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Are you familiar with the children's book Good Night Moon?


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I gave the board book along with several others to d's and fiance.  At the shower my sister showed me "Good Night Moon 15 years Later" I was tearing up as I read it because my youngest ds is leaving in a few weeks.  I showed it to one of the ladies but first asked if she knew the children's book and I was quite shocked she had not.    I guess I assumed most everyone was familiar with the children's book.

Grab a tissue.  I found the 15 years later.  

Hope this link works.


Edited by lynn
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I read it to my kids all the time and often see it at baby showers. We even have the game version!

Love the parody!

Re the blog post, I always thought the bunny was visiting Grandma Bunny (I've never heard of a mom described as a little old woman) who lives in a one-room cottage, like the bunnies at the end of Runaway Bunny.  That doesn't excuse the color choices, though!

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We had funny noises on each page like when the mush would say, "Eat me." 

The 15 yrs later doesn't touch me as my boys aren't old enough to be teenagers yet. My girl's rooms at their worst just never approached that level, thankfully. (The boys' room already has a stench though.) 

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13 minutes ago, sweet2ndchance said:

The Carrot Seed, however, is a well loved toddler/preschool favorite here among others.

I've never heard of that one, but Rainbow Zebra got just as much attention with our oldest as Goodnight Moon. DH & I had both memorized and could recite them both in an attempt to get a crying, over-tired child to go to sleep even when in a car, in the dark, lost, on the way to a wedding for a co-worker. Not that that ever happened.

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2 hours ago, barnwife said:

I'll be the odd man out. I've certainly heard of it; I've even read it to me children. But to say it's not a book I enjoy is a gross understatement.

Yeah I don't get the love for it at all. That's true of nearly all the standard children's books, though. They just weren't much of a hit here.

The science parodies would have gone over huge, though!

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Oh man, younger dd had a little stuffed bunny that was modeled on the bunny in the book -- blue and white pajamas, grey fur.  I suppose it came as a set with the book.  We called it Moon Bunny, and it was Very Important in her life during the toddler years.  I had forgotten about it.  I suppose it's tucked away somewhere in her room.

I don't recall any of us being wildly interested in the book, but thinking about that stuffed bunny makes me smile.

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That is a very adorable parody! 

Goodnight Moon was the book I read into a tape recorder so I could play it for my in utero babies through headphones stretched over my belly. Yes, I did. ?

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I never knew it as a child, but when I was pregnant with my first, I requested a book baby shower...where people would just give me one book that they or their kids had loved.  A dear friend gave me the giant board book version of "Goodnight Moon" and "The Hungry Caterpillar".  Both were big favorites with all four of my kids. 

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The "15 Years Later" version came across my FB feed yesterday, shortly after I'd been poking around in DS's now-empty room looking for a book I wanted to read. And yes I needed a few tissues.  Someone should write another one, "20 Years Later," when the room is clean and empty and you'd give anything to have a sleepy little boy, or even a stinky moody teenager, in there again. ?

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I saw the 15-years-later version yesterday and shared it on my Facebook feed. I said that it fit my 14 year old ds to a T (and it does...sounds like I wrote it for him myself!). When ds was a baby, we had the Goodnight Moon board book and we had to replace it because we literally wore it out. It is the only book that I added to ds’s “Special Baby Things” keepsake box. This new version made me tear up a little. 

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