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Shall we talk about that other variant?


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Here we go again. People popping up with Covid all around me, regardless of vax stats. I just went to New York and my dd’s friend who came with us tested positive. People in my book club have it. Friends I was supposed to see last weekend positive. 

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DD's college campus was like 98% vaccinated and boosted and still had covid on the upswing when they went on summer break.  It didn't help they dropped the mask mandate on campus for a couple weeks before bringing it back when cases started to surge.  DD was so happy she escaped without catching it.  She continued to wear an N95 all the time she wasn't in her dorm room even when there wasn't a mandate.

Cases are really starting to pick up here, although most people seem to be turning a blind eye to it and pretending it isn't a thing.

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Yes, this is what's happening around here too. Hardly anyone acknowledges it but people all around are coming down with covid. Masking is less than 1% in the Orthodox Jewish community around me. In the general community is 30-60% depending on what the indoor activity is.

Edited by YaelAldrich
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My dad and his girlfriend just had it. They are both in their early 80s, fit, and healthy. My dad had a very mild case that only lasted a couple days. His gf had a much rougher time of it and is still struggling. Their doctor said that my dad probably fared better because he had the Moderna vax and is boosted, while his gf had the J & J shot.

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Yep, more people than ever.  (NY State/CT) Every wave I've known a handful of people, but this is a handful from every area of our life. As I said on another thread, we've been dodging it.  Before, it would pop up here or there or in one of "our places."  Now, in the past 2 weeks we've had multiple positives at co-op, church, one at soccer.  Only my kid's second youth group (where it went through in Jan) and TKD have been spared.  We haven't gotten it but have had many many instances of--that was suppose to be in person, but was on zoom and someone tested positive the next day or I didn't go to x and people came down with it.  We were at co-op, church and soccer though.  So far so good, but I guess we are still in the waiting period for soccer--at least it was outside.

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It’s rampant in the schools here right now. I’m so worried we’re going to get this close to getting our youngest vaccinated, and then will catch it before that can happen, after all our care the past 2+ years. That’s my biggest goal with it at the moment—not before the youngest is vaccinated 🙏. Looks like FDA is likely to clear it in June. I hope there are no surprises!

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We never stopped wearing masks when out in public, switching to KN95s as soon as we could get them, and we made it aallllllll the way....until this week. DS5 and DS10 now positive. The younger one is already nearly back to normal, but the older started getting sick last night and is absolutely miserable today. 

It's going to be a long month.

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Lalalalalalalala nope!

Seriously, though, the advice I’ve been given by the medical people influencing me is to try to wait and see. We do not live in a currently high infection rate area and there may be a development on the combined flu/cv vaccine. I’ve had three so keeping an eye on things as to when to get the fourth. I am not a high risk person aside from being over 50; I know others have different parameters. We do wear masks when traveling or in large crowds and other places it seems prudent. 

I think when we go to college orientation we will get info that will better inform our choices this summer. 

Edited by Grace Hopper
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I answered above with the thought of “when to get the second booster,” as that’s what’s been on my mind having had the third in November. 

I will agree with the general sentiment here that (1) I have heard of more people getting positive tests lately and (2) people generally seem to have just stopped caring about precautions. When I mask I am often the only person doing so. 

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Where are all of you with these big breakouts of Covid?  I don’t know anyone around us that has had it recently.  Dd19 got home from college 3 hours away from us last week.  They hadn’t had any Covid on campus in at least 6 weeks.  They had a flu outbreak around Easter, but all those tested were negative for Covid, including dd.

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5 minutes ago, athena1277 said:

Where are all of you with these big breakouts of Covid?  I don’t know anyone around us that has had it recently.  Dd19 got home from college 3 hours away from us last week.  They hadn’t had any Covid on campus in at least 6 weeks.  They had a flu outbreak around Easter, but all those tested were negative for Covid, including dd.

I’m in one of the red states here:


It probably varies by region.

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We certainly have it in our metro (upper midwest) and I do know a few people who have gotten recently.  My teen has had a few known masked and asymptomatic exposure which leads to several days of testing for her (it makes her feel better if nothing else).  But I'm worrying about masked interactions in vaccinated and conscientous groups less.  But in the past couple days there are some signs our metro may be peaking or may just be over peak (case increase percetages have been decreasing a couple weeks) so I'm crossing fingers that is true.  Outstate still rising and our  masks aren't going anywhere.  DH and I did get dose 4 at about 3 and 4 weeks ago.  

Hospital number are up a bit but nothing like the big peaks.  I do think if you live in an area where people aren't testing, you may not see data reflecting the wave.  I'm sure numbers are higher everywhere, but esecially where testing is hard to come by and/or people don't want to test.   

My husband flew into Boston for work a couple weeks ago and was careful masking, did have 1 risky restaurant outing but otherwise was pretty cautious and avoided it.  

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Our stats say cases are going up here, but it's been a month or more since I've personally known someone who was diagnosed, and that person had a very mild "Covid cold." But I'm one step above a hermit, so . . very small sample size.

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Well, my mom went to the ER because she was dehydrated from her new cancer meds (explosive diarrhea is a known side effect we were warned about). She tested positive for Covid. I am not sure how she got it, to be honest. She got her 2nd booster a little over a week before we flew to Salt Lake City. We wore masks the entire time on the plane. I am fine. Her husband is fine. Don't know. My sister and brother-in-law are fine. ( We have all tested.) My husband thinks maybe it is a false positive since she has no symptoms at all. She has so much energy now since she got fluids and steroids. We are isolating, but yeah.. just not quite sure how she got it if the rest of us didn't. 

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20 minutes ago, athena1277 said:

Where are all of you with these big breakouts of Covid?  I don’t know anyone around us that has had it recently.  Dd19 got home from college 3 hours away from us last week.  They hadn’t had any Covid on campus in at least 6 weeks.  They had a flu outbreak around Easter, but all those tested were negative for Covid, including dd.

DD's college is in NW Oregon.  Several of DD's friends/classmates/team members have been sick with covid.

We live in SW WA.  I don't know anyone personally with covid, but my sister's office just had a big outbreak.  So far she has tested negative.  Very few people around here are masking, so we are still sticking to pickup for groceries and other items from the store.  DH had to go into a store last night and no one besides him was masked.

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DH traveled to a red state last week and brought it home with him. The three of us that hadn't caught it yet all got sick (all fully vaxxed/boosted). I've been getting a few covid notifications from school but mostly I don't think anyone cares. 

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I know of more than 20 people who have it currently. That’s more than I’ve previously known of for active infection. Most are mildly ill but not all, done are more severe illness but it does seem to be something people have just come to accept as a routine occurrence. I’m sad about that. 

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51 minutes ago, athena1277 said:

Where are all of you with these big breakouts of Covid?  I don’t know anyone around us that has had it recently.  Dd19 got home from college 3 hours away from us last week.  They hadn’t had any Covid on campus in at least 6 weeks.  They had a flu outbreak around Easter, but all those tested were negative for Covid, including dd.

Orange County, FL (where Orlando is) is up to 18% positivity now. 


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2 hours ago, Kassia said:

I know more people who have it now or very recently than I have in the past 2+ years. 

That is what I am hearing from everyone.  Cases are popping like crazy at dance who still has a mask rule.  I just feel this ticking clock in the background. 

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1 hour ago, KSera said:

It’s rampant in the schools here right now. I’m so worried we’re going to get this close to getting our youngest vaccinated, and then will catch it before that can happen, after all our care the past 2+ years. That’s my biggest goal with it at the moment—not before the youngest is vaccinated 🙏. Looks like FDA is likely to clear it in June. I hope there are no surprises!

That was my goal too before getting my 3 youngest vaccinated.    I hope it happens for you.  I can't imagine still having to wait for a vaccine, that is so hard.

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1 hour ago, athena1277 said:

Where are all of you with these big breakouts of Covid?  I don’t know anyone around us that has had it recently.  Dd19 got home from college 3 hours away from us last week.  They hadn’t had any Covid on campus in at least 6 weeks.  They had a flu outbreak around Easter, but all those tested were negative for Covid, including dd.

I forgot to ask the more important question: where are you, with no Covid? And can we move there to make a Covid-free island? ☺️ That sounds really nice!

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My family of three here in Kansas City all caught it within the last two weeks. Lots of people at the opera company where dh works caught it, even though they had to test daily, mask for all off stage rehearsals, all be vaxed and boosted, etc. My daughter's friend just came down with it, too. It's definitely the start of a wave here.

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2 minutes ago, mmasc said:

Does anyone know how accurate the at-home tests are with the current wave/variant?

I don't know the official accuracy rate, but my husband (vaxed and 1 booster) caught it first but never tested positive. My daughter caught it within 2 days of him sneezing everywhere (because he insisted the test was right.) She tested positive within 2 days of symptoms. I caught it 2 days after her and had a positive test quite quickly. I suspect his viral load was lower, possibly due to his booster. My daughter and I did not have a booster yet.

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9 minutes ago, mmasc said:

Does anyone know how accurate the at-home tests are with the current wave/variant?

I don't know for sure, but a friend of my daughter's tested + last night asymptomatically on a home test 4 days after attending prom.  BA.2 is declining, BA.2.12.1 is rising and over half of cases now.  So it's not completely useless.  His mom has cold symptoms but tests negative (but wasn't at prom, so it may not be related at all!).  

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1 hour ago, Spryte said:

I forgot to ask the more important question: where are you, with no Covid? And can we move there to make a Covid-free island? ☺️ That sounds really nice!

I’m in N AL, dd’s college is in middle of nowhere TN.  The largest hospital system here that has 7 or 8 hospitals spread all over different cities has been averaging about 15 Covid patients in the entire system.  The only person I know who has it right now is my mom and she doesn’t live anywhere near us.

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1 hour ago, scholastica said:

4 out of 6 of us just got it. All vaxxed and boosted. Midwest. We’re exiting isolation over the next few days. Mostly mild for us. 

Was it like a bad cold?  Worse?  Better?    Just trying to prepare myself for the inevitable.  😞 

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8 minutes ago, Ting Tang said:

Was it like a bad cold?  Worse?  Better?    Just trying to prepare myself for the inevitable.  😞 

I had it a couple of weeks ago. I thought I was having allergy symptoms - watery eyes, stuffy nose. (really unhelpful since pollen was out full force in VT at the time) I only tested because we were going to see someone immunocompromised and I have been making sure I get a negative test before I see them. I'm hearing about stuffy noses and sore throats with this variant. My friend also had a nasty cough for a few days.

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Here too. A few things like schools and daycares that would have gone to the end of May decided to close early bc of the number of positives there.  But otherwise everyone just keeps on keeping on regardless of covid in house/work. I know people who have been symptomatic and tested positive and were told they only get 3 days unpaid off work and after that, they are expected back at work. I know college/tech students that were told they could do assignments from home for 3 days and then are expected back. Keep in mind they are symptomatic and actively feel like crap run over.  

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16 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:

I had it a couple of weeks ago. I thought I was having allergy symptoms - watery eyes, stuffy nose. (really unhelpful since pollen was out full force in VT at the time) I only tested because we were going to see someone immunocompromised and I have been making sure I get a negative test before I see them. I'm hearing about stuffy noses and sore throats with this variant. My friend also had a nasty cough for a few days.

This is what my friends who have it are saying (most of them) - they thought it was allergies or a sinus infection but ended up having covid.  My MIL felt like she had a bad cold.  A friend who has it now says she has cold/flu symptoms but not bad.

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3 members of my family had it.  Interesting part about it all,  my family has a sesaonal business and all the family members are in regular and close contact with each other daily.  The 3 who got it were all vaxed and boosted but and not contracted COVID prior.  The remaining 8 family members who were equally exposed but didn't get it all had contracted COVID prior.  Some were also vaxed some weren't.  It makes me think there is at least some protection from prior infection even though I know they say it wanes over time.  

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Not to derail my own thread, but here’s something I have been thinking about. Despite having been 100% pro-vax all the way (I was even pro-mandate) and despite having been fully vaxed and boosted…I feel like I got punked. Yeah, yeah; I know; reduced risk of hospitalizations/death, and yes, I’m grateful for that, and yes, I did directly witness vax refusers who died or were extremely I’ll with Covid. So - I’m grateful that is unlikely for me. But still. The vaccine has not lived up to its promise and I feel quite jaded about that. This is one instance where I feel like the “side” who was all pro-vax has whitewashed this disappointing reality. In March of ‘21, I was one of those people who thought I was taking (three) for the team, so we could put Covid behind us. But that didn’t happen and it looks like it never is going to happen. It looks like we’re basically all going to get Covid sooner or later and the best we can hope for is that either by a) luck or b) immunology, we are not one of the dead ones. 

I do still wear a mask in crowded public settings but I do have some sympathy now for the people who aren’t scrambling to put precautions back in place. I finally *do* understand how people can say, “Covid - whatever; I’m over it”. I feel similarly now. 

For all I know, I might have had it after New York too and just got a false negative on my home test. I did have a migraine for two days. But I do get headaches anyway, so who knows. 

>end soapbox

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A friend of mine just got his 2nd booster on Friday and felt horrible all weekend. Took covid test twice and tested positive the second time.  Running fever, aches, etc., and yes, sure enough he has it. He has been very careful but was at a meeting last week, so just prior to the booster. He told his co-worker, who then tested, and he is positive as well. Not sure which variant though. 

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2 hours ago, Quill said:

Not to derail my own thread, but here’s something I have been thinking about. Despite having been 100% pro-vax all the way (I was even pro-mandate) and despite having been fully vaxed and boosted…I feel like I got punked. Yeah, yeah; I know; reduced risk of hospitalizations/death, and yes, I’m grateful for that, and yes, I did directly witness vax refusers who died or were extremely I’ll with Covid. So - I’m grateful that is unlikely for me. But still. The vaccine has not lived up to its promise and I feel quite jaded about that. This is one instance where I feel like the “side” who was all pro-vax has whitewashed this disappointing reality. In March of ‘21, I was one of those people who thought I was taking (three) for the team, so we could put Covid behind us. But that didn’t happen and it looks like it never is going to happen. It looks like we’re basically all going to get Covid sooner or later and the best we can hope for is that either by a) luck or b) immunology, we are not one of the dead ones. 

I do still wear a mask in crowded public settings but I do have some sympathy now for the people who aren’t scrambling to put precautions back in place. I finally *do* understand how people can say, “Covid - whatever; I’m over it”. I feel similarly now. 

For all I know, I might have had it after New York too and just got a false negative on my home test. I did have a migraine for two days. But I do get headaches anyway, so who knows. 

>end soapbox

The vaccines were really effective against the original strain they were designed to protect against, but it was a brand new virus and no one knew it was going to mutate as fast and as far as it has. Omicron took everyone by surprise because it developed an incredible number of mutations in a very short time, which was totally unexpected. The vaccines have literally saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the US alone, and millions world wide, and saved the healthcare systems of many countries from total collapse. The fact that covid has turned out to be more like the flu and less like measles isn't really a slam against the vaccines. The vaccines have been pretty freaking miraculous IMO, even if we may end up needing them more frequently than was originally anticipated.


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51 minutes ago, Quill said:

Not to derail my own thread, but here’s something I have been thinking about. Despite having been 100% pro-vax all the way (I was even pro-mandate) and despite having been fully vaxed and boosted…I feel like I got punked. Yeah, yeah; I know; reduced risk of hospitalizations/death, and yes, I’m grateful for that, and yes, I did directly witness vax refusers who died or were extremely I’ll with Covid. So - I’m grateful that is unlikely for me. But still. The vaccine has not lived up to its promise and I feel quite jaded about that. This is one instance where I feel like the “side” who was all pro-vax has whitewashed this disappointing reality. In March of ‘21, I was one of those people who thought I was taking (three) for the team, so we could put Covid behind us. But that didn’t happen and it looks like it never is going to happen. It looks like we’re basically all going to get Covid sooner or later and the best we can hope for is that either by a) luck or b) immunology, we are not one of the dead ones. 

I do still wear a mask in crowded public settings but I do have some sympathy now for the people who aren’t scrambling to put precautions back in place. I finally *do* understand how people can say, “Covid - whatever; I’m over it”. I feel similarly now. 

For all I know, I might have had it after New York too and just got a false negative on my home test. I did have a migraine for two days. But I do get headaches anyway, so who knows. 

>end soapbox

I can understand these thoughts.  I know several people who are at the point they will just get their boosters and hope for the best.  Life sure has been a lot of doom and gloom for quite a while now.  There is only so much people can handle anymore.  No shame in admitting your feelings.  I'm at the point of hoping if we do get it, or when, it won't interfere with something important we have planned.

Edited by Ting Tang
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3 hours ago, mmasc said:

Does anyone know how accurate the at-home tests are with the current wave/variant?

Like with the first omicron, it’s seeming common for people to take many days of symptoms before they test positive, and sometimes never getting a home positive despite positive pcr. I would advise anyone with symptoms and negative home test to get a PCR if they can. 

45 minutes ago, Quill said:

Not to derail my own thread, but here’s something I have been thinking about. Despite having been 100% pro-vax all the way (I was even pro-mandate) and despite having been fully vaxed and boosted…I feel like I got punked. Yeah, yeah; I know; reduced risk of hospitalizations/death, and yes, I’m grateful for that, and yes, I did directly witness vax refusers who died or were extremely I’ll with Covid. So - I’m grateful that is unlikely for me. But still. The vaccine has not lived up to its promise and I feel quite jaded about that. This is one instance where I feel like the “side” who was all pro-vax has whitewashed this disappointing reality. In March of ‘21, I was one of those people who thought I was taking (three) for the team, so we could put Covid behind us. But that didn’t happen and it looks like it never is going to happen. It looks like we’re basically all going to get Covid sooner or later and the best we can hope for is that either by a) luck or b) immunology, we are not one of the dead ones. 

You’ve expressed this a number of times now over the past months. I don’t know how preventing hundreds of thousands of deaths is a “yeah, whatever, but” kind of thing. You literally don’t know if you would still be alive right now if you hadn’t been vaccinated. Sounds overly dramatic, but is still true. Trust me that there are likely few more disappointed than I am that the vaccine no longer prevents Illness the way it did originally, but it’s definitely an anti-vax talking point to take the position that because the virus has mutated away from the vaccine preventing illness entirely that people were punked. The people that were punked are the ones no longer alive because they listened to anti vax propaganda. 

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2 hours ago, Ting Tang said:

Was it like a bad cold?  Worse?  Better?    Just trying to prepare myself for the inevitable.  😞 

We have just had it. My husband got it like a head cold and was back to normal in about a week. My daughter had a HORRIBLE sore throat and sinus congestion but seemed to recover in about a week. I have gotten it quite bad, even though I took Paxlovid starting on day 2.5. I had a scary high heart rate, bad fever, awful sore throat, etc, but the Paxlovid worked in the beginning and my heart rate returned to normal, fever went away, the cough that was setting in stopped . .  . Until the last dose was finished. Within 24 hours after the last dose my energy tanked hard and I have been largely bed ridden for 13 days. I have a cough and chest congestion. However, today I feel not as horrible and I tested negative, so perhaps I am on the upswing now. To be honest, as hard as this has been on my body, I am glad to have caught Omicron, rather than the other variants. We are all going to get it at some point, and I am glad that my body's first round with the virus (other than vaccine) is Omicron, and also that i was able to take Paxlovid.

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1 hour ago, Quill said:

Not to derail my own thread, but here’s something I have been thinking about. Despite having been 100% pro-vax all the way (I was even pro-mandate) and despite having been fully vaxed and boosted…I feel like I got punked. Yeah, yeah; I know; reduced risk of hospitalizations/death, and yes, I’m grateful for that, and yes, I did directly witness vax refusers who died or were extremely I’ll with Covid. So - I’m grateful that is unlikely for me. But still. The vaccine has not lived up to its promise and I feel quite jaded about that. This is one instance where I feel like the “side” who was all pro-vax has whitewashed this disappointing reality. In March of ‘21, I was one of those people who thought I was taking (three) for the team, so we could put Covid behind us. But that didn’t happen and it looks like it never is going to happen. It looks like we’re basically all going to get Covid sooner or later and the best we can hope for is that either by a) luck or b) immunology, we are not one of the dead ones. 

I do still wear a mask in crowded public settings but I do have some sympathy now for the people who aren’t scrambling to put precautions back in place. I finally *do* understand how people can say, “Covid - whatever; I’m over it”. I feel similarly now. 

For all I know, I might have had it after New York too and just got a false negative on my home test. I did have a migraine for two days. But I do get headaches anyway, so who knows. 

>end soapbox

I totally get this feeling. I have tended toward it myself the last few days. I keep reminding myself that my family avoided it until now doing the “right” things and that getting this version now is preferable to the earlier ones. We did our part to help hospitalizations and deaths and have gotten a less horrible version and our symptoms were less damaging to us. None of us has needed more than OTC meds and all will be completely recovered in days. This contrasts with the people I know who didn’t vax and weren’t careful and ended up with long Covid or worse. It’s cold comfort for sure, but it’s what’s keeping me from descending into a negative mental spiral. I do get what you’re saying and have had similar thoughts. 

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2 hours ago, Ting Tang said:

Was it like a bad cold?  Worse?  Better?    Just trying to prepare myself for the inevitable.  😞 

Bad cold for us. 1 night of fever/chills for 2 of us. Lots of drainage. Definitely focused in upper respiratory tract. Never got into our chests.

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