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My kids want to be a bum, a pastry chef and princess. What about yours?

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This is somewhat in response to the thread that is somewhat about the value of college. My son is going to college next year (probably in Japan) and is going to major in Asian studies and minor in Japanese. He wants to either be a spy or an "international bum" when he graduates. My first grader wants to be a pastry chef, and my youngest wants to be a princess. If she can't be a princess, her second choice is a queen.


What do your kids want to be when they grow up?

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My oldest is still deciding!


My 19 year old wants to write the great American novel. Or be a librarian. But being a librarian requires quite a bit of math and you pretty much have to start out with a master's in library science. So writing the great American novel might be easier.


(Short answer-she is currently an English major because she loves words. Words that others wrote, words that she wrote, the act of writing words. She is just amazingly gifted with words. She just doesn't know for sure yet how she wants to use her gift)


My 17 year plans to major in political science with a minor in history and her intention is to save the world. From liberals, but I did not say that out loud.


My 12 year old would like to be a chef.


My 10 year old would either like to be the new leader singer of Superchick. Or a princess. She still has a lot of princess left in her.


My 8 year old wants to be a video game tester. Oh, and he was going to be a contestant on American Idol, until yesterday. Yesterday we got his long shaggy hair cut, totally destroying his chances with American Idol. He reminded me of his missed opportunity for success and fame all the way home from Supercuts.


(There is a secret hidden message in here about one of my kids. You can find it if you want, but don't be offended if you do!!)

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My oldest DS 9 wants to be a gross-ologist of any kind or a Major League Baseball pitcher. Needless to say, we encourage the science ;-).



DD 6 wants to drive the Barbie car in Parades or work at a daycare center. Anything social and she'll be fabulous.:D



DS 5 wants to be a rock star or work at the movie theater so he can eat all the popcorn free and :lurk5: see movies the day they come out. HOwever, he already loves writing short stories, so I'm hoping journalism :lol:

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dd6 - Wants to be a mother and take care of babies. She used to want to be a ballet teacher and a mother, but now she thinks that being just a mother with babies is more fun. (I must look like I am having a blast! :lol:)


ddalso6 - Wants to be a horseback rider. She also wants to be a mother, but only with 1 child. (Obviously she does not think I am having as much fun as her sister does. :D)


Guess which child is more difficult on a day to day basis????

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an "inventor-scientist" who builds robots.


And, he wants to be rich.


As he says , "Not so that I can have a lot of money, but because God says we should share our money with the poor."


He's so earnest when he says it; I hope that part of him will never change :hat:

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Since about October my 7 yr old has been telling me he wants to be an architect. He plans on financing this by being a life guard at the pool.


Before that he had wanted to be a racecar driver. This aspiration lasted about for about 3 years. Until he met an architect at a career day.

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...one currently wants to be a racecar driver (3yo; I heard him say it *once*)


One wants to be a herpetologist (almost 13yo; he used to want to be a lawyer, and personally, I think he'll lean that way again, because he's mentioned other interests in the larger field of criminal justice, and he could outtalk any lawyer *I* know)


One wants to be a farmer (7yo; this is all she's ever said she wants to be)


One wants to be a "gymnasticker" (6yo)


And the 14yo...sometimes she says a writer, but I think she's still holding on to the dream of playing professional baseball, lol. (Not sure that's ever going to happen).


Edited to add: That's what I get for responding without asking, lol; 14yo wants to be the next Kristin Chenowith. Not a writer. At. All. But possibly still a professional baseball player. :-) (Don't you remember what it was like to be young? When it was possible to believe that you actually could be the next Kristin Chenowith, and that professional baseball just might expand to include women?)

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Depending on the day of the week, my oldest (almost 7) wants to be an astronaut, scuba diver, or wallaby tamer (don't ask, lol). My middle girl wants to be an artist (like her dad) and ballet dancer. The little one usually wants to be whatever the big ones are planning, she'd settle for a cat though. :)


Edit--I just asked ds again, he still says astronaut, but Lego designer or movie designer are right up there.

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My 11 yo dd wants to be a large animal vet and marry a man with a horse farm (or, more relistically, be a "country vet" and work from home while raising her family.)


My 9 yo dd wants to do something with preschoolers and music therapy or speech therapy or something like that. She can do these until she gets married and then part-time from home after.


My 5 yo ds wants to be a pastor, but we believe that a pastor should be someone older who has lived and raised a family so well that he is esteemed, so we are talking about possible "until I can be a pastor, while I raise my family" jobs.

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at the moment. She is already part way through school to become a Wedding Consultant, but thinks that it is too girly.


Growing up she went through periods of wanting to be a lawyer, a police officer, an airplane pilot, and an interior decorator.


Who knows what she will actually do with her life?

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run our family business. He would be a 3rd generation taking over, but has his 3 brothers and my brother's 3 girls that may want to run it as well. :) My 2nd son always shrugs his shoulders and says "I don't know...". My 3rd son wants to be a Daddy. That's it. A daddy. I think he couldn't be anything better than that!

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dd 20 will graduate next year with an English degree. She wants to edit children's books. Mostly she wants to get married, have children and homeschool. (Isn't that quite a compliment!)


ds17 is planning on pharmacy school. I'm not sure if that fact that my family has been pharmacists since they had to go out in the fields to find the ingredients for the meds draws him...or maybe it's the big bucks they make as soon as they graduate with multiple job offers.


ds7 is going to be an inventor, specifically he plans to invent Transformers. (I really do see him in some sort of engineering kind of career.)

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Two paleontologists, one spaceship designer (or owner of his own computer game company), and one military strategist (preferably without any of that soldiering bit, you know, where you could get hurt or something).


My prediction: Two engineers/computer science/IT types, one paleontologist, and one professional stuntman.

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Dd13 isn't sure but she wants to be really, really wealthy. Although she is an artistic type, spends 2 hours every day drawing and painting, and loves to write- that kind of kid- she for some reason has got science based careers in mind- doctor, forensic scientist, medical scientist, something like that. No pressure on me or anything :001_huh::rolleyes:


Ds12, my dyslexic non academic child who fights me every day to get out of doing the bare miniimum of work, wants to be a Vet. (I know, dyslexic kids can go far...it's just not looking good from here!):001_rolleyes:

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My oldest son 16 on Friday wants to be a missionary to China, or Africa, run an orphanage, and write children's books ala C.S.Lewis. He wants to adopt as many kids as he can that has been one of his dreams for years now.


Youngest son 14 wants to do something in the filed of science and cook as a hobby. I imagine that his dreams will change a bit since they are so nebulous. However I am cashin in on the be a cook hobby :D Um any time I can get out of cooking is good:lol: He baked a cake for Children's ministry at our church today and it was a big hit. He is tho adamant that he does not want to cook for a living.


Fun thread.

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Dd13 isn't sure but she wants to be really, really wealthy. Although she is an artistic type, spends 2 hours every day drawing and painting, and loves to write- that kind of kid- she for some reason has got science based careers in mind- doctor, forensic scientist, medical scientist, something like that. No pressure on me or anything :001_huh::rolleyes:




I have a Ph.D. in engineering. I teach math. In my spare time (ha ha) I am a fiber artist and have had pieces in quilt shows and gallery shows. It feeds my soul to do my art. I am sure your daughter can do both if she so desires. Oh, and my kids all hang out in my studio with me.


As for my kids...My ds13 wants to design video games or be a marine biologist or maybe design marine biology software. My DS7 wants to be whatever his older brother is so they can work together. However, he loves to take data, so maybe he will be some sort of scientist. DD3 wants to be a doctor. and DS1 wants to learn to run very fast without falling on his nose.:D

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Dd 12 wants to be an actress. She loves the stage but she'd be happy to do a movie.

Dd 7 wants to do something with animals (research/how they work) and a geologist.


I still have not figured out what I want to do yet. If I could get over the smell, I would love to do something like CSI or solve research mysteries.

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Ds12, my dyslexic non academic child who fights me every day to get out of doing the bare miniimum of work, wants to be a Vet. (I know, dyslexic kids can go far...it's just not looking good from here!):001_rolleyes:


One of my very favorite classmates from vet school is dyslexic, not only in writing, but also in speaking as he would say some very funny things. However, he has done really well, it was a lot of hard work but he did it and has been a great vet!

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DS7: Doctor, astronaut, restaurant owner, dad


DD5: Doctor, mom, cop


DS1: I think at this point he wants to be Elmo, and anyone who can throw a ball...ok, so he didn't tell me this, but after all he's only 1 and doesn't say much yet! :tongue_smilie:

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My first wants to be a dress or a house designer.


My second wants to be a zookeeper. He has never wavered on this one and it was one of Dh's secret wishes for himself.


My third wants to swim with the dolphins and sharks. His second choice is a firefighter.


I'll be proud of them all no matter what!!!! :001_smile:

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My Ds 6yo wants to be a teacher (like his Dad) but he is going to teach me, his Dad and his sister only. Oh, and he is living with me forever and gets very upset if anyone suggests otherwise.


My DD 8.5yo wants to be a children's author and SAHM.

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This is somewhat in response to the thread that is somewhat about the value of college. My son is going to college next year (probably in Japan) and is going to major in Asian studies and minor in Japanese. He wants to either be a spy or an "international bum" when he graduates. My first grader wants to be a pastry chef, and my youngest wants to be a princess. If she can't be a princess, her second choice is a queen.


What do your kids want to be when they grow up?


My oldest, since she was five, has wanted to be a missionary's wife. Our middle dd, has not decided yet...but my DH just happened to ask our youngest (7) this question earlier. She wants to go into the Air Force before she gets married and be a homeschool mom after she gets married. Why? Because, "you and Mom seem to like what you do." :Angel_anim:

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It changes weekly, but recently he's said he wants to be the head master of his own school for homeschooled kids (figure that one out! :001_smile:) and he also wants to be an astronomer on the side, and in his spare time, he will be a carpenter, a farmer and a Lego designer.


And, you know what? I do believe he may actually possess the energy to be able to pull all that off! :willy_nilly:

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My oldest (17 next month) wants to be either a US Marshal or an FBI Agent -- at the very least, she wants to join the State Troopers, if she isn't hired by a national protection agency. She's planning on going to college full-time in 2009, with a major in criminal justice, and she's working on achieving her Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do


My second (14 in May) wants to be an artist -- he's also looking at graphic design and architecture


My third (8) wants to be a doctor -- most likely a pediatrician


My youngest (6) so far wants to be a librarian -- hey, she loves to read!

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Nick/11: game designer (would love to work for Jagex)


Zack/9: Magician/illusionist (3 years of magic under his belt already. Will be marrying a showgirl and put his folks up in a nice penthouse in Vegas.:thumbup:


Mom's observation:


Nick/11: lawyer (loves logic, arguing and has pretty good writing skills) or

accountant (good with numbers, like to work solo).


Zack/9: Physics/Science Teacher (he loves to explain how everything works to anyone who has a set of ears!). I think he'd make a great college professor.

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5yob -- rescuing exotic, endangered animals


7yob -- transportation engineer, specifically, designing a functional interstate public train system :auto:


10yob -- Weird Al Yankovich impersonator in Las Vegas


What do I think they'll do? Gosh, they're so little. I think I'm going to do everything I can to help them actualize their dreams.

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6 yo wants to either be an "army man" or play for the Chicago Cubs


10 month old - I think he either wants to be a professional eater or professional pooper


One of my 6 yo great-nephews says he wants to either be a marine biologist, a zoologist or a superhero.

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These are really interesting to read!


My 12yo ds- a youth minister, like his dad.


My 11yo dd - a pet store owner, and a mom


My 8yo ds - a racecar driving, game testing chef. Many varied interests!!


Of course, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! :confused:

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11-yr-old dd wants to study all about animals and ecology and "save the planet" while also becoming best friends with Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana.


14-yr-old dd wants to be the next Stephanie Meyers (author or "veggie teen vampires in love books") and/or design houses.


16-yr-old ds (and this alarms me) so far only wants to become part of the Mythbusters team and blow things up.


His 16-yr-fraternal twin (autism) just plans to "be a kid forever and never go to work" (his words.) He may well get HIS dream - Illinois is now ranked LAST for support services etc. for people with disabilities in the country!

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These are just making me smile this morning....


My ds10 wants to be...


at 7 he told he wants to fly jets and land on aircraft carriers

at 9 he started designing weapons with legos and assorted toy guns

at 9 he told me he wanted to make Star Wars 7,8 & 9

at 9 he told me he wants to play in the WPT (World Poker Tour)

at 10 he started taking apart computers and old cell phones to see how they work


Today he said he wants to be a world class poker player, who makes movies. The movie making will allow him to travel the world while doing covert operations, including weapon design, for the US Government. :ohmy:

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Ds 12 wants to be in management (like his Dad) and do magician work on the side. He says if these don't work, he'll go to work for a credit card company. He says so many people owe the credit card companies so much money that surely he could rake in the dough there. (Not so sure Dave Ramsey would approve of this!)

Ds 11 wants to be a magician.

Ds 9 wants to be a bank president (he figures they make a lot of money)

Ds 7 wants to be a police officer.


What's up with the two kids wanting to make a lot of money? We're always encouraging them to consider what they're good at, what they enjoy, and how God might use their abilities to bless others and provide for a family. We'd love it if some of them wanted to be in full time ministry, too, and of course that's not exactly lucrative. But bank president and credit card company? Where'd we go wrong?

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My daughter wants to be me, but not work as hard (what does that tell you!) Two years ago, she wanted to be a chef. Last year, she wanted to be a manga artist. This year (14yo) she wants to be a world famous harpist (emphasis on world famous, I think), composer, and professor of ethnomusicology. Whew!


Make no small plans, huh?!


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17yods - Says he wants to be like his dad. Aw, sweet! He also says he wants to be a Marine for the next four years and then maybe come back to work the family construction business.


15yodd - Small animal vet. We keep telling her that she needs to rethink that. She can get most if not all of her college paid for if she agrees to be a large animal vet in a rural community for a few years. That's a lot of money. There is also more of a demand for large animal vets and less people who want to do it.


13yods - Says he isn't sure. He's talked about being an artist or an archaeologist. He loves to cook, so I could see him being a chef as well.


11yodd - Gymnastics coach and possibly go to school for sports psychology. She's only 11 and her whole world revolves around gymnastics. She used to talk about becoming a vet or animal trainer and working with her sister.

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  1. An actress/entrepreneur (12-year-old daughter) - She wants to start her own repertory company and also a national organization of community theatres that would allow them to share resources.
  2. A robotics engineer (10-year-old son). That is, of course, unless the show business career takes off and he ends up being too busy dancing or whatever to build any robots.


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