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Yoga pants? Made me think......do you let your kids stay in pajamas?

Guest Jennymom74

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Guest Jennymom74

Longtime lurker and home school mom just chiming in. The question about yoga pants made me laugh (I do this).


Any way, with your kids, do you make yours get dressed every day or will you let them stay in pajamas? We have become so lax over the years that we may have multiple "pajama days" during the week. My hubby doesn't always like it, but you know the kids have their whole lives ahead of them up for the working world every day.



mom to:

Aaron, 14

Justin, 13

Kyle, 10

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Longtime lurker and home school mom just chiming in. The question about yoga pants made me laugh (I do this).


Any way, with your kids, do you make yours get dressed every day or will you let them stay in pajamas? We have become so lax over the years that we may have multiple "pajama days" during the week. My hubby doesn't always like it, but you know the kids have their whole lives ahead of them up for the working world every day.



mom to:

Aaron, 14

Justin, 13

Kyle, 10


No pajamas downstairs. And, as I said in the other thread... I am an unapologetic snob about this issue of dressing properly, even for just around the house.

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When all my kiddos were preschoolers yes, we had pajama days a couple times a week. Now that 3 of mine are elementary school age and the likelihood of people stopping by has increased, I make them get dressed. I do let them do pajama days on Saturday occasionally.

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I love pajama days. We have them frequently. I just make sure I'm dressed by the time dh gets home. In the summer the kids are always dressed although much of the time in swimwear :001_smile: In the winter when it is -20 or anywhere below freezing I just let the kids wear jammies all day.



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We spend a lot of days in our pj's or tshirts and sweats. Looking at my blog pics, you'll see my kids in their pjs or in ydd's case, just a diaper and shirt or pants (never both). A lot of it is for comfort. The other is because ydd will not stay dressed more than 5 minutes when we are home. We have lost many, many socks. I've started getting my kids dressed no more than 30 minutes before we are getting ready to go out. That way, they are more likely to stay dressed long enough for us to actually leave. Otherwise, I think we are ready to walk out the door then find the kids only 1/2 dressed (ds doesn't like to pull jeans back up after going potty so he just takes them off). I have a serious aversion to being late so that is a real problem for me.

Edited by dottieanna29
take out kids names since they wouldn't mean anything, LOL
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If we're not going anywhere, we dress very casually (meaning pants within reach to put on before the UPS guy or mailman show up).


We don't really have pajamas. We sleep in t-shirts and have pants available if we need them. Right now, school is done and we're still in t-shirts.


I don't like doing laundry.

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I work from home so my uniform is pretty much pajamas. We don't usually get dressed unless we are going outside the house or if I know someone is coming over. In the winter, it is very cold in our old house and we tend to keep the thermostat down so the girls pretty much live in footy pajamas because this is a good way for them to stay warm. I am almost always cold so I have multiple layers of clothing/pajamas on usually.

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No pajamas downstairs. And, as I said in the other thread... I am an unapologetic snob about this issue of dressing properly, even for just around the house.


This would describe me too. Since we are currently only afterschoolers this would relate to our house on the weekend but we get up and get dressed every morning. No breakfast until we are dressed, face washed, and teeth brushed. Sometimes we'll wear casual clothing like running pants if we have yard work or work around the house to do but never PJ's.

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My youngest is rarely dressed, period. :tongue_smilie:


11yo usually gets dressed right after breakfast, if not earlier.

7yo changes half a dozen times a day, so I couldn't really tell you when her "official" dressing is.

6yo will wear a dress-up outfit for days on end if I allow her. Once in a while, I do.


I tried to do the whole "dress to shoes" deal each morning, but I found it terribly uncomfortable. Even when I ditched the shoes and just got "outside-of-the-house" dressed, I couldn't get into it.


I need to be comfy in my home. Usually, that means showering and putting on a fresh shirt and yoga/sweat pants around 10-ish. But, chances are, someone will pop in on a day that doesn't happen. So what? It's my house, my schedule, and I like it! :D

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If we are not leaving the house, which is about 2 days a week, we have NOWHERE to be, then we are in PJ's all day. If we have somewhere to be, we are in PJ's until we get ready to go, an hour or so before we leave.

It's all about comfort for us.

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I used to have many, many pajama days. However, I feel much better if I shower, dress, and do my makeup, so I do that most days now. I make DS get dressed too, at least Monday-Friday. Weekends he can stay in pajamas longer, unless we're going somewhere. (He has cute pajamas!) We still do have pajama days occasionally... in fact, we did just this past Tuesday. It was rainy, and we weren't going anywhere, so we had a lazy day. Pajama days might happen once or twice a month.

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My two boys don't wear Pajamas so they get dressed. DD and I on the other hand are often pajamaed for much of the day. If DD isn't in PJs she is usually nudey or in dress ups. I used to get hung up over this stuff, I'm mellowing with age (like a fine wine :rofl: )

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If we are not leaving the house, which is about 2 days a week, we have NOWHERE to be, then we are in PJ's all day. If we have somewhere to be, we are in PJ's until we get ready to go, an hour or so before we leave.

It's all about comfort for us.


This is about how we do it, as well.

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As long as you are decently covered in case someone sees into a window or drops by you may wear whatever you like. With the exception of young children (<3 yrs) & emergencies no PJ's are to be worn outside of the house at any time.


It's our house, we are casual.

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I feel like such a slacker after reading these posts. :)


Ha! Me too!


We're pretty lax with clothing around here. Yesterday was very busy, running errands and going to appointments, so I am typing this in my PJs, having not gotten dressed all day! :lol: The older boys got dressed because they went out to play. It's spring break week for us, so we're even more casual than usual.


Thankfully DH doesn't care much about it. Most days I do get dressed, but it's not anything fancy...just some comfy pants and a t-shirt. The kids are dressed every day because they almost always go outside at some point even if we don't have anywhere to go.


But I don't have any rules about when they put on clothes, unless we have to be somewhere on time. One of the things we hated most when they were in school was that morning rush to get out the door on time. I think I'm still rebelling against that! LOL

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Longtime lurker and home school mom just chiming in. The question about yoga pants made me laugh (I do this).


Any way, with your kids, do you make yours get dressed every day or will you let them stay in pajamas?


Very rarely past breakfast, never past lunch. I was thinking of being a fun mom and having a pj day once a year. :tongue_smilie:

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We don't have rules about getting out of our PJs here unless we have some place to go, but I do require ds#1 to make his bed and brush his teeth immediately upon getting up or after breakfast. I'm usually in warm-up pants and a t-shirt and/or sweatshirt unless we're going out. It's all about comfort here! :)

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Guest Jennymom74
I meant to ask. Why would so many DH's care about who's wearing what at home when they (presumably) aren't there?


This is a great question. I take it that DH implies that "we" (me and the kids) must have been goofing off all day----when he has gone to work---and returned and we are all still in PJ's.... He won't admit that---publicly he is supportive---but you know I can read between the lines.

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My dh works out of the house and sees us all day off and on. We can often all be found with me in my pj's and robe (I do put on a sports bra) and the boys wearing just shorts. For me, that means pajama/lounge pants and a top, with a robe over it. In a pinch, I could ditch the robe and answer the door for the UPS man. If anyone else decides to stop by without calling, they should be prepared to see me in my pj's.:tongue_smilie: (This never happens, though. As long as the boys are wearing some type of pants, I don't care what else they are or are not wearing. I never wear shoes in the house.


Dh could care less what we are wearing while we do school.

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If we are not leaving the house, which is about 2 days a week, we have NOWHERE to be, then we are in PJ's all day. If we have somewhere to be, we are in PJ's until we get ready to go, an hour or so before we leave.

It's all about comfort for us.


:iagree: This is how we operate too.

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Luthien has pajamas, but only occasionally wears them. She often sleeps in her clothes, or she just strips down. She has to wear something around the house, but usually gets dressed in clean clothes when it's time to leave the house. Some days, this is first thing in the morning. Some days, it's late afternoon when the neighbor kids get home from school, and some days I make her change at bedtime.

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There are days when my kids ask for a pj day and if they work and do as expected, I have no major issues with it. I don't do this often just because it seems to be distracting, but as a treat once in a while it is ok. However, I am all for comfort, so comfy pants, jeans/sweatshirt is VERY common!!

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We do pajama days about once or twice a week in the winter when ds actually wears pajamas. As soon as it starts getting warm he switches to underwear only (and that only because I insist) so I made putting on clothes part of his morning chores. He does often put on 'comfy' clothes that are only for around the house.

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Eh, don't. LOL My kids (and I) have lounge pants that aren't quite out-in-public-wear and that sometimes double as pajama pants. We wear them all the time! It's *comfortable* and that's good enough for me. One day they will have to go out into the cold, cruel world that expects them to wear uncomfortable "dress" clothes--horrors! lol--so while we're all hanging out and learning together, we will wear what we like. Which is lounge pants. LOL

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No, we get dressed right away. I think wearing pajamas makes me look lazy and I rarely wear pajamas to bed anyway. Like someone else said, I feel better about myself when I'm showered and have my hair and face done. Also, it's for dh's sake. I like to feel that I'm pleasing to him and if I look sloppy in pajamas, I'm not doing my job as a wife. To each is own though, you do what works for your family. It's the same as making your bed each day, I just think the room looks tidier when the bed is made and my children are required to make theirs as well.

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:blushing: Not only do I almost always wear ugly (comfy!) fleece pants at home, but my older kids often sleep in their clothes and get dressed when they get around to it. We have to leave the house by 1:30 so we're dressed by then, at least. None of us makes our bed and we have no morning chore routine. Truly sloppy, we are. However, we do not leave the house without being fully dressed, hair brushed, etc. so the public is none the wiser.

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You mean the UPS delivery person?


And for the record, our UPS man has seen me in my apron.


:lol: Not even! :lol: Where I live, the UPS man just rings the doorbell and leaves the box on your front porch. By the time I get off my butt and make it to the door . . . he's long gone.


Unless I hadn't mentioned it before, I think jammies rock!

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We get dressed. However as it is warm a majority of the year ds will often wear shorts only to school, no shirt.


I decided after a frightening glimpse in the mirror during our first year of school that I would get dressed.


I'm not a morning person and it takes a while for the coffee to kick in, once that does I get dressed and it makes me feel more awake.

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