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Christmas Stockings


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Tell me what you have.

Do you have needlepoint/embroidery?   Knit?  Other fabric?

Do they have names on them?

Do they somewhat match?   Same style, etc...?

Do you have one for each of your pets?



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We have a variety. They do not match - style nor color nor size. We only have them for the kids. The kids picked them out. No names. 
But I'm not a decorator and things like that don't bother me. 
I've seen the coordinating needlework (of some sort, maybe quilting?) stockings and I'm impressed. But the time...

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So, my husband's grandmother used to needlepoint stockings for each of the grandkids and great grandkids, so my husband, my two older boys, and I all have matching needlepoint stockings with our names on them.

Along came son #3 and we have just tacked on a stocking that is rather flimsy and is now falling apart.

And now we have #4.

I can't duplicate what we have because I can't find the pattern no matter how hard I look, but I think I will at least get a machine made needlepoint stocking for the younger two that will go with what we have got, but they are pricey!~

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My grandmother needlepointed stockings for her grandchildren and children/in-laws.  My mom (a dil of aforementioned grandmother) has needlepointed stockings for her sil/dil and her grandchildren (which, really is only my kids).  I’ve been told it’s my responsibility to continue the tradition and I’d better get needlepointing.  I’m not exactly objecting, but since my oldest is 7, I’m presuming I have a while to get started.

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I got them from Etsy and love them. Upcycled denim (from jeans, so with an exterior pocket that holds a candy cane) and we each have a different color for the heel/toe/trim. Similar to this, but all the same shade of denim, no flaps on the pockets, and with fabric at the top that matches the toe.

No stocking for kitty, who will not eat treats and has disdain for all but her Chosen Toys.

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22 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

None of ours match, but I try to make sure they're all somewhat equal "quality".  If that makes sense.  We have stockings for all of us, and used to for the animals, but I don't think we do for them anymore.  We don't have names on any and now (I gave up buying new, cheaper ones each year) we use them for oldest ds, ddil, and all the grandkids on Christmas Eve then refill them for those of us who love here for Christmas morning.  


That is kind of what I am thinking I will do this year too.   I think I will just order needlepoint stockings that are kind of similar for 3rd and 4th son and just have cheap ones for the dogs.

LLBean has them on sale this weekend for $29, with free monogramming and free shipping.   That is the best deal I can find for the quality I want.

however, if anyone has any other places to look, I will keep looking!

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1 hour ago, medawyn said:

My grandmother needlepointed stockings for her grandchildren and children/in-laws.  My mom (a dil of aforementioned grandmother) has needlepointed stockings for her sil/dil and her grandchildren (which, really is only my kids).  I’ve been told it’s my responsibility to continue the tradition and I’d better get needlepointing.  I’m not exactly objecting, but since my oldest is 7, I’m presuming I have a while to get started.


I asked DH's mom if she had the pattern and she said no, she tossed all of her mom's craft stuff.   She didn't get along with her mom that well, so I get it, but I would have at least tried to replicate.

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Dh and I have quilted stockings that I made for our first Christmas.  They are the same size but different colors and patterns.

I started but never finished a stocking for oldest ds because my grandmother sent him a stocking she had crocheted.  She later used the same pattern but different colors for younger ds's stocking.  The boys' stockings have their names embroidered on them.   They are larger than the stockings I made.    

The cat does not have a stocking.

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We have pottery barn stockings with names on them.  Everyone who lives here or spends most Christmases with us has one, plus adult son who spends most (but not all) Christmases here.  We generally just hang ours, plus anyone we are expecting to sleep here on Christmas Eve.  Usually my mom and adult son.  Anyone else, who’s not a regular, gets a stocking that matches but doesn’t have a name embroidered.  The dogs have smaller, similar stockings. 

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I made everyone red corduroy stockings with their name and a little picture that seemed fitting cross-stitched on a white border. I also made stockings for my in-laws; but they were only used once; we don't see them on Christmas. I also kept my mother's after she died. So if I ever have son and/or daughter-in-law, I will take the cross-stitched bit off an extra (or two) and redo it.

Edited by marbel
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We have cheap ones with our names on them (glitter and glue).  Our family plus the two girlfriends who are here at the holidays.  We have one for the cat (someone gave it to us) that we rarely use.  They kind of match, but that's not important to us.  I wish we had nicer ones, though.  


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2 hours ago, DawnM said:

Tell me what you have.

Do you have needlepoint/embroidery?   Knit?  Other fabric?

Do they have names on them?

Do they somewhat match?   Same style, etc...?

Do you have one for each of your pets?



I have *ducking* three sets to match my tree color schemes (and b/c new family members are added). Two sets have our names embroidered. Once set is same style, coordinating fabrics with hand-lettered, wooden name tags. Our pet does not have a stocking.

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We have Pottery Barn velvet stockings for the kids that do match, even though we added them when each child was born. Their names are written in cursive with white thread (done at PB). We also have smaller stockings for our 2 dogs that are also velvet PB with their names. 😊 My DH and I have our original stockings that we bought for our first Christmas together and they’re kind of a sweater material. All of these stockings are either green with red cuff, or red with green cuff. I’m sentimental and won’t ever change them from the originals. 

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Ours are all different.  Mine is one that my mom made for me when I was very young.  She hand embroidered it including my name.  She made matching ones for my sister and brother too, but each has unique embroidery.  DH's is one he had since he was a kid that his parents bought him.  It doesn't have his name, but he has a small one that he attached later which he got from a group of friends that has his nickname on it.

We bought each of the kids one the year they were born.  None of them match, but I did put their names on them.  I have one for my kitty who died.  I can't seem to want to get rid of it.  We got one for our dog the year we got him.

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I was just thinking about Christmas stockings. Dd is now married and I'm wondering what kind of stockings they would like. The kids ,now young adults, stockings are just that, for kids, train and angel motifs. I have a nice hand knit one with my name and birthdate. Dh has a fun felt stocking and the cats have theirs. Santa often forgets the poor kitties. We also keep a couple of extras for visitors. Maybe I should make quilted stockings for everyone.

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1 minute ago, Carol in Cal. said:

This place has the awesomest designs for needlepoint stockings that I have ever seen, if you’re feeling ambitious:



That is a cool place, but I am not feeling ambitious in the slightest.

I work full time, have to write three mini-thesis type papers this year for my National Boards, along with all the projects and research involved, and I am fostering a 2 year old who needs quite a bit of my time right now, and I am taking care of my 85 year old father.

Maybe next year though!

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We have two that my grandma knitted back in the 70s and another that she made for dh when we got married. Then we have a couple knit stockings that I bought from either LL Bean or Eddie Bauer years ago when the kids were babies. Our dogs and cats have a needlepoint stocking with animals on it.

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6 hours ago, DawnM said:

Tell me what you have.

Do you have needlepoint/embroidery?   Knit?  Other fabric?

Do they have names on them?

Do they somewhat match?   Same style, etc...?

Do you have one for each of your pets?



Nope. Not matching, bit that was an intention.  We grew up with basic red stockings, white trim and our names.  I planned the same for our family.  But our triplets came home from the NICU with three adorable, and different stockings.  So we kept those for them.  Dh and mine match.  Dog has one we picked up at a church sale.  Names on two of the stocking, not the kids, and not the dogs.  Basic cotton flannel material. 

Edited by matrips
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Our 7 stockings are made from a quilt pattern I bought. Really, it's several patterns. They're made of 4 different quilt block patterns and we have 2 of each.   (The 8th will be for youngest's future SO, who we call "Tito" because we have to call him something. Hee hee hee.) Anyway, since there are 2 of each quilt block pattern one is made with red fabrics and one with green fabrics. The fabrics are all within a range of reds and greens in the same scale fabric patterns.  I put large Christmas tags on them with the names, which are removable and replaceable.

When my older two were in their late teens they wanted to make some with me but I didn't have time that late fall for just the 3 of us to sew them, so I called in my close friends and relatives in the sewing circle I had coordinated and they came with machines and sewing tools and we knocked them out in a day. Yay! The teens were in charge of selecting all the fabrics and supplies, getting everything cut out before the circle showed up and htey helped us sew. We always took turns helping each member complete a project in a day every 6 weeks or so, so a SIL traded her slot for mine that Thanksgiving weekend so we could get them cranked out in time for December decorating.

Our stockings are for Jolabokaflod treats.

When we had cats they had a very small stocking from Walmart with treats in them.

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When my siblings and I were kids, we each had a homemade stocking with our names on them.  They were all very different, made by different relatives.  Mine was knit, like a homemade knit sweater.  It may have gotten lost in our last move!

I got all our kids' stockings through JCPenney catalog in the 90's!  Every year they had different options, but they still matched.  They're kind of a velvety material.  Each year they had a few choices of needlepoint pictures you could choose to have on it, along with a name.  I still have those, but stopped hanging them up last year after moving.  (No good place to really hang them here!)  Although, one of my dd's was a little miffed that I didn't hang them up.  🙂 

Once our youngest graduated from high school, we mostly didn't do stockings anymore, although I still hung them up for decoration.  Our Christmases have changed quite a bit!  Gift-giving is no longer a big part.  (Although I kind of miss those days!)

No stockings for parents or pets.

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I made a needlepoint stocking for DS12 about 3 or 4 years ago. 

Stockings were not something I realized were a big deal to me until after my in-laws bought kiddo a stocking that was nicer than the one I had bought him, (we were so broke that first Christmas; I think I spent $1 on each of our stockings, and they were cute but not fancy).  I was so upset but it seemed like a silly thing to be upset about, so I said nothing and put out the nicer stocking for kiddo, but it's always bugged me because I really wanted to *make* him a stocking. 

Since then, he's received multiple stockings from relatives.  I have no idea what to do with all of them!  When he received a Darth Vader stocking (???), I was like "Forget this! I am making him a stocking.  I'm his mother, dang it, not everyone else."

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9 hours ago, DawnM said:



LLBean has them on sale this weekend for $29, with free monogramming and free shipping.   That is the best deal I can find for the quality I want.

however, if anyone has any other places to look, I will keep looking!

I have the LL Bean stockings for my kids and son in law.  When I was fostering I would buy one for each child with their name on it as well....letting them chose the needlepoint design they wanted 

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The kids have your basic Target fuzzy stockings.  The girls’ are slightly different from the boys’. Dh and I have matching felt ones. No names, no special designs. We just know whose is whose.  The pets each have their own, which don’t match and kind of bothers me, lol. Our deceased pets’ matched.

I’ve always felt kind of lame for not having cooler ones, but I wouldn’t change them because tradition.

My mom handmade our felt stockings that we used every single year. My stocking from my first Christmas was my stocking when I was 22 years old, the last year I had Christmas at home.  It showed its age very clearly, but tradition.

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3 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

The kids have your basic Target fuzzy stockings.  The girls’ are slightly different from the boys’. Dh and I have matching felt ones. No names, no special designs. We just know whose is whose.  The pets each have their own, which don’t match and kind of bothers me, lol. Our deceased pets’ matched.

I’ve always felt kind of lame for not having cooler ones, but I wouldn’t change them because tradition.

Ha! This is me exactly. We have plain fuzzy Target stockings that match in style, but are different colors. I've always kind of wanted fancier ones, but I'm cheap and my DD likes them just fine. We have one for the Child and one for the Dog. 🙂 Now that we have a bird, I'll try to find another one in the same style.

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9 hours ago, J-rap said:

When my siblings and I were kids, we each had a homemade stocking with our names on them.  They were all very different, made by different relatives.  Mine was knit, like a homemade knit sweater.  It may have gotten lost in our last move!

I got all our kids' stockings through JCPenney catalog in the 90's!  Every year they had different options, but they still matched.  They're kind of a velvety material.  Each year they had a few choices of needlepoint pictures you could choose to have on it, along with a name.  I still have those, but stopped hanging them up last year after moving.  (No good place to really hang them here!)  Although, one of my dd's was a little miffed that I didn't hang them up.  🙂 

Once our youngest graduated from high school, we mostly didn't do stockings anymore, although I still hung them up for decoration.  Our Christmases have changed quite a bit!  Gift-giving is no longer a big part.  (Although I kind of miss those days!)

No stockings for parents or pets.


Ours too!   The boys want clothes and expensive things like computer stuff, so I add in things like underwear, socks, PJs, candy......things they like or need but wouldn't really be a Christmas gift.   And I get them a few gift cards to places to eat, etc....

But THIS YEAR, we will have a toddler and we are all excited to do it up big.


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11 hours ago, DawnM said:


That is a cool place, but I am not feeling ambitious in the slightest.

I work full time, have to write three mini-thesis type papers this year for my National Boards, along with all the projects and research involved, and I am fostering a 2 year old who needs quite a bit of my time right now, and I am taking care of my 85 year old father.

Maybe next year though!

Pottery Barn or Etsy. :)

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These are the ones I made a couple of years ago. The first ones I made were similar but smaller. I wanted slightly bigger (and a nice, matching one for our youngest). This pattern ended up much larger. I don't plan to try again, though.


ETA: All the reds are the same color and the darker ones are dark green. Dd6 had been using my old one, so I guess I made one for myself. It wasn't necessary. No one fills one for me, but I wanted to have one.


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I have needlepoint ones I made. They hold more than most purchased needlepoint stockings.  They are all different pictures, but same shape with a white "name bar" at the top with red velvet and satin liners.  I found one on ebay that reasonably matched (goes the other direction) for dsil and made the adjustments and added his name.   I didn't say anything ahead of time - and he ran over and gave me a hug as soon as he saw it.  2dd and dsil have their stockings, and I don't know what they've done for 1gs.  (and 2dd was here for Christmas last year).

Nothing for 1dd's dogs (she comes to my house on Christmas morning and her stocking is still here) - but we might do a   purchased one for the cat to put treats in.  I plan on getting him a bigger cat tree for christmas.  

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9 hours ago, Meriwether said:

  my old one, so I guess I made one for myself. It wasn't necessary. No one fills one for me, but I wanted to have one.


yeah . . .. It's just not the same.   I've occasionally had adult children think enough to put something in my stocking.

dh once put my "christmas gift" (gold earrings) in my stocking because somehow he thought we did stockings last.  no dear, we've always done them first.  Maybe I'll put a gift certificate for a spa day in mine this year . . . .

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I bought giant Pottery Barn stockings when the kids were young because it was so much fun to fill them with tons of little things I collected throughout the year. Once they were teens, though, I seriously regretted the size! Gift cards don't take up much space, so I started filling them with socks and gloves and stuff that isn't much fun but takes up space. And bless whoever it was here who recommended Pringles cans, lol!

ETA: I didn't put names on them, so we'd have more flexibility. I own four, and this year I will fill one of them for DD's boyfriend.

This isn't my photo, but these are the stockings we have — they're huge! 


Screen Shot 2020-10-11 at 7.26.25 PM.png

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10 hours ago, Corraleno said:

I bought giant Pottery Barn stockings when the kids were young because it was so much fun to fill them with tons of little things I collected throughout the year. Once they were teens, though, I seriously regretted the size! Gift cards don't take up much space, so I started filling them with socks and gloves and stuff that isn't much fun but takes up space. And bless whoever it was here who recommended Pringles cans, lol!

ETA: I didn't put names on them, so we'd have more flexibility. I own four, and this year I will fill one of them for DD's boyfriend.

This isn't my photo, but these are the stockings we have — they're huge! 


Screen Shot 2020-10-11 at 7.26.25 PM.png


Those are nice.   I just didn't want to start over and have to buy 6 of them.   I just need 2, although I may get one for my dad since he will be with us this year.

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I have a needlepoint one from Land's End or LL Bean for everyone, embroidered with their name.  I think they were wool and handmade in India or Bangladesh, but it's been a few years since I ordered one so I no longer remember details.   The name embroidery is clearly machine made, it's too perfect to be hand sewn.

If you're going that way you can usually find a 50% off coupon for Land's End when they send out the Christmas catalog, but you have to order fast or they sell out.

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On 10/11/2020 at 12:03 PM, Meriwether said:

These are the ones I made a couple of years ago. The first ones I made were similar but smaller. I wanted slightly bigger (and a nice, matching one for our youngest). This pattern ended up much larger. I don't plan to try again, though.


ETA: All the reds are the same color and the darker ones are dark green. Dd6 had been using my old one, so I guess I made one for myself. It wasn't necessary. No one fills one for me, but I wanted to have one.


For years I filled my own.  When my daughter figured that out, she started pestering her dad to get stuff for mine. Now, everyone gets a little stocking gift for everyone else, so no one is left out.  

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On 10/10/2020 at 5:10 PM, Carolina Wren said:

I got them from Etsy and love them. Upcycled denim (from jeans, so with an exterior pocket that holds a candy cane)  

Those are extremely adorable!

On 10/10/2020 at 3:52 PM, medawyn said:

I’ve been told it’s my responsibility to continue the tradition and I’d better get needlepointing.  I’m not exactly objecting, but since my oldest is 7, I’m presuming I have a while to get started.

Yeah, make sure they want it first, lol. I clicked quote on this to say they may not, and then MissLemon said this: 

On 10/10/2020 at 11:54 PM, MissLemon said:

Stockings were not something I realized were a big deal to me until after my in-laws bought kiddo a stocking that was nicer than the one I had bought him, (we were so broke that first Christmas; I think I spent $1 on each of our stockings, and they were cute but not fancy).  I was so upset but it seemed like a silly thing to be upset about, so I said nothing and put out the nicer stocking for kiddo, but it's always bugged me because I really wanted to *make* him a stocking. 

Since then, he's received multiple stockings from relatives.  I have no idea what to do with all of them!  When he received a Darth Vader stocking (???), I was like "Forget this! I am making him a stocking.  I'm his mother, dang it, not everyone else."

and I agree with the essentials, although my details were different. It's something you should ask about, imo, or at least make it very clear that this is just a gift and it's fine if it's not used every year or any year or as the 'main' stocking. It's hard when it's something you wanted to do yourself (bc moms like to do the fun stuff too!), plus not at all your style even if lovely, and it's presented as a fait accompli and of course I am giving you this and of course you will use it. If I could have a do-over, I would thank them and use the stockings somehow, but I'd also get/make the ones I wanted and primarily use those until the kid was old enough to choose. The gifted one could always just be hung on a door or something for decoration, and then vice versa if they started to use the gifted one. We did make stockings one year as a family when they were older, just quick flimsy ones in a specific theme, and that was a lot of fun. Maybe we'll do that again this year. 

As far as pets, our senior cat has a stocking, but then we kept getting more and I'm not ridiculous enough to have six cat stockings. I am, however, ridiculous enough that, when I saw tiny little versions of Fisher Price Toys, I immediately bought some of them and put them under a tiny little tree for my sugar gliders (who honestly lacked appreciation for my efforts, but the pictures were cute). 


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9 minutes ago, katilac said:

Those are extremely adorable!

Yeah, make sure they want it first, lol. I clicked quote on this to say they may not, and then MissLemon said this: 

and I agree with the essentials, although my details were different. It's something you should ask about, imo, or at least make it very clear that this is just a gift and it's fine if it's not used every year or any year or as the 'main' stocking. It's hard when it's something you wanted to do yourself (bc moms like to do the fun stuff too!), plus not at all your style even if lovely, and it's presented as a fait accompli and of course I am giving you this and of course you will use it. If I could have a do-over, I would thank them and use the stockings somehow, but I'd also get/make the ones I wanted and primarily use those until the kid was old enough to choose. The gifted one could always just be hung on a door or something for decoration, and then vice versa if they started to use the gifted one. We did make stockings one year as a family when they were older, just quick flimsy ones in a specific theme, and that was a lot of fun. Maybe we'll do that again this year. 

As far as pets, our senior cat has a stocking, but then we kept getting more and I'm not ridiculous enough to have six cat stockings. I am, however, ridiculous enough that, when I saw tiny little versions of Fisher Price Toys, I immediately bought some of them and put them under a tiny little tree for my sugar gliders (who honestly lacked appreciation for my efforts, but the pictures were cute). 


I have put some of the extras on doorknobs as decorations, but I did get rid of the Darth Vader stocking, lol. 

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