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Christmas gifts-What were your big winners/losers?

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For those who celebrate, what gifts turned out great and which were less than expected?


Of course I realize that Christmas is more than presents, and don't want to over-emphasize them. I'm sure everyone is thankful for any gift or remembrance.


I just wondered if anyone was plesantly surprised by how well a particular item that you purchased worked out for the kids or someone else. Or, if you were disappointed in the performance of an item you bought.


It could be something you bought, made, or did as a gift.





My favorite---DD5 and I made a scrap book full of poems and pictures of the kids for a family friend who lost her mother a month or so ago. That turned out beautifully, though I did cheat and buy an album that already had the pages started. (Thanks again Lisak in VA)


The board games (Rush Hour and Gobblet Jr.) are great. Thanks for the recommendations, everyone.



Loser- Our Baby "Alive" is DOA. (Won't even turn on :glare:)



Merry Christmas

Edited by Blessedfamily
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For my older: microscope and computer were hits. So were the books he received and the movies.


For my younger: r/c Wall-E, Transformers costume, and movies were his hits.


There was nothing that my older "didn't like" but my younger exclaimed "What the heck is this?" when opening the craft supplies my MIL got him. I was really annoyed with him. Time for a lesson in manners. He is only 5, but now is the time to start learning about being thankful!


The hit for me (which I told everyone not to buy for me this year and MOST did not) was a GLOBE for my classroom! :) I was so surprised and thought that was so thoughtful of my MIL to think of our little school. :)

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I rely on this board for suggestions for gifts, and invariably get good directions.


Thanks to Colleen's suggestion, I gave the boys forever-books. Stephen got Peter Pan and William got Sherlock Holmes. Neither boy was too excited by them, but I was happy about it. :tongue_smilie:


DH got a Jeff Dunham ventriloquest puppet "Peanut" that talks. He loved it. DH has a goofy sense of humor, so anything silly is wonderful for him.


DH got Stephen an Erector set (bit hit) and I picked out a set of Fantastic Four build-a-vehicle-with-projectile-shooting-capability from a garage sale this summer. Also a big hit. And Boy Scout camping cookset and firestarter. He's a happy boy.


William is now 12 and starting to outgrow toys, though he played with Stephen's F4 cars. We gave him a certificate to get ski lessons at a ski resort within driving distance. It's something we've never done before, but he is fascinated by snowboarding and wants to be as cool as the snowboarders. Thanks to the Hive Mind I came up with the idea to give him experiences rather than things. Bingo!


Thanks to everyone for sharing their ideas. :D It is so helpful to hear from other smart moms and dads about what to do as your child gets older and new challenges come up.

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Ds14s presents are somewhere in Illinois, we are in Washington! :0( All dds online packages that came USPS arrived early, the UPS packages are late. Ds got to open a computer mouse, a sweatshirt and some treats.... he got his laptop early so his Christmas was going to be light anyways, we just didn't expect it to be virtually nothing. Poor kid :(


Dd10 loved her Webkins, Littlest Pet Shops, and bike. She is easy to please.


Dd2 loved her kitchen set (that took me 3 hours, until 1:30 am to put together grrrr) and her Mellisa and Doug cuttable food.


Dh is very happy with the coat I bought him, and I got a much desired new set of Stainless Steel pans.


So, far everything that arrived is great!

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Biggest Loser: Me with a migraine! By my second demerol I had to go to bed at 1am. My 17ds went to Midnight Mass (we are Reformed Baptist) with 2 friends of his and he loved it but sent me to bed when he saw me and


Biggest Winner: My 17ds who stayed up til 4:30am drinking tea with his puppy,present wrapping, stuffing stockings, putting together bikes and strollers, he and one of his friends put together a doll house yesterday, so he went at 2am to the friends house to get it! He had the whole room so beautiful!! Bows on Bikes, sooty footprints from Santa leading out of the fireplace, half eaten cookies and half drunk 6 hour old eggnog, and a glitter signed letter from Santa to my girls!


This was my best Christmas present: my 17ds & DVD cleaner, and jewerly from Bass Pro Shop the kids picked out.


My son's was his Leatherman Knife and new Tolkien's Simarillion Calendar. I am sure that the ps3 and Rock Band that his Dad is getting him will be a big hit too. But I am hoping he will return it to get the Bagpipes he wants. I wish I could find a used set.


My 9dd was seeing her Dad on the couch (he came over around 6am) and her Little Pet shop stuff, American Doll Mia from MeMa.


My 6dd was a horse from Target (New Generation makes it I think) that her Bubbi (17ds) bought her and her Name it Yourself American Girl Doll


Our best tradition is doing our Jesse Tree (which I make and sell by the way) with our Advent candles and singing Emmanuel. 6dd has the Rejoice part down pat!!

Edited by sunshine
I am on painkillers and can write straight, going back to bed now
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No losers...


The big winner was my 14yo dd's first cell phone that is all hers with unlimited texting (her dream). 12yo dd got a little bookcase stereo for her new room. They both got some other things, too.


Dh got me a vintage wooden phone to go with my new kitchen (wooden country theme), and I got him a pet hair vacuum and a furminator (long, inside joke). He also got some Miami Dolphin stuff.


But what I enjoyed most this year was my family. It was the four of us around the tree opening presents, one at a time, sharing, laughing, telling stories, and conversing. I think it was one of the best Christmases I've ever had. (sniff) I sat back and realized that my kids are growing up, I almost have TWO teenagers now, my husband and I are still in love, and we have an awesome family. I really valued the easy conversation between children and parents on a mature level...it was just really, really special.

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Big hits here, and no "busts."


DD -15 loves her orange Ipod Nano and Guitar Hero. The sweet-16 ring (though a bit early) was a big surprise, and she loves it, too.

DS-9 is glued to his DS with Pokemon Pearl, and was stoked to get his own Nano. (I love Apple refurbs! ;-)


DH is outside installing my Magellan GPS in the van. He also surprised me with a purse that I love. His "make your own beer kit" was a surprise hit, along with the "Blue Nose" certificate I had framed for him. He had gotten the certificate when he crossed the Artic circle when he was in the Navy, but it's been in a tube in the closet for too long!


This has been the best Christmas in years for us. Not in terms of gifts, but in terms of health and happiness for all four of us. We are blessed!



Edited by Lisa in Jax
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My ds (19) was thrilled that he gave us a few suggestions and I was able to shop successfully for him. The last few years we had them make a list or they got money to buy their own presents. Ds loved his Eco-friendly board shorts and some Quicksilver T-shirts. He also loved the waterproof watch.


Dd (16) loved her photo albums, pj, and stuffed animals.


Ds was the best shopper. He bought me Yankee candles, dd a camera case and dh a computer case. He got great deals on the camera and computer case at Marshall's.


I feel especially spoiled this year. Dd and Dh picked out a pearl necklace and earrings for me which I wore to church last night.

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I unwrapped the package. Huh? A doll?


And then I opened it. I was an Azalea Trail Maid long, long ago, and my dress was green. I was speechless, to say the least.


I surprised dh with the Clearplay DVD player. Now we can enjoy more movies as a family!




For the kiddos: The Wii American Idol Karaoke is a BIG hit. 4 of 5 dc are vying for turns to do it again. And the little one is loving her Disney Princess dress-up trunk.

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Ds14s presents are somewhere in Illinois, we are in Washington! :0( All dds online packages that came USPS arrived early, the UPS packages are late. Ds got to open a computer mouse, a sweatshirt and some treats.... he got his laptop early so his Christmas was going to be light anyways, we just didn't expect it to be virtually nothing. Poor kid :(


So, far everything that arrived is great!


I noticed as well that UPS was not the way to go this season. Our last packages arrived just in the nick of time - yesterday. However, a gift from an aunt is still out there somewhere - shipped through UPS.

We appreciate every gift here and we couldn't feel any more grateful and blessed.

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Big Hits: dd3 babydoll and high chair, new kitchen and lotsa food stuff

dd7: A $2 clearance, afterthought beginning sewing kit where you make a silly stuffed elephant. And her dollhouse. The girls both loved the silver Christmas tree (Hobby Lobby, a month after Chirstmas, $10) with multi-colored lights and all their 'special' ornaments.


Of course, Granny's gifts haven't been opened yet. Those will probably be the BIG hits. A bilibo, balance board game thing, and the dress up dresses (flower girl dresses bought on ebay).


My Big Hit: 2 weekends away, all by myself :D


DH bit hits: A subscription to his favorite magazine and the new Batman movie.


It took 3-4 hours to assemble all the stuff, and it took about 15 minutes to tear the room apart....It was over so fast!

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Winners -

Me - I actually got some presents! :001_smile:

DD 13 - Graphics Tablet

DD 11 - Webkinz

DS 19 - beating the living daylights out of us at Carcasonne (yes it ~seemed~ so easy, lol). I spent the whole of December worrying about not having an expansion yet 'cause of all the threads on here. We all agree that after the holidays we will get at least one which will be even more fun!

DH - Not having to assemble, build, repair, attach, rewire, or upgrade any Christmas items before or (so far) during Christmas...


Merry Christmas everyone!


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Hits - All things x-box, leapster, star wars... AG Doodle book. New bibles that the kids loved.


Funniest - towels for the kids with school buses on them (a front-on presentation embroidered on them). Seriously, Mom, we homeschool. My DH asked DS (6) what it was on the towel and he replied, "a truck." LOL!!! Thank goodness we were alone to open them, LOL!! They will be remembered FOREVER.

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DS15-Echo 1 (airsoft gun)

DS12-Airsoft gun that shoots 3 at a time

Both love the paintballs that fit in airsoft guns


DH-The Despair.com calendar and Willie Nelson/Wynton Marsalis concert DVD


Me-Programmable Crock-Pot and new measuring spoons and cups (you know you're all grown up when...)

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Ours would be:


dd6-big doll house for barbie, and the little stuffed dog in a purse/carrier


dd7 easy bake oven and books. Can you believe...she is more excited about the books. Ella enchanted, secret garden, ink heart, harry potter 1



ds12 xbox games and a skateboard


Me...I got a beach cruiser pink bike!! My hubby got a rain jacket for golf (woohoo) and a case for his blackberry...and family trivial pursuit...we are so boring!


I like the wii game I bought the kids...but they wont play with me yet...outdoor challenge. I am exhausted. It is harder then wii fit!


OUr biggest looser...well...our big tv in the family room stopped working. Ughhhh.


We did a lot small christmas. 2-3 gifts each kid only...and nothing huge. Much nicer!!!

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I got a new digital camera. A Cannon Power shot A 590 IS. It seems to be doing the trick.


Dd's biggest hit is her new Nintendo DS


Dh got his own camera. It is a Nikon digital.


The biggest losers were both mine. A game for the PS2 that doesn't work and yet another necklace with a heart charm. It is great that dh loves me and wants to show it, but this is the 4th heart charm. Gotta get him to go with some sort of variety next time.

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Everything was loved here.


DS -10 year old got Rock Band, Wally movie and Itunes gift card


DD-19 shoes...she needed them so we got cute brown ones, black ones and running shoes for her as well as an ipod and itunes gift card


DH- I got him an ipod and itunes gift card and Medal of Honor book.


DD-21 got a beautiful sweater and jeans outfit


My family gave me a 3 day stay in Garmish in January...I'm so excited.


We had a light but extremely wonderful Christmas.:D

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Oldest dd seconds the new clothes she got and the perfume (her first ever!)her dad picked out for her.Youngest dd,well, it probably would be her spa kit except it doesn't work and I will have to take it back to the store and hope they will replace it even though it has been opened and I lost the receipt.

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This Christmas has been great.


Best gifts:


DS - Zune, he opened it last night. We haven't loaded any songs yet, but he's still been listening to pre-loaded songs non-stop.


Dh - Slot car set, he's never really grown up either. I'm pretty sure he knew what it was but he was so surprised.


Me - Best thing on my list was a Canon FS100 camcorder. DS and I will be making movies. However my best surprise was a huge stuffed wolf. He's about 3 feet long and it looks so real. I guess I've never grown up either I drug it to bed with me for my mid-morning nap. :D


Oh and we are getting new bathroom counters. The green and gold are gone and dh is working on putting down new tumbled marble tiles over the weekend.


Worst gifts: DS wasn't thrilled with one gift I bought. But's it's practical so I know he'll use it.


The weather! It's been raining and ds was supposed to have a paint ball fight with the neighbors today. :glare:

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Grace, age 9: hits: mp3 player, digital camera, bindi the jungle girl bedding, baby doll, handheld hannah montana video game, american girl mini dolls kit and ruthie, snowflake pajamas, blue velour warmup set. Not so crazy about cheetah print pajamas.


Lily, age 6: hits: Our Generation Kaitlyn 18 inch doll, HSM handheld game, hopscotch floor rug, tinkerbell pajamas, cupcake maker kit, american girl samantha and nellie mini dolls


Felicity, age 3, hits: Little Einsteins laptop, Little Einsteins piano, Dora mermaid doll, Dora handheld game, Dora pajamas, wooden car ramp toy, winnie the pooh bath toy


Jackson, age 14 months, hits: wooden peg bench, roller piano toy, vintage fisher price garage and cars, boy baby doll.


Rob: Harry Potter Chocolate Frog stocking stuffer, Men's Wearhouse GC, iTunes GC, and Harry Potter Clue game. (He got an otter webkinz from Grace)


Jeni: Green wool coat, green suede purse, pink fuzzy pajamas, electric blanket, and grey squirrel webkinz (from Grace).

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My daughter completely loves the iPod Nano my husband bought for her. I knew she'd like it and be happy, but, apparently it is EXACTLY the model and color she had her eye on. She is beyond thrilled.


She was also very touched by the photo book I made for her. She can't wait to get back to school and show it to everyone.


And she was so happy with her stocking full of goodies from Basin that she went off to soak in a warm tub right after we finished with the presents.


My son was much more thrilled than I expected with the sewing machine. He has made two attempts to get me to sit and work with him on it this very afternoon.


His other really big hit was the plastic-pipe construction kit my husband made for him. He's spent at least two hours in the backyard experimenting and already has a list of pieces he wants to add.


A surprise "miss" for my son was Roboquad. My husband became concerned that there wasn't enough for our son to play with on Christmas day and so went and bought this thing that my son had wanted for some time. When it came down to only that and the sewing machine remaining under the tree for him, I told my husband to save the Roboquad for last. I knew that the sewing machine would actually get more use, but I expected the Roboquad to have a much bigger wow factor. Surprisingly, though, he was over the moon about the sewing machine and only mildly excited about the Roboquad. He played with the robot for about 10 minutes, and it is now sitting quietly under the tree while he does other things.



And (breathing a huge sigh of relief) my husband seemed enthusiastically happy with pretty much everything I did for him, especially the robe and the copies of the kids' photo books.


All in all, a pretty successful Christmas so far.


Edited to add: Oh, and I think my favorite present was one addressed to the family. My husband made nice, large donations to two local arts organizations in the family's name. This has been a tough year for such groups, and I know those dollars will be very much appreciated. We're an artsy family, so it's nice and warm and fuzzy to know we helped.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Well, our Christmas was wonderful.


DS1 was disappointed as he essentially only got clothes -- but he didn't ask for anything. . .


DS2 got everything he wanted in his stocking, so everything else was gravy.


DS3 & 4 had everything they wanted, as did DH.


My parents are here, and the whole family loves spending time with them.


DH surprised me with an all-expenses paid 2-week Mediterranean cruise (that my parents have been planning on taking for about 8 months)! I get to see the pyramids, and Rome, etc. I'm just giddy!!!

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Dh- I made coupons for 12 dates of Christmas & I think he really liked them. He got drums too.


Me- a hand tooled leather purse from Moxie & Oliver (etsy.com). It's so gorgeous (my dd's told dh I wanted it)!


dd12-a hand tooled and dyed leather guitar strap from Moxie & Oliver.


I LOVE Etsy.com for gifts. I also got my brother some handpainted, leather Shakespeare book marks for Christmas that are gorgeous.


All the leather was bought before we went vegetarian :tongue_smilie: Oops.


dd14-she's having the most fun putting together a puzzle. We started a new tradition and will give the girls a puzzle to do every Christmas.

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Dh decided we should get a new TV (we've had our 19" for 15+ years). So he found a great deal on a 32" HDTV. So cool! Later we'll be watching ds's new "Clone Wars" DVD.


And I got my iPod Touch! I've been saving up for one; my mom sent me some $$ so I'd have enough to go ahead and get it. I got it early, so I'd have something to play with on Christmas. I love it! And dh got me a gift card for the local Mac accessories store, so I can get a case for it.


Ds was really happy with everything; he got some DS games, a Clone Wars Monopoly game, Club Penguin cards, and the book "39 Clues". Plus clothes!


I've got the lasagna in the oven and the table set, so I'm just relaxing until dinnertime. Ds is playing at the neighbors' house; they got a Wii and Guitar Hero.



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The Wii with Mario Kart game is a hit. Calvin got a laser-paintball set for his birthday last week - that's a hit too.


Calvin received a construction kit for his birthday from my brother. He's not a construction kind of kid, so I can't see that being popular. Santa put egg microwaving kits in their stockings; he must have thought they were fun. Not a popular gift.



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No losers here, but these are the big favorites around here!


Me - A set of Calphalon cookware!!! :w00t:


DH - New golf balls, tees, glove, etc. for the upcoming season


17yo dd - A docking station for her Zune


14yo ds - Lasertag


9yo ds - Lego City Police Station


6yo dd - Leapster 2 with Dora and Finding Nemo games

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Biggest Losers -- Me... replaying breakfast and lunch (drat these hormones!). Dad -- World Kitchen only shipped 1/2 of his gift (although the packing slip said both were. DD7's favorite gift -- a Paint Your Own Horse Model Kit -- wasn't anything like it was described on the package (no paints, no booklet... and missing a model!!!)


I don't think any member of my family didn't like their gifts, though.


Hyper Dash and Hyper Jump


DS9 -- Favorite Gift -- Beta Starter Set (minus the Beta).

DD7 -- Favorite is the Paint your Own Horse, which I now have to get replaced. She's also been playing with her new Barbie and Horse set.

DS5 -- Wii Lego Star Wars (actuall for DS9, but DS5 seems to be spending more time with it). But according to him, his favorite gifts were the Wall-E TOOTHBRUSH and the Go-Diego Go BANDAIDS :lol:

DD2 -- Bitty Baby Doll w/ bottle, and Crayola Activity Center (Dry Erase Board Set)


My favorite Gifts? I loved them all. DH remembered things I had specifically said I wanted months ago. Deceptively Delicious, The Well Educated Mind, MP3 Player and Dock/Clock for my desk... my traditional Swarovski Crystal Thumper is this year... Slipper Socks.


DH -- His woodworking tools (and Knee Blades, for doing the floors), the Digital Photo Frame


My dad? -- Loved the gift from my brother (an idea I gave him), Coupons for 30 minutes of Menial Labor (including fine print...) and a timer. He got a great chuckle. Plus, he got a copy of TWEM as well, as he's recently undertaken reading the classics (beginning with the Count of Monte Cristo)


Mark -- loved his Bill O'Reilly book, and movie tickets.


A very good Christmas for all (despite being LEGO/Bionicle/Duplo free :D).


Oh, and the Cinnamon Rolls came out wonderfully! I already know what I want to do to the icing to make it even more "mine" -- but, the dough I made was incredible (and I don't like to eat Cinnamon Rolls as a general rule). High praise from my husband who said, "I'd rather have THESE than GRANDS!" :D Said I "must" make these while his mom and dad are here. The brunch eggs were fluffy and a hit with the kiddos too.


My dad's favorite part was all of the food. He said I "did really well."


I'm content -- well, about everything but having to enjoy food twice (although, frankly NOTHING is THAT good the 2nd time around!):tongue_smilie:

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Our Christmas morning didn't start out great. A major migraine had me in the ER for 2 hours. I didn't get a chance to get our living room ready even though Santa wasn't visiting this year. But the kids were awake and willing to help when I got home. My lovebugs!


Dd16 loves her iPod Touch, Horton Hears a Who dvd, and sushi recipe book & kit.


Ds12 was very excited to see his iPod Classic. He didn't think he'd get it. He also loved the Green Grocer Lego Set. He was so-so on his hardcover Tin-Tin companion book but I think he'll enjoy it once he has a chance to really look at it. Truly, the iPod overshadowed the rest.


Dd10 also loves her new iPod Nano. She was expecting it because she picked it out. She also got a new DS game and a magic kit that she's been playing with a lot today.


I surprised DH with some music cds. He loves music from the 50s and 60s.


DH got me Guys and Dolls on dvd with a collector book. I'm slowly making the transition from VHS to DVDs. My dd16 surprised me with a Dora the Explorer coffee mug. (Long story but I LOVE that character!)


And we got some family movies: Wall-E, Men in Black I and II, and The Burbs.


BEST GIFT though goes to the dvd our dd10 surprised us with! She discovered how to use her laptop to make a dvd and created a presentation about what Christmas means to her - togetherness. It was awesome. :)

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Our kids are lovin the Wii. Got a marble chess set from grandpa that they really like. Movies.


I got a wheelbarrow. Yes I wanted it. Yes I love it. Yes, everyone is making fun of me for wanting/requesting/being excited about a wheelbarrow.


Grown up son gave me a gorgeous necklace. I'm going to buy some clothes to match it!


My horse got some new clothes! I got a bunch of cash to waste further on the horses.

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For those who celebrate, what gifts turned out great and which were less than expected?


Of course I realize that Christmas is more than presents, and don't want to over-emphasize them. I'm sure everyone is thankful for any gift or remembrance.


I just wondered if anyone was plesantly surprised by how well a particular item that you purchased worked out for the kids or someone else. Or, if you were disappointed in the performance of an item you bought.


It could be something you bought, made, or did as a gift.





My favorite---DD5 and I made a scrap book full of poems and pictures of the kids for a family friend who lost her mother a month or so ago. That turned out beautifully, though I did cheat and buy an album that already had the pages started. (Thanks again Lisak in VA)


The board games (Rush Hour and Gobblet Jr.) are great. Thanks for the recommendations, everyone.



Loser- Our Baby "Alive" is DOA. (Won't even turn on :glare:)



Merry Christmas


My daugther LOVED the Lego house (with the red roof) so much that she already built it this afternoon. :thumbup:

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Mad Gab has been a blast here since last night.


DS loved his legos and bionicles and of course his nerf target game.


Baby girl loved her Baby Alive and paints.


boys have been searching the internet for the best deals on what they want to spend their Christmas money on.


DH got me a Delphi XM satellite radio/mp3 with a docking station for house, car and everything I need to wear while working out.


DH really like the noice canceling headphones the boys and I got him.

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I don't think we have a single loser this year. Honestly, I don't think we ever have had a loser, thank goodness.


Big hits: DS 20 loved his Tim Hawkins dvds, Warhammer books, the entire set of The Cosby Show on dvd, and his Transformers chess set.


DH loved his Nintendo DS, but he picked it out so I knew he would.


DD 12 loved her iPOD dock that is an old timey juke box, peace sign watch, Tim Hawkins cd, sewing box, and Rubik's cube (the new one with the talking games)


DD 7 loved, loved, loved her new kitchen! Makes the three hours DH spent last night assembling it totally worth it. She also loved her Tumbles the Rollover Pup, new doll, Littlest Petshop pets, Fur Real friends, Barbie Pet Vet set, .....the list goes on and on. She is the happiest kid today.


Me, Dh gave me a beautiful cross necklace, new watch, and a griddle.


Merry Christmas!



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one miss, the biggest hits were:

ds6 - Fizzy Foamy Science

ds13 - Madden 09

ds15 - The Happy Warrior

dh - Laplander

Me- My husband gave me a gift basket filled with Yankee Candle apple scented products. The card contained the real gift - 5 shares of Apple stock. Isn't he clever? :D


ETA: My ds13's T-shirt was a miss. I guess I blocked that out of my mind. :lol:

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Big Hits: dd3 babydoll and high chair, new kitchen and lotsa food stuff

dd7: A $2 clearance, afterthought beginning sewing kit where you make a silly stuffed elephant. And her dollhouse. The girls both loved the silver Christmas tree (Hobby Lobby, a month after Chirstmas, $10) with multi-colored lights and all their 'special' ornaments.


Of course, Granny's gifts haven't been opened yet. Those will probably be the BIG hits. A bilibo, balance board game thing, and the dress up dresses (flower girl dresses bought on ebay).




Granny's gifts were the favorites. This game we found, called hyper dash really took the cake, and my last nerve! And the bilibo....geez how much fun can kids have with a weird piece of plastic?

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I spent a happy hour on Amazon last night. Dad gave up on buying us gifts a few years ago and gives money instead. My sister is using hers and the money I gave her (usually I give her a present but I knew she was saving) to buy Rosetta Stone's Swahili program. She's delighted because she's got almost enough now. With my Father purchased book shopping experience (which is one of my favourite things to do, of course) I have ordered a miso cookbook, 'Cut my Cote,' Robyn Matthew's 'Language Logic' book which has been so highly recommened on here, and 'Polish Herbs, Flowers and Folk Medicine' by Sophie Hodorowicz Knab. Of course, since I had a little bit saved up I also added a few homeschooling books to the order, such as the new WTM... So exciting. Usually I only get one book for me when I put an order in. I'm feeling very expenditurist, even though that's not a word. :)


Dh was very happy with his longbow, which might not really count because it arrived two months ago and he's used it already. He's hardly speaking to me at the moment because my brother bought him a computer related book. I guess that means it's a hit, huh? ;)


Dd seemed happy with her hook rug, even though I didn't get it finished and will have to pinch it out of her room when she's asleep to work on it more. She's only 1, so it's forgivable, but I really have to get started on handmade gifts earlier. Say, February? Poor kid, I've been telling her off for mauling it for months while I've been working on it, but now she can maul it to her heart is content, though I'd rather she didn't do it with peanut butter fingers. My sister gave her a few national costumes which she picked up on her recent trip. Waaaay too cute. Her really big hit was the tricycle from my dad. She's not able to ride it of course, but she can get on and off, and use her feet to make the pedals spin, and push it around the place. All she needs (since we bought her some sunnies) is fluffy dice ;)


My brother seemed pleased with the tabletwoven belt I made, which fortunately did fit! I'd been panicking about that for weeks.


The worst miss was "Anno's Journey" which I bought for dd, and wanted to throw it away because it was not what I expected. Dh liked it though, so we gave it to her anyway. I feel a bit mingy about that. Oh, dh's mother made a "scrapbook" for dd which she's shown absolutely no interest in at all. I don't really blame her, since Grandma didn't even make the effort to do her best cutting and pasting. They're very much into "it's the thought that counts" but I'm of the opinion a 50c thought is never going to be awarded more than 50c worth of gratitude. Especially from people you know are millionaires... Their grandson is a touch spoilt, so they don't want to spoil him further. In the spirit of equality, they hardly buy anything for dd either. I think it's a bit stinky that they feel the need to preside over our (meaning us and dh's sister) parenting like that, but hey, they're the ones who miss out on the fun of spoiling their grandkids. Seems weird to me. Where I come from, it's the parents' job to prevent spoiling and the grandparents job to try their best to spoil the kids anyway. They put money in a bank account for each of the kids when they were born, so I guess they're more interested in the long term. Sensible and useful, but hardly the rolling on the loungeroom floor kind of fun.


My sister gave an african painting to both dh and our aunt. I wanted to steal her painting of market women, but she wouldn't let me because dh wouldn't let her steal his painting of a guy with a spear. (Sister also gave them both a ceremonial Kikuyu spear which made them very happy.) Luckily dear sister has a stash more at home and has promised to check if there's another market woman and another guy with a spear. If not, she promised to get them when she goes back to Kenya mid next year. And she was worried that no one would like the paintings!





Edit: Ergh. My brother gave me the first dvd of the "Brittus Empire." If any of you were given that, don't bother watching it!

Edited by Rosie_0801
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Biggest Hits:


dd7: AG girl and accessories, Only Hearts stable, sweet sweater from her girl cousins


ds11: 2 of the Indiana Jones DVDs

miss: football from his uncle


dh: The entire old "Get Smart" t.v. show on DVD


me: I did get nice gifts but my real present was being able to go over to my in-laws, dig them out of the snow and give them Christmas even though they initially said they didn't want it. My MIL had been really depressed (her sister died two days ago) and it really did help her to have the family over.

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Everything seemed to be hits this year. The kids got more and more excited by each gift, and several times commented on how much they loved the items, my folks loved their's. I assume my bil liked his since it is exactly what he asked for though he never said thank you. And the only item on my list I never got was a stand up pantry and they are on sale $20 off tomorrow so I will go get one then.

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Dh bought me a small moped for zipping up to the shops. Yay! (He rides bikes. Big bikes.This is about my style!)

Mum handspun silk and kid mohair and hand dyed it and then wove it into a beautiful shawl for me- mauve. I just love it.


I bought the kids Settlers of Catan (after reading Colleen's thread on it). We love it.


Dd14 got an IPod, she is happy.

Ds13 got a starter set for Warhammer, he is thrilled, except the transaction hasn't gone through on Ebay yet, so we don't really know if he will get it.


I painted dh a t-shirt like I do every Christmas and b'day- he loves it.


I can't think of any bummers at all, actually. Its the first christmas we didnt buy much "stuff" for the kids at all, just a few good things- it feels better to us and they are old enough not to need "stuff" anymore (if they ever did!).


To give as gifts to extended family, I photocopied two of dd's beautiful botanical artworks and put them on simple coloured card backgrounds- everyone who received one or both is absolutely thrilled.


I didnthave much energy for christmas this year, or buying gifts for all and sundry, but somehow it just all worked out well. Glad its over though.

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