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Who's in planning mode yet for 2018-19? Want to share?

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I wasn't really, until talk of schedules and registration openings coming to light. :-) Now I'm thinking I should nail some things down. 


So who wants to share what they are thinking?


I'll give it a go - and tell you what we're thinking to start us off... and feedback on below providers/courses - always welcome!!


11th grade:

Eng - AP Eng Lang (PAH) - have recently changed from wanting Inspektor to Walker

Math - AP Calc AB (WHA) - we love Ms. Stublen (mom on the boards!)

Sci - Hon Physics (DO) - need something a bit lighter, and will take SAT II test

Hist - Big History Project - A-G approved (for us Cali folk, and could use a 'world history')

Lang - Span 3 (HSA)

elec - AP Stats (WHA or Edhesive - cannot decide! Edhesive is cheaper at $150, but my son loves Mr. Reini)

elect - ?? 


9th grade:

Eng - Hon American Lit - at home w/ Lightning Lit/SICC-C

Math - Geometry (Jann in TX)

Sci - WTMA Biology (her brother loved it! thinking SAT II post-class)

Hist - Big History Project - nice a-g world history credit

Lang - Span 1 (HSA)

elec - ??

elect - ?? love to try an AP class but not sure of a good first one. may just stick with a single SAT II for 9th and step it up in 10th

Love some help on elective ideas esp for my rising 9th grader. She loves art and is creative... so open to suggestions!

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11th grade: English Honors2 (Blue Tent)




                   US History



10th grade: English Honors 1(Blue Tent)

                    Geometry (using Jurgensen book with tutor)

                    Honors Chemistry (Clover Valley Creek)

                    Japanese 1

                    Medieval History

                    Egyptian 1 (no idea yet what that might look like)

                    Introduction to Interior Design

                    Music Theory/Guitar


I'm out of ideas for my 11th grader, he has no preferences.

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Planning is usually my favorite part of homeschooling, but I haven't been able to get excited about next year yet.  I have a feeling my high schoolers are going to cost me an arm and a leg.


My 10th grader (will be 11th) wants to dip her toe into regular DE.  She's had a super-condensed summer course in one of her passion areas in the past and regularly accumulates partial credits in another passion area, so I don't know why I see this as a big jump.  I am dreading the transportation issues!  She's also wavering on getting her EMT next year.  It's hard to plan with those two things up in the air.


We won't have co-op schedules anytime soon, which also complicates things. I need to break the habit of planning, and then just adding on when those schedules do come out. 

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Waiting for schedules but looking something like this:


10th grade:

AOPS Geometry (WTMA)

Rhetoric 1 (WTMA)

Govt/Econ (WTMA)

The Short Novel (Memoria Press)

Chemistry (Memoria or WTMA)

Material Logic/ Informal Fallacies (Memoria)


WTMA math is the one thing we don't want to deviate from so the rest of the schedule will need to fall into place around that. He does not like the delayed lecture option and really wants the live classes. I am comfortable with both WTMA and MP so hopefully he can gets what he needs between those two providers.


He also hopes to attend local co-op for social reasons so will likely end up with 1-2 more classes that are not too demanding.


Only one in high school this year. Feels strange.

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Next year I won't have oldest ds--that's strange. We also don't know how much money we'll have due to college.


So, for dd-who will be in 10th:

French 2-Aim Academy

Algebra 2-probably Saxon

Biology (she did Chem this year)probably Guest Hollow

English--probably Sharon Watson's Characters in Crises and finish Power in Your Hands with some Tapestry assignments.

Modern History-tapestry year 4

Electives :PE; Music Theory

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Planning for 12th grade:

English: Homegrown.  Will definitely use Abeka Vocab.  Maybe Windows to the World.  Book suggestions from WTM.

Physics: Homegrown.  Still figuring this out.

Math:  Mathusee PreCalculus and Calculus (we tend to do two maths simultaneously)

Economics:  Dave Ramsey for High School

World Geography:  Ace Paces

US History since 1877:  Not sure.  Possibly Joy Hakim mixed with Human Odyssey Contemporary.  Or American Odyssey.


I'm probably forgetting something, but that's all I can think of at the moment.



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Next year, I will only be homeschooling one child: DD#2, who will be in 10th grade. 


She will be using:


Saxon Algebra I and II

IEW Elegant Essays, and Research Reports

Apologia Biology with labs

Modern History, with MOH Vol IV, and Stanford History Lessons

Modern Literature via WTM reading list 

Taekwondo, working towards her black belt (not too far away)


Not sure what else yet? Might outsource a class, but not 100% certain.



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We also have a senior going off to college next year, so that will sure be new...


11th Grade:


Spanish 3 with Sr. Gamache and La Clase Divertida (her favorite class)

Latin 3 (WHA - J. Hensley) OR continue with MP Form Series at home.  Either way, I will 'do' Latin with her as I love this subject!

GC 5 (WHA - Martin)

Precalculus ((WHA - Stublen)

Honors Chemistry (WHA - Bailey)

Rhetoric 1 (WHA - Baker)

Economics in the summer as College Now experience in Cedarville, perhaps


Perky Bunch, I am intrigued as to how you can do Precalculus and Calculus in the same year.  Isn't one a prerequisite of the other?  In the back of my mind, I wonder if I made a mistake in letting my dd 'repeat' geometry as we had used Saxon prior to coming to Wilson Hill and they advised she take their geometry course.  It's been okay review for her with lots of new theorems, but very boring in going over similar triangles and the like which she already knew and understood before.  My hope is that the comments are cemented now in her head as this area is a passion of hers (why, I have no idea as I could never really 'get' geometry with trying to picture 3-dimensional figures on 2-dimensional paper, but that's another story).  Anyway, I hope I have not 'slowed her down' too much in math by taking this route.  She had already completed up to Lesson 75 in Saxon Adv. Math when we made the switch to WHA.



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9th grader:

- Math: AoPS algebra 2 or geometry (likely the former; still trying to decide)

- Science: Oak Meadow Environmental science (possibly combined with a local class)

- English: Braverwriter classes + LBGTQ+ literature studies (I'm designing)

- Foreign language: Spanish 2 with EspaĂƒÂ±ol Santillana (I'm teaching) with additional conversational practice with Homeschool Spanish Academy

- Oak Meadow geography


Still trying to work out academic electives and history. Her history this year (8th) was at a very high school level so I am giving her high school credit for it even if that's not typical. She's worked incredibly hard, and it's a very intensive course with high input/output. 


Non-academic electives: aerial dance/stilting (training, teaching, and performing), outdoor programs, chorus, preschool volunteer

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Oldest DS will be at college too - conflicting emotions for sure on that!!!


11th grade DS:

English - VCR, EiL units on Beowulf, Julius Caesar, Til We Have Faces, Pilgrim's Progress, The Tempest, Huck Finn, and Tale of Two Cities

Geometry/Precalculus - finishing up Video Text Geometry and starting on Chalkdust Precalculus

Physics I - Apologia

US History - Great Courses lectures, American Odyssey text, Critical Thinking in US History

Spanish III - Destinos

Elective - TBD - he's already taken Filmmaking and Marketing as electives, not sure what direction to go this year - he's thinking maybe Music Theory but that might be better at the cc than at home and I'm not sure he's ready for that yet

SAT prep


9th grade DD:

English - EE, VCR, AG review books, reading Eagle of the Ninth series, The Odyssey, Julius Caesar, Til We Have Faces

Algebra II - finishing Video Text Algebra

Biology I -  Apologia

US History - Great Courses lectures, American Odyssey text, Critical Thinking in US History

Spanish I - Visual Link Spanish

Intro to Logic & Rhetoric (half credit) - Argument Builder and Discovery of Deduction

Elective (half credit) - TBD - she loves to write and read and bake and take care of children - no clear career direction yet so she's very undecided


Both will also do speech/debate club, drama club, PE/personal fitness on their own in the mornings - not sure yet about continuing with piano lessons


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Perky Bunch, I am intrigued as to how you can do Precalculus and Calculus in the same year.  Isn't one a prerequisite of the other?  In the back of my mind, I wonder if I made a mistake in letting my dd 'repeat' geometry as we had used Saxon prior to coming to Wilson Hill and they advised she take their geometry course.  It's been okay review for her with lots of new theorems, but very boring in going over similar triangles and the like which she already knew and understood before.  My hope is that the comments are cemented now in her head as this area is a passion of hers (why, I have no idea as I could never really 'get' geometry with trying to picture 3-dimensional figures on 2-dimensional paper, but that's another story).  Anyway, I hope I have not 'slowed her down' too much in math by taking this route.  She had already completed up to Lesson 75 in Saxon Adv. Math when we made the switch to WHA.






We are using Mathusee, which has a somewhat unusual scope and sequence.  I am able to overlap their maths quite easily, thus far.  That said, my degree is in Math, so if she hasn't hit something yet, it's not too hard for me to introduce it. 


For instance, we are currently in Geometry (chapter 22 out of 30) and in Algebra 2 (chapter 12 out of 31 or so), and it's been fine.  However, about the unusual scope and sequence, we have just now hit Quadratic Formula, in Algebra 2, which I understand is often covered in other program's Algebra 1 classes.  


I need my dd's SAT score to be at a certain level, and so we need some of Mathusee's PreCal for sure to get there.  I am going to do Calculus, too, slowly, because if she needs it in college, I want her to at least recognize some stuff.  (I'll probably just give her half a credit for Calculus, and call it "Intro to Calculus," by the way.  We may not finish that book but I want her to have seen some stuff.)





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11th grade....


Holt Geometry (home taught) 


Conceptual Physics (at home, using as much free online helps as I can scrounge up )  ETA:  or maybe Biology….


Band and cross country with local high school


Ambleside Online year 11 for lit and history, with modifications to fit; writing across curriculum using the guidelines and books from SWB's writing audios


SAT prep and then THE TEST...(cue ominous music)


keep on going with Henle Latin with Memoria guides     ETA:  he's Latined out. ;)  Possibly Greek, mom taught.  He did some Greek in elementary, but only remembers the alphabet and 10 or so vocab words.  


Abeka Vocab and spelling because he likes it.


 Maybe another hands on elective if he's up for it.     ETA:  and the winner is….keyboarding (with a dash of coding thrown in).  When he was typing up an assignment this year, I realized his actual typing/document formatting skills are pretty lame--thanks, texting and face time. Love ya. ;)  He needs more wpm under his belt.  Time for every good boy to come to the aid of his country while the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 



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10th grader


Teaching Textbooks finish Geometry, which he just started..... then Precalculus

US History - Bill BennettĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s America, Last best hope three books... and a Hillsdale class

Music - private lessons, guitar, bass, electric ... continue singing at jams and assisted living facilities

PSAT prep


8th grader


Finish AOPS Geometry and Counting & Probablity , then Intermediate Algebra

History of Science- using Tiner science books, and whatever else she can find

Greek- continue but not sure what we will use

French - she may decide to drop, we will see


Together -


Foreign Language - continue with Czech 2

Chemistry - Dr WileĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Discovering Design with Chemistry

Mythology - NME, Iliad/ Odyssey

English- writing across the curriculum, read aloud at least two Shakespeare plays, MCT WWTW3, AAW1, Poetry and Humanity, and reading, of course, with a couple of lit guides or EIL 10

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DD will be in 10th grade:  


AP Calc (FLVS)  First year without Mr D, so DD is totally bummed.  We thought of DE, but will wait till 11th grade as getting an AA degree isn't a priority for us.

AP Physics (Johns Hopkins)  She should take chemistry but really wants more physics.  I blame it all on Ms Jetta!  

English (Open Tent Academy) *

History (Open Tent Academy) We'll know which history once OTA releases its schedule mid-February. 

ASL (Currclick and possibly working with a local interpreter for more immersion)

Latin Roots (Lukeion Fall 2018)  Or possibly another OTA class. 

Greek Tragedy (Open Tent Academy Spring 2019)


This summer:


Finish second semester Anatomy and Physiology (FLVS)

4-week pre-med camp

Drivers education (FLVS)

* English 10th grade Honors (FLVS) It's either OTA English during the school year or FLVS in the summer.  She works at a very slow pace so we're both concerned time management may be a real challenge this coming year. 


She'll continue volunteering at two hospitals - 4 hours at each.  And coordinating projects at the one hospital (i.e., crocheting newborn hats for American Heart Month in February).  


Acting class and latin groove dance class. 


Continue working on the Congressional Award program. She really needs to start planning for her big trip. 


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I'm thinking and planning alright.  I'll have an 11th grader who doesn't like school and a 10th grader who'd like to graduate early.  After the last few years of more and more online classes, we are pulling back next year and most everything will be at home.  I am open to the 11th grader trying Dual Enrollment come January and he's 17, but who knows what he will want.  Both kids will be taking SAT and ACT this next year and studying for those. 



ETA:  he wants geology/archeology for an elective.  Done.  We might do a weapons elective as well.  Research and write about it.  


11th grade boy

Pre-Calc(maybe self graded Derek Owens option)

BJU American Lit/So Verbose or IEW writing

World Geography


and some electives .....


10th grade girl

pre-Calc(Derek Owens)

BJU American Lit/So Verbose or IEW writing

Biblioplan Modern World/US history & lit


Astronomy(yep, 2 sciences)

art class



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Since Trinqueta is enrolled in Memoria Press' diploma program, there's not much planning to do. She'll take:



Physics or Chemistry depending on schedule

The Novel

High School Comp 2

Latin 2: Caesar

Classical Studies 2

Logic 1 and 2


We'll keep working on Spanish either with a lit class or Homeschool Spanish Academy or both.


Over the summer, T would like to DE or CLEP some credits. We're working on the government CLEP prep now using an EdX couse from Harvard and might go back to Sociology or American history.

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I'm planning for my 9th grader. First time having a highschooler!


Geometry - WHA

Honors Chem - WHA

Logic 1 - WHA

(I plan to have DH add lit and MCT vocab)

AP Human Geography - PA Homeschoolers

Spanish 1 - ?

Health/PE - on our own



Debate club - hopefully


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This is me planning for my first highschooler: :scared: :willy_nilly: :crying: :confused: :banghead:

So here's what I got, but it changes daily:

9th grade:
Derek Owens Algebra 1
BJU Biology online or Apologia Biology
English 3: TPS
Notgrass World History/Lit
German 1 - TPS
American Kenpo
Hopefully debate and choir at the local highschool

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TBH, I usually start making lists around December.  So I've had this going for awhile already.  Actually tonight I'm planning on typing up the budget for everything next year, so that when the tax refund comes (even though I haven't filed yet lol), I can start purchasing!


My oldest will be in 9th this year - I'm so excited about high school!


Some sort of grammar - not sure which.  Looking at Easy Grammar, Rod & Staff, or Analytical Grammar

Algebra 2

WTMA Writing

Biology - using both Apologia & a secular science text

Finish Vocab from Classic roots E

WTM History - The History of the Ancient World

art will be whatever suits his fancy at the time + Annotated Mona Lisa + co-op

He'll probably pick a Bible study from either Queen Homeschool or Positive Action

Ethics I'll probably give him the book recommended in TWTM

We'll see if he wants to continue Japanese - I'd like for him to do at least one more year, if not more

A couple of electives from Great Courses - right now I think he wants a geology one and one on inventions


Required Reading List:

Bible: Genesis - Job

Epic of Gilgamesh


The Histories

The Birds

The Republic

On Poetics

Bible: Daniel

De Republica


Bible: Corinthians 1-2

Wars of the Jews

The Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans


On the Incarnation

With God in Russia

Same Kind of Different as Me

Wisdom Chaser: Finding My Father at 14,000 Feet

Crazy Love

On Airs, Waters, and Places

De Motu Cordis

The Double Helix




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I've bought a lot of used texts already with some Amazon credits and gift cards I had. I really thought we'd be outsourcing more by now, but I keep looking at the outsourced stuff and end up just buying books... 


Next year. One kiddo. Subject, rather than grade- based transcript.


Almost "plug and play" Integrated World History and Literature year 1 of 2 (Humanistic Tradition, America Reads Classics in World Literature, and bought on super-duper sale Great Courses Western Lit and Odyssey). Probably 2 additional novels. Dd doesn't love Humanistic Tradition, so maybe SWB's books or Spielvogel/ Duiker.


French (Breaking the Barrier with French in Action.


Henle Latin (keep going with year 1, maybe start year 2 when we get there). Dd likes Magistra Jones' materials.


Dolciani Algebra and Trig with some Holt Algebra 2 for reference. She's already self studied Trig, so I'll probably add some competition math.


Holt Biology for anatomy topics + first aid = Health. Dd will probably do the MIT OCW Biology the next year, which doesn't cover anatomy.


World of Chemistry + probably the Novare Chemistry at home labs since HST has a kit or the Home Scientist kit since they are shipping it again.


Maybe Elements of Mathematics Foundations. Maybe have her read Rulebook for Arguments too and call it Foundations of Logic on the transcript. Or Number Theory. Or something. 

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11th grade:


Applied Math 30S (distance learning from our province)

CM-style literature and composition

Modern world history - finish Notgrass

Abeka world geography

Mr. Q Advanced Chemistry

Old Testament

Speech & Public Speaking (7Sisters)


9th grade:


MUS Algebra 1

CM-style literature and composition, maybe also Easy Grammar 9

Not grass world history part 1

Biology (probably abeka)

Computer Science 101

Possibly French if he wants to continue it


I'll probably also give them each a 0.5 credit for phys ed.

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Thinking.....  ds will be in 10th grade:


Chemistry - Kolbe Academy

Pre-calc - not sure, maybe Jann_in_TX.  Actually after 3 yrs w/Jann, he is moving on to Jann's colleagu for pre-calc

History - US OR Med/Renn

Literature - WTM Academy Great Books - Medevil 

Foreign Language





Logic?? w/Memoria Online

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I'm planning for my 9th grader. First time having a highschooler!


Geometry - WHA

Honors Chem - WHA

Logic 1 - WHA

(I plan to have DH add lit and MCT vocab)

AP Human Geography - PA Homeschoolers

Spanish 1 - ?

Health/PE - on our own



Debate club - hopefully



Just an FYI. We had a very meh experience with APHUG (PAH) last year. Here's my review of it:



Of course some loved the course, so YMMV.


We love WHA and the difference between WHA & APHUG are vastly different. We're in 2 PAH courses this year and love them, so think it's not PAH - but rather the course/instructor specifically.


For Spanish, we started Homeschool Spanish Academy in 9th - and it's amazing! My son is learning so incredibly much.

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This is me planning for my first highschooler:  :scared:  :willy_nilly:  :crying:   :confused:  :banghead:   




But kudos to you for planning in Jan before the school year! With my 9th grader, I stuck my head in the sand and literally planned in September. And after a crash course in everything high school related/APs/high school transcripts/college - etc, it all turned out OK.


My rising 9th grader (2nd kid in tow - I too have a big family) has a vastly different 9th grade schedule planned so far than my eldest.

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Things are too crazy for me to plan anything right now other than getting through each day.

I know this:

dd#1 - Senior (how did THAT happen so quickly???)

DE for Chem at local state college (#1 priority) fall semester

German 2 @ CLRC (#2 priority)

Spanish 5 ??

Calc (maybe WHA if schedule works out, otherwise ?)

Everything else is up in the air.


dd#2 - Sophomore (hates online classes)

Geo / Alg 2 (alternating between them?)

Chemistry w/Guest Hollow?

French 2 w/me @ home

Everything else is even less defined.

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Things are too crazy for me to plan anything right now other than getting through each day.


^  This is how I feel about making plans for next year's 10th grader... :willy_nilly:


But pretending that the good fairy of homeschooling comes and clocks him upside the head with her wand...


(and *I* am not that fairy :sneaky2:)...


he could do...


Holt Geometry (home taught, with his brother.  They haven't done anything together in math for 8 years.  This should be fun. Puberty turns boys into such cooperative, gentle beings... :001_rolleyes: )


Conceptual Physics (home taught, also with his brother.    I think I am insane for even typing this.  :o )


Spanish 2--using Abeka for the grammar and drill,  Destinos for the context and conversation.


continue with cross country and indoor track at the local high school


History and lit --  homegrown world history with lit. Ancients  - Medieval.


possibly studio art (with local artist-- I need to float this idea to Mr. Artist ) or culinary arts (with me) as an elective. 


That's as far as I can think right now.

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Holt Geometry (home taught, with his brother.  They haven't done anything together in math for 8 years.  This should be fun. Puberty turns boys into such cooperative, gentle beings... :001_rolleyes: )





Yeah, I'm having the same reservations about my boys both doing the same history. I may put them in separate time periods just because of this.

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I'm right there in planning-land with you! Next year I will have two homeschooling students: DD13 who will be a mature 8th grader or a very young 9th grader (I'll later decide whether this is a "high school" year, but will make sure everything is credit-worthy, just in case) and DD8 who will be in 4th.


DD13 is moving away from traditional homeschooling and towards what I've been calling 'home-based, a-la-carte private school'. I'm considering the following for her for 2018-19:


English - Lit and Comp 1 with Cindy Lange at Integritas Academy

Math - Geometry at WHA

Foreign Language - Latin 2 at WHA

Science - Physics or Honors Physics at WHA

History - Acellus* World History?

Fine Art - Acellus* Music Appreciation?


I like the balance of four rigorous, live online classes with two light-weight, get-er-done asynchronous classes. Honestly, I think I will have her do as much as possible of the history/music over the summer to lighten her load during the school year. She dances 18-20 hours per week in a pre-pro ballet school, so she needs to be very efficient.


I haven't really begun to think about DD8. She used to be a tricky little one to educate, but what we're using this year is working well. We may just continue on with the next level in each. CLE Language Arts 4, Reading 4, & Math 4; Evan-Moor Science 4 & Geography 4; AAS 4/5; Mystery Science.


I reserve the right to go back to the drawing board and change everything.  :laugh:


*I posted a question to the Acellus thread on the General Education forum. If you know anything about it, would you mind visiting that thread and sharing what you know?

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Just an FYI. We had a very meh experience with APHUG (PAH) last year. Here's my review of it:



Of course some loved the course, so YMMV.


We love WHA and the difference between WHA & APHUG are vastly different. We're in 2 PAH courses this year and love them, so think it's not PAH - but rather the course/instructor specifically.


For Spanish, we started Homeschool Spanish Academy in 9th - and it's amazing! My son is learning so incredibly much.

Good to know! We also really like WHA. I have no experience with PA Homeschoolers. Maybe we'll give it a go on the own instead. I expect a lot for the price.

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The oldest is graduating.  New territory!


DS 11th

Economic/Govt..local class

theology..local class

logic..local class





German..me somewhat following kolbe plans and adding my own stuff



English DE

AP English..just not sure which one or where




guitar lessons


Cross Country in the fall


edited: change in English plans

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9th grade:

Eng - Hon American Lit - at home w/ Lightning Lit/SICC-C

Math - Geometry (Jann in TX)

Sci - WTMA Biology (her brother loved it! thinking SAT II post-class)

Hist - Big History Project - nice a-g world history credit

Lang - Span 1 (HSA)

elec - ??

elect - ?? love to try an AP class but not sure of a good first one. may just stick with a single SAT II for 9th and step it up in 10th


Love some help on elective ideas esp for my rising 9th grader. She loves art and is creative... so open to suggestions!


Why not an art class? We like The Virtual Instructor and Iguana Art Academy. Iguana does short classes, but you could do different classes with VI. Your local area may have painting or sculpting. She could also do a theater class, if there's one near you. She might enjoy making sets and/or costumes. 

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9th grade:

Algebra 1 (either MUS or with Jann in TX)

Preparation for Rhetoric (WTMA) or The One Year Adventure Novel

Biology of some kind, maybe. Maybe joining another homeschooler's science class (I think they're doing chemistry next year), or the local co-op

World Geography (FundaFunda) or something else if the schedule doesn't work, but I have no idea what

maybe local co-op for ASL and art

gymnastics and tumbling

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I'm replying just so I can have a good laugh later at how much the plans have changed! Not that we have it narrowed down all that much yet. Ugh. This is a tough year to juggle - it's tricky to figure out which classes are best. Original plan was for DD2 to take a ton of CC classes... but... the classes she has left to take aren't her strongest... so I'm thinking it'll be best to head the AP way except for English or Spanish (where she's strongest).


DSs sophomore will either kill him or make him stronger. lol But, it's essential that he has a tough sophomore year in order to allow for some breathing room during junior year and senior year. So, he's diving in head first. He'll also tackle at least one CLEP over this summer.


DD2 (senior year)


AP Calc AB (Derek Owens) OR AP Statistics (PAH)

AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (PAH?? Maybe? I need to look at options) OR AP Chemistry (PAH)

AP English Lit (Blue Tent) OR Blue Tent Senior English (depends on her narrowed-down university choices... if she might get additional credit for Lit, she'll take that... or CC Comp II)

AP Music Theory (PAH or private instruction)

Spanish III or CC Spanish

there will be 2-3 more classes that she'll take in short "bursts" throughout the summer/year to take some CLEP exams


DS1 (sophomore year)


AP Calc AB OR AP Statistics

AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism + Mechanics OR AP Chemistry

Blue Tent Honors English II

AP Music Theory (PAH or private instruction)

Spanish III

US History (CLEP)

US Government (CLEP)

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DD13 is moving away from traditional homeschooling and towards what I've been calling 'home-based, a-la-carte private school'. 


I love that! We did that too for my eldest (now DS15) when he hit 9th grade. Went from all home-based, only 1 outsourced class ever through 8th - to all outsourced, all non-me by 9th grade. And it's been a blessing for us!

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Updated:  We ended up starting the next school year already and have tweaked a couple of things.

11th grader:

Quick run through MUS Geometry for review and then Precalculus  

Sonlight Core 300 History/200 Literature (going well)

Apologia Chemistry (also going well)

Genetics & Development (outsourced at a homeschool enrichment center)

Continue Lingua Latina/Visual Latin

Continue German

Start Hebrew - starting with Zola's Introduction to Hebrew and work from there

Beginning Guitar (we're finally doing music!!  After all these years!  Yay!)

ACT Prep (Kaplan - going well)

Aceable Parent-taught Driver's Ed (awesome so far)


10th Grader:

MUS Geometry (not rigorous, I know, but his MUS books are not stained with tears of despair)

Sonlight Core 300 History/200 Literature

Apologia Biology

Introduction to Robotics (VEX IQ Robotics)

Continue German

Beginning Electric Guitar (He loves it)

Aceable Parent-taught Driver's Ed (going well - he's driving all over the place already)

This is already turning out to be a really easy school year.  (Easy for me, that is.)


Still working one morning a week at an equestrian center.  DS does Track & Field.  DD volunteers with dog rescue.  

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Glance at what I been thinking


Teen 1:  College Freshman

              My only plans are to take her and possibly her new roommate shopping once they are settled into their dorm.  I am already                          planning her care packages and she's still living in the same city as us but I don't want to be that parent who is constantly in her                  business.

Teen 2:  High School Freshman

             Heart of Dakota high school series will be his curriculum for the up coming school year. Instead of Rod and Staff 7, he will use                     Rod and Staff 8. We use Teaching Textbooks. Spanish will be taking at a local co-op.

Teen 3: 8th Grade

             Wants to take the same curriculum has her brother since they been side by side since the beginning but not happening.  8th is                     going to easy for her.  Just Teaching Textbooks, Learning Literature Thru Language Arts, A Beka history and Apologia science                     Spanish at a local co-op.


My goals for 2018-19 school year are getting Teen 1 off to college, Teen 2 to work independently, and Teen 3 to take her education seriously.  

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My sons will be in 11th and 12th grades next year.  The both take college classes, so they sign up for classes based on what is offered that semester, then we fill in the rest at home. They usually take social studies, computer science and english at their colleges, and we do science, math and foreign languages at home.  

They will probably do:

Derek Owens Pre-Calc 

Derek Owens Physics

Foreign Language ? 




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I will have an 11th grader. She wants to try full time at the community college next year. She's done chemistry, psychology and computer science half time there this year. She'll finish up foreign language over the summer. So, I guess I'm pretty much done teaching her after this year. 


She will need:


Writing 097 & 099 (she has dysgraphia, and this is the remedial sequence)

Biology of some sort

College Algebra, possibly Trig

Some sort of social science

She'll probably fill in with computer science electives.


She needs to decide if she wants to go for an AS or an AAS in Computer Science. That will affect which math and social science classes she takes. I'm forcing her to take sciences despite the AAS not needing them for high school transcript purposes.


I will have an 8th grader and a 6th grader at home - most likely going through Build Your Library's level 7.

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I don't know. I want to do less than we are doing now. We are not getting done what we ought even though we have long days. What I list may or may not happen next year; I'm mostly just thinking "outloud".

Dd14 will be a 10th grader. How next year looks will probably depend on how the rest of this year goes.

Math: Foerster's Precalc? She isn't exactly zipping through Foerster's Algebra 2 with Trig. Since we are halfway through our year and she isn't halfway through the book, I'm not sure if we'll be starting Precalc at the beginning of next year or not. Maybe at the semester?
TOG: Year 4 R level, first half. We are going to only do the first semester next year and add in some more high interest, fun books written in the first half of the 20th century. We need some fun in our days. 

Science: Apologia Chemisty.

Latin: Lukeion. Either 3 or the transition level. Easy is kind of the theme I've got going for next year and the transition class would surely be easier. Maybe I shouldn't think about planning this close to February. :huh: 
Spanish: Breaking the Barrier 3
Maybe an elective? I don't know. I'm tired of us always scrambling to get things done. Seven credit hours for sophomore year after 9 credit hours for freshman year may look odd, but right at this moment I don't care.

Ds13 will be a Freshman.

Math: Jacob's Geometry
TOG: Same as Dd14, perhaps doing D level for a couple of the subjects.
Science: Apologia Biology
Mandarin: continue CLRC, hopefully
Greek: possibly Lukeion, possibly defer until sophomore year
Spanish: possibly BtB 1, possibly not at all depending on what we decide with Greek

Elective: Designing his own class using Raspberry Pi and "stuff". This is a new interest for him. I don't even care if it would be technically high school level. I'd really like to have more fun next year.

We need to focus on writing next year for both of them. It is their weakest area.


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My DD will be in 10th next year.  Here are our plans so far:


Math: Jacob's Geometry

Science: Guest Hollow Kitchen Chemistry and Great Courses Chemistry

History/Lit: Notgrass Exploring America

Writing/Grammar: Power in Your Hands, Easy Grammar

Languages: Continue ASL on Currclick, She's taking the 1st semester of year 2 starting this month.  I don't know if semester 2 will be offered this summer or in the fall.  We'll just keep rolling along :)

                    Hopefully French 2 with Breaking the Barrier.  We are woefully behind schedule with French 1, so we'll see.  If the local community college offers french next year (I think they offer it every other year), I might sign her up there.  

Other Electives: Home Ec, and maybe half a credit of Physical Education.  She keeps adding more musical instruments to her repetoire, so I imagine she'll have another music credit next year too.  

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My youngest will be a senior next year and wants to take most of his classes through dual enrollment. We won't know how much funding we'll receive from the state until late in the spring, after online providers have already begun enrollment. And he won't actually be able to register for college classes until July, which could leave us scrambling to find online classes that still have openings if he can't get the courses he needs through DE. So planning for next year is a little tricky. I would love to be able to make decisions now and sign up for online classes in February and March like I always have in the past. 

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I wasn't really, until talk of schedules and registration openings coming to light. :-) Now I'm thinking I should nail some things down.


So who wants to share what they are thinking?


I'll give it a go - and tell you what we're thinking to start us off... and feedback on below providers/courses - always welcome!!


11th grade:

Eng - AP Eng Lang (PAH) - have recently changed from wanting Inspektor to Walker

Math - AP Calc AB (WHA) - we love Ms. Stublen (mom on the boards!)

Sci - Hon Physics (DO) - need something a bit lighter, and will take SAT II test

Hist - Big History Project - A-G approved (for us Cali folk, and could use a 'world history')

Lang - Span 3 (HSA)

elec - AP Stats (WHA or Edhesive - cannot decide! Edhesive is cheaper at $150, but my son loves Mr. Reini)

elect - ??


9th grade:

Eng - Hon American Lit - at home w/ Lightning Lit/SICC-C

Math - Geometry (Jann in TX)

Sci - WTMA Biology (her brother loved it! thinking SAT II post-class)

Hist - Big History Project - nice a-g world history credit

Lang - Span 1 (HSA)

elec - ??

elect - ?? love to try an AP class but not sure of a good first one. may just stick with a single SAT II for 9th and step it up in 10th


Love some help on elective ideas esp for my rising 9th grader. She loves art and is creative... so open to suggestions!

Mirabillis- I would encourage you to have no more than two synched online classes (self paced donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t count) because my son did that last year and it was emotionally exhausting following 3 difference schedules, vacation times were ruined, trips to see Family were messed up...it was really hard. And my son is EXTREMELY organized and super super calm and doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t stress and he was more stressed doing that last year than taking a full load of community college classes this year :)

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Oldest ds (11th grade age then) will be in his second full   last year at community college -
Can't believe I am saying that. He will continue with his job at Mathnasium and be working on college applications for transfer, college visits etc.

Dd will be 14 turning 15 and we are calling it 9th/ 10th grade. We want to send her early to CC and may need to adjust her grade to take our state exam :) so we are calling it two grades lol...

Anyway for 10th

David Quine's Worldview 1 at co op
High School Biology with Open Tent
ASL 2 with Open Tent
Geometry - Teaching Textbooks online (YAY so happy they have online now!!)

Algebra 2 at Mathnasium
Horse Riding

Quilting/Sewing - maybe at a class nearby

I feel like she might need more for history as I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t think Quine gives full history credits. And I want her to know history :) for that we will probably look at another local co op or CurrClick :) I guess i have to look into that :)


She also has a part time job, and her horse hobby is very time consuming, so it'll be a very full year and her last year homeschooling.  She will go to community college full time the following year.

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Mirabillis- I would encourage you to have no more than two synched online classes (self paced donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t count) because my son did that last year and it was emotionally exhausting following 3 difference schedules, vacation times were ruined, trips to see Family were messed up...it was really hard. And my son is EXTREMELY organized and super super calm and doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t stress and he was more stressed doing that last year than taking a full load of community college classes this year :)


Thanks Calming Tea. I think we'll be OK though, personally. We're used to the drill this year. For my son, the stress is more the workload, balancing classes with varying degrees of workload to make it all work.


This year my son takes:

1 WHA - live T/Th

1 WTMA - live M

2 PAH - asynchronous

1 HSA - 2x week/we set schedule

1 CfL - meets 1x monthly

and we were doing Roy Speed (1x weekly for 10 weeks)

WAH - not live, due Thursdays.


Yes, with the first three (WHA, WTMA & PAH) - we have had and continue to have varying breaks for all. So no 1 big Spring Break for ds. But that's ok - we're not big on october break/spring break anyway and usually school through them. We don't go away for mid-year holidays - only in the summertime. And I help keep him organized still every Sunday typing up a weekly to-do list (well online in OneNote) with a set list of what to do, each class, per day.


But I am thinking 2 WHA back-to-back (Stats/Calc) might be too much next year. So opting for Edhesive, self-paced (and cheaper) is better. :D

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I have not given it too much thought just yet.  But the core things: 


WTM great books/history 3rd year, Renaissance World 

Alg. 2, Mr. Ds 

English continue reading through R&S 9/10 

Rhetoric/Writing continue working through a Workbook for Arguments then into the New Oxford 

Science: considering a WTM style Astronomy, maybe one semester, maybe two. She has had 3 lab sciences so far, starting in 8th with biology, and isn't ready for Physics til her math catches up. So we need an elective year here.  She will end up with 4.5 to 5 sciences. 

Latin 4- ??? Up in the air. considering the MP AP class. Or maybe just keeping on with Henle 3 and 4 and taking the NLEs and SAT subject test.

Dance, scouts, piano, and art 


9th grade is a little easier: 

She will jump into the Great Books study at the same place. I have always kept them on the same schedule. She will just move up from logic work gradually to the higher level books.  History of the Renaissance World as history text. The Geography Coloring Book

PreAlg.  Rod and Staff 8

Latin I finish Third Form, move into Fourth Form, take NLE level i

Physical Science, more than likely Apologia 

R&S english and spelling, plus Thinking Tree Spelling and journal in rotation


logic traditional logic I 

Art: Schoolhouse Teachers dot com class, her choice, but I think the realism in drawing course would be good.

art, piano, dance, scouts as extras 

*** piano is through a teacher. DD11th grade will not have lessons, but continue on her own. DD9th grade will have beginning lessons.  And art will be an actual class of some sort. We do a lot of art and art studies and art history, but I would like her to choose a class for the year and follow it to build on her skills. She has a lot of skill and desire. 


*** She is a different student than her sis. It doesn't make any sense to rush her. She works slow and steady and does well. We may end up taking an extra year of high school for her, or we may just move her into junior college and she will do fine. 

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I am busy planning my retirement from homeschooling--does that count?  Planning for the upcoming year has always been my favorite part of the whole process--all the possibilities, the charts, the spreadsheets, the shiny new curriculum. . .  But my last child at home is in eighth grade this year and will follow his older sisters' path into a B&M high school, either a STEM magnet a mile from our home or somewhere else.  If all of my clients don't fire me first (always a possibility), I will increase my days and hours at the office to productively fill up some of my days, but I don't have any real desire to get hot-and-heavy back into my legal practice.  After all of these years of squeezing work around school and the kids' extra-curriculars, I'm kind of over it.

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For DD 12th grade:

Calculus--probably Larson

Organic Chemistry--DE, 2 semesters

World Literature--Sonlight (partial--she has begun the reading for this already so as to spread it out over a longer time period)


French 1--Holt (her choice to do this even though she already has 3 credits of Spanish. She has already started this as well.)


She will also be continuing to do undergraduate research in a genetics/genomics lab at the university where she is dual enrolled.


For DS 9th grade:

Precalculus--local homeschool class

AP Computer Science A--Edhesive

Intro to Sociology--DE, 1 semester

Theater Appreciation--DE, 1 semester

Biology--Apologia (I am less and less pleased with Apologia but it is so easy to use)

American History--Sonlight

American Literature--Sonlight, partial

French I--Holt (he has already started on this along with his sister)




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