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Are the gas prices changing your lives?

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I'm starting to be extremely conscious of driving now.


Co-op is a solid 20 mins. in the car and I wonder how high prices will go before I'll stop. Come to think of it, I could carpool w/ another mom.


Once our winter "extra" classes stop at the end of March, I don't think I'll be adding more until things stabilize.


What's everyone else doing?



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What I did when they went up after Katrina---work to be diligent about combining trips as much as possible and seek out options close to home. It did help that we had bought new (new to us) cars not long before that, choosing models that used about half as much gas.


When we first started homeschooling, I would drive anywhere for anything that sounded remotely educational. I think it was for fear my daughter would miss something (even though she was only 5;)). Going on six years later, I've become much more selective. Something has to be pretty unique and especially relevant for me to consider a long drive (which for me is over 20-25 min) one way, particularly if it's ongoing. I also consider how much useful time we get in the activity vs. travel time.

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Not yet, but it won't be long. I almost fainted when I filled up the van yesterday.:svengo: The problem for me is that I don't have any unnecessary trips that I could cut out, and we have too many kids to try carpooling. I'll have to cut other areas--groceries, homeschool books and supplies, and clothing. Ugh.


I noticed that food prices are increasing like crazy too, which I'm guessing is related to gas prices.

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I'm always aware of how much I drive and try to combine errands and avoid as much extra driving around as possible. My out-of-the-house job reimburses mileage so that's nice. DH has to drive for work (we provide onsite IT services to small businesses) so his gas expenditure is unavoidable although we may have to add a trip fee or increase our hourly rate to compensate for the rising cost of doing business. DSS chooses to drive to school so he has to pay for his own gas and his job reimburses him for mileage to/from work.

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Not yet, but I anticipate it soon.


Last time gas went to $4/gallon we did change our behavior. We stopped going out just to go out, stopped meeting people far away for fun, and combined trips like our scouts with Costco as they are near each other (almost 18 miles each way.)


We are also talking about getting a plug in hybrid as our next vehicle.



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I am sure it will be. I am getting worried as they keep going up. We were waiting to get hubby's "new" new car so I could start participating in group activities with our homeschool group, but since most of there stuff is at least a 20 minute drive for me... maybe not :(

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Ummmmm, YES!


Right now we are driving to Odyssey of the Mind practice every single day (thankfully the competition is on Saturday) -- We do OM through our co-op which is a 45 minute drive in each direction. It wasn't a big deal prior to OM season b/c we only went once a week, but since December, we have been gradually increasing and now we have been practicing 5 days and sometimes 6 days a week. I filled up the h3 yesterday and it was $65.00. It will need to be filled up again tomorrow at the end of the day when we return from OM.


I also drive dd30 to all of her doctor's appointments and some of them are at least an hour in each direction, and we will be driving to lacrosse games for both dds in another month -- right now I am driving to lax practice 3 or 4 times a week.


So, buying a used h2 (which is what I was hoping we would do at the end of this month) is pretty much not going to happen.


DH says we need a hybrid -- I cannot even think about it till after Saturday when the OM competition is over BUT YES, it will change our lives -- we will be moving closer to the location of dh's office which is also closer to our co-op, I will likely not drive anything as large as a hummer again.

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We're having to watch very closely. Trying to limit it to only necessary trips, etc. We're relying more on public transport as well. DD, DH and DW#2 both have bus passes (DD's is a free annual pass our city has for school-aged children, DW's is monthly, and she always gets it as she doesn't drive, and DH's is a heavily subsidized student pass that lasts until summer), and having done the math buying a 1 day pass for myself to go anywhere in a round trip is less expensive than driving our van for any round trip of 10 miles or more, with present gas prices. It's a trade off I'm staying very conscious of once the baby comes and I can actually walk real distances again!

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My DH will start walking to work if gas gets any higher. It's only 2.5 miles but he normally comes home for lunch so that is 10 miles a day driving. I'm also limiting my errands to one day a week, combining trips and walking to the bus stop even if it is raining.


We have decided not to go to NY this year for vaction..from AL that is quite an expensive trip in gas.

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Yep, we try to combine trips as it is because we live in the boonies, but with the gas prices rising, we'll REALLY be considering what we do. Especially come this summer (cuz, I'm sure they'll be even HIGHER) when we normally drive here, there and everywhere.


I'm seriously considering investing in a above ground pool (think Wal-Mart here lol) so that I won't have to spend $$ on taking the kids swimming at the lake at least once/week. I'll have to think about what else I can skimp on...

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There is no way around having to drive a lot since we live in a rural area, one of us has to pick up DD from school every morning and take her home for cyber school, and we have 3 boys chomping at the bit to learn to drive.


My SUV gets 10 mpg and uses the most expensive gas -- not good.

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We are talking about getting dh an electric scooter to drive to work, one of the good ones that will do highway speeds (he doesn't take the interstate or anything, but he wouldn't want a little putt putt one). He currently drives a small car that gets 35mpg, so I would switch to mostly driving it instead of my Escape which gets 23mpg.


I have already rearranged my shopping schedule to reduce trips, but our dojo that we love and go to 5 days a week is 20 minutes away. It would be hard to give that up, I am 2 years into the 3 it takes to get a black belt.

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One thing I end up doing is 'staying put" when I drive the kids to outside activities. We live 15 min on one side of where I work. Some of our activities are 15 min on the other side. i would often drop the kiddos off, then drive to work and then drive back to get kids, then drive home. Now I drive and stay. I sometimes exercise or do homeschool planning or whatever while I wait, but I don't drive.


I'm also using Gasbuddy.com to find the lowest price gas around. There is at least a 10 cent difference in prices around here. Saving $2.00 or so per tank is helpful as long as I don't have to drive too far for the cheaper gas!

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I'm struggling with this today!


Last week dh asked me to be conscious of my driving, combining trips, etc. He reminded me that activities I think are "free" aren't really since I only get 15/mpg and I'd already spent the entire month's gas budget by myself. In one ear and out the other...

:001_rolleyes: <-- me last week


This week, having spent almost half the gas budget already, I agreed we need to alternate weeks on activities. Instead of rapier *and* archery every week we are going to have to alternate weeks. Library must be combined with another scheduled outing, even if I have books on hold!

:scared: <-- me this week


I hate spending money on gas because it doesn't seem to benefit anyone... But I don't want to reduce our "quality of life" which currently includes 2 activities for extrovert 10 yo ds (one ending soon) and 2 family activities (which are now going to be alternated) and grocery shopping and the library, plus the occasional trek to a homeschooling friend's house. But the increased $$$ has to come from somewhere in the budget. What am I willing to give up? I just don't know yet.

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:001_rolleyes: <-- me last week



:scared: <-- me this week




That's me! I haven't had to get gas in a couple of weeks and didn't realize how high it was getting.


Last time it did this (a couple of summers ago), I started going to the grocery store once a month instead of once a week and doing our best to stay home whenever possible.


THANKFULLY, last month our local library moved to a new location only one block from my house! Lucky me!

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Yep... looks like we're going to stop giving rides to and from school... The schools are 1 to 1-1/2 miles from the home and I have driven mostly for the sake of my youngest, who has aspergers and worries about change...


But, enough is enough. Besides, I have to drive 200 miles every 2 weeks for either my older children to come see me or my younger children to go see their dad... and their dad is way too much of a bugger to understand, "I don't have the money for this!


So, it's time to stop the school rides...

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I would be in heaven if this happened here!!:D




We lived 1 block from a library in 1995, I loved it! Ironically, that was also the location that had no late fees. (Although I liked that, too, it is just ironic that the one time I'm near enough to run books by without hassle, they have no late fees.)

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Yes. The nearest town that has the activities the kids want to participate in and larger stores like Target is 40 minutes round trip. When the gas prices hit their highest a couple of years ago, I figured it was costing me $7 every time we made that trip. So, now I have their activities lined up on 2 days a week and I hit the stores when I need to while they are in class.


I did add in an art class for my daughter this year, but I won't even consider it for next year because of gas prices. There is a coop I'd like to investigate that is very highly regarded and a number of my friends participate in, but it's an hour away and if gas prices continue to rise, I just can't afford that.


We usually visit with my parents every Saturday and I am thinking that we may have to cut back on those visits as well if prices go to the level I keep hearing.



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The first time they changed (5 years ago) we changed our lifestyle. We traded in our Expedition for a Subaru Outback wagon. When we moved to a temperate climate from Minot ND, he began bike commuting. He hasn't stopped. Our Subaru is our primary vehicle, and his Corolla sits in the driveway, driven perhaps 3 x a month.


Of course he's driving nowadays because he had ankle surgery two weeks ago, but as soon as he gets the A-ok from his doc, he'll be back on his bike, commuting 16 miles each way to work.

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When the gas prices hit their highest a couple of years ago, I figured it was costing me $7 every time we made that trip. So, now I have their activities lined up on 2 days a week and I hit the stores when I need to while they are in class.




Us too. Our nearest town is 60 min round trip so everything gets scheduled into one or two very long days. We've been doing this for since the last gas hike. We've sort of gotten used to it.

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We never changed back to using more gas after the last time they went up. We already combine trips and do less driving. We'll just continue that.


Fortunately, we a really nice spot on our farm that goes up to a nice sized creek (maybe 40' across), in the woods, and quite private except for the multiple herons and the family of bald eagles. The setting beats almost any campground we've ever been in except for the flush toilets being about 1/4 mile away back at our house. We love it down there in the summer - hardly any gas required. If we drive the truck to it we even have electric for the laptop (no generator required as we use the truck battery).


When it comes time to visiting colleges for middle son, we'll have to see what we can do. He might have to fly to a couple of the farther ones alone. We didn't do that at all with oldest son. For now, we're only visiting the closer places.

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Oh yes, it has changed things significantly. Our vacation to Vermont in April has now turned into a 3 day weekend in PA at Hershey Park instead. For the price of camping and theme park tickets for 3 days, we will save $$$ as opposed to just the driving to Vermont and home to Maryland.


Just saw a news story about gas at one station in DC at $4.55 for regular and a station in Cali for $4.99 for regular. Hubby is ready to drop a grand on a road bike to ride to work because even though the initial investment would kill the bank account, the gas prices will do more damage over time.


:auto: as little as possible these days.

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SIGH. We are rural and my family lives 300 miles away. I have to drive everywhere and since we HS, we would drive to the park or somewhere just to get out. With hubbys hours cut and us in debt it will of course hurt us pretty badly, as does everything! I am not going to cut down on seeing my family, life is too short to not be around them as much as I can. So...whatever to stupid gas prices :001_smile:

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SIGH. We are rural and my family lives 300 miles away. I have to drive everywhere and since we HS, we would drive to the park or somewhere just to get out. With hubbys hours cut and us in debt it will of course hurt us pretty badly, as does everything! I am not going to cut down on seeing my family, life is too short to not be around them as much as I can. So...whatever to stupid gas prices :001_smile:


Yeah. Our family is scattered across Chicago and MO (and we live in TX). I also have a rental house in MO.


What can you do...


We're 15 miles away from the stupid grocery store, too. In July, we're moving into the city. :glare: That should help.

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Well, dh has had to take my car (our new reserve gas tank) to work a few times already. We had to cut back to library every other week. This will not work next year, but we've started jogging in the morning and I'm hoping we can get up to the fifteen miles we need to get there, as well as the weight training to carry the books.


It has helped us with math though. For some reason ds has taken to doing the math to figure out how much it would take to a. fill up my car, b. get me half a tank, c. how much gas I can get for the amount of money I'm spending.


Who knew this would result in a more mathy kid?

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DH does drive 30-45 minutes to work, but moving closer would mean a much higher house payment and higher taxes, so I'm not thinking we'd come out ahead.

Could he work closer to home?


Dh drives about 20 minutes. He took a huge paycut when he changed jobs (and we lost our benefits), but we save a TON of money of gas, and he gets to be home more.

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We've always been very aware of how much gas we're using. I try very hard to combine trips....

Two years ago we started being even more frugal about it, and haven't stopped - so there is no where else to cut back for this current increase.

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We haven't given it much thought at all. We don't really drive that much on a day to day basis. Dh's office is less than a mile away, as are the supermarkets, Starbucks, and a few other stores. The library, community center, and various playgrounds are a 10 minute walk, and there is a nice deli up the street. Definitely one of the perks of living in a 1 mile square town in suburbia.:001_smile: Once a week dh drives about 45 minutes each way to work with an employee that works from home. Most of our longer trips are business related, so they are going to happen no matter what gas prices are. We have a 4 - 6 week driving trip planned in May but it's a business trip with sightseeing on the side. We will just increase the fuel budget or stay in slightly cheaper hotels.

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We haven't changed too much yet. I try to combine trips anyway just because it is such a disruption to the school day. We still have to go somewhere just about every day though. The nearest anything is almost 20 minutes away so trips are long. We have a Prius so it isn't too bad on us - yet!

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DH does drive 30-45 minutes to work, but moving closer would mean a much higher house payment and higher taxes, so I'm not thinking we'd come out ahead.


Must he go to work to work? Some companies offer a telework option. Could he work from home one or two days a week?

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Typically I only drive a couple times / month, if at all, from May to the end of October. I have a trailer to hitch to my bike for groceries, and often walk to the store if I have one or two items. The closest store is 1.5 miles, a pleasant walk. I also walk or ride my bike to work.


This winter the weather has been just ghastly. I've been driving to work occasionally (1 mile), and I usually drive my son once a week to his Japanese tutor, then while he's there do the shopping. We've only ridden our bikes to Japanese once this winter. So I'm driving just slightly more than usual, but still only driving fewer than 15 or 20 miles / week.


I plan to get rid of my vehicle this spring, partly because of gas prices, and partly because our household income has been slashed in half. I have a Zipcar membership, and the cars are only a mile from my house, parked where I work. It works out to be ridiculously cheaper to not have a vehicle and to walk or bike or Zip to activities, and it's only slightly less convenient to not have a vehicle. (The biggest challenge I've had so far is finding a natural deodorant that actually works!) I have only dragged my feet about getting rid of the van altogether because of the unusual snow / wind / rain we've had this year.

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Our vacation plans have changed. We are staying home on weekends. I bought, where possible, this year and next year's books as I was ordering homeschool curricula as I think shipping rates will probably increase. We are planting a much bigger garden this year.


Oh. Yes, this. I had planned to drive out to Illinois to pick up my son from college in June, and swoop around the country to see friends and visit historical sites, but I don't think that can happen. Cross country driving trips were a big part of my childhood, epic "moments." It strange to think that my boys won't get to experience that. If the train were not quite so expensive, we could do the swoop that way, I suppose.


We're also planting a bigger garden this year. I hadn't thought about shipping prices -- most of the curricula that we are using and plan to use we already own, because I'm taking basically the same route with my youngest as I did with my oldest.

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We're loving that the new place is within walking distance of BART, the library and grocery store. The only places we have to drive are preschool for DDs and to church. I saw a listing in our soon to be old neighborhood and was sad until I realized that where we live now is an additional 10 minutes each way from everything.


My 11 year old Neon is on its last legs and mileage is definitely figuring into what we're considering for the new car.


Christine W

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We combine trips as much as possible. We just have to cut other places. I use the library more than ever and not buy new books. Wait on reading the newest books till the library gets them and same with dvd's. Cooking from scratch, not buying clothing unless needed, and just staying home.

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We haven't changed our driving habits but we definitely do not like watching the gas prices go up. When we traded the van in last summer, I got a Hyundai Sonata because it gets almost 30 mpg. That was important for me since I drive 68 miles round trip twice a week to attend school. Everything else we do seems minimal compared to that. :tongue_smilie:

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It won't affect us as much now. But, dh just started back to work this month. If he were still unemployed it would have drastically affected us. As it is, even with my cleaning jobs and the boys' activities, etc. I put about $40 in the van every other Thursday. We're very lucky. I'm so grateful he's back to work!

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