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What fascinates you?

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DD11 loves science TV shows. We homeschool late at night, so here I sit, 2:31am watching a TiVo'd, Nova episode on the Milky Way. The stars, galaxies, and all that is in the heavens above have always captivated me. I can look at photos for endless amounts of time and can't imagine what it must be like to be one of the select few who have access to the huge telescopes and captured images around the world.


So, it got me thinking.....What fascinates you?

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I love learning about almost everything! History, science, archeology, religion, different cultures, animals, foreign languages, art, music ... I just love reading books about people whose lives are/were different from mine. I'm always mentioning what I want to do when ds is graduated; the problem is, I keep changing my mind! Too many interesting options.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

Stories based in early 20th century Britain- fact or fiction.


Natural Health and Nutrition stuff.


Economic news.


Conspiracy theories



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People. They never cease to amaze me.


Politics. The whole 'cream rises but cr*p floats too' scenario I see in levels of government...I find there's less cream and more cr*p the higher up you go.


King Henry VII - end of the Victorian era.


All sorts of odds and ends, really. Jack of All Trades, Master of None comes to mind. :lol:

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People. History. What we do, what we think, why we think something, how and what we fear, how we love, or don't.


Food interests me. The history of food, the growing of food, the cultural significance of food.


People and food. :lol: Food and People.


Yeah, those things!


And what we wear, why we wear it, how it is made and why we make it that way. And what emotions we can feel and how that effects our vocab, or maybe how our vocab effects what we can feel.


And the politics of food, heirloom varieties of food, different recipes for food, eating the food, different cultural rules surrounding food.


Mm. Food.



Rosie- who is interested in most things that aren't my hubby's role playing books. Sorry, Dude.

Edited by Rosie_0801
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Count me in on the fascination of astronomy. I got hooked when I did an astronomy unit with my dd when she was in 3rd grade. She is now a senior in college and I am the president of an astronomy club. LOL! I read astronomy books for pleasure--like the discarded college textbook my dd brought home from college. :D Don't get me going on telescopes...



Edited by Jean in Wisc
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Lately I've been reading every column by Maureen Dowd and Paul Krugman in the NYT, and trying to catch some things on Krugman's blog, too. He really tries to write about economics in a way that people like me can understand, lol. And I liked Frank Rich's column on Sunday, so I may try to watch for that, too.


I also really enjoy reading these forums. The women here are smart and thoughtful, and are devoted to their children. I enjoy learning about other families' homeschooling experiences.

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I have recently been loving modern history. When I was in school, we never finished our history texts, so I never learned much beyond the early 1900. Even then, it was usually only American history past 1776. So I am fascinated by the World Wars, how our modern countries came to be, the rise of the 20th century bad guys, etc. I think my kids and husband think I'm crazy, but oh well :)

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So, it got me thinking.....What fascinates you?



Many things, but the variety of ways an organism or a society can go to HiaHB (the last two letters are Hand Basket) seems to hold my attention the longest. Also, how Chance has Changed Human History, like an epidemic of the trots stopping a large military action.

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I have ADD with hyperfocus, so everything, lol.







Though I'm undiagnosed, unless you count my friend diagnosing me. She has an ADD son and works as a parent partner, helping parents navigate the school system and IEPs.


Nothing holds my attention longer than a few weeks usually. Right now, it's real food. I love my kids' life science textbooks and have always like biology, anatomy, dissections, etc.

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Let's see:


Alaskan Crab Fishing ("Deadliest Catch" is to thank for that)

History of Women's Health (Reading the book, "FLOW")

My dd's imagination (she never ceases to amaze me with her creativity)

American History (what we're studying in school)



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Orthomolecular nutrition/medicine

Holistic health




Developmental Psychology

Neurotransmitters and Behavior


My husband :001_tt1:

My kids :001_tt2:

The stock market -- though trying to understand how to invest overwhelms me



Mystery books

Time travel


And a lot more!

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Count me in on the fascination of astronomy. I got hooked when I did an astronomy unit with my dd when she was in 3rd grade. She is now a senior in college and I am the president of an astronomy club. LOL! I read astronomy books for pleasure--like the discarded college textbook my dd brought home from college. :D Don't get me going on telescopes...




Oh yes--me too. I love astronomy.

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At the moment, 12 year olds. :D:lol:




The nature of my yard (seriously, I have pics on my blog. My back yard is almost magical)


Logic & Philosophy (I just outlined my own study)


Ancient Rome


Arthurian Legends


Geography (cultural and physical)


In a broader sense:


Dragons (within many cultures)


Paranormal activity (mostly ghost hunting)

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animals. I love to watch them do their thing; chipmunks gathering leaves for their den, birds digging for worms, squirrels hiding their winter food supply, baby birds in the spring being cared for by mom, turles sun bathing on a fallen tree, frogs hiding in the pond. I love watching it all. I could spend ALL day watching the animals around me just surviving.


You've mentioned before that you school late. Do you mind sharing why? Do you sleep during the day?

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and I have to add astronomy and pretty much anything scientific.


But especially this:




with more pics here:




THe first time I heard about this, I couldn't sleep (I should have your phone number!) :tongue_smilie: and I turned on PBS. I watched an hour long documentary on this headless chicken. I couldn't BELIEVE it! And it was so sad how he ended up dying. Anyway, I finally got a little snoozing in and when I awoke the next morning I was certain I had been dreaming about that chicken.


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The alphabet - its history, alphabets in different cultures, its mechanical production via printing (branching off into the history of printing, printing presses, etc), typefaces, its artistic production via illumination, alphabet books for kids and the way they have changed over time, the way it's been used in education (sort of related to the last one), the way letters look, everything about it!

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You've mentioned before that you school late. Do you mind sharing why? Do you sleep during the day?


We started schooling late at night because I used to work during the day. I was off for 6 mths last summer due to my back issue and I knew it was going to take me down again. I started working more to cover my anticipated bills coming up. I usually only work 2 weekdays and was going in around noon. I could homeschool dd in the am before I went to work and on the full days when I was home. When I started working more it wasn't working to get all of her school done in the mornings. We did a trial of doing it at night when I got home, and found it worked better for us. (She used to homeschool in the evening when she was in pre-k.) The house is quiet, stores are closed so we don't decide to go anywhere, and there are virtually no distractions. We sit down for about 3 hours and bust through her work. She works on her independent work the next day. We sit down from about 9-12 and sometimes she stays up for a while letting her brain mellow or doing creative projects like writing/crafting. I go to sleep because I have to get up at 6:30 am to drive ds15 to highschool an dd3 to daycare. Then I come home and either do chores or take a nap if I didn't sleep well. DD11 gets up about noon, and finishes her independent work sometime during the day before our night time lessons.

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