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At what age did you/would you allow your daughter to get her ears pierced?

At what age did you/would you allow your daugther to get her ears pierced?  

  1. 1. At what age did you/would you allow your daugther to get her ears pierced?

    • 8 y.o. or younger
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 13 or older

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I was in my 30's - long story. I voted under age 8 for my daughter. She is only 2 and I will let her get her ears pierced as soon as she decides she wants to go through lots of pain to get them.
There needn't be much pain for an ordinary lobe piercing. A professional piercer is the way to go.
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I allowed dd to get her ears pierced when she started her cycles, kind of a growing up rite-of-passage. However, though she was delighted for the privilege, she waited about a year to take me up on it. She just turned 13 and suddenly is interested in girly things. As soon as she mentioned being ready, I took her.


I do have to add that she's watched cousins and friends get their ears pierced at early ages, 5, 6, 7.... only to have to have them repierced at a later age because they were not properly cared for and got infected. I observed the same thing and came to the conclusion years ago that it wouldn't even be an option til she hit double digits. I guess it could have been difficult if she really wanted them done earlier, but as it went she did not pester me about it.

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My older DD (17) has never shown any interest. My younger DD got hers pierced for her 10th birthday and was very good about taking care of them during the healing process, but after a couple months she went without wearing any earrings too long and the holes closed. She's 12 now and hasn't yet asked to have them redone, but if she does I will take her to have it done after stressing to her the need to wear earrings all the time for those first six months or more.

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I took my oldest dd when she was about 3 months old. Her godparents are from Europe and their gift to her at birth was a pair of gold earrings. I thought it was cool and she's always loved them.


I took my youngest dd when she asked. She was 10 years. I helped her clean them. It didn't seem like a big deal to me.


So I didn't vote because it was not a matter of my allowing them to have it done. Age is no issue for us in this matter.


I think my mom allowed me to have them done when I was about 12. I also remember her not allowing me to wear anything more than a flat shoe until I was about 10. My first pair of heels were really small raised heels, not even a regular high heel. The only reason I ever got when I asked why I couldn't do something was 'Because I told you so.'

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I told dd she could do it when she turned 10. She spent all last summer talking about, counting down, etc. Come 10th bday in Sep, decided to wait until after basketball season, since she isn't supposed to wear jewelry during games. Still hasn't decided to do it although we ask her whenever we think of it. I didn't do mine until I was 16. Never occurred to me, mom didn't have her's done (although when asked she had and let them close) and then little sis got her's done at about 11/12.

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And has seen what tats look like when you're 70 and have been there for 50 years.:D Depending upon where and how big - that can decidedly change your mind!


I don't think I know any 70 year olds with tats, but I think I may start asking around--just to be sure my kids are informed. ;)


Both of my sisters have them. (Pretty amazing considering one of them is at least as needle phobic as I am.) Oh, the peer pressure!:svengo:One of my sisters is 52, so when dd is 18 she will be 60. That might be close enough. :D

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I was 8 when I got mine done, 12 when I got my second set of holes, which ended up infected badly and had to come out, 19 when I had my second holes redone. They have since closed up, the original holes are still there though I seldom, like less then once a year wear earrings.


DD and DS for the matter can get theirs done whenever they show a desire to have them pierced, I will get them done at a piercing studio though not at the mall. I wouldn't mind if DD gets hers done before we go to India next time, which will likely be when she is 4. It is totally up to her when she gets them done though.

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I helped her clean them. It didn't seem like a big deal to me.



It's not a big deal really. Sometimes one extra little thing though...


For my dd (who was not yet 4) I was obviously expecting to clean them. I also expected a fight. The cleaning solution they sell now though does not sting and it went pretty well. I would just clean them each night when I flossed her teeth. Easy peasy--and this was the kid who went all octopus arms on me when she had pinkeye. :tongue_smilie:

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When they want it done and when I deem they are mature enough to care for the piercing. And only by a professional piercer - no guns. The healing process is so, so much faster when done properly.

And when I compare the back of DD's ear to mine... hers are pristine, while mine looks "blown out" from the piercing gun. Mind you, mine were done almost 40 years ago.

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And when I compare the back of DD's ear to mine... hers are pristine, while mine looks "blown out" from the piercing gun. Mind you, mine were done almost 40 years ago.


Nice mental image, Thanks! :D


If you need a good piercer, I have experience ;)


Bill (piercing ear since 1966)

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I do have to add that she's watched cousins and friends get their ears pierced at early ages, 5, 6, 7.... only to have to have them repierced at a later age because they were not properly cared for and got infected.


That was me. I had them done for the first time when I was 7 but didn't take care of them properly and they got infected. I had them re-pierced when I was 13.


I'd be okay with my girls having them pierced at 13 but DH is adamant about waiting until 16. He's head of our household so he has the final say.

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I answered 12 because that was the age we intended to use. At age 10 dd asked. We told her she could when she was 12. At 11 she reminded us that she could the next year. 12 came and went without her asking. She is 13 now and still hasn't asked to do that or wear makeup.


I don't have my ears pierced. Our dad did not mind earrings, but did mind the piercing part (I think because of a scripture about not cutting your body). He said when we were 18 we could do what we wanted. None of us 3 girls have had them pierced. It just seemed disrespectful to us to do something we know bothers him.

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I told my kids 12 or 13, I can't remember which. I'd better decide, they're 11 1/2 now...


I personally had to wait till I was 17 and left home (and the country) - my dad said only "loose women" pierced their ears and wouldn't allow it while I lived at home. :confused::confused:

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DH wanted them pierced very young, much to my chagrin...I had to wait until I was 14. Both girls had it done when they were 3. No regrets now. It's been pretty much a non-issue. Hardly ever want their earrings changed, and we only allow small earrings (like tiny flowers, little crystals aka per the girls, "pink, green, blue DIAMONDS") or small gold studs.

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I never saw it as a milestone. Dd asked at five and I told her if she could discuss it with the people at the store and explain what she wanted, she could do it. She's eight now and has only ever worn little studs. I think they're pretty, but I had no strong feelings either way. Maybe I'm just not very sentimental. ;)

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DD was 4.5. She'd been asking me consistently for 6 months. My mom made me wait till I was 10 and I still remember being teased about it so I was determined not to make my kids wait (even though they're not in ps with kids to tease them).


She did great at it and still says she's happy that she has them pierced.

Similar story here. My then-4.5yo had been asking for months, so I let her. My then-7.5yo got hers pierced later that same day.


I had to wait till I was nearly 16 so I decided to let my kids get their ears pierced when they asked to do so. I did tell them that they had to wait till age 13 for multiple piercings.


My only regret is that I had their ears pierced at the mall. I wish I'd taken them to a tattoo/piercing place, but I didn't think of it at the time. If they decide on multiple piercings, I'll insist on the t/p place. I think they do a better job there.

Edited by TrixieB
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I was 12 when I got mine pierced, and I found that I have very sensitive ears. My ears would get super irritated if I wore anything except surgical steel or gold earrings. As I've gotten older, it has gotten worse, so now I just don't wear earrings at all anymore. 3 years ago I wore some cheap earrings for a few hours for my sister's wedding. It took my ears months to fully heal from that, so I haven't worn any since.


Anyway, because of that, I've told dd that I want her to be much older before getting her ears pierced, if at all. Dh and I really haven't discussed it much recently, but I imagine either dd will have to be at least 12 or 13 so that she can take care of them and make sure she wears good earrings, since there is a good possibility of her having sensitive ears like me! Dd is aware of why I don't wear earrings anymore, and because of that she has not been eager to get her ears pierced yet anyway!

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Nice mental image, Thanks! :D


If you need a good piercer, I have experience ;)


Bill (piercing ear since 1966)



It's not quite as bad as that sounds because the area affected is relatively small... but you can definitely see the difference.

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I pierced a friends ears in 8th grade, with a needle and a potato behind the ear for support. :tongue_smilie:


We were visiting in Greenwich Village when dd was 7. Our friend asked if she wanted her ears pierced for her birthday and then asked my ds, 5, if he wanted an ear pierced. I lost my breath but he wasn't interested. :lol: Dd loved having hers done. We left the original ear rings in for several months.


You have to be sure they are kept clean. I've pulled many an infected ear ring out of youngsters when I was a school nurse.

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And just where were you piercing that poor girl to have cartilage pop and crack?


:lol: I'm dying to know the same thing!


I won't do it to an infant or toddler, but beyond that, I have no concern about age. If my DD4 wanted it done, we'd go ahead and do it.

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She started her cycle within a couple of weeks of her 10th birthday. It was so rough on her that I wanted to do something special, so I caved on the ear piercing. No regrets on that. She's been able to take care of them with no problem.


My mom made me wait until I was 13. She was big on waiting for things.

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Both of my daughters left the hospital with pierced ears. Around the time they each turned 2 they asked for them to be taken out and have never wanted to wear them again. Even now as pre-teen and teen they are just not into earrings. I always have loved earrings, but after my first pregnancy I cannot wear them anymore. Doesn't matter what type of metal my ears swell and hurt with in seconds. LOL, at one time I had 7 holes in the right ear and 9 in the left. Looking back I should have made it their choice not mine.

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I always have loved earrings, but after my first pregnancy I cannot wear them anymore. Doesn't matter what type of metal my ears swell and hurt with in seconds.

Me too! I do wear them from time to time, but I take them in my handbag and put them in right as we walk in the door, knowing I've got an hour or so before they are unbearable and have to be removed.

I voted 12. Actually I haven't thought too much about it and DD hasn't asked. I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but it won't be the decision of a moment, we will take some time to be sure we are all happy about it.

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I had told my daughter she could get them pierced whenever she wanted to from about the age of four or five. But I did tell her it does hurt, and she'd have to take good care of her ears and the earrings as well. I kept offering, but she wasn't ready until she was about 9yo. She was glad she had it done, but she was also glad she waited until then.

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Ugh. MY HUSBAND took my dd to have hers done when she was 6yo. She wanted them done and he agreed, I told him "bad idea." It was SUCH a bad idea. The drama behind the earring changes....oy.


I totally knew this would happen. And *every* time we go through the drama of earring changes I make I look at my husband and say "Honey this is EXACTLY why this was a bad idea. Remember? Remember me saying ad nauseum what a bad idea it was but you insisted. Uh huh. Well this is why it was a bad idea. I called it.";)

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Ugh. MY HUSBAND took my dd to have hers done when she was 6yo. She wanted them done and he agreed, I told him "bad idea." It was SUCH a bad idea. The drama behind the earring changes....oy.


I totally knew this would happen. And *every* time we go through the drama of earring changes I make I look at my husband and say "Honey this is EXACTLY why this was a bad idea. Remember? Remember me saying ad nauseum what a bad idea it was but you insisted. Uh huh. Well this is why it was a bad idea. I called it.";)



Oy! I did not consider this issue with mydd. We go through a daily ritual of screaming, and ugliness when we have to brush her hair ( just once a day) but none the less it is a daily battle. Earing changes....not something I want to deal with. DH totally wins this we will wait until she is atleast 10 and can do it all herself.

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The drama behind the earring changes....oy.
:confused: If there's drama, why allow changes at all? Take her to a piercing shop and have them put in a pair of fixed bead rings and tell her she can have different ones only when she she is mature enough to control herself. These are low maintenance and have no embedding worries because they have no backs.
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