope, not just your boy. My son (7) peed on the only tree in our front yard. That would not be such a big deal if we did not live in the house that EVERYONE who lives in the neighborhood must drive by no matter what entrance they come in from. UGH!!!!!!! Yea, I got several cute comments from various neighbors who apparently drove by during the incident. :glare:


We have never let the boys pee in the yard though they have friends who can, so I guess he figured he should try it. Why he had to pick the front yard I will never know. :001_huh:

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We were at a dear friend's wake last fall when the discussion turned to my husband's childhood neighborhood antics. There were stories of pranks pulled and getting yelled at for going on a certain neighbor's lawn and then the story turned to my husband peeing on his good friend's basement window when he was 5:001_huh:. His friend was at the wake and said that all he could remember was his sister screaming, "I'm telling!" and shaking her finger at the window!


When our son was much younger we had to make an emergency stop along a country road. Suddenly, he wanted to take the opportunity ever time we were on a country road :glare:.



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Boys, shmoys. Why do moms of boys think they've got the market cornered on stuff like this?


I have three girls. Each one, and myself, knows how to pee or poop in nature. It became necessary when at our farm after our house burned as there is no toilet. My husband has, unfortuneately, encouraged it a bit too much. Our dd7 developed an obsession with pooping in strange places and receptacles. She hasn't done it as much this past fall.


Her most common one, though is to perch on the edge of the truck bed with her butt off the side and let 'er rip. She did this recently while the truck was parked at home (not at the farm), and it was a number 2! it landed right by the truck door. Then she apparently got some on her shoes, got into the truck, got it on carpet, then came in the bathroom because older sister spied her and she came running in with her pants down to wipe. Poop was still on her shoes. So then it was leaving a trail all the way to the toilet and back. All this took place right before we were to leave to go somewhere! I had to yell at her to come and wipe it all up with disenfectant wipes-it took 15 minutes, at least!:glare:


When folks, like my neice, tell me how hard it is to raise boys, I just shake my head. I know her boy. He ain't got nothin' on my girls.:tongue_smilie:



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When ds7 was about 2 1/2 we were on a road trip and he, newly potty trained, had to go. There were no buildings in the foreseeable future, so I wound up pulling over and he peed on a tree near the road. Ever since, he has loved to pee outside. We have finally convinced him it is not okay to pee near where people are playing, and to find a spot where he won't be clearly visible. I figure that's good enough. Especially since dh does it too. :glare:

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