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What would you do after you are done with homeschooling and your kids are out of the

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What would you do for a job?

If money is not a problem or you don't need to go out to work to make money, what would you do?

My dh asked me to think about this.

I have a teaching license, but I don't feel like teaching in a public school. It is too stressful and I don't feel called to be a teacher in the U. S. even though I was a teacher in China for 11 years teaching graduate students and other adults. Dh suggests nursing. I am not interested.

So what would you do?

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Dh suggests nursing. I am not interested.

So what would you do?



That's kind of funny. Teacher or nurse. Maybe someone will suggest secretary and you'll have all the "woman" options.


If it were me, I'd want to work in a library or at a cute little tourist store in Gettysburg. (I live near there.) I'm tired of jobs with a high level of responsibility (including homeschooling--it's a huge responsibility.) I'd just want to show up at the library/shop, pleasantly put in my hours helping out the customers, then go home and relax.

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I work part time now as a therapist and adjunct college professor. I do it for the money primarily but I also enjoy the professional role. My profession is very flexible and I can work a contract job a few hours a week or teach college courses as I am able to work them into my schedule. I would imagine that I will continue to do this as long as we need the money or, if we do not, as long as I enjoy it. If the kids are gone and we dont' need the money and I don't enjoy working, I will do all of the fun things that I have put off for years while I rear my kids/homeschool.:D I also want to be a very available and involved grandma someday. Because of the ten year gap between my oldest and my youngest, I could very well be graduating my youngest while my oldest is having babies. I think I would like that just fine. My career has always been secondary.


Do you feel the need to prepare in some way for an eventual career when the kids leave your home? Many people change careers mid-life. I taught a graduate course last semester (clinical social work program) and I had several students who were middle aged, seeking second careers, including a police officer and a man with a business degree who runs a catering operation. One of my wonderful friends in graduate school returned to get her master's degree in clinical social work after 25 years as a high school science teacher. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Though I don't think you need to know that right now nor even have a career if you don't wish to.)

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If money is not an issue, find a volunteer program. If you are passionate about something it could turn into to a paying job you love or you could keep it low key and flexible. I know someone who turned volunteering for a farmers' rights group into a job.


If money were not an issue I think I'd do literacy volunteer work and become a yoga teacher (because once upon a time I wanted to be a physical therapist, but by the time I would have time to pursue that it will be too late).


Think about what your interests are and what causes are important to you and you will find something that fits. Your dh is right to ask you this. It's important to have a focus.

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What would you do for a job?

If money is not a problem or you don't need to go out to work to make money, what would you do?

My dh asked me to think about this.

I have a teaching license, but I don't feel like teaching in a public school. It is too stressful and I don't feel called to be a teacher in the U. S. even though I was a teacher in China for 11 years teaching graduate students and other adults. Dh suggests nursing. I am not interested.

So what would you do?


I would fall apart! :glare: Honestly, we are first time older parents of an only child...our daughter. But, she'll grow up and hopefully and prayerfully get married.


When she's married and on her own, I would like to travel with my dh some. I'd like to participate in sports with my dh like lap swimming, etc. And, just to be active: horseback riding, bicycling, gardening. Perhaps help him with a special project. Learn another language (Hebrew). Walk the dog more. Train the dog better. :D


Also, I'd really like to volunteer somewhere. I would like to be involved in missions whether it's local or abroad.


Learn how to paint and would like to take lessons for voice and continue horseback riding lessons that I recently started with my dd.


There must be more, but I'm thinking that schedule has me wiped out already. And, I've been complaining about this one. :tongue_smilie:


There are so many things to do. And, I have alot of interests.


I'd like to visit other family more. S <><

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great question!


if i still have the energy, i'd like to foster pre-teens/ teens.


otherwise i would love to be one of those campsite residents(can't remember what they are called) that live at the park and keep a watchful eye out. i'd love hiking and swimming everyday!!

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I am now a single mom, and my kids are 13 and 14. I am planning now for the time when they won't need me home with them so much. I am going to become a midwife, but first a doula. I have my first training in April of this new year and I am extremely excited.


I have had dozens of jobs, and know that at this point in my life I don't want just another job. I know enough about the school district to know that I don't want to teach there and I don't want to become a nurse, even though I was a nurses and teacher's aide. I prayed and prayed for several months and feel the midwife thing is just perfect for my skills, temperment and bent.

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I plan to sit on my couch, drink tea and read novels for at least a year. I will need to 'de-school' like one of those kids who gets brought home from ps.


Then.. I don't know. Maybe get a job at one of the local universities. My dh is an academic librarian and he can prob get me a job at one of the libraries. Honestly, after parenting and hs'ing, an entry level job like 'book shelver' sounds great. You go in, you can wear headphones and listen to your own music or podcasts, you put the books on shelves, you go home. Easy peasy.


I am not really good with an actual boss. I've been in charge of my own schedule and goals for too long. I don't take direction well. It's best I get a job without much oversight.

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I don't want to be tied down to a job. I want to be free to go wherever and whenever we need to go. I want to be close enough to my children to be able to help them with whatever they need. I don't want to worry about having to have time off approved to visit my children over holidays...


Besides...both my parents and my in-laws are planning on living with us. I have a feeling that will be "job enough," although I may really, really want to escape!

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I'd like to work as a homeschool support person. I'd offer tutoring, maybe have a teen childcare co-op, a fellowship time, a homeschool library---- wouldn't this be an awesome resource to have in your town? (Obviously this would be a volunteer opportunity, not a moneymaker).

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I understand private Christian schools (at least in my state) don't require a teaching degree. I figure if my kids do well they'd make a great resume/reference!


My mother is (long story) looking at being employed for the first time ever in 16 years from now. She doesn't want to do all the education and cirtifications and hard decisions of being a midwife, but she wants to be a doula/birthing coach. She's had 12 home births, so she's got the experience!

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I'm going to have to find some kind of job, to pay for college tuition and hopefully retire before we're 80. I've been thinking it might be interesting to do a few different part-time jobs instead of a full-time one. I've toyed with the idea of becoming a kitchen designer, doing some kind of tutoring (hey, I'll have lots of experience with that...), or even doing something with the schools - with early reading or math pull-out or even as substitute at the middle or high-school level.

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I am already studying herbalism and natural wellness, I'd like to continue on that track and maybe work in conjunction with a chiropractor to help people heal in more natural ways.


I also love everything about growing plants, I could see a broader interest in horticultural, to be honest I would love to own my own plant nursery or get into microfarming and sell at a farmer's market.


We'll see!

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We are hoping that after my boys graduate from college, the farm will be making enough that my dh can retire. So, I guess I will still be raising animals, which I love. I would love it if my daughter moved out here, then I could homeschool my grand-daughter too.



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When I'm done having babies, I will work in crisis intervention, as a victim's advocate or as a mental health technician. This is what I went back to school for, but have not yet broken into the field. At the moment, I'm looking into sexual abuse victim's advocate, adolescent drug rehab and inpatient mental health hospital. After my kids are big, Court Appointed Special Advocate for foster children and possibly crisis pregnancy center (actually my first choice, but not a practical option right now).

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My first thought was take a nap, but I am guessing that is not what you are talking about. My dd will be 24 when my youngest graduates. I am really hoping to be a grandma then. Actually, I was hoping to be a grandma long before then but God had other plans for my oldest son. I have zero interest in pursuing a career. I don't like waking up early and I don't like having a strict schedule - so that leaves most jobs out. I just want to take care of my family in a different way and honestly I won't know what that is until I get there.

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If we're still living abroad, I'll just tag along with dh on his business trips, and go bug my kids from time to time.:D If we're back in America or France, I may try to get some kind of job to contribute some funds. Dh is the breadwinner, so everything pretty much depends on what he does.


Who really knows the future?

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If $$ is truly not needed, I would likely not work for pay.


I'd take time to cook nice meals most days.


I'd rediscover quilting.


I'd run & do other workouts for a couple hours a day, including yoga classes.


I'd travel to visit & enjoy my young adult kids. . . to help them paint their homes, take them on trips, hold the grandbabies, etc, etc, etc.


I'd likewise be a good family member to my mom, etc and a good friend to my friends.


I'd be free to say yes to various volunteer/church/etc needs.


I'd baby my husband. Nice food. Nice home. Meet for lunch. Nice trips. Etc. Etc.

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If I needed a job, I'd probably teach in an early intervention preschool or become an autism consultant working with preschool children. I already have a degree, so I'd probably only need a few courses to brush up and renew my certification.


If I didn't need the money, I'd probably volunteer with teen moms/new moms.



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I am sort of in that position now- both kids busy, I have finished homeschooling. I felt at first that i needed to "do something", and i was getting a bit stressed wondering what to do. Not for lack of ideas, but too many possibilities and no strong pull in any one direction.

Dh has encouraged me to just wait and not rush into anything. While we could do with the money, he doesnt want me feeling I need to rush out and get a job just because i have finished homeschooling.

I am pretty sure something will turn up that will feel like the right direction to follow, but in the meantime, I am happy to declutter, cook and read.

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If it isn't financially necessary for me to work at that point in our lives, I would like to do some mentor or volunteer work, travel, and spend time with family. If I did need to earn money, I'd like to have a low-key job (not a career) where I can finish the day, go home, and leave work at work. Perhaps organizing library stacks or folding towels in a department store or filing TPS reports. :)

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My first thought was take a nap, but I am guessing that is not what you are talking about. My dd will be 24 when my youngest graduates. I am really hoping to be a grandma then. Actually, I was hoping to be a grandma long before then but God had other plans for my oldest son. I have zero interest in pursuing a career. I don't like waking up early and I don't like having a strict schedule - so that leaves most jobs out. I just want to take care of my family in a different way and honestly I won't know what that is until I get there.


I'm thinking grandma too. My two oldest will be 36 and 34 when the baby graduates. :svengo::eek: I'll be 56.


I also like the other suggestions of napping and reading. I'll probably garden too.:D

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And I'm thinking I'll just hang with the grandbabies as much as possible. I'm sure we will do some traveling. I would enjoy doing some volunteering, possibly even fostering or adopting an older child. I also LOVE babies, birth, and all related things and would consider becoming a doula.


I don't know yet...

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Right now, I'll be 55 once my youngest is 18, and I'm not positive he's my last baby.... so I won't really be at an age to start a new career.


But, I plan to become a hypno-doula and Hypnobabies instructor once I no longer have wee ones of my own. And then once my youngest children are teens, I'd like to be a birth assistant for a midwife, and I think that's what I'd continue doing once I have an empty nest.


That, and grandmothering. :D

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I'll be 54 when my youngest is done with high school, but by then my oldest will be 36 so I hope I'll be enjoying grandbabies.


I have thought about this from time to time .. the possibility of HAVING to go back to work (which I haven't done in 12 years). I do not want anything to do with children. :tongue_smilie: But I would enjoy a coffee shop or quilt store or something like that - maybe own one. Something social and easy going - where people would love to gather, take classes, drink coffee, enjoy each other.

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I haven't read all the replies, but I'd consider pt teaching or volunteer work to start- there are many homeschool co-ops and families that love hiring teachers for classes as well as schools and after school programs that need volunteers.


There are great community programs to volunteer with- Meals on Wheels, nursing homes, hospitals, etc.

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The kids are out of the nest, permanently?


I would move to a pretty, one-story house that has two full bathrooms, 3 bedrooms (one for a guest room in case a child returns to the nest), a level and paved driveway, and a small, beautifully landscaped yard. It would be very close to or in town and, if at all possible, near where the children live.


As part of this process, I would get rid of everything DH and I don't want. This includes all video game consoles, which I'm sure the kids would take anyway. It does not include the toys that I am saving for me (under the guise of saving them for our grandchildren), photographs, the kids' memory boxes.


I would redecorate the house to suit my taste, because DH doesn't care how it is decorated, and I would not have to take anyone else's needs, wants and tastes into consideration. Think light, airy, Swedish, uncluttered. Everything would be upholstered in Crypton fabric so it would be easy to clean when children visit us.


I would find a way to make money. I'd need to do that, and I want to make my own money. I would buy a small car that is not suitable for carting around groups of people.


If I had time to volunteer for anything, it would be to help local schoolchildren improve their reading skills.

Edited by RoughCollie
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We just moved to the house I'm sure we'll live in when ds goes off to college. Even if he lives at home for college my plans will still be similar. I plan to write, giving top priority to that instead of homeschooling.


My dh is going to fish. We'd love to travel, spend the winters someplace warm.

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I have educational licenses. ESL K-community college, English 6-12, Social Studies 6-12, and school counseling Pre-K through community college. I would much prefer to go back to the counseling office part time, but with my other credentials I am asked to teach ESL first. If I were to go back to the district I left (after 16 years of working), I would have a much better chance of counseling.



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That's kind of funny. Teacher or nurse. Maybe someone will suggest secretary and you'll have all the "woman" options.


If it were me, I'd want to work in a library or at a cute little tourist store in Gettysburg. (I live near there.) I'm tired of jobs with a high level of responsibility (including homeschooling--it's a huge responsibility.) I'd just want to show up at the library/shop, pleasantly put in my hours helping out the customers, then go home and relax.


I would do that, too. But I don't live near Gttysbrg!


I'd LOVE to work in at a library but they just made HUGE cuts again and many lost jobs. Somehow I don't see that happening for me for a loooong time.

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Haven't read all the replies... there are other options for teachers than public schools: private school, tutoring (either at a center or privately), co-op, para-professional in ps (you won't make as much, but you put up with less carp), etc.


I'm going to go back into geriatric social work. I miss my old people!

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