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courage spinoff, What terrifies you....

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yes. me too. Mice, snakes, roaches too.


I had a mouse in the house a couple years ago. I opened a drawer to get a dishtowel and it popped out at me. I jumped into the kitchen sink and couldn't stop screaming.


(dh came in and asked "why didn't you grab it?" He was annoyed with me for not catching the stupid thing)

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Being home after dark without my Dh. He took the older kids to a ball game last night. I was a mess from dark until he got home (about 8:00). I'm not really a wimp, but I had three incidents when I was a teenager that seem to have made an impression. We lived out in the country so it should have been nice and quiet, but we had an escaped convict camping out at our property line, a strange vehicle in our drive in the middle of the night waiting for the train to go by (Dad was thinking drug drop), and my BIL and his brother coming by to scare my sister and I when my parents were on a hunting trip. I was never hurt. I never even came into contact with someone trying to hurt me. Silly, huh.


ETA: Since I've had kids, I also obsess about things that could harm them. I think, "How could I get all four kids out if there was a fire." I can't count on Dh. He doesn't have a hurry button, and he is hard to wake up. The boys have an old alarm clock in their room. The accidentally set it one night, and it went off about midnight. I hear it, leap up with my heart pounding, and look for smoke on my way to get kids. I'm yelling at Dh to get up. He leisurely rolls over and asks what is going on. I told him that night that he is on his own in a fire. I'll wake him up, but then the kids and I are out of there.

Edited by Meriwether
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A few years ago, someone on another board posted pics of a "whip" spider or something like that. It looks like a cross between a scorpion and a spider and I don't care what you believe about creation - there is something just VERY wrong about that thing. It's like it was made from the worst of both. Or that it wandered off the set of a sci fi movie...


I have almost zero interest in traveling to the Middle East (hate dry air but would love to see King Tut) but when they posted pics of that thing from Iraq, that pretty much sealed the deal for me.


I've had more nightmares about finding one of those things in my cupboard than I care to think about. :eek:


I'd sleep with a snake if we loved him and he was ill. I catch spiders and take them back outside if it's at all possible. I put the worms from the driveway back into the grass after rain. But if I had a whip spider in my house, I'd shoot it without giving one thought to the tile floor or the drywall.

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large spiders create panic attack like fear in me. I used to be that way about all spiders, but lately I've gotten more brave.


Very tall bridges. I have driven over one once. We have two in our town, think shipping lane high. One even has the audacity to curve in the middle. I'm okay riding over them in the car, forget the driving.


When we went over the bridge in San Diego to Coronado Island I almost made dh stop the car. I closed my eyes and we made it.

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I squash spiders with my bare fingers. I pick up mice by the tail and toss them to my barn cat. I am the family snake killer. (DH is petrified) I climb to the top of the silo to check the grain level. (DH is petrified) I check the farm/ cows/ barn at night, alone. I hike the woods alone. I even snorkel alone. I love roller coasters and most rides. I travel alone; stay in hotels alone. I confront people when needed, even scary, intimidating people. I tell the truth when I have to. I do my absolute best to never let fear stop me from doing what I want to do or what needs to be done. But....


To loose a child or Dh....just the thought petrifies me.

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Snakes, all kinds of snakes, any snakes, slithering snakes, squeezing snakes, did I mention snakes????


I don't even like pictures of snakes. I try not to teach much of anything about reptiles so I don't have to encounter snakes. DD likes snakes, I literally make her do the units on reptiles with her brothers! When she was younger, I made dh teach the reptile units. I refuse to let them buy books on snakes!!!!!


Play snakes are evil, models of snakes are evil, artwork with snakes is EVIL!


Threads about snakes make me shutter...if a snake came near me, I'd probably scream and pass out. There was a snake preserved in a glass jar in our biology lab in college. I was nervous entering the room and I had to make sure NOT to glance that direction.


Faith - neurotically, deranged when it comes to snakes

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What terrifies me?

Not terribly serious things....

snails, cockroaches, snakes, spiders

heights - I'm terrified that I will have a moment of temporary insanity and just throw myself over whatever it is I am on top of, even though I have never experienced a moment of temporary insanity. I picture myself just jumping, and then I get dizzy and move away from the edge!


Serious things...

my kids rebelling and hating me when they're teenagers

Edited by KrissiK
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TRAINS! If I am first in line at a railroad crossing, I about come out of my skin thinking it's going to come off the rails and plow into me.

My other one is heights. It's not necessarily fear of me being in a high place (although I am uncomfortable even standing on a chair), it's seeing someone else up high. I guess it could be better described as a fear of seeing someone fall. Our neighbors are building a boathouse and there are men teetering all over the beams and it's making me crazy! :eek:

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Unruly crowds. Every so often there's a news story about a stampede at a sports event or some other overcrowded venue, and that just horrifies me. We were in a large, pushy crowd at the Olympics earlier this year, waiting to get into a stadium, and those news items were all I could think about.

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I've done some decently courageous things in my life (not compared to some people, but they seemed pretty brave to me)


But I am afraid of crazy fast high amusement park rides, my biggest fear I guess would be going on living if something were to happen to my dh or my children.


Right now I'm terrified of reading the rest of this thread and finding new things to be scared of. :tongue_smilie:


Scorpions are my big, irrational, screaming-in-terror, don't even wanna look at them fear. *shudder*


I'm not a fan of spiders, wasps, flying, or driving near water (bridges, country roads next to lakes, etc...all I can ever think is that if we ended up in the water, how would I get all the kids unbuckled and to safety? Nightmarish obsession.)


And I'm terrified of the house catching fire. I check and double-check things before bed.


The thought of SIDS horrifies me. Of ANYTHING bad happening to my kids.


And tornados scare me silly.


This is a pretty long list, huh? Ironically, I also fear that perhaps my anxiety is a little out of control...

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Right now I'm terrified of reading the rest of this thread and finding new things to be scared of. :tongue_smilie:


Scorpions are my big, irrational, screaming-in-terror, don't even wanna look at them fear. *shudder*


I'm not a fan of spiders, wasps, flying, or driving near water (bridges, country roads next to lakes, etc...all I can ever think is that if we ended up in the water, how would I get all the kids unbuckled and to safety? Nightmarish obsession.)


And I'm terrified of the house catching fire. I check and double-check things before bed.


The thought of SIDS horrifies me. Of ANYTHING bad happening to my kids.


And tornados scare me silly.


This is a pretty long list, huh? Ironically, I also fear that perhaps my anxiety is a little out of control...


Oh - This is me, too. Exactly. I only mentioned getting the kids out of the house if there was a fire, but this is my other "how would I get all of the kids out." Honestly, if I put my hand over the baby's mouth and nose, could I swim to the surface with the other three hanging on? I have nightmares about this.


I am become more nervous about heights as I get older. If I am walking along a railing, I hold the baby away from the railing. I am always telling the kids to stay back. My SIL stood the kids up on a rampart wall (castle in Spain). She was holding onto them, but I about flipped out.


IRL, people think I'm calm. Only my Dh, sister, and mom know I have irrational fears.

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My #1 fear? throwing up. Seriously. Yes I am a dork. I havent thrown up in like 10 years and I sometimes sit around worrying about what if I throw up? Like I am going to NY in December. I am excited to fly, but all that has been crossing my mind is what if I get sick on the plane and throw up? I have already looked into the best anti nausea meds out there....what is wrong with me? Puking is not that big of a deal!!


I am scared to death to stay home alone at night. We live out in the country, I hunt and can shoot a gun just fine, but I cannot stand to be here after dark alone. Hubby had to go out of town for work for a week last year and I slept during the day.

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TRAINS! If I am first in line at a railroad crossing, I about come out of my skin thinking it's going to come off the rails and plow into me.




Ooo. I saw a commercial for a new movie coming out, "Unstoppable." It looks like it's about a runaway train. You don't want to see that movie!!

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My #1 fear? throwing up. Seriously. Yes I am a dork. I havent thrown up in like 10 years and I sometimes sit around worrying about what if I throw up? Like I am going to NY in December. I am excited to fly, but all that has been crossing my mind is what if I get sick on the plane and throw up? I have already looked into the best anti nausea meds out there....what is wrong with me? Puking is not that big of a deal!!


I am scared to death to stay home alone at night. We live out in the country, I hunt and can shoot a gun just fine, but I cannot stand to be here after dark alone. Hubby had to go out of town for work for a week last year and I slept during the day.


It's my #1 fear too!!! There is actually a name for it "Emetophobia".

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So good to see that I am not alone in my irrational fears.:tongue_smilie:


*Snakes and mice reduce me to screaming like a little girl. I HATE being the first person up in the morning and being the one to turn the lights on in the kitchen because I've been unlucky to see several mice scurry across my kitchen floor.


*Walking on the peer with my kids. I have to hold their hands because I'm afraid they'll fall over the side and crash onto the rocks or go into the deep water and I won't be able to save them.


*Tight places and being in the middle of a crowd of people. I thought I had gotten over it until Sunday when DH put DS's robot box head onto me while we were trick or treating. It was a tight fit and I had to keep taking deep breaths to not panic that my head was in a small box. Crazy, irrational, I know.


*Staying home alone at night. I have gotten better only because DH spent 4 nights in the hospital in August and I had to stay home alone since my usual place to crash is my Grandma's and she was out of town. 2 weeks ago I had to stay home alone overnight again and I did just fine. So maybe this fear has been conquered.


now that I think about it, there is something more terrifying to me than loosing my kids....


the thought that they would turn away from me, from God, from the fundamental principles of their raising as adults.


That's scary to me.


:iagree: I try not to even think about it, but I know it would kill me to have to stand back and watch my kids turn away from God.



TRAINS! If I am first in line at a railroad crossing, I about come out of my skin thinking it's going to come off the rails and plow into me.


I am the same way! I am not afraid of it exactly, but I am uncomfortable thinking that I would get squished if the train derailed. And it's not completely unfounded because we've had several derailments in my area over the last 5-10 years.

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I have recurring dreams of something horrible happening to one of my children and I am helpless to do anything about it. Seeing them falling off of a cliff or caught in a fire or whatever. It terrifies me.


I LOVE my husband, but I could handle something happening to him much better than happening to one of my kids.



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I've done some decently courageous things in my life (not compared to some people, but they seemed pretty brave to me)


But I am afraid of crazy fast high amusement park rides, my biggest fear I guess would be going on living if something were to happen to my dh or my children.



I'm afraid of being eaten alive. I used to love to surf when I was a teen. I mean, I really, really loved it. Then I got bit by a shark. I could never go in the water again. The stark realization that I am food... that scares me.

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My number one fear is losing one of my children or my husband. I can't even let my mind go there, or I get hysterical.


I am also very scared of spiders and scary movies.


And I am absolutely terrified of living with bipolar disorder the rest of my life and the effect it will have on my precious babies.

Edited by Nakia
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OH MY. I just googled that and got chills myself from the pics. Forget trying to kill it I think I would run screaming and leave state!!


A few years ago, someone on another board posted pics of a "whip" spider or something like that. It looks like a cross between a scorpion and a spider and I don't care what you believe about creation - there is something just VERY wrong about that thing. It's like it was made from the worst of both. Or that it wandered off the set of a sci fi movie...


I have almost zero interest in traveling to the Middle East (hate dry air but would love to see King Tut) but when they posted pics of that thing from Iraq, that pretty much sealed the deal for me.


I've had more nightmares about finding one of those things in my cupboard than I care to think about. :eek:


I'd sleep with a snake if we loved him and he was ill. I catch spiders and take them back outside if it's at all possible. I put the worms from the driveway back into the grass after rain. But if I had a whip spider in my house, I'd shoot it without giving one thought to the tile floor or the drywall.

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I am fine with snakes (well, I jump but am fascinated if I actually see one in the wild, and we have a pet one), and fine with mice and roaches and all those things. We live near a river and have plenty of rats around.


But we have had too many shark attacks around here these last few years. I love the beach and our beautiful Indian ocean, but darned if I will stay in very long or go out very far anymore! I get jittery and I am sure sharks can smell fear! I still swim- and I don't even believe in killing the sharks- I love them in one way- but I stay close to shore and am hyperviglant about dark shadows under the water.


I also do not like amusement rides. Even the ferris wheel will have me sitting on the floor of the cage and calming my breathing.

I was pregnant with dd16 last time I went on a thrill ride. Dh and I thought, lets have some fun. I screamed the whole time for them to stop the ride- and I meant it- but they didn't. It was so horrible.


I am a bit teh same on boats. I like to be able to see the shore, and feel I could swim there safely. I get jittery and have to soothe myself. SO, I seem to prefer solid earth under my feet. Heights get me too though not so badly if I feel the structure I am standing on is safe enough.

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