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How do you feel about TV's in your kids' rooms?

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I'm just talking TV only-no video games. My 11 yo son got enough gift cards and money to buy a small TV. He wants a TV, dh thinks a TV is okay, and I'm not so certain I like the idea of it. I grew up with one TV in our home-it was located in the living room and all 5 of us in our home had to share it. Dh, on the other hand, grew up with just his mom and a sister. His mom had a TV in every room of the house-including the bathroom. Ds doesn't spend a lot of time in his room anyways, so I'm wondering if he'll even use it that much. What are the rules concerning TV in your childrens' rooms in your home?

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We don't want TV's in our kids rooms, or our bedroom. I've heard that watching TV in your bed can make it more difficult to go to sleep. My dh and dd both have terrible insomnia issues. We don't need to add to it! We have a TV in the living room and one in our bonus room. We feel that is enough.

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Absolutely no way. I'm glad this is one in which dh and I see eye-to-eye. We're more like the family where you grew up -- we have one (very large, very nice, lol) tv in the den, and that's it. We enjoy tv / movies and dh studies (and develops) video games, so we have a number of game systems... But we have limited "screen time" for the kids, and prefer having one tv in a central location. The kids know they aren't getting tvs in their rooms until they're living on their own. ;)

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We've made the decision for no electronics in their bedrooms except a radio/cd player. We try to make sure all electronics are in public areas of the house. I think it makes it easier for everyone to make good choices and for the boys to adhere to their screen time limits.

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No TVs in bedrooms.


My parents were just here for a visit, and my Mom told me the biggest mistake they made was giving my brother & I each a TV, VCR, and phone in our bedrooms. Of course, the mistake would technically be letting us withdraw to our rooms and not requiring us to spend time with the family, but since we had access TV, etc, we weren't in a hurry to come out.

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Our girls used to have a tv in their room, but we took it out. How much tv does a kid need to watch? Theirs was on all the time and we decided that while tv may not "rot your brain" there are definitely better alternatives for spending their free time.

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Dh husband isn't making a stink about a TV in ds's room. He thinks it's okay, but he says if I'm not comfortable with it, which I've stated to him, then he's fine with that. He knows he had TV overload when he was a kid thanks to his mother. Dh is a FOX news junkie, too :001_smile:


My son can't understand why I don't want one in his room because "all my friends have one in their rooms"-which is true. But, rest assured, ladies, I'm not caving for that argument!


I was hoping I wasn't just being a mean mom!

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My son can't understand why I don't want one in his room because "all my friends have one in their rooms"-which is true. But, rest assured, ladies, I'm not caving for that argument!


I was hoping I wasn't just being a mean mom!


I don't think it's "mean" at all. ;) Or, if it is, I guess I'm a proudly mean mama! ... I'm very lucky that, while ds does have friends with tvs and many electronics in their rooms, he also have friends with similar rules to our own.

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It is a house rule for us. No TV's in Bedroom. I grew-up with tv in every room and it was not good. We have one TV in the living room and that is plenty. :001_smile:


This is my family too. We also watch very little TV. I want to be able to limit the amount of TV that is watched and monitor what is being watched. That would be difficult to do with a TV in a bedroom.

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We have a TV, but no reception since the switch to digital in our area, and no cable. So it is basically just a DVD player. And I don't intend to change that in the foreseeable future. I read much more now that the channels don't work! My daughter never watched much anyway. My husband just watches on his laptop; he's the only one who hasn't been able to break the watching habit.

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We have one TV in the living room. I do not want the girls to have them in their rooms. We actually don't want them to have computers in their rooms at this point either. I'm leaving that one open since my older dd may need a laptop or something of her own when she is much older (late high school). As they grow I know our rules have to adapt sometimes so we'll see, but I feel very stongly about the no TV in their rooms and dh agrees.

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We have a TV in the living room for tv and dvd's, another one next to it for games, as well as the desktop in there. There is another tv in our bedroom (grr) that is mainly used by ds4 when the others are watching movies he shouldn't see. My laptop floats. I have put my foot down about the tv in the kids' rooms although they and dh have tried to change my mind. I also have a rule that only one noise allowed at a time in the same room. For instance if someone is watching tv, games must be played without sound and computer requires headphones or no sound. They are allowed to listen to music in another room if the tv or a game is going as long as they don't start competing for volume. That has lost them all electronics privleges before.

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Guest Cindie2dds
I'm just talking TV only-no video games. My 11 yo son got enough gift cards and money to buy a small TV. He wants a TV, dh thinks a TV is okay, and I'm not so certain I like the idea of it. I grew up with one TV in our home-it was located in the living room and all 5 of us in our home had to share it. Dh, on the other hand, grew up with just his mom and a sister. His mom had a TV in every room of the house-including the bathroom. Ds doesn't spend a lot of time in his room anyways, so I'm wondering if he'll even use it that much. What are the rules concerning TV in your childrens' rooms in your home?


No TV here. We don't actually have a TV at all. We use the computer in the living room to play DVDs or stream video if they watch anything. That's the only "media" we have. Dh has a computer in the bedroom (his office). I like to keep the family media in the living room so any eyes can be on it at any time. :)

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Strong NO. And I grew up with one in my room. Not going to happen for our kids.




I want to add that even if you can only watch videos on the tv, it can still be a dangerous thing in a kid's room. In high school a friend brought over one of her dad's porn videos which we watched on the tv/vcr in my room.

Edited by kwiech
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We will not have TVs in the kids' bedrooms. Until recently we only ever had one TV. Now, however, we have 3! One in the living room, one in our bedroom (both of them have satellite) and then one in the playroom hooked up to a VCR (we can't watch our videotapes on the main TV anymore.) The only reason we have 3 is because we got one for free and the other for $5 LOL.


I really like having more than one TV at this point because we have a huge age range of children, so some can watch one thing and others something else. And when I recently had pneumonia, I really liked having a TV in my bedroom!

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Yes, my kids DO have a TV in their room. However, it is only hooked up to a dvd player, no cable, and they don't use it much. Sometimes they'll each get a dvd at the library, and then they can watch their own stuff in different rooms, but that's about it. We're not big on TV, despite owning 3 of the darn things!

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We used to be a firm no on TV in their rooms. But we moved into a much smaller house with no family room. There are many times that they would like to have their movie night (They only get to watch TV on Friday nights and Saturday), and dh and I just want to read or something. So, they have the TV and video games that used to be in our family room in their bedroom. But they are absolutly not allowed to have it on at night after bedtime, or on non-TV days. It hasn't caused any problems.

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Only our youngest has a TV in her bedroom, and that has a DVD player attached to it (no reception for actual television usage). She watches her favorite movies on it as she falls asleep, and it has a timer doohickey thing that turns it off when the movie she's chosen to watch that evening is over. (We're talking Blues Clues, Dora the Explorer, etc.)


But the only TV in the house is in the family room. At least the only one that has reception! :)

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I originally intended to have no TV in the kid's room. But after over a year of DD sleeping in the living room in front of the TV because it was the only place she'd sleep that wasn't OUR room, DH broke down and put a TV in her room so that the grownups could have the main TV and living room back after she went to sleep. This was when she was 4, and it's been the status quo since.


The TV in her room only plays DVD's. She's only allowed to have it on from bedtime-wake up, except sometimes when she has friends over and they ask to watch something in there. I plan on making the TV go away sometime in the next year, when we'll be putting a second bed in there to make room for a sibling.


DD's getting her own computer, which is going to be another battle, since she wants it in her room, and DH sees no problem with that.

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We've made the decision for no electronics in their bedrooms except a radio/cd player. We try to make sure all electronics are in public areas of the house. I think it makes it easier for everyone to make good choices and for the boys to adhere to their screen time limits.


Same here!


This morning-a little after 1am--I heard some noise--I ran downstairs to find youngest ds was still listening to a story. When I went to bed at 10-I told him he could listen until 11--he does not need much sleep......well, he was so absorbed in the story he could not turn it off!! He was listening to, "Cracker: The Best Dog in Vietnam." When I awoke this morning at 7, he was already up and listening to it again!

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No tvs/computers in the kids rooms. We do have a 12 inch tv/dvd player that a child can bring to their room for special occasions. Example, when my dd has sleepovers, we will let her bring it to her room to watch a movie with her friends.


I grew up with a tv in my room and I know that it was a major source of isolating myself from the family. We will never allow that in our home.

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Our situation is the opposite. There is a TV upstairs that the girls can pull into their bedrooms, however, they can only play DVD's or their Playstation on it. They can't get any channels on it. Since there are three of them up there, they usually leave it in the common room. I'm fine with that since the only movies or games they have are ones I've bought or rent for them.


I wouldn't let my girls have TV (for watching TV shows) in their room. We watch TV as a family so their dad or I have control over content.


eta: Dh and I have a TV in our room. We enjoy watching movies or shows together with the door shut, usually after the younger ones have gone to bed. But, we're the parents.

Edited by Ishki
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Mine have a TV in their room. The boys watch sports and my dd likes Disney Channel or such. We don't have problems with them and I just can't stand the constant noise of the TV on in the den so it isn't an issue with me. I basically can't get my dc's to stay inside so I don't really worry about the amount of time. I guess if they hung out in their rooms all day and watched TV, I would feel different. They are outside almost always or playing games together. If they want to watch a little bit of a game before bed, it just doesn't bother me.


I personally had a TV in my room when I was in 3rd grade. I remember it because NO ONE had a TV in their room but me. Reason? My dad watched the Braves EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I turned out to be a reader and rarely watch TV, except for a few movies on the Roku and House!! I think it really makes a difference as to your own experiences and how big a deal one makes it. For me, it just isn't an issue.


However, no computers in rooms. Nope, those babies stay in very visual places around the house!!

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Yes, my kids DO have a TV in their room. However, it is only hooked up to a dvd player, no cable, and they don't use it much. Sometimes they'll each get a dvd at the library, and then they can watch their own stuff in different rooms, but that's about it. We're not big on TV, despite owning 3 of the darn things!




It's more of a 'receiver' than a tv though. We have it hooked up to an Xbox and the Xbox has games and movies already on the hard drive.


I guess I don't get the 'isolation' thing. Like most things in life, moderation is key. In addition to that, we have rules pertaining to the use of the tv. One of the rules is that no tv is allowed on before dinner. After dinner, the boys get to play video games or watch a movie in their room.


My DD usually watches tv with us (when she's not working), or she's reading in her room. I think her reading is more isolating than the tv I allow my boys to watch in the evening. In fact, when I was growing up, I "hid" in my room with a good book specifically to get away from my family. TV being in the living room made no difference to me.

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Our kids both had small tvs in their rooms but they were not hooked up for tv, only movies/video games. This gave us the most control over it while still allowing them some freedom. Ds15 hasn't watched his in years, so he gave it to dd3 so she could watch dvds in her play area. DD11 watches movies occasionally but it is pretty rare. They also were able to use their video games on them since we didn't want the video games on the big tv downstairs.


We never had a problem with either one of them overstepping the boundaries with them.

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NOOOOOOO way here. (Well, let me amend that, lol) Ds bought a six inch tv at Goodwill once. It got only one channel and it was staticky. He had it in his room. He still had to ask to watch it. He got bored of it. I would never, however, let him get a real working one.


When you say tv, do you mean with cable or just watching dvds? I'm slightly more okay with dvds. Cable, however, no.



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