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How does your dh serve you?


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I know, probably in many ways, but which are the main ones that come to mind? Which are the most meaningful to you?


Did he learn this from his dad's example? Or did he want to be different from his dad?


What do you think your boys (and girls) are learning from your dh's example?

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My dh makes me coffee every morning. OK, he might not pour in into a mug on the days he works (and I sleep in), but he makes it. Even grinds coffee beans daily. Heart him. :D I find that hot hot hot. He looks very cute in boxers as well.


My dh is very much like his dad. My FIL was a very respectful and thoughtful man who cleary adored his wife. I miss my FIL. :(

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My dh does the dishes every.single.day! I hate dishes and he feels since I cook he can clean. He also brings me home flowers at least every other week. I love flowers more than jewelry, chocolate, etc. and just seeing them in the kitchen in the mornings brighten my day!

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He does all the yard work.

He brings me Starbucks iced tea on his way home from work.

He cleans up after himself.

He will empty the dishwasher.

He will fold laundry.

He keeps the car filled with gas.

He provides for his family.


Holy cow, I could go on forever. He is a GREAT guy and yes, he learned it from his parents.


I think we both try to out-serve each other in a nice friendly sort of competition. We love each other and would do anything for each other.

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My dh is amazing and he has a servant's heart when it comes to family. Many times, he is the cook for our family. He is also the grocery shopper. He refuses to let me do things outside (unless I really WANT to) - for instance, mow the yard. The one time I did mow the yard, he came outside begging me to get off the (riding) lawnmower because to him, it meant he wasn't taking care of his wife...he was letting me take care of him! Crazy, but it is how he felt (I did finish the yard, though). My husband rubs my back, makes me desserts, fills my car with gas, fills my windshield washer fluid, turns down the bed the way I like if he goes to bed first, and so much more. He is a wonderful husband who does way more than I ever would need him to do for me. He enjoys doing it. He takes great pride in "taking care" of our family. :) I praise God for him, daily. Not just because of what he does for me...but because of who he is. I love my hubby!


My husband's dad was a wonderful dad, but no, my dh is different from his dad. His did would have never cooked for the family and such - he was a lot more old fashioned than my dh.

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Wow- how to count the ways.....


He's always been aware of what needs to be done and just DOES it. He doesn't need an invitation. He'll take care of the following, if need be:

dishes, diapers, laundry,cooking, doing the dishes, sweeping/mopping the kitchen floor, taking the dog for a walk, calming a fussy baby, bringing a baby to me during the night to nurse (can't count how many times he did this!), bathing kiddos, putting them to bed- with animated stories, songs, prayers and letting his little girl 'fluff' daddy's hair (!).

He takes care of fixing things, painting, building and the heavy yard work- we have 3 acres but, I LOVE to mow.

We are a pretty good team and I'm thankful for him everyday. He saw his own dad's servant heart and I know it's instrumental in all this but he's just an amazing guy who loves to take care of his family.


I am blessed beyond measure and tell him how grateful I am EVERY day. God has given me a treasure.

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Dh does the week's worth of laundry while I'm at work. He keeps my car clean and running perfectly, and fills it with gas when he knows I need to leave early to get somewhere. He never complains about meals.


But what really means a lot to me is that he supports my part time job even though he doesn't get why I want to work. We don't need the money, it's just that after 20 years of being a SAHM, I wanted to get out and spend some time not being a wife and mom.


He learned much of this from his dad, who is a great guy.

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The most meaningful thing he has done for me is to overlook some things my parents put us through. He was ready to consider them non-existent and break off all contact with them but my heart was telling me to work past it and forgive and forget. He would have been totally justified in never speaking to them again but he worked really hard to forgive them also, for me.


The thing that he does the most often that I greatly appreciate is that he gets up early on Sat. mornings and shoos the kids downstairs before they can wake me up. I sleep until about 10 and then he makes me breakfast. His French Toast is awesome!


He definitely did not get these traits from his father. He will often say that he tries to be a better husband\father than his dad was.


I hope my dc see in both of us that a marriage is best when both parties have respect for each other and that we do things for each other not because it is expected or demanded but because we love each other and it makes us happy.

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My dh stayed home with a sick baby tonight and let me go to an evening service. So he bathed and cuddled baby down for the night. He also prays daily with the older children and puts them down for the night. He goes to their rooms and tucks them in even though they are older and talks to them. He often makes coffee in the morning and pours it and brings it to me. He picks up after himself. Pitches in and helps in the kitchen when I ask (otherwise he usually doesn't)

He buys me special treats that he knows I enjoy like Kit Kat bars. He fills the gas in my truck when he has it and sees it's low, because he knows I don't like to do it.

He works faithfully bringing home income so I can be a SAHM. He's very generous with how I spend money(I try to not take advantage of it though) On special days he gets me presents and encourages the children too also. :001_wub: He's a great man! I could go on and on but he's waiting for me to come:lol:

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I know, probably in many ways, but which are the main ones that come to mind? Which are the most meaningful to you?


Did he learn this from his dad's example? Or did he want to be different from his dad?


What do you think your boys (and girls) are learning from your dh's example?


He does the dishes with the kids after dinner


He has probably done 50% or more of all the laundry, he washes/dries and I fold and put up...(bad back, but I think he'd do it anyway! He's good that way)


If I'm short some items for dinner he's always happy to stop and pick up the necessities..


He keeps the pool chemistry balanced and cleans it all himself


He totes my 50 pound bags of stuff for the horses to the barn


He's worked 2 jobs while we got stuck with 2 mortgages, almost never a complaint....I think he actually cried when we were leaving the closing attorney's office...tears of relief and joy..


If I ever ask for anything (I don't often) but need a towel that I forgot to bring out to the pool..he'll gladly bring one....or if I've already sat down and am comfy on the couch and cold, he'll bring me a blanket...he'll let me lay down in his lap while we watch a movie/show and brush my hair! We figured out during my 3 pregnancies that brushing my hair took my nausea away, we've just always done it since...it's sooo relaxing...


I could go on, maybe that's why I want to serve him so much..at times I fail, but I think our marriage works well b/c we put the other one first not ourselves most the time! :)

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Honestly, I don't know if he really does - at least I don't think he thinks really of serving me. And I don't really think of serving him to tell you the truth. Both of us have a lot that we do that benefits the family but I think both of us think more in terms of serving God directly.


But I do benefit from when he puts gas or oil in one of the cars, when he gets on one of his cleaning or organizing kicks, when he takes the kids somewhere, when he does things because I ask him to and of course I benefit from him working for pay.

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makes coffee in the morning.


does the dishes.


cooks three nights a week.


paints my toes. He usually throws in a foot rub too.


And listens to me rattle on at the end of the day. This is huge, because I need to talk things through to process them. He very much does not, but he listens anyway because he knows it's important to me.



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Oh, do you mean as a partner? Beyond making coffee?


My dh and I are a team. I can't think of anything he can't do to help our family run smoothly. He's a rock and he rocks. :D

We're partners here, we talk about our relationship being a partnership often. Tonight after he came in from work, we ate dinner (yup, I served him), then he did all of the dishes by hand, dried them, and put them away. On the way home he stopped and picked me up groceries I needed. Yesterday he brought me home a bag of HUGS to fuel my PMS. He took a goofy temporary night job so I could get a car sooner than we planned (at which point he'll be working 6 days a week with his own biz and 5 nights on a temporary night gig). He always thinks of me and remembers the little things. Love that :thumbup:.

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He has always help cook, clean, laundry anything! He takes care of the cars, bills, insurance. He does anything and everything with the kids, even homeschooling. He has taught them how to clean as well.

He never lets me clean the bathroom or take out the trash, he says those are dirty jobs and he doesn't want me doing them.


I have had some serious health issues since we have been married and he goes to my appts with me if at all possible and I so appreciate that. He doesn't necessarily go if it is minor but he is there for the "big" ones.


He did NOT learn ANY of this from his parents. I think he does these things because it is HIS love language.


He's the greatest!

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He works hard and comes home every night. He loves me. He loves and interacts with the kids. He is a good and honest man. He is a kind man.


Inspite of his Dad being a real butthead..... he (hubby) turned out to be a great guy! He took his lessons in manhood from the Bible/God....not his biological sperm donor Dad.

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Dh does yardwork, laundry, dishes, cleaning around the house. Since my bursitis/arthritis has been bad, he has been rubbing my legs many nights... even in the middle of the night he'll ask me if I'm hurting and often doesn't take no for an answer if he suspects I am. When the kids were babies, he would get up and change diapers before bringing them in for nursing. He's a huge blessing to me and I don't know where I'd be without him.


His father was no example at all. I hope our boys are learning from him.

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Gosh, how to even start?!?! He works a lot so I can stay home during the week and homeschool, he cleans the kitchen every night since I cook, he brings home take-out when I don't have time/don't feel like cooking, he puts the girls to bed every night, he does all the yard work and anything in the house I ask him to do, he supports a lot of my crazy ideas, he cuts out wood for my many projects (lol!), he rubs my neck when it hurts, he tucks me in if I go to bed before he does, he is kind and gentle and patient, he loves his girls like crazy, and best of all he loves me in spite of me. :001_wub:

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Dh does the obvious- brings in the money.

He also makes breakfasts regularly (eggs), loves to buy me presents and take me places, and he is the most incredible Mr Fix It. He fixes everything from faucets to zippers on clothing, keeps our computers going, anything electronic or mechanical, services my car...he loves to serve.

I think men do generally love to serve their women.

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Dh took my dad in even when every part of his being was screaming,"NO!!!"


He fixes everything that needs fixing; cars, plumbing, lightbulbs, tv, computers, etc...


He cares for our one acre and doesn't ask me to lift a finger for outdoor chores.


He built me a chicken coop and just the other day, when I asked if he would build me a brooder, it was done within the hour.


He does the laundry AND folds it, and cleans my house spotless when we have out of town guests coming or hosting a party of any sort.


He works 10-12 hr. days and then works on cars to help make ends meet.


He deals with all the insurance people because I hate it.


I could go on and on. My dh is awesome and I try very hard to 'best' him in service just to show him how valued he is. :D Like for instance, our cat died so we don't have a mouser. I just finished putting out traps and poison because I know he just cannot do that job! :lol:

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My husband helps me by:


*cleaning up supper dishes every night


*making supper once or twice a week (or picking up takeout)


* doing all the grocery shopping for me


* always keeping my van filled with gas


* clearing off my van of snow every winter or scraping the van windows


* taking out the trash


* helping to get our kids ready for bed


* mopping the floors and cleaning the bathrooms


* putting in laundry and moving to dryer ( kids and I fold and put away)


* pitching in wherever I need it without being asked


The man is amazing !

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Where do I begin? Dh's main purpose in life seems to make my life easier :001_wub:


- he gives me free time without the kids without me asking for it

- he listens to me if I have problems

- he washes dishes/pans, puts in dishwasher

- he cooks when he needs to, no complaints ever

- he does equal housework, 50/50

- he refills ink in printer if I need it for school

- he reheats food for me very often

- he prepares delicious sandwiches for me very often

- he picks up the kids if I can't do it

- he helps ds get dressed for tae kwon do

- he teaches dc art

- he's always available to help me in anything I need

- he always calls me to tell me his whereabouts and when he'll be back home

- he'll ask for permission (he really doesn't have to! He wants to!) before he watches a movie with his brother and/or father/mother

- he takes the trash out without complaints

- he decorates the house

- he tells me often I'm beautiful

- he manages all the finances, pays all the bills- excellent, BTW

- he works so I can stay home with the kids and homeschool

- it was his idea to homeschool and if I wanted to work, he swears he would have stayed home with the kids

- his family is his number 1 priority


His dad is very much a family man. He may not clean, but he's the main cook, took his now grown kids to baseball practice and was coach, fixes everything around the house, saves the family money, does grocery shopping, clothes shopping, etc.

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My hubby went half way across the country to stay with my mom (for a week) when she came home from a stay in the hospital and was not supposed to be by herself for long periods. She was dying of cancer and refused to have any of her children there watching her. So hubby showed up and she was delighted to have him hanging around. What other service could he ever do for me that would mean so much!?

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What a bunch of sweet guys we have.

My dear one fixes dinner even when he has had a bad day at work.

He does most of the grocery shopping or we do it together.

He fixes the cars, yeah, he can fix just about everything.

He cleans the bathroom sometimes.

Talks to our sons when I have had enough of trying to get through to them.

Something else I won't say what. Wow. No, stop it.


He cleans out the fridge!:ack2:

He compliments me on what I am trying to do: staying home with the kids.

He supports our decision to homeschool by not demanding I get a job.

He makes me a cup of tea.:)

He doesn't tell me what to do unless I ask "what am I going to do?"

And even then he says something nice, really nice.

He deals with the bills and shops for cheaper auto insurance.

If someone is sick and needs something in the middle of the night he will help them or even go to the store, like he did for me last night.

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My dh works 2 very demanding jobs so that I can stay home with the kids.

He does all the yard work on our 4 acres.

He is renovating our garage so I can have a bigger bedroom.

He does all the grocery shopping (with coupons :D).

He cooks dinner about once a week and lunch when he is home.

He helps with laundry and sorts the socks!

He vacuums and picks up on Wed. nights, because he knows I don't have time.

He helps me watch the little boy I babysit during lessons.

He loves our girls and spends as much time with them as he can.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop and just say that he loves me and he takes care of us. And he absolutely did not learn that from his father.

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He makes the money.



I could have been working, too, by now, but SillyAutismBoy has kinda thrown a wrench in that plan. Part of the reason I was able to homeschool was because I had to be home anyway;)

Now I am trying to teach SAB how to use a key to unlock the front door so if I am not at home, nor his siblings, he can get in the house when the school bus brings him home. And lockup when he leaves for school. But then there is always the problem of him trying to cook unsupervised, etc. - he really can't be left home alone for too long. And in three years he will have aged out of school anyway and be home 24/7.

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He goes to work everyday and works hard so I can stay home with our kids.

He cooks dinner every night since he knows I hate cooking.

He does the yardwork, builds walls when I come up with one of my nutty ideas to make our house work better. He puts up with my endless "reorganazing".

He doesn't hesitate to take care of our kids, change diapers, play endless tedious games with them. He puts them to bed each night (for right now, they only want daddy).

This morning he went into work a little later than usual (he usually goes in about 6:30 but doesn't have set hours) so he could take oldest dd to school early and letting me and the littles sleep in. He'll do this periodically.

He lets me sleep in on the weekends.

He coaches our son's soccer.


He didn't learn any of this from his dad. I think it's because he was older when we got married and kids/wife was something he really, truly wanted - not something he did because it was expected. He was also used to living on his own so is very capable of taking care of himself. Being on his own for so long also makes him truly appreciate what we have.

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Most of the time, DH puts gas in my SUV.


He picks up milk and bread on the way home whenever I need him to. He goes to the library for me if I need him to. This is convenient for him to do since he works in town, and he does it cheerfully.


Today, he did something that I really appreciated. I have been exhausted from 5 weeks of putting in a lot of working hours on accounting and business planning. He called me to offer to pick up DD from school and bring her home when he came home, and told me to take a nap. I took him up on it.

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Honestly, I hardly know where to start. God has blessed me richly with a kind man who gives a lot of thought and effort towards making my life sweet.


He brings me tea or juice every single morning. Sometimes my beverage is accompanied by breakfast too, dear man.


He puts up with the nonsense of my dysfunctional extended family. For reasons too complicated to explain here it is necessary that I continue in regular involvement with this group of people--he supports me in my efforts and even helps directly as needed. He has been unfailingly courteous and kind and quite generous to them.


He is totally supportive of homeschooling and pays without question for everything I deem necessary for the kids' education.


He went with me last year to Scotland to visit one of my dearest friends simply because he knew I would sleep better if he was with me. :001_wub:


He goes with me to homeschool conventions just because I ask him. Over the years I have been content to go alone, but the last two years I wanted him to come. The first time was because I wanted him to hear SWB and hear first hand the philosophy on which I base the kids' education. ("I want you to come because it will be good for you." :lol:) The second time he came because I wanted the kids to participate and it would be easier if he was there to help manage them. He cheerfully schlepped kids around, carried my books, and attended seminars (some of his choosing, some the SWB I wanted him to hear, and some that I wanted to attend but could not do everything, so he attended and took notes for me, dear man).


He loads the dishwasher twice a day without complaint and without my ever having to ask.


He helps with the house work when I ask him to.


I grew up poor, and was desperately, awfully poor through high school and college. I have never lost certain frugal habits and money worries. He urges me regularly to buy more clothes and treat myself to nice things. And, because he knows I don't, sometimes he buys those things for me.


He goes every day to a job he hates in a spectacularly unsupportive, unhappy environment because this is what it takes to support his family right now.


He is the best and most loving father. This is his real strength. The kids have no better playmate, and no stronger leader in their life. He strikes the balance of friend and father with the kids expertly, unconsciously.


As I have seen friends' marriages struggle over the years, I have been ever more thankful to have such a happy marriage.

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Not sure about the comparison to his dad. He doesn't talk much about his dad and when we are around them his dad seems to do a lot but it doesn't mean he did year ago.


But dh does serve me by doing the dishes. I cook, he cleans. He is also the one who vacuums. He will rotate laundry and fold clothes too :-)


And if I don't clean for awhile he goes on a cleaning binge and does it all for me :tongue_smilie: It's rare but it happens.


I think my dh does a lot. Trash. Dusting. He washed all the curtains recently.


Hmmm, maybe I should pick up the slack!

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Dh does ALL the outdoor work.

We have 2.5 acres and he does all the landscaping and mowing.

He is our poolboy!

He does most of the renovations in our house!

He works very hard at his job and they love him there. He is a very good provider.

He sometimes cooks.

He does all the repairs on our cars.


His dad did yardwork and renovations in his house. His dad actually built their house himself! His dad was very handy and my DH is too.

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dh does all the outside work with the assistance of my 13 yo.


dh keeps gas in the cars, air in the tires and changes the oil/maintains them.


dh manages all are finances (10 years of Quicken) including retirement funds and doing our taxes as well as my mother's taxes.


dh fixes everything in the house that breaks or needs maintenance (from plumbing to computers). Last night he came home from work (10 hr day) and spent 2 hours fixing the water heater.


dh does the Costco shopping (again after working a 10 hour day)


dh cleans the bathrooms and vacuums


dh takes out the trash and takes it to the local landfill


dh works at a job that he hates


dh makes me feel safe and secure (priceless)


I'm blessed.

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Frankly, I teach our children not to learn from his example. Otherwise, the children will think that it is normal for men not to participate in family life, household chores, financial management, and yard work.


How do you do this? My dh will not participate in anything either, and I don't want my sons to follow his example or my daughters to marry someone like this. I don't want to be negative about him to the kids, but I find it difficult to strike a balance between letting them know their dad's attitude toward family life is not normal and maintaining their love and respect for him.

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Mostly by paying the bills and bringing home the paycheck... the home, kids, & yard are pretty much left up to me... but he helps teach an hour of homeschool "electives" (chess, piano, number theory, etc.) before work, so I consider that him serving me so that I have that hour to myself :). Oh, and he is pretty good at brewing Tea, to... I like my tea ;)

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Oh. My. Goodness.


It would take forever for me to list everything. Especially when typing 1 handed :D


He's always been a hands on Dad. Since I developed RSD, he steps up whenever I falter, in any and every capacity. He took Monday off work because I hadn't slept at all Sunday night. He ushers me off to bed, tucks me in, and does everything that needs doing, without complaint. There are days he walks in the door exhausted (he does landscaping, VERY physical job) takes one look at me and announces, "Med and bed!"

He does the grocery shopping.

He takes the kids out in the am on the wknds so I can sleep as late as possible.

He does the laundry.

The Monday he took off? He homeschooled all 3 kids while I slept, without asking what needed to be done.


He's amazing, he really is.


Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect :D and there are times that he gets frustrated and angry, be it at the WCB messing w/me, or that he can't 'fix' me. But even his frustration and anger stems directly from his love and caring for me. So I listen to him rant and vent, and tell him I love him :001_wub:


ETA:He brews Tea very well too, LOL.



As to him learning anything from his Dad, he grew up without one.

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When dh gets home from work, he can tell just by looking at me what kind of day it is. He often makes dinner when I am too spent to do so. He likes to cook and I am not so fond. I used to like it until my sensory kids killed my interest. He helps us get a menu together for the week and often goes shopping midweek for incidentals. - he walks about a half-mile to the grocery store.

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There aren't enough words to describe all that dh does. He gets the house picked up in the evenings so I start every morning with a clean house. He cleans the whole house Saturday mornings - mopping, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, all the laundry, dishes, etc. I go do grocery shopping and come home to a clean home. He doesn't mind when I run out the door screaming as he walks in because if I hear the word "MOM" one more time I may lose what's left of my brain. He makes popcorn for us to eat while we sit and watch whatever show is on that night. He doens't wake me in the mornings he has to be at work at the crack of dawn. He doesn't complain too much when I stay up super late to finish my book.


Mostly, he puts up with all my quirks and smiles about them instead of belittling me for my goofiness. Love that man!

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