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Do 2nd babies come faster than the first?

Did your second baby come:  

  1. 1. Did your second baby come:

    • Earlier than your first?
    • The same as your first?
    • Later than your first?
    • Other? (er... just in case there's a story needing telling...)

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So I'm 39 weeks, 5 days, pregnant with my second child--went into labor with my first child ON my due date. Everyone seems to think my second baby will come early or exactly the same as my first, but we're running out of time!


So I'm curious--informal poll--did your second (or subsequent) children come earlier than your first???


(affirmative responses especially appreciated!!! :lol:)

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Most of my children were late. Four were due between the 22-25th. One was due on the 9th and the other on the 10th. They came on the the 31st, 30th, 6th (14 days late!), the 15th, the 29th, and then the 5th. The one on the 5th was 5 days early. So they were all between 6-14 days late except for the early bird.


As far as labors were concerned though, almost 24 hours for the first, exactly 3 hours and 45 minutes for the rest.

Edited by KidsHappen
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Baby #1 - 4 days early - 9hour labor

Baby #2 - 4 days late- 4 hours labor

Baby #3 - 2 days early - 2 hour labor

Baby #4 - due date - 1.5 hour labor

Baby #5 - 2 days early - Labor? what labor? - he just slid into the world

Baby #6 - 8 days late - INDUCED - 12 hour labor

Baby #7 - 2 weeks early - induced due to BP- 1 hour labor after pit started contractions.


Unfortunately the pregnant mind tends to consider any baby late when it comes after the timing of the first baby.


BTW- the two that were late......they still struggle with being on time....

Edited by Leanna
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Ahhh, I think it's nonsense, even though the answer is yes for me:) Your baby will come when it comes! But I do think women tend toward a pattern. One of my SILs has had all of her 6 babies a good 5 days or more past her due date. My other SIL hasn't had any of her 4 babies later than a week before her due date. My three were born at 1 hour before, 7 days before, and 5 days before their due dates.


Congrats on your soon-coming baby!!!:D

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I voted the same.


My first was born on her due date and after 12 hours of labor.


My second was born close to his due date after 45 minutes of labor. He was a stinker, though. It was a high risk pregnancy and I experienced a few pre-term labor episodes. We did everything we could to keep him from being born early. When the critical period passed the doc. said if labor started again they would let it progress and I would have my baby. It took DS three more weeks to make his appearance.

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I'm an other.


40w1d- Induction started at 40w0d. Born 32 hours later.


41w- Induction, about a 6hr (mostly active) labor.


40w1d- Spontaneous, about a 7hr labor. She obviously would have been born earlier than #1 would have been, had I not been induced with him.


42w- "Light" induction (yeah, yeah), about a 15hr (10 active) labor. The chances that the first two would have gone later than that are pretty darn slim.

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My first came one week early - 10 hour labor after my water broke.


My second came 3 days early - only 2 hours of labor after my water broke and she was born 22 minutes after we got to the hospital (I thought she was going to be born on the side of the freeway!!)...


Wishing you a smooth delivery! :)

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My sister was three weeks early with her first. She expected to be early with her second. He was 3 days LATE!!!! So, by the time he was born, she felt like she was nearly a month late. It was really hard for her!!! As hard as it is, try not to expect anything except that this babe will come when he/she is ready!!

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#1--3 hrs, started so hard it was like being knocked to the floor. Thought I was going to have to do *that* for 8-12 hrs. :svengo:


#3--7 hrs, but only 2-3 painful

#4--probably only 3-5 hrs of actual pain, but a total of 30 hrs after my water broke.


Not much help, eh?


ETA: Oops. You meant due date.


#1--3 days late

#2--6 days early

#3--on due date

#4--3 days late. In August. W/ broken a/c.

Edited by Aubrey
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My first two were induced and my last two were natural.


My first labor was 4 hours.

The second one was about 2 hours.

The third was a little over an hour.

The last was about 24 hours! She had some trouble though--a prolapsed cord. Each of the last two births happened about 45 minutes after my water broke.

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#1 was induced at 39 weeks, 3 days, was born the next day so 3 days earlier then due date. Since I didn't go into natural labor with him, no clue when he really would have arrived.


#2 went into labor 2 days before my due date and had her that day after 13 hours of labor. So technically she came later then DS, but it is hard to know if she would have come before him if I had gone into labor with him naturally.

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I was very glad the second one came sooner than the first- she weighed a pound and a half more than the first- if she had been full term there is no way I could have had her vaginally. I was also starting to develop toxemia, and was swelling up badly. Was very glad she came 2 weeks early!

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Not sure if you're talking due dates or length of labor? My due date/birth dates were astonishingly regular; labor times varied.


My children all came 13-15 days past their due dates. All had due dates between the 10th-12th. Three were born on the 25th of their birth month, and one was born on the 23rd.


Labor times:


DD: 3 hours

DS1: 6 hours

DS2: 12 hours

DS3: 6 hours (Did not follow the trend, thank goodness. I was afraid of a 24 hour labor. LOL)



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My first was two weeks early and a 24 hour labor.


My 2nd was on time, and 12 hours labor.


So, my dh thought the 3rd would be 6 hours and took his time dropping kids off to the sitter and doing the banking and missed his son's birth!!!


The four others were all born on the due date or a day prior or a day after due dates and they all varied from 6 hours to 9 hours labor.

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B was 39 weeks 2 days, longest labor (slowed by epidural)

G was 39 weeks 4 days, very short labor (he surprised us at home, went right from early labor to crowning)

D was 39 weeks 1 days, average labor (non-medicated water birth at birthing center)

R was 39 weeks 6 days, average labor (non-medicated birth at birthing center)

W was 40 weeks 0 days, shortest labor (planned home water birth, active labor less than 30 minutes)


I responded "the same" in the poll as they all arrived on time during their due week.

Edited by Colleen in SEVA
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My first was a 35 weeker who was delivered when I had a placental abruption.

Second was induced at 37 weeks due to internal bleeding (me).

Third came uneventfully at 38 weeks

Fourth was induced at 39 weeks due to rising blood pressure and spilling protein. The placenta was calcifying, indicating that she was a little 'overdone' ... our dates were right, I just seem to cook em fast.

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My second came on the same day as my first - 10 days past due - but my second was induced.


My third on the other hand came earlier than both. He was only 3 days past due. And yes he was definitely past due - meconium before birth. OH, and almost 10 pounds - 9 pounds 13 ounces.

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First came about 15 days early, had cord wrapped twice. 2nd came about 13 days early, induced by barometric drop due to hurricane. 3rd came the day before due date, pitocin induced after 3rd visit due to false labors. 4th came on due date, pitocin induced due to gestational diabetes.

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My first was four days late. About 24 hours of labor, too much of labor spent at hospital.


My second was six days late. About 14 hours of labor, about 2 hours of labor at hospital.


Number three was an hour and a half early, born at 10:30 the day before he was due. About 30 minutes of labor at hospital, delivered by the hospital on call doctor because my doc didn't get there in time.

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My 1st 2 were born exactly on their due dates (I was born on my due date too. fwiw) My 3rd was 3 days early.


Their labors were 5, 3, and 1 hour ....I joke with dh that if we ever have a 4th it will HAVE to be a homebirth b/c each delivery just comes faster and faster...we won't have a choice...:tongue_smilie:

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I voted other. My oldest son came at 38 weeks. My second pregnancy was with twins, and they would have induced me at 38 weeks if the babies didn't come earlier than that. I ended up being induced at 36 weeks because of complications. It's hard to compare a singleton pregnancy to a multiple pregnancy.

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