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Purchasing a cat bed for someone else's cat: can I do this without being rude? UPDATE WITH PIC! :)


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We recently bought our outside kitty a fluffy, donut-style bed and she loves it. This cat very much likes to be snuggled, and she loves soft blankets. It’s just a cheapie bed from the big box store, so I can’t say anything about longevity, but we’ve been surprised at how much she uses it. (It’s not heated.)

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18 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Do you think kitty would actually sleep in it?  Our cat sleeps wherever, usually on someone’s bed or in a comfy pile of clothes or blankets he’s found. He wouldn’t use a cat bed if we got one.

We've always been fascinated by the fact that our cats just know when something is for them, and they have always taken right to every cat bed we have gotten them. No idea why or how they know. So maybe depends on the cat. Mercy, could you tell them you found a really neat cat bed that you just couldn't resist and would they mind you bringing it over for the cat sometime. Or something like that. It would probably have to have something about it that made it special in that case. Either a cute design, or a heated feature. We got our thin elderly cat a plug in bed and she loooooved it. It could just be unplugged during the summer (I'm assuming there's an open plug behind the fridge? Though maybe the voltage would be wrong...hmmm). I'll come back with a link to the one we had.

eta: this is the kind we had: https://www.chewy.com/kh-pet-products-thermo-snuggle-cup/dp/225728

It didn't get super warm, just enough to add a tiny bit of heat. I never worried about it being too warm or burning her or anything, it just didn't get warm enough for that.

Edited by KSera
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Here's what I have done in similar situations: I am not a fan of lying under normal circumstances, but when the well being of a living creature is at stake, I am okay with telling a white lie. Don't say that you bought the bed for them, because they will probably get offended and feel like you are judging them for being a lousy pet owner. Trust me, it is way better to say that you somehow just happened upon a bed and thought they might want it.

I would either say that you remembered you had a bed that wasn't being used (maybe from a previous cat, if you had one), or that someone was giving it away and you thought that they could use it.

Sometimes you just have to work around humans and their egos to get animals the care they need.

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I think an inexpensive bed is along the same lines as getting a dog a toy.  I think it would be fine to bring it when you pet sit.  

I would just go with donut style bed.  Anything enclosed would probably be too hot in the summer.  If it's not too big I think kitty will warm it up in the winter just fine, imo.

If it's up high be aware if it could slide off when jumped into while being chased.  Could maybe use the stuff you put under rugs to keep it from slipping.

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I'd buy a little cat house.

My cat hates the "thermal beds". (i've tried a few - even sprinkled catnip inside to attract him.0  There's an airbag type thing inside, and he hates that it moves.  I've given up on "beds".  He likes folded fleece blankets, or a "nest" in a cat tree.

Though when 1dd brought the dog bed when they were sleeping over - the cat liked the bed and evicted the dogs.

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I don't think our cats had specific beds, but they tended to sleep in the same place (usually on a bed of one of our dd's!).  I think it'd be fine if you got them a bed.  I agree that an inexpensive bed would be similar to a nice toy or something.  My dd's small pup loves his donut bed, which is on top of her bed.  He can really snuggle into it and it keeps him warm. 

We always had dogs with our cats, and although they all got along well, we wanted the cats to feel they could eat safely where the dogs couldn't sneak their food.  We put their food bowls and water on top of the clothes dryer.  (I guess that might be a little too jiggly for a bed though!)

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Oh I think that is very sweet.  But I wouldn't get anything fancy.  Maybe a basket and an old blanket or towel from good will?  Or an old pillow or cushion wrapped in something washable?  Kitties love cook ware - old roasting pan or cake pan with a towel?  😂😻  I'd just try something like that and put it in her favorite spot to see how kitty takes to it.  

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On 12/28/2021 at 1:18 PM, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Do you think kitty would actually sleep in it?  Our cat sleeps wherever, usually on someone’s bed or in a comfy pile of clothes or blankets he’s found. He wouldn’t use a cat bed if we got one.

Yes, I really think she would. [Details removed]

Edited by MercyA
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On 12/28/2021 at 1:30 PM, Selkie said:

I would either say that you remembered you had a bed that wasn't being used (maybe from a previous cat, if you had one), or that someone was giving it away and you thought that they could use it.

Sometimes you just have to work around humans and their egos to get animals the care they need.

This absolutely would be the best way to not offend them and not make them feel that they are in any kind of debt to me. I wish, wish, wish that I didn't clean out things so quickly, because I've had tons of dog and cat beds pass through my house and back out over the years! 


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2 hours ago, KSera said:

We've always been fascinated by the fact that our cats just know when something is for them, and they have always taken right to every cat bed we have gotten them. No idea why or how they know. So maybe depends on the cat. Mercy, could you tell them you found a really neat cat bed that you just couldn't resist and would they mind you bringing it over for the cat sometime. Or something like that. It would probably have to have something about it that made it special in that case. Either a cute design, or a heated feature. We got our thin elderly cat a plug in bed and she loooooved it. It could just be unplugged during the summer (I'm assuming there's an open plug behind the fridge? Though maybe the voltage would be wrong...hmmm). I'll come back with a link to the one we had.

eta: this is the kind we had: https://www.chewy.com/kh-pet-products-thermo-snuggle-cup/dp/225728

It didn't get super warm, just enough to add a tiny bit of heat. I never worried about it being too warm or burning her or anything, it just didn't get warm enough for that.

I'm sure she would love a heated bed, but they would not want to use the electricity for a cat. 

But, yes! When I had an outdoor cat, he always knew right away that new blankets and beds were for him. He loved watching me switch out his used blankets for clean ones. He always had a look like, "Ah, yes, servant, I approve." :laugh:

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2 hours ago, happi duck said:

I think an inexpensive bed is along the same lines as getting a dog a toy.  I think it would be fine to bring it when you pet sit.  

I would just go with donut style bed.  Anything enclosed would probably be too hot in the summer.  If it's not too big I think kitty will warm it up in the winter just fine, imo.

If it's up high be aware if it could slide off when jumped into while being chased.  Could maybe use the stuff you put under rugs to keep it from slipping.

Thank you! I did not think of this! Will at the very least look for one with a non-slip bottom, and make sure it is not at the edge of wherever I put it.

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2 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

My cat hates the "thermal beds". (i've tried a few - even sprinkled catnip inside to attract him.0  There's an airbag type thing inside, and he hates that it moves.  I've given up on "beds".  He likes folded fleece blankets, or a "nest" in a cat tree.

My kitty really liked them, but only on top of other blankets, and only ones that didn't make that "crinkly" noise. I used to get them from Drs. Foster and Smith, but alas, F&S has gone out of business. I did see some that looked almost identical on Chewy. They are leopard print with solid backs, just like my old ones were.

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On 12/28/2021 at 2:11 PM, J-rap said:

We always had dogs with our cats, and although they all got along well, we wanted the cats to feel they could eat safely where the dogs couldn't sneak their food.  We put their food bowls and water on top of the clothes dryer.  (I guess that might be a little too jiggly for a bed though!)

Thankfully they do keep their cat's water and food bowls where the dogs can't reach them. Thinking about putting the bed there, possibly. I think there is a corner in which it wouldn't slide off.

Edited by MercyA
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3 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Do you think kitty would actually sleep in it?  Our cat sleeps wherever, usually on someone’s bed or in a comfy pile of clothes or blankets he’s found. He wouldn’t use a cat bed if we got one.

What she said. Some cats will literally sleep anywhere but a cat bed. Some cats adore their cat beds. We have one of each currently. Purrl loves her Christmas tree bed. So much so that I need to replace it with something not Christmas for other seasons. I like that this one was only $10 at Walmart and has a removable pillow inside it for cleaning. 


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I wouldn’t say I think animals are “disposable” so much that they are not on par with human children and frankly there is a financial limit to what I’m willing to sacrifice for them. We love them but they are not our babies, they are beloved pets.  Humans have a duty of good stewardship to animals.

Purrl nearly died a month ago. She ate something she shouldn’t have and if she had not eventually managed it, she would have died bc I was not going to spend $2800 on a vet bill for a pet. X-rays, blood work, intestinal surgery and so on is expensive.  I don’t begrudge the vet his income. My vet doesn’t begrudge my financial priorities.  She was pretty darn miserable for nearly a week and then slowly recovered and is back to her normal self now.  We are super glad she recovered.  My husband and her are very bonded. There would have been tears at her burial. We would have been super sad if she hadn’t.

Chip the dog is the best dog ever made as far as everyone in my household and most outside of it. But he is 15 years old, blind, deaf, arthritic, has those benign but still huge mass growths all over him (that we get removed when they become severe limits to his mobility or comfort), has lost all his teeth except 4 (we paid for the removal of his old decayed chipped up teeth) and can’t hold his pee so wears a pee bands 24/7.  But if he gets to the point he can’t hold his poo or walk or gets an some other expensive medical need, we will humanly let him die as easily as possible. We aren’t even remotely considering major medical intervention. Because we love our dog, but he is a dog not a human. 

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On 12/28/2021 at 4:44 PM, Tanaqui said:

And you're sure that a bed is what you want to do rather than just "losing" the cat (to a new home where they'll take it to the vet if ill or injured) and lying about that?

Yes. Believe it or not, she is treated better than many cats out in the country. She is fed and watered every day, has kids who dote on her, is allowed in the garage, is provided with a litter box. 


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@Murphy101, the people I know who consider cats disposable don't want to spend ANY money on their care and don't care if they go missing. They're just a thing that's around to catch mice or amuse the children. It is seen as embarrassing to some people to actually care about a cat. Dogs are okay, especially if you have "put money into them" and perhaps because they are seen as more manly.

It sounds like you provide good care to your pets and that you do truly love them. ❤️ Many people would not want to hassle with belly bands or bother getting painful, broken teeth removed.

It's wise to know what your financial limits are, but I do think there is a minimum level of care that should be provided to all animals.

My pets are my babies and people can think what they want about that; it's okay. 🙂 I don't think you have see animals that way to provide them with a very good life.

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Also, something to consider is I've bought my cats beds etc. of $100+ and they prefer to sleep on jackets and on top of computers. I would see the top of a cluttered garage refridgerator a very appealing place for a cat who has to contend with animals she doesn't want to be with 24/7. The clutter probably makes her feel safe (because she is surrounded and feels more hidden from the world) not having the soft bed helps the traction. A  blanket set on the clutter may give her the right amount of cosiness with the things that make her feel safe up there. 

My cats don't like my kids all the time and they seek out cluttery spots. When I cleaned them out and make little cat havens there they've sought other places. Just being a little devils advocate here and saying that just because their cat's spot is the top of the fridge doesn't mean the owners are not good owners. With all the fancy cat stuff that I get my cats, one of my cat's favorite spots are on top of the family room computer, on a tupperware inside my closet (where she has gathered some t-shirts and socks), and the bathroom sink (every night). The other cat actually likes cushy places and will occasionally use the fancy donut cat bed.   

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The friend who dog sits for us is always buying our dog stuff, and once it was a pretty expensive, big bed because she thought our homemade beds (foam with removable soft flannel covers made by my parents) weren’t big enough or soft enough. Her dogs have their own human mattresses. But we eventually gave it back because given the choice, our dog always chose the simpler, smaller beds.

We aren’t offended when she buys things for our dog or trims her nails or cleans her ears. Our dog is a huge part of our lives and we think we take very good care of her. But dogs are our friend’s passion (she doesn’t have children) and we are fine with indulging her. And she didn’t seem offended when we returned the dog bed.

I’d go ahead and gift the cat a bed for Christmas. But don’t be surprised if she doesn’t use it.

Edited by Frances
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4 hours ago, MercyA said:

Thankfully they do keep their cat's water and food bowls where the dogs can't reach them, on a chest freezer. Thinking about putting the bed there, possibly. I think there is a corner in which it wouldn't slide off.

This sounds like a good place. Just buy the bed, then when you’re finalizing arrangements for feeding just say “I have a couple of new toys for Spic & Span and a  bed for Gertrude. Mind if I put it up with her bowls so she can get a cozy nap away from the pups?” Alternatively you could bring it over while they are gone &  then leave a note letting them know you left some Christmas presents for the pets.  

Kitties really do like their cat beds.  The fluffy donut ones seem comfy year round. As they curl up, they kind of sink down & the bed comes around them a little for warmth. When they get warm, they stretch out and the bed moves with them, allowing/making room for them in their “longer” state. 
Thank you for taking care of the kitty! 

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  • MercyA changed the title to Purchasing a cat bed for someone else's cat: can I do this without being rude? UPDATE WITH PIC! :)

awwww, so, so cute. That bed looks perfect for her. You are a good kitty friend!

On 12/28/2021 at 1:25 PM, MercyA said:

 When I had an outdoor cat, he always knew right away that new blankets and beds were for him. He loved watching me switch out his used blankets for clean ones. He always had a look like, "Ah, yes, servant, I approve." :laugh:

Lol, my cat is like this when I switch out the litter box with fresh litter 😂.

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7 hours ago, Corraleno said:

The idea of including it with presents for the dogs was genius! Thank you so much for doing this for kitty, she looks so cozy and comfortable and I'm sure she's extremely grateful.

I’m so happy for this kitty to have her new, warm bed!

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Oh my goodness, while reading reviews for a cat bed on amazon I came across one with an iguana!!!! I'm dying! I actually had an iguana at one point in time, as a dumb college student, and that thing was so mean I can't even imagine one snuggled into a nice bed. Maybe that's why mine was mean, lol - I didn't buy it a soft furry bed?

Screen Shot 2022-01-07 at 8.28.14 AM.png

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We ;have a 17 yr old barn cat that sleeps in our garage which is still quite cold at times.  For her we bought a cat bed that when she lays in it her body heats it.  She likes that but her favorite is the discarded dog bed from Costco that is round and fluffy.  She also got a cat cave from Sams $12


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We lock our kitty in the laundry room at night which has a pet door to the garage where her litter box is.  No matter how cold it is she prefers to sleep in the garage up high on a cat tower dh built her.  When it was zero degrees here last year I brought her cat bed into the laundry room....because it was so cold.  I felt terrible the next morning when I discovered her in the garage even though her cat bed was in the laundry room!  Cats are funny.  I think they like sleeping up high.  I guess it is safer for them......

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That pic makes me so happy. Thanks for making my day! Our foster cat loves his doughnut bed. He likes to knead the sides when he is in it which saves our legs. He's actually quite thoughtful that way - when he's on our laps and wants to knead, he'll jump off and go to his bed. We appreciate it, especially during shorts season.

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