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Bedtime Poll

What time do your kids go to bed?  

  1. 1. What time do your kids go to bed?

    • Between 7-8pm
    • Between 8-9pm
    • Between 9-10pm
    • Between 10-11pm
    • After 11pm
    • All kids go to bed at the same time
    • Older kids get to stay up longer

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Oh, razzle frazz! I answered it for me. Obviously it is MY bedtime right now or I wouldn't be so stupid.


My kids get *in* bed between 7-7:30pm, but they read until 8-8:30pm. Daughter is allowed to stay up until 9pm if she is really into her book, but usually she falls asleep before her brother. She's my early bird though and always up by 6am.

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DD is almost 22 months old, and she goes to bed between eight and nine. We didn't consciously decide this (though I do feel like a monster if I try to make her go to bed before eight), just sort of settled into the routine. Since she doesn't have to get up early to get shipped off to daycare, I also don't see any reason to make her go to bed any earlier.

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My kids are 2, 4, and 6. They usually go to bed between 7:30 and 9:00. On Wednesdays we don't usually get home until 9, so they go to bed later. Sometimes the 2 year old goes to bed at 7:30 and the other two stay up a little longer. Poor kids, it's pretty random:) It really depends on how tired mommy is! If I'm fine, they stay up. If I'm tired, they go to bed. If I'm exhausted, they often are up until I crash into bed early!

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Both ds12 and dd8 go to be between 9:30 and 10 pm. That's what works best with my dh's schedule. We always have a family Bible time and then one-on-one time good nights with Mom and Dad for each of them. Lights are out but I can hear them humming or talking to themselves or in ds' case making zapping sounds as he plays out his latest adventure before slipping into Dreamland.

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I haven't been on here in a while and forgot what my sig line says,:tongue_smilie: but my dc are 8 & 5. I try to get them in bed between 8 & 9, but Wed nights we don't get home till almost 10. Then if I have a book party to give on another night it might be even later, but before 9 is the target for when we're home.

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The older two go to bed between 9pm and 9:30pm most of the time and then they read. My daughter sleeps in the downstairs bedroom and often stays up way too late reading, but because I'm upstairs, I'm not aware of her still being up. They are still up tonight because we are watching Joan of Arc.


The 3 year old goes to bed around 9pm or whenever he passes out before then. The baby falls asleep when she falls asleep.

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Younger two, ages 12 & 13 are in their rooms at 9:00 for quiet time, lights out by 10:00. Older, age 14, is in room by 10:00 lights out by 11:00.

The older is a night owl but very responsible about getting as much sleep as she needs and getting herself up and going in the morning. 13 yo, different story and youngest is definitely a "lark" who routinely puts himself to sleep by 9:00 or 9:30 and is up early.

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The 4yo is supposed to be in bed by 8:30 but Daddy does bedtime and doesn't always have him tucked in on time.:glare: He's kind of a night owl. It takes him forever to fall asleep and his natural clock wakes him up between 8:30 and 9:00am if not a bit later.


The 13yo goes to bed about 10:30.


The 17yo goes to bed between 11:00 and 11:30. He does much better work from late afternoon to late night.

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Our 6 kids are divided between two rooms: older three in one, and younger three in the other. I like the younger room to be in bed by 8, but can read till 8:30, while the 'older' room in bed between 8-8:30 but can read till 9.


Our kids, even the older ones, don't seem to handle too many late nights, so if we have later nights due to being out somewhere, they really need balance it with earlier nights in bed. Also, dh leaves for work at 5:30am but is often home before 4pm, so I don't really want to be doing schoolwork later in the afternoon when he is home for the day. It works better for us to work with his schedule and start/end earlier rather than later.

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My youngest two go to bed at 8pm, but rarely go straight to sleep. They're allowed to play quietly until 8:30 when they're allowed to read in bed. Dd falls asleep shortly after. The 6yo is usually awake until 10pm when the oldest two go to bed. I wish I could find a way for the 6yo to fall asleep earlier.

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My kids are usually all in their rooms (they go back and forth between the three bedrooms and are usually all camped out into one room all together) around 8-9pm every night. I've told them for years that my "mom shift is over" around 8, lol. That just means any and all questions have been answered by 8pm - they know what's expected of them to get ready for bed, they don't need me for it. That's the time I spend with dh and I treasure that time before he heads off to sleep around 10pm every night.


So, I usually tell them to head to their own rooms anywhere from 9:30-10pm. Depends on the night and my mood. If they're in their own rooms by 9:30, the girls always stay up until at least 10 to read. If they're in the middle of something good - they'll stay up til 10:30 or 11 some nights. If they're reading a really good book (say, Harry Potter Book 7 for instance - as my oldest dd is doing right now), I have to put my foot down and insist that lights are out by 10:30 so she'll actually get some sleep.


Only one of my 3 kids are early risers, though. We get out of bed whenever we get around to it on most days. The early riser is up anywhere from 6:30-7pm - the other 2 are up by 7:30-8:30. I drag myself out of my bedroom around 8-9am on most days (I stay up until 2-4am every night).

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It gradually gets later over the years. Now that they are teens bedtime is 9pm, but they will read until they are tired after that.

9pm may seem early, but I find that enough sleep is essential and I expect them up by 7am. I want them to get a full 9 hours sleep. If I put their bedtime at 10pm...by the time they got to bed, and read, they wouldnt get 9 hours.

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Our kids all go to bed at roughly the same time, between 7 and 8pm, and get up at 6 or shortly afterwards. It depends on how tired they (and we) are and how organized we are with getting dinner cooked and so on.


Either I read to and breastfeed Ms 1 while dh does individual bedtime stories with Mr 6 and Ms 4, or I do their stories while he does the little one (in which case she gets a little extra time staying up because obviously dh can't breastfeed her lol). Ms 1 gets her extra sleep with a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the middle of the day, so she doesn't need to go down earlier at night. They are all expected to remain in bed once we have settled them for the night (except for a visit to the bathroom for toilet or a drink of water), however Mr 6 is allowed to read quietly in bed for half an hour if he isn't tired when we leave him.


That's what works for us all at the moment. I have no idea what might happen as the children get older; we're pretty much playing it by ear.

Edited by Hotdrink
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My two (8 and 11) go to their bedrooms for quiet time at 8 with sleep time at 9. I do let my older one stay up later quite often for reading and recently my 8 year old has caught on and has started "reading" (more reciting from memory, he can't read yet) and I'm quite happy to let him also stay up a bit for that. :)

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Oh wow! My kids are early birds. :D My kids are 4,5,6, and 8. The boys (4,5) go to bed between 6:30 and 7. I aim for 6:45 so they are in and falling asleep by 7. But, they consistently rise at 6-6:30 am, no matter the bedtime. Always have. My 6yr old dd goes to bed at 7:30 and the oldest dd goes to bed at 8. Usually they are so tired that shortly after laying down, they are out. My girls rise early, too, but not quite as early as the boys. Probably 7:30ish.

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Mine are all in their rooms by 930, but they can watch tv or read till 1030. The 15 and 16 really don't have a bed time, other that if I hear you it is lights out. When they were younger bed was 9, no later than and that included tv or reading time. I have to have my quiet time before they wake up and after they quiet down. :001_smile:

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I didn't vote. You probably didn't mean people like me though. My kids are 17 and almost 15. There is no bedtime and hasn't been in years. The older one usually goes to bed between 8 and 9. The younger one usually goes to bed between 10 and 11.


If I had kids your kids' ages?


The younger three would go to bed between 7 and 8:30 (we'd probably aim for 7:30). The 6th grader is the one I'd waffle about. It'd really depend on her self-discipline level, but GENERALLY, I would TRY to give her the opportunity to decide for herself. I'd realize that she would probably push it for a few days/weeks but I'd try to give her time to figure it out. If it became too outrageous or her behavior suffered majorly longer than a couple weeks, I'd back up, set bedtime at 8:30 or 9 and try again in a few months.


BTW, my mom, when I went into 6th grade (jr high where we were), said I could figure it out myself. I was thrilled. The first day of school, I was asleep by 7pm! I did push it a little bit the first couple weeks but in time, I figured it out.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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My kids don't get back from swim practice until 9 pm, so they have a quick snack and I put the 2 little guys to bed. Then I put ME to bed. The older 2 know it is quiet house, but they usually stay up and do homework or read until about 11....but in their own room quietly. DD11 goes to bed some time between the 4 boys :-).



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I send mine to bed, if they aren't already in their rooms, between 10 and 11. Of course, that doesn't mean they go to sleep then!:lol: My eldest is free to go whenever she would like. That is often well after midnight. My swimmers will start going to bed right after 9 when they have early morning practices the next day. Mine are teens.

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Oh, razzle frazz! I answered it for me. Obviously it is MY bedtime right now or I wouldn't be so stupid.


My kids get *in* bed between 7-7:30pm, but they read until 8-8:30pm. Daughter is allowed to stay up until 9pm if she is really into her book, but usually she falls asleep before her brother. She's my early bird though and always up by 6am.



I think we would follow here.....


DD almost 11 yo goes to bed "lights out" around 8:30. However, if her day was full/busy or the last few days were, she'll go to bed at 7:30. I was having her read in bed before "closing door", but we've gotten away from that...would like to go back to that again. Once in a blue moon, average once a month she'll stay up late and get home from a church event at 9:00....home to shower and in bed by 10. Only an average of once a month for staying up this late. She's pre-adolescent and is requiring more sleep.

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So many of you have children going to bed very early. WE don't do that. We eat dinner normally somewhere between 6:30 and 8:00. We have family time up to about 10 or 10:30. Morning time is my alone time. If my dh is home, I make his lunch, make coffee, do dishwasher clearing, take care of my pets and check email. I read the paper, watch some news, and give my dd medicine and then make sure my girls are doing school by 9am.

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Mine are in bed by 7:30, and ds (6) usually falls asleep fairly quickly. Dd takes longer to fall asleep, but needs at least 10 hours or she's a wreck.

And they never sleep past 7am, no matter what time they go to bed.:sad:


All of you who's dc stay up later, what time do they get up in the morning?

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I put the baby down between 7-7:30. He's my early riser and is up around 7 no matter what time I put him down (yes, that's early for all in our house except dh). Dh starts reading stories to the other two in bed between 7:30-8. Ds4 falls asleep immediately after storytime while ds6 will often read his own books til 9:30. Ds4 wakes up between 7:30-8. Ds6 doesn't get up until after 8:30 depending on how late he was reading. When the baby gets a little older, he'll join his brothers in the main routine but he can't make it to storytime right now much less be a beneficial participant. He gets his own stories with Mommy at bedtime.

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Mine are in bed by 7:30, and ds (6) usually falls asleep fairly quickly. Dd takes longer to fall asleep, but needs at least 10 hours or she's a wreck.

And they never sleep past 7am, no matter what time they go to bed.:sad:


All of you who's dc stay up later, what time do they get up in the morning?


My 6.5 year old who goes to bed between 8:30 and 9 and he is ususally up between 7:30 and 8.


My ds10, who goes to bed just after 10pm, gets up between 8:30 and 10. (:001_huh:)

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My kids (ages in siggy) go to bed between 9 and 10. It depends on how many chapters of our book I read that night.


This is what happens here too. I keep aiming for 9:30, but it's usually 10. Sometimes it even creeps past that - which makes dh cranky. He'd like them in bed earlier.


My kids are a bit older - 11 and 9. All 3 share a room, so they all have to go to bed at the same time.

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My kids are supposed to be in bed between 8 and 9 depending on the day. They can read until 10 for the middles and 11 for the oldest. This usually means that dd is asleep about 11 because she has to go to the bathroom, needs a drink, etc. Ds8 is usually asleep before the cutoff time (he's my early bird) and ds14 stays up til the last possible minute and then lays in bed for another hour before falling asleep.

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11yo generally goes to bed between 10pm and 11pm. On very rare occasions she will stay up as late as 11:30. My dh and I started watching Julie and Julia last night at 9:00 and she ended up watching it with us. It wasn't over until 11pm, so she wasn't actually in bed until 11:30.


My 14yo usually goes to bed 11pm-12am. She has stayed up later than that on occasion, but not often.


My 16yo is even more of a night owl than my dh and I. She is typically still up when I go to bed (somewhere between 12:30 and 1:00). She goes to bed between 10 and 11pm on Mon/Wed because she has a 9:30am class at the cc on Tu/Th.


None of the girls have actual set bedtimes. These are just the times that they typically go to bed. The 11yo usually gets up between 6:30 and 7am. The 14yo usually get up between 7:30 and 8am. 16yo gets up anywhere between 8am (on days she has morning cc class) and 10am. Dh and I usually get up between 8 and 8:30am.


I will wake up the 16yo if she isn't up by 10am. I won't wake up the 11yo or 14yo if either of them sleeps late. If one of them sleeps late, it's because she had a lot of difficulties with sleeping the night before. If 16yo sleeps late, it's generally because she chose to stay up until 3 or 4am.

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You need an "other" -- my girls go to bed between 6:00 and 7:00 - well, 6:45 to be exact, aiming at 7:00. Granted, they are only 4 and 6, but we still get looks from people when we tell them -- their little ones go to bed at 8:00, 9:00, even later. I can't even imagine the grumpiness that my girls would exhibit if they went to bed at 8 or later every night!


They get up at 6:45 like clockwork...that's went DH leaves for work, and they are really bummed if they don't get to say goodbye. They don't nap, either.

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What time do your kids go to bed? And what ages are they? Do you allow your older kids to stay up longer?


If you chose more than 1 answer, please explain (if you dont mind)! Thanks


My guys go to bed between 9 & 10, usually, and all at the same time, then they can read as long as they want. This allows us time together in the evenings as a family. I usually wake the older 3 up at 7:30.

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My 7 & 10 yo old have a 9 p.m. bedtime but it's usually more like 9:30 cause my dh gets home between 8-10 p.m. 4 nights a week. The 15 & 19 yo don't have set bedtime but they have to quit bothering us after 10:30 - they usually go to sleep between that and 12. My 15 yo is usually in the kitchen at midnight getting one last snack.

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