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twins...but not :(

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Last night after I ran I felt very crampy and had presssure on my cervix. Then I felt a POP and a gush, waddled to the bathroom and soaked a wad of t.p. with blood. Went to the ER only to sit in the waiting room for over an hour and then be told it would be at least 2 more hours before a room was available. Left, took 2 Unisom and went to bed sobbing. This morning I called my doctor (who is also a dear friend) and she told me to make an appt for an u/s. Thankfully I am on a first-name basis with the entire staff at the imaging center so they got me in right away.


2 sacs. 1 normal with a yolk sac measuring 5w4d; second one oddly shaped (elongated) and grainy inside. Second sac has a small bleed next to it.


So that's that. I knew I had twins in there and knew one wouldn't make it. I'm fine with the one not making it, oddly enough, and am now sending every mama vibe in me to that first babe. I never had bleeding with the other vanishing twins so this has me worried. I'm on couch rest for the next few days and will have another u/s next week.


I can't stop crying. All I want to do is hold my ds and breathe in his baby scent, hoping it will somehow help this precious babe survive.


I'm sorry to post yet another pregnancy issue but I desperately need prayers.

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But also interested: how did you know it was twins?




My hcg levels with singletons are:


14dpo 150

16dpo 300-400

18dpo 600-800


My twin pregnancies have been:


14dpo 300-400

16dpo 800-900

18dpo 12000+


With this pregnancy my levels were:

12dpo 110

14dpo 315

16dpo 862

18dpo 1700


Betas are clear indicators (for me at least) of how many babes are there and if things aren't going well for one of them. So I knew going into this u/s to expect one to not look good. My fear now is that the bleed will affect the good one.

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