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Guys it was such a terrible ordeal. They got him turned. She gave me the option to induce. I decided yes even though I was anxious about it. I just didn’t want to risk him turning transverse again. I opted to do the foley bulb. They left it in for 12 hours. They took it out. I didn’t do a cervical check. They gave Pitocin. Started on 2 and I was contracting. Bumped it to 4 and no contractions. Bumped it to 6 and nothing. She kept pushing to break my water and I was not  on board. My blood pressure was good when I entered the hospital and when I left, but it was high for some of it. Stress I’m sure. They did NOT want me to leave, BUT they said they couldn’t keep me in a room if they weren’t actively doing something. It really is such a shame I couldn’t labor my way while being monitored. Now I’m an irrational mess something will happen to me or the baby. I’m too tired to really get my thoughts together so I hope all of that makes sense.

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Aww, I'm sorry, Elizabeth. Hopefully walking will do it! I wouldn't have wanted my water broken, either. 

My mother swears she knows *exactly* when my brother and I were conceived and we were both born a month late. 😉 Don't know how accurate she really is, but I do know people seem to be in a big hurry to get babies out these days. Sounds like you're just not quite ready yet.


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Good on you for heading outside!  I'm sure they were checking his heart tones and they must be fine or they would have said no more - time to relax and focus.

Deep squats to keep his head low, nipple stimulation (vigorous to the point of rather unpleasant) salad with a lot of olive oil, more vigorous nipple stimulation.

Then there's the tried and true labor starter protocol of pizza, beer, and s*x:  nutrition, indigestion, relaxation, and prostaglandins, in that order!  Don't forget to follow with yet another round of vigorous nipple stimulation.  C'mon little fella!  


Edited by Eos
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3 minutes ago, Eos said:

Good on you for heading outside!  I'm sure they were checking his heart tones and they must be fine or they would have said no more - time to relax and focus.

Deep squats to keep his head low, nipple stimulation (vigorous to the point of rather unpleasant) salad with a lot of olive oil, more vigorous nipple stimulation.

Then there's the tried and true labor starter protocol of pizza, beer, and s*x:  nutrition, indigestion, relaxation, and prostaglandins, in that order!  Don't forget to follow with yet another round of vigorous nipple stimulation.  C'mon little fella!  


Yes, he looks just fine.!
Lots of good tips! Thank you.

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Thank you to all that said you don’t blame me. I’m the biggest rule follower in all the world. I feel wildly irresponsible for not “obeying” I could never forgive myself if something happened to my baby, but I truly feel safe. I mean, they were going to let me walk out after the ECV and go home, so I’m just not sure how starting and then stopping an induction changes things.

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Thank you to all that said you don’t blame me. I’m the biggest rule follower in all the world. I feel wildly irresponsible for not “obeying” I could never forgive myself if something happened to my baby, but I truly feel safe. I mean, they were going to let me walk out after the ECV and go home, so I’m just not sure how starting and then stopping an induction changes things.

Oh man I am so impressed you told them no.  I mean, they broke my water but I was at a 4 and having contractions to the point I could not talk or walk through them. 

Don’t be terrified he will flip around again.  If he does he does and you will be fine and he will be fine arriving via c section.  

Hang in there chickadee. 

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Thank you to all that said you don’t blame me. I’m the biggest rule follower in all the world. I feel wildly irresponsible for not “obeying” I could never forgive myself if something happened to my baby, but I truly feel safe. I mean, they were going to let me walk out after the ECV and go home, so I’m just not sure how starting and then stopping an induction changes things.

Inductions don't always work.  I wouldn't look at them stopping the induction just that your body wasn't ready to fully respond.  I was induced 8 times between 2 pregnancies, none of them sent me into labor.  Or course no one ever told me that inductions don't always work so it was a huge disappointment when I discovered that the hard way.  

I will say that stripping membranes was very effective for starting my labor.  3 of the 4 times I had that done, labor started within a few hours.  

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Praying for you & bub, Elizabeth! Hope you get some rest 💙

Fwiw, I think you did the right thing. Pushing all that when clearly your body and/or bubs wasn't ready could well have led to the cascade of intervention and a c/s anyway. 

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22 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

Anyone else stalking this thread?    Come on, baby!!!  We're waiting to hear about you!  

Yes, I got up early with my 4 year old in a sleep regression, took the dog out, and stalked this thread. I may as well just subscribe!

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22 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

Anyone else stalking this thread?    Come on, baby!!!  We're waiting to hear about you!  


Good labor vibes going out to Elizabeth. 

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22 minutes ago, Eos said:

You can always present yourself at the ward on Saturday afternoon and announce you're moving in, what's for supper, and where's the hot tub?

For real! And for a better picture. We live pretty rural and the roads are curvy narrow mountain roads. They don’t do a great job of snow removal because we don’t always get a ton of snow. I’m an hour from the hospital. 😂 

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26 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

For real! And for a better picture. We live pretty rural and the roads are curvy narrow mountain roads. They don’t do a great job of snow removal because we don’t always get a ton of snow. I’m an hour from the hospital. 😂 

I had super-fast labors and I was always afraid of the potential of having a baby in a snowstorm. (Just clearing my driveway *with* heavy equipment can take more than an hour.) As it turned out, I never had a baby due in Jan or Feb, which are the months we’re most likely to have a snowstorm. And I’m only about 30 minutes from a superb hospital. 

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Another vote for membrane stripping. It started both of mine in a few hours when I was pushing the limit of being overdue and was worried about being able to deliver in the natural birthing center. I didn't want my water broken either, and it was a nice compromise that doesn't start any sort of clock ticking on delivery.

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My first three were membrane stripped in afternoon and delivered that night, but I was at at or past 5cm when I had it done. I always dilated early and had fast labors and was afraid of not making it to the hospital. #4 also ended up with a little pitocin because I had strep b and didn't want to deliver without antibiotics.

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I know there are scores of old wives’ tales about how to get labor started, with varying levels of veracity, but I’m a wife and I’m old (well, almost old enough to get an AARP membership) so here’s my completely unscientific recommendation: Jalapeños. Snack on lots of jalapeños. I had a craving for peppers and ate…oh, probably 1/3 cup or so of the little pickled slices. Dd checked out of her comfy accommodations less than 24 hours later. 😁

In all seriousness, I’m sending lots of happy, head-down, easy labor vibes in your direction! 

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20 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Thank you to all that said you don’t blame me. I’m the biggest rule follower in all the world. I feel wildly irresponsible for not “obeying” I could never forgive myself if something happened to my baby, but I truly feel safe. I mean, they were going to let me walk out after the ECV and go home, so I’m just not sure how starting and then stopping an induction changes things.

This happened to me with my youngest, and I'm a major rule follower too. One of the nurses told me that if I were a relative of hers, she would suggest that I go home because in her experience, when labor doesn't start after induction, there's a reason. I definitely didn't want to go home with that baby still on the inside, but I think she was right. I sure hope you go into labor naturally and before the snow! 

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