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It feels like just another day


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I'm cooking a new dish tonight, and wish we could go to the state park for a hike today. But it was 0 degrees this morning, and that does not sound appealing. (We don't have the winter clothing to make the weather a non-issue.) So it will be mostly an indoor day for us. Dh is very much looking forward to the football games though. :) Some family friends may come over for awhile this afternoon, and if so, we will probably pool our food resources in order to make it a mini-party.

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It's a pretty normal day here.  No one is working, but my daughter has a get-together with a friend; my son is immersed in a 1200-page Christmas gift book, and it's too cold here for us to do anything outside without hating it.  


I want to clean up; the house is a mess.  I want to read some of the books I got for Christmas!  :-)   


We do have to finish a movie we started last night, and will probably watch another movie depending on when my daughter gets home.  Honestly, by Jan 1 I am pretty much done with special days.  My daughter's birthday is next Sunday so there's more celebrating. 


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Do you have any paper calendars? (Some people only use electronic.)


If you have paper calendars, can you sit with the kids and look over things coming up in the new year and jot them on the calendar? Like the last day of school, people’s birthdays, holidays?

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It’s definitely a special day here.


Playing tons of board games today. We may even go see a movie or take a drive south just to enjoy the view.


Red beans and sausage are cooking in the kitchen in the crockpot. Lots of loeftover goodies from Christmas to snack on.


Enjoying my holiday!

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It’s definitely a special day here.


Playing tons of board games today. We may even go see a movie or take a drive south just to enjoy the view.


Red beans and sausage are cooking in the kitchen in the crockpot. Lots of loeftover goodies from Christmas to snack on.


Enjoying my holiday!



Mass and pork with sauerkraut for dinner.


Otherwise, just the regular Monday chores and planning. School starts Wednesday!




Are pork and sauerkraut, or beans and sausage, traditional "New Years" dishes? These seem similar to me, I'm wondering if there is a tradition behind it, similar to Thanksgiving turkey or Christmas ham?

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Are pork and sauerkraut, or beans and sausage, traditional "New Years" dishes? These seem similar to me, I'm wondering if there is a tradition behind it, similar to Thanksgiving turkey or Christmas ham?


I think so.  I remember having pork and saurkraut as a kid (Western NY, Polish/German family), and now follow the southern tradition of Hoppin' John, which is black-eyed peas with ham and rice. (The recipe I follow wouldn't pass muster with purists, but we like it.)  

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Thanks for the ideas!


I've got the kids cleaning out their school box to start the New Year fresh. We'll put together a calendar of important dates. Trying for general "fresh start" activities I guess. Maybe I'll look around for a New Years Resolutions activity online or something, too. 

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The only thing special about today is that it's an extra weekend day for us. We're treating it like we would any other saturday or sunday. We slept in (like way later than usual!), and now we will be running an errand, then DH is taking DD9 to star wars (I've already seen it and 5yo is terrified of theaters) and 5yo will be helping me with a project in their rooms. All stuff that was on the agenda for the weekend but didn't get done the last two days. Oh and the constant drip of the faucet reminds me that first up is fixing the kitchen sink. Exciting new years haha.

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I ran out to do some shopping for my classes since I wanted to see if Walmart, grocery store or Amazon would be cheapest for some of the things I use regularly but had to make sure I had time to order from Amazon if that ends up the way to go.   Stores weren't particularly busy or particularly empty so that felt normal.


The only difference between today and a normal Monday is that dh is home watching sports so I can't clean the living room, and the kids are getting a weekend schedule as far as electronics are concerned.  No special plans, meals or activities.  

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When my kids were little, I would give each a disposable camera on December 1, and they were allowed to take one photo per day of something Christmassy. Then they would write about it, it might be a line, or a paragraph or two, depending on their age. We'd have the film developed after Christmas, and our first day back to school would be spent gluing the photos onto the pages where they wrote. Each year they would end up with a "December Book," which also subbed as a writing assignment when we were busy with holiday things.


Such fun times to look back on!

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When my kids were little, I would give each a disposable camera on December 1, and they were allowed to take one photo per day of something Christmassy. Then they would write about it, it might be a line, or a paragraph or two, depending on their age. We'd have the film developed after Christmas, and our first day back to school would be spent gluing the photos onto the pages where they wrote. Each year they would end up with a "December Book," which also subbed as a writing assignment when we were busy with holiday things.


Such fun times to look back on!

That is a cool idea.

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Woo hoo! It's my favorite stay in jammies and get ready to start a new fresh year day!


I will take down all the Christmas decor.


Clear the fridge and pantry out to get rid of all the sugar and other junky stuff started flowing in starting back around Halloween.


Make a list of things that need doing that are nagging at me and prioritize the to-do list accordingly.


Later start the first devotional in my bible reading. I will also read the first chapter of the first book of the new year, then indulge myself in the last few hours of sitting on my duff for the holidays watching something on Netflix. (I'll still watch tv in the new year, but for a few months at least it's strictly while also treadmill walking or ironing clothes.)


Go to bed early. Clean sleep is a resolution for my new year. I usually like to fall asleep listening to a radio program or podcast or audiobook, but I'm going to try and stick to more whitish noise like my wave sound maker.


All this may not sound very holidayish, but it's truly one of the most satisfying practices of my holiday season.

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I think so. I remember having pork and saurkraut as a kid (Western NY, Polish/German family), and now follow the southern tradition of Hoppin' John, which is black-eyed peas with ham and rice. (The recipe I follow wouldn't pass muster with purists, but we like it.)

Oh yeah, hoppin John here with zesty collards. I like to mix em together.

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The only thing special about today is that it's an extra weekend day for us. We're treating it like we would any other saturday or sunday. We slept in (like way later than usual!), and now we will be running an errand, then DH is taking DD9 to star wars (I've already seen it and 5yo is terrified of theaters) and 5yo will be helping me with a project in their rooms. All stuff that was on the agenda for the weekend but didn't get done the last two days. Oh and the constant drip of the faucet reminds me that first up is fixing the kitchen sink. Exciting new years haha.

The day has not gone as planned. :/ Plans changed for DD5 to go to my moms to watch the MLP movie so I could go along with DH and DD9 to the movie. Then the sink took way longer than anticipated and involved full water shut-off for the duration so none of the rest of us could get ready while DH worked on it. Then my mom got word her friend died last night. Amidst all that we forgot to have lunch. So now it's 3:30, we're having a late lunch/early dinner. No errands have been run, no movies for today. Will still try to get some of the room project done, but without running the errand I can't complete it. 


Yay, 2018 is off to a great start

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We had family over for a final Christmas celebration -- they were out of town since before Christmas, so this was our first chance to get together.


We wanted to spend time playing games, but once our company left the kids immediately conked out (had spent the night at friends' houses last night), so dh is watching football and gearing up for work tomorrow.  I'm eating all the cookies.

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We were out until almost 2am, we are all just exhausted!  Middle son went roller skating and to dinner with some friends this afternoon.  Oldest did some homework for school.  Youngest played video games.  I am trying to recover from last night!


So, not really.

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DH and I did a First Day ski. :) It was -21C (-6F) with a windchill of -28C (-19F) but we're used to it and we have clothing to suit the climate. We skied our trails on our property. It was gorgeous and sunny and sparkly. :)

Sure is pretty to look at. I’m glad you’re not a wuss like me and can actually enjoy that beauty.

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DH and I did a First Day ski. :) It was -21C (-6F) with a windchill of -28C (-19F) but we're used to it and we have clothing to suit the climate. We skied our trails on our property. It was gorgeous and sunny and sparkly. :)

Wow! Where abouts are you guys so I can day dream about moving there? I love that landscape!

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Thanks for sharing the pictures.  That's gorgeous!!


You're welcome!  And thank you!  Sometimes, I can't believe I'm lucky enough to live in such a gorgeous place. :)


Sure is pretty to look at. I’m glad you’re not a wuss like me and can actually enjoy that beauty.


:D  I grew up here, went away to uni in Winnipeg (which is even colder) and moved back.  My body doesn't know anything else.  It helps. :)


Wow! Where abouts are you guys so I can day dream about moving there? I love that landscape!


Central Canada.  Northwestern Ontario to be precise. :) The town I live just outside of is in a pretty unique spot.  East of town is Canadian Shield - rocks and lakes.  West of town (where I am) is rolling hills and mixed forests where parts have been cleared for farming.  My photos are typical of west of town - here's east of town:


I'm maybe 20 minutes away from that. :)

I love it here. :)

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You're welcome! And thank you! Sometimes, I can't believe I'm lucky enough to live in such a gorgeous place. :)



:D I grew up here, went away to uni in Winnipeg (which is even colder) and moved back. My body doesn't know anything else. It helps. :)



Central Canada. Northwestern Ontario to be precise. :) The town I live just outside of is in a pretty unique spot. East of town is Canadian Shield - rocks and lakes. West of town (where I am) is rolling hills and mixed forests where parts have been cleared for farming. My photos are typical of west of town - here's east of town:


I'm maybe 20 minutes away from that. :)

I love it here. :)

No wonder I love it. I've got family just south of you in Eastern MN/Western WI. Beautiful country.

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