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My family does not have an umbrella

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seems like every time we get one the kids destroy it. So for the past 3-4 years, we just don't have an umbrella.


Do you own one?


One in each car, and kiddo has one that looks like a dragon. He treats it with TLC because I told him when this one goes west, he's getting a boring black one.

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Nope--I gave up on them for the very reason you mentioned. When my children were a bit older, I had a very nice one that I was only allowed to use. I used it twice--left it on the porch to dry and someone stole it! That was several years ago--none since then.

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seems like every time we get one the kids destroy it. So for the past 3-4 years, we just don't have an umbrella.


Do you own one?


We do not. And sadly, we live in Oregon... And get very, very wet. I keep thinking it would be a good thing to have, but I'm fairly certain it too would end up broken. ;)

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We need to just all get ponchos. That's it. Ponchos need to make a comeback! I like the kind with hoods that have visors. :D


Umbrellas are just doomed by the universe it seems. They're far too interesting for their own good so kids can't leave them alone, the wind takes a beating on them--and seriously, who steals an umbrella?? Doomed I say!

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Nope--I gave up on them for the very reason you mentioned. When my children were a bit older, I had a very nice one that I was only allowed to use. I used it twice--left it on the porch to dry and someone stole it! That was several years ago--none since then.


Maybe Klepto the cat stole it!



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We do, but only use them on halloween lol, otherwise we all have coats with hoods. Umbrellas are not great tools to me. They are problematic with the wind and once used, you have to deal with yet another wet piece of plastic.

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We have two. Both have been hanging on hooks on the back of the bedroom door for the better part of a year. They NEVER get used.


That's what hoods are for. Besides, if you carry an umbrella, then what do you do with it? Lug around a large wet piece of plastic? No thank you.


Then again.... last time it rained here and we had to go out in it, DD and I puddle jumped through the parking lot. Ended up walking through the grocery store with our pants soaking wet and looking like drowned rats but... DD loved it! :D

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We probably have close to a dozen of different colors and sizes--DH needed black ones for work. Come the summer rainy season, it's just too hot to wear a jacket and unless we want to get soaked, we need one. The boys have very small Japanese umbrellas in the their backpacks all the time, I always carry one in my purse. Rain seems to come out of no where here.

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We do not own one either. My thing is it doesn't rain here enough to actually buy one. Well I did once and the kids destroyed it.


Now when I lived in Oregon I had one on me is seemed at all times. It rained there enough to keep on with you like a purse and phone. Just something you never left the house without.

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I just got a new one! :D

My 3yo has already asked if he can "...push the button again and again and again and again." :glare:


I only bothered to buy it b/c it was raining when the baby was in the hospital last weekend. I'm a loud cell phone talker and like to pace while talking, so I did laps around the outside of the hospital while updating family and friends.

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