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Anyone in the mood for a fresh Roll Call?

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I notice a new user name or two every day, and I'm curious if we have a bunch of new homeschoolers, lurkers stepping into the light or recent WTM converts.


Care to introduce yourself (long-timers included)?



I am Crissy, mom of two boys.

Jeffrey (15) was homeschooled through the first half of ninth grade, when we decided to let him give PS a try in preparation for high school. He has AP and honors classes in his sights for his sophomore year and dual enrollment at the local community college for his junior and senior years.

His first semester of PS has been a great success. His teachers love him and have recommended him for the classes he wants next year, he is the captain of his baseball team and he has reconnected with friends from his younger days at the Boys and Girls Club.

Homeschooling for all those years was a great preparation for this stage of his life in so many ways.


Hunter (10) will be homeschooled for several more years, at least. He is a great student, but would rather spend the day with a stack of books, a warm puppy and a few pillows than his math, English and Latin books.

We basically follow TWTM, using Rod and Staff for math and English, Latin Prep, Story of the World, our bountiful library for science and art and the public school as well as private lessons for his new-found love: The Violin.

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I'm here on and off...


10 y.o. daughter, 5th grade. homeschooling in and out of the US since PreK with some moments in private school (parts of 1st and 2nd). Oh yeah, and public school in Morocco (1st grade) - that was an adventure!

Currently using: Saxon math, SOTW 4 (history), The New Way Things Work (science), composers fandex, painters fandex, Writing Strands, choosing literature and other language arts from SOTW activity guide, Latin Prep


3 y.o. daughter, reading lots of books and playing in the garden.


I work for a virtual academy, and formerly taught in private and public schools - k-8 classroom, and high school librarian.

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We began homeschooling withour oldest two years ago when he started middle school; DS #2 will come home after this school year when he finishes fifth grade. We had not initially intended to HS DD, however she's academically precocious AND has a late birthday (Oct, our cutoff is the end of Sept), so she'd start kindergarten ready for first & 2nd grade academics. Our local public school really wouldn't be able to do anything with her, so she's staying home as well.


I'd heard about TWTM before, but just read it a few months ago, and joined the forum about a month ago.

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Dobela, former ps school teacher

ds 9 in 2 weeks

dd just turned 2

homeschooling since the beginning


We are using an eclectic mix right now waiting to do testing to see if my ds is dyslexic. Until I see what we need to change he is using BJU math, HoughtonMifflin Grammar, A Purpose for Spelling, Blessed Heritage history, Real Science 4 Kids, Handwriting without Tears. DD's curriculum is just to stay out of trouble :lol:

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I'll be officially homeschooling my oldest starting in July! He's 5. But I've been lurking on these boards for a while. I've never felt I had much to say; I've been here mostly to gain information, but now I feel that it's time to start networking!!!


Glad to be here!


Oh, yeah, and I have two gals, too. One is 3 and will be doing some pre-k stuff, and the other is 1 1/2. She's just tagging along :)

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Hi there,

I'm pretty new here. I have four kids (one of which is my step-son). Our story is a little different, lol. I HSed my oldest (now 8 yrs) for 1st grade last year. This year he and his younger brother went to the local PS. For many reasons they are both coming home next year and will stay home for many years after that, the Lord willing. Mainly, we'll take it step by step and year by year. My step-son (14 yrs.) is public schooled, that won't change.


My oldest will be in 3rd next year, the 6 y/o will be in 1st and the only girl of the family will be basically be doing preschool and life learning. I will be using MFW with both boys next year. One doing 1st, the other Adventures (with the 1st grader tagging along).


Enough about us...lol...

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I'm new here. I've been reading some of the threads & wanting to jump in but I'm not sure where to start. :001_smile: So this thread came at a good time for me.


I've got 3 boys 5, 3 (4 in a couple days), 1. We started HS when we pulled our oldest out of PS K after Christmas. I always said that HS was really cool, but it wasn't for me... & here I am. :D


Looking forward to getting to know all of you & talking some shop.



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Amy in Colorado here. I've been lurking for a while and just recently posting. We are finishing our fourth year of HS. I have an 11 yo dd and a 9 yo ds. WTM was the first HS book I ever read, and I keep referring to it over and over. I've pretty much followed all the suggestions in it, and we're happy so far! I'm very grateful for the hive.


My avatar is our cat, Gloria. She's a 15 yo Manx. :)

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Angela, here. I've been here... I don't know. I lurked on an off for years, but I'm not sure when I crossed over into posting.


We have four children - 20, 8, 4 and 4.


My eldest daughter went to public school all the way through. I was less than satisfied with the, uh, "academic rigor" of the whole affair, and even less happy with the social dynamic.


When we made the decision for me to stay home full time, I started researching homeschooling, and The Well-Trained Mind was the first book/style that really spoke to me.

Bailey is doing third grade: Growing With Grammar, Mammoth Math Division I, Story of the World Vol 3, Evan-Moor Daily Geography, Living Learning Books Chemistry, Lively Latin, First Start French, Spencerian Penmanship, and Bastien Piano.


Holden and Quinn are pre-K: Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, memory work with the Goops and other verse, and various activities relating to literature, math, and nature study.


Welcome to the new people! There is a wealth of information and wisdom on these boards. :D

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Hey all!


My name is Melissa. Once upon a time, I was totally against homeschooling. How things change!!! We decided a few years ago to homeschool and started officially this year for K. It has been a great first year! Dd is thriving with hs! I'm mostly following TWTM - it has some great guidance. I love being able to ask questions of the hive, esp about curriculum, which is soooo hard to choose! We're about to be moving to VA, near D.C. and can't wait for all the great fieldtrips next year!

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We live in Nevada and have been homeschooling since 1991. My first homeschool experiment is graduating from college end of May :hurray:


I have used some part of most curriculums out there and I was trying to coordinate subjects chronologically way back in 1994. The WTM was my salvation - though latin has been our failure, try as we might, over and over. :glare:


Currently homeschooling my 10 yo ds and 4 kids of various ages and abilities that belong to other people, using more books and curriculum than you are interested in reading about. When the last one graduates I could open a home-school supply store :D


Haven't really been reading here that long but I needed some tweeks and refinement to some curriculum and this board is full of good ideas and interesting people.

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I've been a regular poster for the last year and a half after lurking intermittently on the old boards.

Homeschooled from the beginning using WTM recommendations in an eclectic mix.

Still working part-time as a small animal veterinarian but my heart is with the horses and cows that I don't have time to see anymore! I love to answer questions so please visit my "Ask the Vet" social group if you have any, I check it almost daily.

I live in the frozen north where real women play broomball.:D

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I'm Trish. I've been a member/lurker for about 4 years. I never once posted on the old boards- just did a ton of reading. I haven't posted much here either, I suppose. Although I could talk all day long in person :D


I'm mom of 4 children:

#1 DD 10 years old

#2 DS 8 years old

#3 DD 5 years old

#4 DS 4 years old


I keep the first two on the same levels in Spelling, English (although #1 gets more written work), Science, and History. We use SS, R&S, and an eclectic mix of the last two (starting TOG this year!!) They do R&S Math on their own levels. #2 is slightly ahead of #1. We also do reading together using R&S until they finish the forth level, then they do read/narrative. #2 is still working through R&S.

#3 just learned how to read, and listens in on Science and History.

#4 tries to stay out of trouble. :001_huh:


We also homestead. We school year round due to homesteading, with the bulk of school done in the heat of summer and the cold of winter.


Hubby and I have been married for 12 years, and we've h/sed from the beginning.

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I've been homeschooling our dd and ds from the beginning, and have two more kids to add into the mix in the coming years. I was public schooled, but my dh was homeschooled so our family is sort of 2nd generation homeschoolers. My dh was the first real-live homeschooler I had ever met. (We met in college.) I wasn't sold on homeschooling at first, and he didn't press the issue, but I came around when I did a little research on our local school districts at the time. We homeschool primarily for religious reasons, but many academic reasons as well. I read WTM before our dd was ready for school and I clicked with its philosophy of education instantly. I've lurked on these boards for a long time and posted a few questions on the old boards years ago. I've just recently begun posting on the new boards though. These boards have been a tremendous resource to me. There is no better place than these boards IMO to research curriculum options. These boards are overflowing with intelligent, thoughtful, helpful parents. I appreciate the honesty of these boards. Between WTM, the WTM boards and my mother-in-law, I have been blessed with a wealth of knowledge and experience to learn from.


The resources we use are in my sig. Our big news is that we start TOG Year 1 in June. I can hardly wait!

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Heather in WI, here. We're finishing up our ninth year of very happy homeschooling. I used to hang out on the old Sonlight boards when freedom reigned there, but I've popped into WTM many times over the years, especially the accelerated board,and am really appreciating the change in board format here now.

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I live in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. I've been homeschooling since 1995. I have been on the boards for less than a year, but I've been using WTM methods forever.


I have four sons, two graduated, and two daughters. This year I have a 3rd grader, 4th grader, 6th grader, and 9th grader.


Next year I'm giving TOG a try for the first time. We will be doing Year 1. I love all the info I get off these boards! Thanks everyone!

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Dawn in Nova Scotia. I was here before under Dawn of NS but messed up when we moved and switched ISP and...Well, I'm Wishbone now.


I have two kids who have always been homeschooled. I started out as a radical unschooler, worried when my daughter turned 8 and dived into curriculum and am just getting myself grounded again and am easing out of most of the curriculum. Mostly. Maybe. :D

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Guest janainaz

I'm Jana....in Arizona. I have one dh of 12 yrs. and two boys (Noah - 9 and Elijah - 4). I've been homeschooling all along and TWTM was the first homeschool book I read and the reason I have peace doing it.

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lurkers stepping into the light


That would be me! I registered here over a year ago, and have only recently started posting. I have lurked off and on and feel like I kind of know many of you. I sort of just jumped right in and never bothered to post an intro. I usually do on forums too. Sorry 'bout that... :blush:


I'm Darla, wife to one husband of (nearly) 17 years and mom of 3 boys and a girl.


The WTM was the first homeschool book I read and I'm a big fan of the approach. I've kind of drifted off for a couple of years and now that we'll be entering our 4th year homeschooling, I'm hoping to ease back into it with more realistic expectations. Hopefully a little experience under my belt will help.

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Emerald from Montana. Although I have been here for over a year; this is my first official introduction (How rude of me; my grandma would be appalled).

We have four children our oldest is 10 year old girl, then 8 year old boy, then 3 year old boy, then 5 month old girl.

Our oldest made it 1/2 through first grade in public school and that was it.


We are pretty eclectic but use WTM as a foundation.

I am a social worker by profession and work very, very part time at an inpatient rehab for woman AND their kids!

We love to travel, I worked 6 monthes in SE Asia and are planning a year trip to syria in about year (the children are learning Arabic).

I love LOVE and seek Justice in all that I do.



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I'm Imp, and found these boards via Special Mama, whose crazy enough to hang out with me irl.


I am wife to 'Wolf', Momma to Diva, whose the only 'registered' homeschooled child in the home at age 10, and in 5th. We pulled her out mid gr 3 when bullying issues were simply too much to bear any longer, and the school was useless, the teacher worse than useless, but cruel. We'd planned to simply keep her out come summer, but things came to a head quicker than we anticipated.


Our youngest two, 'Tazzie' and 'Princess' are 4 and 2.5 respectively, and our intention is never to have a child in ps again, so we'll see what the future holds.

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I'm Pam and I first read TWTM in 2000. Decided that I definately wanted to follow that style(just had to wait for dd to get older.) Started hsing dd for K. I am now in my 6th year and have added two more kiddos to the mix as well as tutoring other children. SWB is my hero and when I grow up I wanna be just like her. :D The funny thing is I didn't even know this board existed until Jan 2008. I get sad when I think of all the time I could have wasted [er, I mean spent] here. I am glad I found you guys though, I feel as if my mind has expanded exponentially(how's that for an alliteration?) since I began coming here. You can see my kiddos in my sig line and I use pretty much all the TWTM 1st choices for cirriculum for them.

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Sort of lurker here. Do not always post but always reading posts here.


2 human children, need to update schooling sig but 9,5 year old daughter and 4 year old son. We are heavy into history and reading and languages and living life.


1 hubby, 3 dogs,3 cats, 3 birds, 3 rabbits, 3 gerbils, 2 fish and 2 hermit crabs.


I work part time as a licensed veterinary technician. We are into 4-H heavily as well as Shotokan Karate. We also do animal fostering of mainly breed rescue for dogs, Anatolian Shepherds but sometimes others as well. Avians and exotics are some of my specialties.


My daughter wants to follow in my footsteps with an animal field and my son just enjoys life.


i think that covers it all.:)

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I'm Dawn. Kinda newish around here, I've lurked off and on for a few years and started posting more recently. I read WTM in 2004ish when my first was born. My husband, Jason, and I both knew we wanted to homeschool and talked about it when we were dating. We have 3 children, as you can see in my sig. Oh, and, my "big" one started really reading about 1.5 weeks ago and it is SO MUCH FUN.

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I go by Kay and am old enough to be the mother of many here. I have one, last-egg-under-the-wire, son, and do our schooling in the evenings and weekends. I have a fairly hectic day job working with the mentally ill. I'm married to the carpenter who came to fix my foundation. All he talked about was his kids (and had classical music on the boombox), and I asked him if he'd like to be a father again. "I'd be delighted" was the reply. While I have looked over at him at times, wondering who the heck this accordian-playing guy with a grey beard is, I've never looked back. We were both in vitro fertilization rejects (bad hormones and chaotic swimmers), but still managed to pop out a normal boy. My folks were 86 and 94, and my dad said "I won't call it a miracle, but I'll call it unusual".


In my younger years I cooked and hiked all the time and gardened in between. I just don't have the wrists and knees for it anymore, so my spare moments catching my wind are spent on the internet. Viva la internet!


I had zippo knowledge of homeschooling prior to getting pregnant, and in a complete review of the subject (I'm famous for my complete reviews) I stumbled upon WTM at the library. It was a eureka moment.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

Virginia Dawn


Homeschooling in Virginia for 17 years. 5 kids. My daughter went to ps kindergarten, after that it's been 100% homeschooling for our family.


I'm one of the old timers that started out using Konos and The Writing Road to Reading. I read TWTM 10 years ago, when it first came out. I was already using a history cycle that I had put together using a combo of Sonlight and Greenleaf books. I use TWTM as a reference book, more than a curriculum guide.


I've graduated two children, and it looks like we are in this for the long haul. :-)

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Homeschooling two, 1st and 3rd, and another preschool age.


I happened upon The Well Trained Mind at the library the year before my oldest turned kindergarten age. It really changed my way of thinking. I never thought I would be a homeschooler, although a couple families in our church were doing it. The excitement over reading TWTM and seeing how it *could* look along with support at church converted me.


Erica in OR

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Hi, I'm Mary. I go by sasharowan on boards, though. I am homeschooling 4 kids in Florida. My oldest is a 13yo boy and heading into 8th grade. Next is my dd, age 9, going into 4th, then ds (turning 8 next week) goes into 3rd. And last but never least is ds3 who is learning daily, but never what we expect him to learn.


I found the boards just before the changeover and have been mostly lurking but occasionally posting since the change. Although I had heard of WTM for years, I didn't actually read it until a little over a year ago. We've been slowly incorporating more classical style into our eclectic style. We use MathUSee, and SOTW. We'll add in HO next year, we use REAL science Life and Apologia General, switching to Mchenry Chem for te oldest and REAL science Chem for the other 2. We just started IEW. We've used GWG and HWOT and we're looking for French ideas.

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Hello. My name is Joanna. Married to my high school sweetheart, Gabriel for 4 years. Yes, we are pretty young as I have a medical condition and had the choice of having children young or not at all. We are fully concentrated on our children and that's exactly why I wanted to homeschool. We have a 5 year old son who has SPD, 3 year old son, and a 10 month old son....yep, we are blessed with all sons!


Anyways, we looked into basically every homeschooling method and couldn't find a method that was "just right". Then somehow I came across these boards and eventually found out about the book and method. Once I found out more about it, I was deeply excited. It fits our idea of homeschooling to a tee. We follow the method quite closely although we just started. We are still trying to get together some of the books we need but we are really excited. I was especially excited that it said if our just turned 5 year old mastered reading, etc. that we could move into first grade. We knew he was ready for first grade but we felt he just had to start "kindergarten" first. Needless to say, we are starting first grade soon, as he is definately ready by their definition. Our 3 year old does some phonics with his brother and enjoys doing math, plus he enjoys sitting in during read alouds, etc. He does math on the 1st grade level and is reading okay for being 3, he's learning quickly though!


Our oldest had a brief preschool experience and thank goodness we were able to take him out. It's weird because one day out of the blue we received a homeschooling catalog (that I never ordered) and then others started coming in. I didn't start thinking about homeschooling immediately but my son's teacher got worse. We prayed for 3 months until the Lord finally directed toward taking him out and doing it on our own. We will be using an umbrella school all of our homeschooling years so that they can aquire accredited diplomas, have graduation, etc.


You will see some posts from me here and there I am sure but most of the time I am reading. I don't have much advice as I'm just starting out but I went to college for special education and try to chime in when I can.


WHEW...sorry about the length but I get really excited when talking about homeschooling. :D

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We live between Austin and San Antonio and have been homeschooling our oldest for the past 10 years--she graduates in May. Middle dd was homeschooled for grades 1-5, back at PS for grades 6-9 and came home last October for 10th and will be homeschooled the 'rest of the way'. Youngest dd currently attends our local PS.


I'm a certified Math and Science teacher. I teach Algebra and Geometry online.


My current free-time activities include taking my white German Shepherd puppy to puppy-school and learning how to make a round-pen for the horse that was 'given' to us last year.

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I am Rebecca, mom to two great boys who are 9 and 5 (will turn 6 and 10 this summer). :)


I have been homeschooling my younger ds since he was around 3 (well, since birth, really...but you know what I mean) and I am finishing up the first year homeschooling ds 9. We have had a great year and will be continuing with "lite school" all summer.


Next fall, we will be beginning Heart of Dakota (Bigger Hearts w/Extensions for my older, Beyond for my younger). We are big fans of CLE and use CLE LA, Math, and Bible. We will also be throwing in some foreign language for the first time and doing Latin for little guy and Spanish for the older.


I have been on this forum just under a year.

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I'm also a fairly recent addition to the boards - Sarah by actual name though I'm elise1mds on the big wide Internet. I'm a 27-yo mother of two, married for 9 years to my Aussie husband.


I'm not actually homeschooling yet but plan to start this fall with my 6-yo son with all sorts of fun issues, which is the primary reason we're bringing him home. It's tough for a teacher to understand that my boy isn't falling out of his chair on purpose, among other 'problems.' However, he's very bright and reads everything in sight, so homeschooling is going to be a lot of fun. I'll be keeping my 4-yo daughter at a private preschool because that's where she wants to be. I have never really thought I'd be homeschooling, but I am excited about it and am looking forward to starting. These boards have been wonderful to someone whose questions include things like "Where do I start?"


Look forward to really getting to know everyone!

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I'm Gina, mom of 4 great kids. We live in the middle of Kansas, and right now we're surrounded by "burnt" hills and fields.:glare: We've homeschooled since the beginning. I read TWTM in 2000 and loved it, although we don't follow every part exactly! We've had an interesting year with a 2 y.o. and a 1 y.o.

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I've been on the boards for over five years. My oldest is 7. He is a voracious reader, but math, well.... We are working our way through Medieval History & Lit (SOTW), Earth Science (Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space), Grammar (FLL), Handwriting (HWT), Math (RS), geography, music (piano lessons), and art. We're working in some Latin (PL) and Spanish (Rosetta Stone). We follow TWTM sequence fairly closely, but are relaxed in our lessons. My middle guy is almost 5. He doesn't enjoy stories at much as my oldest, but happens to read well and loves math. He wants to work by my side all day long. The 2 1/2 year old just loves to be in the middle of everthing... causing chaos. :lol:


We live in a rural area on 3 acres. I grew up just two miles down the road where my parents still live. My sisters both live close and my oldest sister also homeschools her 3 kiddos. I enjoy photography and appreciating the little things in life, both of which I share on my blog regularly.

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Tap here outside of Portland, Oregon.


We have ds14 who started this whole homeschooling roller coaster after 4 years in both public and private school by saying "can we homeschool next year"? I agreed to try it for 3 mths, that was 5 years ago :0) . Can't imagine life any other way now, lol.


He is in a public/homeschool hybrid that is scheduled like college. 2-3 days on site, the rest at home. He is also on a competitive swim team. He is excelling academically and amazes us daily. He is a devout Christian, kind, sweet, and generous.


DD10 started in private, and asked to come home also for 1st grade. She is a darling, who is full of life and adventure. She is the kid of person who has a excited energy about them, such that, you can feel her enter a room, before you see her.


DD2 was an unexpected addition. She is my great niece, who is now our legal daughter. She first came to us as a foster child at 5mo, and will now be with us forever. She is in therapy to teach us how to deal with her 'uniqueness'. She will have some ongoing struggles due to her mother's choices during her pregnancy. :0/


I work out side the home 25ish hours a week in pharmacy, to keep my sanity and to pay for books.


ETA: I have been on the boards for maybe 4 years.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I've been on these boards for 6 years at least. At first I spent all my time on the accelerated forum trying to figure out this interesting son and daughter God gave us. Then I spent all my time on the curriculum board trying to figure out our basic curriculum. Now I spend all my time on the general board. Now that we're in the middle school years and are looking ahead to high school, I just might spend all my time on the high school board for awhile figuring out that part of this gig called homeschooling!

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I'm Rose. I've been posting here pretty regularly since the boards converted to the new format. I was unschooled during my teen years, making me a second generation homeschooler.


My partner's oldest son is in his twenties, in college, and married. He was homeschooled in high school (by me). The next oldest is my partner's eleven-year-old son, who went to school from full-time day care at six months, through second grade, when I began to homeschool him. He also attended 3/4 of sixth grade at public school but we think he's now home to stay. The rest of the kids have always been homeschooled. That includes my eight-year-old, a gentle and dreamy wannabe-chemist, a six-year-old who is crazy and sweet and loves to draw (and is good at it), and a three year old who is sweet and heroic and wise beyond his years.


With the younger three I've used Waldorf, Core Knowledge, Winter Promise, Well-Trained Mind and Latin-centered curricula (in that order). The oldest two boys, my partner's kids, have been taught pretty with much a mix of traditional textbooks and unschooling.

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I've been homeschooling my dc since the beginning and we're finishing up our 5th year. I have twin boys that are 9, a dd 7, and dd 3. I love these boards and I learn something everyday! I've been on the new boards a little over a year and lurked on the old boards to learn about curriculum. It's great to see so many new people...welcome!! :D

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I'm Karen from AZ. I try not to be on the boards much as I can easily find my hours spent online instead of focused on my home/school responsibilities, yet I try to pop in and at least read a few threads before mom-duty calls again. My user name is a bit obsolete yet I didn't realize I couldn't change it once I registered...oh well. I do love my 7, plus 1. :D Let's see...what else? I've hs'ed from the start, plan to go all the way through high school, and pray for at least 14dc.

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Ellen here, from the western suburbs of Chicago. Been on these boards for at least 5 years, perhaps.

We have been homeschooling since oldest was 3 and he wasn't potty trained for preschool. We fell in love with the idea of homeschooling. I have 3 children as you can see in my siggy. We have had our ups and downs in homeschooling, but it is still our long term goal to graduate our kids from our homeschool and send them to college. With my oldest, we have had to outsource several courses and hope to dual enroll him in a couple years for many of his courses.


We are eclectic homeschoolers. We love the idea of unschooling (the John Holt way). However, the kids and I need a little more structure. BUT, too much structure makes my kids crabby and unmotivated. They do need some down time to fuel their creative juices.

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I'm Hannah from South Africa.


I've been reading the boards since the old format started (around 2000? Dd was still a baby) and even got in first on the board flip race a few times. Due to the time difference it was early afternoon here. I don't post very often.


Dh and I have been married for 10 years.


I work mornings and we have an au pair who cares for and does a lot of the homeschooling with my 9yo dd. In the afternoons and evenings, I do math and history consistently and jump in as other subjects require it.


My 4 ("I'm nearly five mom") yo dd attends a playgroup with a fantastic teacher four mornings a week.


WTM was the very first homeschooling book I read, and I've never looked back. I still use my 1st edition 1999 copy regularly.

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