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What is your catch-all answer for everything?

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Maybe I'm starting to sound like my mom.:001_huh:

My two answers that seem to cover 99% of my childrens' traumas are


1. Go get a drink of water.

2. Go to the bathroom.


What do you say that covers it all? :001_smile:

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Take an Ibuprofen.


All my kids are plagued with head aches. DAILY!!! They've been to the Dr. They take thier vitamines and alergy pills. It must be genetic. DH is the same. What can I do anymore. If you have a headache, go take an Ibuprofen. That's all I can say at this point. :confused:


(No, they don't take it daily, I'm watching, don't worry.)

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"If this is the worst thing that happens today, then I'll be okay."


Sometimes replaced with:


"If this is the worst thing that happens to.....oh, wait, the worst thing to happen to me today happened at 7:45am when [fill in the blank] happened....so I guess I'll be okay."

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Take an Ibuprofen.


All my kids are plagued with head aches. DAILY!!! They've been to the Dr. They take thier vitamines and alergy pills. It must be genetic. DH is the same. What can I do anymore. If you have a headache, go take an Ibuprofen. That's all I can say at this point. :confused:


(No, they don't take it daily, I'm watching, don't worry.)


hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! I can't say this enough! Dd is prone to headaches and migraines, but if she stays hydrated she doesn't get them as much.

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"Well, honey, if you're going to do risky behavior, you're going to get hurt sometimes."


Said to an energetic six-year-old girl who jumps, climbs, balances, juggles, bounces, everywhere she goes. I know this line applies to teens too, in a much different way, but hopefully my dd will get the message when young...


I also use this one a lot:


"If you left it out, the dog probably ate it."

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Well, if you'd have been doing what you were supposed to be doing this would not have happened.


This. Also:


"I think you'll survive" (mostly for DD4, to whom everything is a major catastrophe. I can only empathize so many times before I have to start disconnecting!)

"Unfortunately, my magic wand is in the shop, so there's not much I can do about it."

"Well, today's the servants' day off, so you'll have to do it yourself this time."



hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! I can't say this enough! Dd is prone to headaches and migraines, but if she stays hydrated she doesn't get them as much.


Also, consider whether they need new pillows. I had near-constant headaches from my teen years through my mid-20s. I finally bought one of these when DH and I got married and my headaches miraculously stopped (well, except for the "I fell asleep on the couch" ones and the "my period's in two days" ones :D). Seriously, I can't even go a night without it. We occasionally stay in a hotel for a single night and I don't bring it, and I inevitably wake up with a headache the next day. They're pricy, but they last forever. I have the small one (bought on eBay 10 years ago for a great deal), and it still looks and feels brand new.

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I say it 400 times some days.


"Mom, do we have any milk?" Scan.


"where is the tape?" Scan


"Have you seen my book?" Scan


"I think we are out of butter." Scan


I am told that this is a difference in the genders, but as the only female in a house of four guys, I have just decided that if men are not good at scanning to find things, I am going to give the more practice. But no matter how much practice I give them, I swear someone asks me every hour, "Do we have any milk" even though I have kept the milk on the same side of the same shelf of the fridge for ..... 17 years. Longer than most of them have been alive. They just want me to look for them.

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I say it 400 times some days.


"Mom, do we have any milk?" Scan.


"where is the tape?" Scan


"Have you seen my book?" Scan


"I think we are out of butter." Scan


I am told that this is a difference in the genders, but as the only female in a house of four guys, I have just decided that if men are not good at scanning to find things, I am going to give the more practice. But no matter how much practice I give them, I swear someone asks me every hour, "Do we have any milk" even though I have kept the milk on the same side of the same shelf of the fridge for ..... 17 years. Longer than most of them have been alive. They just want me to look for them.


Genius! You're my new hero, and I'm going to use this! :lol:

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My mother didn't say this, but whenever one of my kids seems to be gearing up to go off the deep end, I gently ask, "When was the last time you ate?" 9 out 10 times, they realize they haven't had a bit of protein in hours. I won't talk with peeps in my familia with low blood sugar until they deal with that first.


I also say "Where are my keys?" about twice a day. My mother did say that.

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"Not right now."


"You'll live."


"Knock yourself out."


I think I'm turning into my dad rather than my mom, because every time somebody asks me what I want (be it in the moment, for my birthday, or out of life), I can't stop myself from replying "Peace and tranquillity."


If I start throwing things at squirrels who get too close to my birdfeeder and responding to complaining by rubbing two fingers together and saying "This is the world's tiniest violin, playing just for you...", the metamorphosis will be complete.

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...and responding to complaining by rubbing two fingers together and saying "This is the world's tiniest violin, playing just for you...", the metamorphosis will be complete.


:lol: We say this, only it's "the world's tiniest violin playing 'My Heart Bleeds for You'."

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