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s/o how about your sils.....

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How do you get along with your sils?


Mine are both great, but one is beyond great. There are not enough ways for me to praise this girl. She married my baby brother, and sometimes I forget who is actually related to me by blood.


She is also skinny and beautiful. I love her anyway.

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I mentioned it in the other thread, but it's worth repeating. :D I love both of my sils. They are both very different from me (I am one of kind, ya know), but I couldn't have picked better wives for my brothers. They are both absolute sweethearts!

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My oldest brother's wife and I get along famously. We share a lot of common values and interests.


My other brother's wife and I get along. We do not share a lot of common values or interests though we work hard to talk about those that we do share.


I forgot my dh's sisters! They are both very nice and we get along. We don't share a lot of common values or interests though so again - we just talk about those that we do share.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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My SIL (brother's wife) is a good wife to my brother and a good mother. We aren't best friends, but I think we respect each other. They live far away, so I don't get to spend much time with them.


My DH's sister is nice. His family is dysfunctional and his parent's divorce just a few years ago. So I didn't get to be around this SIL very much even though we live in the same city. My DH's brothers and wives are also almost strangers, since I only seen them maybe once a year if they come into town for Christmas.

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Guest janainaz

I like my SIL. She's down to earth and easy to talk at. She's quiet, so I do the talking. We are polar opposites (she's a working mom focused on wealth -I'm a stay at home mom focused on survival) - but we're both married to men with the same annoying bad habits so we joke and complain about our dh's (all in good fun, well, most of it).

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Three are great-nto best friends (mostly because of the distance) but we're very close, understand each other, could go to each other in a pinch. I'm very lucky.


The fourth, widow of my dh's brother, not so much. We are "raising" her 21 yo and in 2.5 years, I've spoken with her twice about him, both times when she called about other things. I don't get it.

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I really don't know my SIL that well but the same goes for my BIL too. We don't live near them to get to know them. She is also 19 while I am 32. I would love to be near her and give her a hand. She is a young wife and mother the same as the cousins and friends. I am older and my baby thru preschool days are behind me now. In less than 10 years we will be out of the service and move closer to them and then I will be the aunt who spoils her children. Hard to do right now since we are halfway around the world.

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My brother has never married. And we give thanks daily for that.


My dh has 3 sisters. I am really thankful they live 2000 miles away and I have seen them 2 or 3 times in 13 years of marriage. The oldest and I don't really get along. About once a year she sends me hateful emails accussing me of keeping her brother away from them. So he began calling regularly only to have her not answer the phone even once. The last time we visited their town, we didn't even see her. She didn't have time to visit and we were there for 2 weeks. The middle sister and I have an ok realtionship. She has at least made an effort to stay in touch and be pleasant. She is also the only one who has come to our house to cisit him. The youngest sister I have said maybe 10 words to in 13 years. She makes no attempt to keep in touch. We don't even know her new married name or where she lives right now. We only hear about her thru my MIL. If we lived close, I don't think we would be friends because we are pretty much opposites.

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Well, my sister in law has called me white trash, gold digging scum. So you can guess how well we get along. :) What's worse, is her partner is so much fun he makes her seem like a pleasant lunch date. Thank goodness they live in Queensland and I don't have to see them.


I liked my brother's last girlfriend, I never met the others. If he ever has another, I will expect to like her, but it appears to be his destiny to become an eccentric, old bachelor :)



Edited by Rosie_0801
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She is also skinny and beautiful. I love her anyway.



Three are great-not best friends (mostly because of the distance) but we're very close, understand each other, could go to each other in a pinch. I'm very lucky.



This is me, too, with dh's sisters. At least until I started hsing, they all think I'm a little crazy for that;). But they respect my decision so we mostly talk about other stuff besides school. It works.


I have 2 brothers, one just got married last month, I have nothing in common with his wife except him and running. But, she's perfect for him and we had a good time together.

They other brother just got engaged to a woman I just love! They are the only ones who live anywhere close (4 hours away, that's close for a military family!) so we see them more often. She and I get along great.


I'm blessed in this area!:)

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I have two SILs, both my DH's sisters. One is is his full sister, the other is a half-sister.


Thankfully, they are both two states away.


His full sister, T, is a real piece of work. I could go on and on about her, but basically, she's a narcissistic, hypochondriac, paranoid, mean-spirited person who uses people relentlessly. I am totally fine with never seeing her again unless she gets her act together.


His half sister, J, is much younger than us. She is one of those 20-somethings still living off her parents and not doing anything with her life but partying. She was sweet when she was younger, but we have nothing in common.

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i actually really like my STBX-sil! but she doesn't like me so much. i had hoped (for 20 years!) she'd be the sister i never had.

i like my brother's wife, but we are very different. i do have great respect for her. i hope she knows that. but i am not sure she does. i think she knows i love her tho. so that's something!

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I have 2 that I am best friends with, 2 more that I love dearly, but don't talk to as frequently and 1 whom I begin feeling anxious and sick to my stomach whenever I have to see her. She is a total disaster. I have never met anyone more immature, rude or self centered.


I think the SIL relationships are tricky because if you live close, it feels like there is a lot of pressure for it to go well and when it doesn't it's very disappointing...

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Dh has no siblings. I have 1 brother. He married almost 2 yrs ago. She is kind and tries real hard. They are both young (22 and 21) and still learning how the world works, kwim? They were a bit unrealistic (money wise) when they married and only made it 3 months on their own. They had to move in with our mom (next door). So, we are all real cozy like:tongue_smilie:. It makes it difficult for them to emerge as a couple when they are living with mom and dad, you know? There have been ups and downs but we are a pretty tight family. I enjoy her company. She is a good aunt to dd and thinks nothing of plopping down some money to treat her to something. My brother could have done much worse!

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The relationship btw my sil and me waxes and wanes. She's a few years younger, and has always been in a different stage of life than I have.


Now that she's starting to consider marriage and kids, homeschooling is beginning to appeal to her, especially knowing it'll drive her mother crazy. It may be the beginning of a beautiful relationship! ;)

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My husband's sister is fantastic. She's got a great family and a wonderful sense of humour.


My brother's widow is fantastic as well. We got very close when my brother died this winter and she's really more of a sister then an in-law.


Honestly, I haven't got a bad apple in the in-law bunch. My husband's immediate and extended family are a wonderful, warm bunch of people who I'm thrilled to be related to.

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DH and his siblings do not have a good relationship. They criticize about everything we do, from being Christians to homeschooling......we are the weird people in the family.


His mother also fostered a fierce competitive spirit between all of them and when they all get together all they do is try to "one up" each other. We don't play that game and sit back and shake our heads. It is awful.


He only has one sister and she is very full of herself and will tell you several times in a 5 min. conversation how important she is.


We just nod and smile and don't comment.


NONE of them have ever asked us anything about us.....they don't even ask each other. They are all just so busy talking about themselves.


It is really awful. We only see them when there is a family event (like their many remarriages) that we need to go to.



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My sils -- both my dh's sisters and his brothers' wives -- are exceptionally devoted to my mil, who is wheelchair-bound and lives alone. We all get along fine.


And get this: One of dh's sisters actually flew out to the other coast and stayed with *my* parents for a few weeks after my mother had knee-replacement surgery several years ago. She cooked and cleaned for them, and helped my mom with her rehab program.


I don't really know my brother's wife very well, as I've only been with her a half-dozen times. But she's very sweet, and there's never been a hint of a problem.

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My DH's sister both have serious problems due to being raised by my MIL who is severly NPD. I've always gotten along with them fine, but there is nothing there relationship wise. One of them has more walls then Fort Knox. You can't get within 100 yards of her emotionally. The other is in such a lala land of denial about her life that it's just hard to relate to her at all in a serious way, although she is a perfectly pleasant person to be around and I like her very much. Unfortunately for my DH, both sisters are not speaking to him right now due to lies told by my MIL. So.....that's sad. (He's the only normal one in the family and I am NOT joking.)


My brother's sister is a very sweet lady whom I barely know since he married her after I moved to AR, but I like her and she likes me. That's about it. I don't think we'd ever be best friends, but if we lived closer, we would definately be friends.

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I get along splendidly with my oldest brother's wife. We are the same age and have much in common.


My younger brother's wife just divorced him. She was an evil wench. Never liked her from the time I met her.


Dh's brother married a girl who is frighteningly similar to me, even down to our names. It is kind of freaky. She and I get along famously. I love hanging out with her.


Dh's other brother married a selfish brat girl and thankfully, they live far away. I like that girl's family, though.

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Dh's sisters are wonderful. Their entire family is extremely close, and while they each have their own personalities, of course, they all have a bit of whatever quality it is that makes dh so amazing, so I love them all. They are caring, not intrusive, non-judgemental, tell-it-like-it-is people, so we get along very well, particularly the sil who is only 1 year older than I and has similar-aged kids.


Dh's brothers' wives, on the other hand...well, we get along fine. Unfortunately, they are much more of the "keeping up with the Joneses" type, very concerned with their image, how successful their kids are in the "system", amassing symbols of wealth and prestige, etc. There is also a decent amount of passive-aggressive, manipulative behavior, toward their husbands as well as the rest of the family. We see each other reasonably often at family get-togethers, are cordial and friendly, and always do our duty in helping each other in any way when can when appropriate, but we have nothing in common on which to base a deep friendship. Oh, well. Could be worse ;).

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My SIL and I haven't spoken for 8 years, when she stopped talking to my husband and told him he was dead to her. My husband warned me when I was first meeting her that she was the most materialistic person he knew. He was right.


I hope my little brother marries someone I love, too.

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My husband's family are absolute gems, and I feel lucky to have them. His siter (my sil) is very different from me in personality, but that has never stopped her from being friendly and sweet and warm and welcoming. She and her husband will raise our children if anything happens to dh and I, and I rest comfortably knowing that my kids would be in good hands with good people who love them.

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How do you get along with your sils?


Mine are both great, but one is beyond great. There are not enough ways for me to praise this girl. She married my baby brother, and sometimes I forget who is actually related to me by blood.


She is also skinny and beautiful. I love her anyway.


I have 8. Love them all, but one. I try really hard to love her, but she's one of those kinds of people who, if there isn't drama happening, will create some just to create some. That doesn't make it easy, let me tell you!

Edited by Audrey
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I am thankful I do not have to see mine. She has 4 kids from 4 different dads and always puts herself first ahead of her children. She continually has to move in with dh parents because the current boyfriend won't work out. No, I do not get along with her at all. My bil is not much better got an 18 yr old girl pg, he was 34, then left country to live with girl he met when she lived with them as exchange student. I think my dh is adopted he is nothing like the rest of his family.

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Hmmm, well my brother's long term girl friend and I have only met a few times. We got along, but just like you would chat with the next person in a grocery line. We are worlds apart (same with my bro) in interests, and I doubt we would have much in common. She seems pleasant enough, just don't have much to talk about.



My husband's brother's wife and I used to be good friends when we lived in the same town. She even baby sat my kids for a few years. I moved away 9 years ago. We went from talking almost daily to only talking 15-20 times in the past 9 years. I tried to keep our relationship going but she didn't seem interested.


We have kids the same age, both are working moms, are within 5 years age of each other....so we naturally are in the same stages of life, but we have very, very different philosophies on life. The live heavily in debt (because they 'deserve' items for working hard), use the public school to deal with their son's behavior issues, have little personal accountability and live for the moment vs. planning for the future. I think that we got along really well until we got close enough to realize how different we were on some core subjects. When I moved away and we didn't have the daily interaction and conversations based on passing off kids, the conversations fell flat and the differences in our life styles became more apparent.




ETA: Dh and I have 6 siblings combined (more if you count ones that we weren't raised with). We are not close to any of them. Dh and I are both very, very different from our families so the fact that we are not close to in-laws isn't surprising. Dh and I have worked hard to escape a life of poverty. Our siblings are more content in thier suroundings than we are, we just wanted a different life than they do.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Oh, you opened a can of worms now!


My SIL that married dh's brother and I are two peas in a pod. We totally love each other and have a great time. There have been many times we've wished we all lived closer together. I suppose that's the way it is though. We're the "Outlaws" of the family, and we have to stick together.


Out of the other 3 SIL I have (DH's sisters), only one is very hard to get along with. She likes to pit the family against each other (namely DH's Mom against the rest of us), and we'll just leave it at that.:glare:

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My SIL (Dh's sis) only calls when she wants something. She goes out of her way to control any family gathering and will throw a fit until she gets her way. Not very attractive for someone who is 52. So needless to say we avoid her like the plague (or would the swine flu be more appropriate for modern times :lol: )

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My brother is not married. Nor is he likely to ever be married.


Dh has brothers but they are all much younger than he is. One brother is married, but we have never met his wife or child. I'm not sure what we would have in common since she is sure to be close to 20 years younger than me.

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Mine are both very, very different than me. One is a teacher, very much about keeping up with the Jones and whatever is "in." She is married to my bil. The other is a bartender with multiple tattoos. She is married to my db. I get along well enough with them, no disagreements or anything, but we only see each other at functions.


I have one unmarried bil, but he is unlikely to marry. He would be my hope for a sil like me, as we are pretty similar.

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I was an only child; DH has brothers, who are married. Do these women count as my sisters in law? Or co-sisters in law? :D


I'm "crazy" about one of them. Particularly when we're an ocean away. That seems to be an appropriate distance for dishes not to be flying all across the room when we two meet. Who sits where at the table must be carefully planned in advance if we're both present, and preferably we're not in the same room alone more often than biennally, and even then up to quarter an hour at most.

The second one I can be in the same room with, and even sit next to and exchange small talk with. Of course, under the condition there are other people around us too, that we don't have to interact too much or too deeply, and that the whole session of being in the same room is of a decent duration, up to an hour let's say. Such friendly events should occur no more than once every six months, preferably every twelve. I don't have any old wounds or uncleared business with her, we have always respected common decorum with each other, and we tolerate each other. She doesn't hide her children away from mine either.

The third one is one of the most amazing women I know: beautiful, calm, charming, one of those people that just feel good to be around with, you know what I mean? My kids adore her, she adores them, and pretty much everybody loves her. I owe much of my working on my character as an adult to that woman, and much of my parenting skills and calm in life. SIL #1 owes her her life multiple times (I probably do too LOL, she was an intermediator between us many a time).


I would do anything for either of them, because they're family, and I know they would each do anything for me if needed. Even SIL #1 and I would save each other's lives (a bit grudgingly, maybe :D), back up each other financially or in business, and help when life becomes extreme.


That's our little dysfunctional family and relationships between women married to brothers X.

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I get along fantastically with my husband's sister. I really enjoy talking to her, and we go beyond the shallow stuff.


My brother and his wife, though, are very into themselves, and we never have any meaningful conversations. She once told me that our children were good birth control for them. :001_huh: Well, they decided to have kids, so they are getting a taste of it. They have a preschooler and a one-year old. I don't think they can say that anymore to us.


My brother and our eldest son have been hiking all week in Colorado (my brother is running a 100-miler out there). So, that's pretty cool. Other than that, though, we don't really exist in their lives.

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