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7 hours ago, DawnM said:

Ok, I have one, this might be mean, but I will say it anyway.

I don't like Lady Gaga and I think she is very unattractive.   I normally dont' care at all what people look like, but I mention it because some think she is good looking and I just dont' see it.

One of her character strengths is that she obviously doesn't give a rat's patootie about what people  think about her talents or her liiks. Glad you don't normally care at all what people look like!

Edited by Idalou
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I would argue about most of these topics, with the exception of beards - don't care.

I would be for the beach in winter, the mountains in summer, caffeine as the most mild of vices, and tattoos as a personal choice.

Strongly against cult sci fi TV of any description, excluding TV whose primary focus is travel in time.

I am probably reflexively for Lady Gaga.


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Lady Gaga isn't really on my radar - I mean I know who she is, but I couldn't picture her - so I looked her up. Her appearance varies quite a bit depending on her makeup, hair, etc. It's hard to tell what she really looks like. But I guess that's often true, for people who are in the public eye and have makeup artists to ensure they achieve the look they want. Whether that's attractive to any individual, who can say? 

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30 minutes ago, wisdomandtreasures said:

Like Paul from The Wonder Years in a wig. 

But this doesn't help since I don't know Paul from The Wonder Years. LOL

I really am culturally clueless on a lot of things. I know Lady Gaga is a singer (musician?) and that The Wonder Years was a hit TV show at some point in the past. I know these things 'cause I read a lot. But my knowledge is very spotty and gappy because I don't really watch TV or listen to music much at all.

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2 hours ago, Miss Tick said:

Dirty dishes should never be left in the sink, that is gross. They should be left on the counter next to the sink.

Additionally I don't care about kilts, I always return my carts to the corral because it is rude not to, and the Oxford Comma is not optional.

The only issue I have with your post is the kilts. I am pro-kilt.

For all the other things, I'm right there with ya. And that goes triple for the Oxford comma.

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2 minutes ago, elegantlion said:

Team Oxford comma and my latest endeavor is to save ibid. The latest edition of Chicago Manual of Style recommends repeating short citations instead of ibid. I disagree. There are shirts, stickers, and totes forthcoming.

I used to use ibid, but technology has made me wary. It's so easy to happily rearrange sentences or paragraphs only to get the ibids wrong when the footnotes auto update.

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6 minutes ago, annandatje said:

Mountains or beach?  Give me the Big Sur where the mountains meet the ocean.

I despise litterbugs and my cruel fantasy is to force them to pick up their debris with their teeth.

I grew up near there and spent many summers camping there. 🥰 It is the most beautiful place on earth! It's even worth braving Bixby Bridge to get there!

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  • 1 month later...

Non-dairy milk is not really milk. And boycotting Thanksgiving "on principal" is stupid. 99% of the world has something to be thankful for and Thanksgiving is not simply a holiday to celebrate colonialism. It is meant to celebrate the things we should appreciate, which, in this day and age, so few seem to realize that they can be a little more appreciative and caring and a little less indignant.

Edited by Janeway
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5 hours ago, Janeway said:

Non-dairy milk is not really milk. And boycotting Thanksgiving "on principal" is stupid. 99% of the world has something to be thankful for and Thanksgiving is not simply a holiday to celebrate colonialism. It is meant to celebrate the things we should appreciate, which, in this day and age, so few seem to realize that they can be a little more appreciative and caring and a little less indignant.

I think everyone is allowed to interpret and celebrate or not celebrate Thanksgiving or any other holiday as they desire. Just because someone doesn’t celebrate it or even boycotts it, it does not follow that they are not appreciative and caring or don’t celebrate things they appreciate. People are allowed to be different and have different customs and ways of doing things.

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30 minutes ago, Frances said:

I think everyone is allowed to interpret and celebrate or not celebrate Thanksgiving or any other holiday as they desire. Just because someone doesn’t celebrate it or even boycotts it, it does not follow that they are not appreciative and caring or don’t celebrate things they appreciate. People are allowed to be different and have different customs and ways of doing things.

This. We have holidays that we celebrate very differently, new ones from doing more research into Mark's ancestry, and some we do not observe for personal reasons. It really gets old having people be self righteous jerks about our choices. We don't crap all over their family traditions. They should have the manners to return the favor.

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On 11/23/2023 at 1:27 PM, Janeway said:

Non-dairy milk is not really milk. 

I am so confused by this statement. One of the definitions of milk is "the liquid made from some plants and trees or their nuts." One example is coconut milk. What else are we supposed to call it? 

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On 10/18/2023 at 1:05 PM, Grace Hopper said:

Whether or not people over 6’2” should have their own designated section in theaters for $$$ productions. Because I, at appx 5’1”, never fail to have the seat in front of me occupied by someone with the physique of Travis Kelce (which I admittedly wouldn’t likely complain about in any other circumstances 😂). Not kidding, without fail the 6’5” guy is always in front of me. It’s happened often enough that I’ve given serious thought to also buying the seat in front of me so it will go empty. 

My BFF gets one of the kiddie booster seats for her seat.  Which works. But I feel bad for her bc I won’t go to the movies unless it’s the comfy fancy recliner seats bc if my bad back. And the booster ruins that I would think. But she doesn’t mind so I guess it’s fine.

I’ve always thought they should stagger the seats. Like each seat should be in the middle of the seats in front of it so no one has to look directly over the heads of those in front of them. 

On 10/18/2023 at 4:12 PM, fairfarmhand said:

I have a wonderful argument.

There is more that one way to raise excellent children.

Part 2.

There is more than one way to have a great marriage.

Go ahead. Proceed.

Oh I see you that and raise you:

What moms and wives do or don’t do isn’t the biggest factor in whether she has excellent kids or a great marriage.

She could be a saint and raise a sinner.

She could be devoted in all ways and be married to a jerk.

Control over other people, no matter how much we love them, is a complete illusion. 

On 10/21/2023 at 4:30 AM, Eos said:

Tourism should be illegal.

It’s a big beautiful world created just for us. I want to appreciate as much of it as I possibly can in person before I die. 

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7 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

I think two spaces after a period is better. 

I had a young-ish academic who worked on a document that I had edited react with astonishment when he realised that I used two spaces. I explained that I learned to type on a manual typewriter and it was an ingrained part of my touch-typing.

I think Word kerns the space after full stops automatically anyway.


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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I had a young-ish academic who worked on a document that I had edited react with astonishment when he realised that I used two spaces. I explained that I learned to type on a manual typewriter and it was an ingrained part of my touch-typing.

I think Word kerns the space after full stops automatically anyway.


Um yeah, this is me and I can tell if other people are my age by noticing how many spaces after the period.

Edited by Eos
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14 hours ago, Drama Llama said:

I know this will come up on Sunday.

If you're a family that always gathers at the same place, then everyone should contribute in some way.   Even if you can't cook, you can bring the ice, or help with the dishes.   

I don’t mind doing that when I go somewhere but for me when I host - I just presume we should provide everything and then I do t have to manage or organize who brings what.  I find that very stressful on both the hostess end and the invited end. And as the hostess what I really want the most is for people to just show up and relax and not care about any of that anyways.

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8 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Wait.  We’re all just supposed to stay where we’re born forever? Or do you think we should move house to see anything?

OK, well, it's been a month since my tourism-based business has closed for the season and I've calmed down.

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On 11/23/2023 at 10:27 AM, Janeway said:

Non-dairy milk is not really milk. 

References to "almond milk" (using the same term for dairy milk) go back to at least the 13th century, and the first recorded use of the term in English was in 1390. Almond milk was commonly used as a dairy substitute on fasting days during the Middle Ages. There are lots of plants with milk in the name (milkweed, milk pea, milk thistle, milk vetch, etc.), and the Latin word for lettuce, lactuca, has the same root as lactation. There is also a long history of using terms like butter and cheese for plant foods, e.g. apple butter (~1810), peanut butter (1890s) and almond cheese (1690s) — and then there's milk of magnesia (1880s).


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Cursive should be taught and used to the point of fluency, not taught and then abandoned. Reading cursive should also be covered (historical styles in documents in particular).

Oxford comma should be law. (and it is, sort of: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/think-commas-don-t-matter-omitting-one-cost-maine-dairy-n847151

Both Star Trek and Star Wars are good... fun.

Mountains top beaches! The sea just wants kill you. Mountains would like to, but you have a greater chance of outwitting them. 

Sleeve tattoos and facial tattoos kind of creep me out, because they seem to obliterate the face or arm itself, but as the sleeves become ubiquitous, I will probably stop being startled by them. My husband has three individual tattoos, one on each arm and one on his back. I have no opinion on them, though the Celtic knot is the better of the three.





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1 hour ago, Kalmia said:

Cursive should be taught and used to the point of fluency, not taught and then abandoned. Reading cursive should also be covered (historical styles in documents in particular).

As a person whose hobby is calligraphy (I know slightly different, but I started also going for doing cursive), I really don't see a point of teaching everyone in the general cursive. Sure, for some it's a tool they need for reading and spelling. 

In terms of reading, I don't believe it actually takes that much instruction to learn to decipher cursive. To the point that you should have the capability to just look it up, along with things like  s also look like 'f' or the integral sign in some historical documents.

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