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Everything posted by tantechell

  1. we have 4 boys and 2 girls..ages 19-5...i would like have a wonderful baby sitter and a tropical vacation!!
  2. writing strands.. Handbook of Nature Study...Fairviews Guide.. 5 sets of Saxon Homeschool kits..4 different "grades" almost $500
  3. http://www.zometool.com/ I am so glad you posted this- I want these!!! Parts by the Pound!! COOL!! My son (we;)) LOVES stuff like this!!
  4. Scotia, DS said LOFadvanced algebra was not very challenging, and wanted to try something else. He started in Jan and by mid-March he was done. I thought he rushed through it, didnt really know the material, but we can give him "test problems" and he does know how to do it.:bigear: --- Thanks to everyone for their anwsers, I will definatly look into everything (including LOF just in case LOL) I wish I were stronger in math, I couild do it myself, but I'm learning right beside him!!
  5. Hi, some of the other members have recommended your online math class. My son just finished Life of Fred Advanced Algebra and we need to find a good source for Geometry. If you can get back to me I would be grateful!! Tantechell@yahoo.com

  6. what has everyone (anyone?) used for Geometry? My son just finished Life of Fred Advanced Algebra, and is wanting to use something else--[we love Fred, can't say enough good things about Life of Fred] he's ready for something challenging! all opinions welcome!:tongue_smilie:
  7. not the only girl, next to youngest of 6. I am trying to a make "schedule" where i can sit along side her- secretly I hate schedules, but dont I tell them- !! It is harder with a 4 yr old getting into everything ;). Do ya think if I give her a blank assignment book, letting her keep track of what she needs to do- would help? Wow! frogmom! Id hate to tick you off!! LOL!! a lot of what you suggest has crossed my mind. I hate the idea of being harsh, but lazy is a hard habit to break once it starts. I tried to talk to her dad about restricting her screentime on his end but he doesnt seem to think it is a problem ..well duh! not a problem for HIM..he isnt responsible for dd like I am!! Thanks ya'll for the input, I needed it. sometimes i want to yell check please, and get outta dodge..
  8. What do you do with a 15 yr old daughter who cant complete a daily chore - or- homeschool assignment w/o being reminded every hour? Will not get out of bed until 9 or 10 am..will not sleep until 12 am or so- There is constant complaint about any and all school lessons, and we have switched almost as constant to try to find a "fit" for her- it has become a waste of time and money on material. We dont have a television, (just internet) she has no mp3 player or ipod or the like- to remove as punishment- really we dont have anything that she could "loose for disobedience". If we try to talk to her (or end up yelling when things get bad) she just cries. She much rather would like to spend her time drawing or coloring and reading books that would be considered for entertainment..nothing even remotly related to learning anything. When she goes to her dad's on weekends.. she is allowed to watch t.v. all weekend, and stay on social sites like Gaia for all hours of the night. I love my daughter more than anything, but these habits are not healthy for her physically or mentally. She has put on alot of weight being sedimentary and that has caused her alot of heart ache, but I can't get her outside or to make better food choices. and that part scares me.
  9. it does nothave to be strictly Christian cirr. suggestions,she says she understands what is being presented but it is very boring!!! We did so Paces for a little time, but they didn't work either, (again boring).. not sure to even try Abeka now- even they both are nicely laid out cirr. I do not know of a "less text book more hands on " cirr out there! My son is doing apologia , but he is unsure of it now as he found some contradictory but correct information (in another program). A more hands on approach would be a good change of pace anyway.... any suggestions are welcome and thanks a bunch!!
  10. Apologia, is out for my 15 yr old daughter. Going on 2 years and can't get thru general science!
  11. Josalyn (girl) crisayln or chryaslan (girl) Ivy (girl) Mary Dell (my grandma's name) arrow (boy) and a friend named her boys "Lance" and "blade" we already have Ian, Tyler, Cory, Jessica, Shayna and Eli.. 3 with i's and 3 with y's My father was named Trannie Vyron, my brother was Vyron Dale, and my nephew was Vyron Trace-- (trace like meaning 3)
  12. where we are- the public school will NOT let a homeschooled student atend UNLESS they have been accredited records. I didn't go that route (extra expense). Also, uniforms are mandatory at our public schools..(also extra expense- we have 6 kids--even if a uniform cost $30- that's $30 x 6= $180 to dress for school for ONE day! and we would have to have @ least 3 uniforms each - do alot of lauundry during weeek- that's $180 x 3= $540 for just clothes that get them in the door- dont get me started on suppplies.. BUT I digress..) This is enough to make me stop my vent @ DH :bigear:
  13. well. so much for my "research everything out so i know what I'm doing " plan. :001_huh: I guess we are made that way so we can always learn through life. Thanks to everyone for the info!:D multiple intelligences, very interesting...i think i will look up Mr.Howard Gardner..thanks a bunch!!
  14. :iagree:I think everyone who reponded so far has been perfectly correct. Sometimes "family" like that is not interested in your reasons..they want to control your decisions. and you may really have to cut ties with those who instist on pushing their opinion. My mom is like that, I had to tell her to butt out-but she doesn't even hear me like sh'e trying to turn kids against me.. so we don't see my mom that often. and she knows why. sad but neccessary.
  15. Before we ever started h'schooling- I spent almost 2 yrs reading and researching everything I could. I wanted to go into this with eyes wide open to every pro and con. Saying all this because I need to know if anyone else here can tell me: Can people change their learning style? The anwser should be painfully obvious, seeing how much effort I put in to prepare myself...but it's not.:001_huh: visual-spatial ---- Kinesthetic-- auditory-sequential--- you get the point...
  16. We have 6 in our family, ages 4-18. Each month a kids gets a different job. Example:: kid A gets dishs, kids B gets floors/trash, kids C gets laundry...ETC... there is no "who didn't wash their plate?", "i don't have any socks, who's turn?" The 4 yr old helps the older ones- he can unload dryer , stack& carry dishs, wipe table and cabinets-- he loves to help! Good habit training (something we didn't do until late) is vital. Had to train MYSELF TOO! My grandma always made me put something back right when I was finished with it or put clothes away right when they finished drying---I hated that--but NOW I know why:tongue_smilie:
  17. for past 10 years--HRBlock,We always used the same person-lovely lady but I am really tired of paying between $300-$500 for tax prep. fees!!! My husband made $37K last year{not well off, but bettter than the alternative}We have a few itemized deductions, so I really don't think it would be hard to do them ourselves.
  18. i would wait, my tubal lasted 9 years , then suprise- twins!! We told everyone right away, all the kids were so excited- then I was in my 4th month and no heart beat. We decided to tell the kids asap. they were so hurt. A few months lataer their bio dad and girlfriend got pregnant,and suffered loss twice that year- it was too much. life is sometimes cruel, but I just would wait.
  19. Words to live and learn by!! Glad to know that my little schedule is not the only one in need of reorganizing!!
  20. we have 6 kids, they have friends over but not a group at a time, one kid can 1 or 2 over a time..everybody else will have to come different days. When ours were young we started breakfst at 7, eat and get out- dont come back for anything until lunch (repeat with dinner) and that proud tradition lives today! regular company knows the routine, (and yes drink out the hose). With so many in a house - I have to be this way to have ANY sanity (and a mostly clean house)
  21. excellent question! I am looking for something for our kids now. 2 have just hit high school (gulp) . I guess there is no perfect cirr. maybe I'm too picky?
  22. there's an end???? Ours are 17,17,16,16,14 and 4...maybe by the time the youngest starts, (hopefully)I will have it all figured out
  23. I agree that sometimes it is good to have a preschoooler otherwise occupied, if the family can afford it, a good private preschool is fine...for a day or two a week,but I personally would not send any of ours to a public school kindergarten, Audry said it perfectly!!!
  24. anyone using just suggetions in WTM? I ws looking over" A History of Asia", any comments? thanks
  25. Both my sons had really bad acne, and one had a problem with excesive body odor(no matter how many clean he was or how good the antiperp/deod). Doctor told us to increase his Zinc intake by a very small amount a month. This solved the acne/ odor problem wonderfully
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