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How often do you vacuum?


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Mostly just a whine, here. Commiserate with me?


We have to vacuum every day, these days. Dogs. Kids. And our new-ish couch is a pet hair magnet. So I’m constantly de-hairing it.


I hate vacuuming. At 4, DS told the allergist that I am allergic to vacuuming. :D


So, really, just lamenting the need to vacuum every. single. day. Ugh.


How often do you vacuum?

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Mostly just a whine, here. Commiserate with me?


We have to vacuum every day, these days. Dogs. Kids. And our new-ish couch is a pet hair magnet. So I’m constantly de-hairing it.


I hate vacuuming. At 4, DS told the allergist that I am allergic to vacuuming. :D


So, really, just lamenting the need to vacuum every. single. day. Ugh.


How often do you vacuum?

I had been doing it once a week. I got lazy the last couple weeks but, will get back to get this weekend.


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I bought a vacuum that my kids like and they vacuum for me every single day. And when they are being difficult they get to vacuum extra. We mostly have hard wood and laminate but the rugs get vacuumed everyday. I feel you though. The previous owner put white laminate floor in our kitchen/family room. I have to sweep several times a day and wipe it down at least once a day to keep it looking decent.



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Umm, before company comes over?  And that's only the main floor.  So, maybe every 2-4 weeks depending on our schedule.  This despite 3 cats and a dog.  Yes, the house is a pit.  Although I do a fair amount of 'spot vacuuming' several times a week.


The upstairs room with the guinea pigs is getting vacuumed more often as their hay somehow keeps escaping the cage.  But the rest of the rooms?  Well, I can't actually see the floor is DS and DD's rooms so that's right out.  Our bedroom gets spot vacuumed when I am cleaning cat boxes and have the small hand vacuum out.


I hate vacuuming with a burning passion - it makes me want to destroy things.  So far this seems to be passed down to the offspring and DH would not notice that something needed vacuuming if he was wading through 6 inches of pet fur.  So, I do the bare minimum and no one complains.

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About twice a week on the first floor, but we mostly have hardwood, so I sweep daily and sometimes twice daily. Upstairs I shoot for weekly but since my bedroom isn’t up there, I don’t always think about when it needs vacuuming.


The dog doesn’t go upstairs and we don’t wear shoes on the carpet which helps.

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No pets.  Our entire house used to be carpet, so I vacuumed daily, and would spot vacuum in the kitchen with a little handheld vacuum after meals.   We got rid of the carpet and only have carpet in the bedrooms, so now I vacuum weekly.  I only do my bedroom, the girls are in charge of their own rooms.

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My house needs it daily.   I don't usually do it daily because, ugh!


When we had 2 large dogs and 2 cats, plus more small children, I could have set half a dozen roombas and they would have stayed busy!  Now the youngest kid is 7, and we only have a tiny dog and one cat, but the house is so small that dirt, dust, and bits and pieces still congregate pretty quickly.

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I love to vacuum. It is such a wonderful chore! In the dorms in college, I would go around asking others to let me vacuum their rooms because I love it that much.

We need to vacuum the living room and kitchen every day. In reality it gets done every other day or slightly less often.

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Mostly just a whine, here. Commiserate with me?


We have to vacuum every day, these days. Dogs. Kids. And our new-ish couch is a pet hair magnet. So I’m constantly de-hairing it.


I hate vacuuming. At 4, DS told the allergist that I am allergic to vacuuming. :D


So, really, just lamenting the need to vacuum every. single. day. Ugh.


How often do you vacuum?

We have no carpet. I sweep daily, somestimes twice a day and find another cat. I vacuum the pile along with the edges where the broom just cannot do a good job and the wood trim. When I get desperate I get on my hands and knees to clean the edges and corners. My husband has a steam mop and we steam mop weekly, which is not often enough. I bought a wet jet type mop and extra reusable pads to hopefully get us through each week. I need to oil the floor but I am currently just too tired to manage. For the wood stairs I use a wet rag around the edges after sweeping.


I swept yesterday mid day and woke up to very visible clues that I need to sweep. Again.

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Carpet/rugs gets vacuumed once a week, but we only eat in the kitchen/dining area and normally don't wear shoes in the house. We also have no indoor pets except for two caged guinea pigs so no pet hair to deal with.


Laminate floors gets vacuumed with an electric sweeper about 2-3 times per day, usually after meals.

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Not often enough. I try to do the main floor twice a week and upstairs/bedrooms once a week, but it’s never quite that often. Thanks to the Target card being linked to my email, I found out yesterday that dh is getting me a Roomba for Christmas. I can’t wait to run that everyday.

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As needed and my bar is set pretty low, so even with living on a farm and having pets in the past + one cat still living in our house, I'd say once per month or so - or if company is coming.


This is only part laziness.  The other part is the belief that being too clean actually harms our health rather than helping it (barring allergies or similar of which we have none).  It could be true.  We're very rarely sick in my family even after being around many sick people.  I think our immune systems are naturally quite strong.


FWIW, it was a lady who had polio (wheelchair bound from her youth) who clued me in to not worrying about cleanliness in my young adult life.  Seems in her experience it was those who were too clean who were susceptible to polio (like her family) and others who let their kids play in the dirt - inside and out - that never seemed to get touched by it.  I never looked up stats myself to see if she was correct or not - still haven't - but it made sense to me and I formed quite a bit my adult views of cleanliness from it.  It may or may not have helped my family.

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As needed and my bar is set pretty low, so even with living on a farm and having pets in the past + one cat still living in our house, I'd say once per month or so - or if company is coming.


This is only part laziness.  The other part is the belief that being too clean actually harms our health rather than helping it (barring allergies or similar of which we have none).  It could be true.  We're very rarely sick in my family even after being around many sick people.  I think our immune systems are naturally quite strong.


FWIW, it was a lady who had polio (wheelchair bound from her youth) who clued me in to not worrying about cleanliness in my young adult life.  Seems in her experience it was those who were too clean who were susceptible to polio (like her family) and others who let their kids play in the dirt - inside and out - that never seemed to get touched by it.  I never looked up stats myself to see if she was correct or not - still haven't - but it made sense to me and I formed quite a bit my adult views of cleanliness from it.  It may or may not have helped my family.


You are officially my favourite person today.  I was feeling pretty bad about our lax vacuuming standards but now I'll tell people we do it for health reasons.  To be honest, we are all pretty ridiculously healthy - we might each catch one cold a year, sometimes not;  I can count the number of tummy bugs my kids have had during their combined 22 years on the planet on the fingers of both hands and still have some fingers left over.  Entirely possible that has nothing to do with my inability to vacuum but I'll lay claim to it.

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We used to try to do once a week, but it often didn't happen that often. Which is not good, because we have a long haired dog, and I have allergies. Then a couple of weeks ago I talked DH into a robotic vacuum (not a Roomba, this one, which is so much cheaper, (and was $80 less when I bought it  :huh:) and also way better reviewed!), and now we vacuum every day. And by "we" I mean "DS," who seems to take great joy in running it, and is good about running around the house and making sure everything is picked up beforehand. 


Now as for mopping... uh... twice a year? Maybe?

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When I have carpet in the main living areas (which I would give my right arm to never have again), 4x/day.  We have 6 kids, we work from home, the kids are messy, and I loathe messy floors.


Carpet in the bedrooms or basement: maybe once a month.  We don't allow food in the bedrooms; this is the main difference.  Food crumbs make for frequent vacuuming.

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pretty much daily, even though I'm down to 1 dog and pulled out a bunch of carpet. Then ended up putting a bunch of runners down because old dogs and floors are a bad bad bad idea. Honestly, runners on floors are a pita - esp when you're doing it for these reasons.  My house is all criss crossed with airport runways. I'm almost regretting not having wall to wall carpet again. 

I like vacuuming. I don't like it when someone else is doing it around me though. 

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Umm, whenever the floor is clear enough to do so? When we're keeping up with pick-up on the main floor then probably once a week. That's not generally the case. Lately I just call it good if the living room isn't a mine field of legos. 


I really should be dusting and vacuuming a lot more regularly because DD9 is allergic to dust mites....but that's double edged because it's in the air a lot more *while* dusting or vacuuming, so she can't do it. Hoping the 5 year old is able to manage the vacuum soon haha. 

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Annually? When guests come?


I sweep daily downstairs, but the carpets are only in the bedrooms. And I have a horrible dust mite allergy so I should vacuum more. But I just hate it - my hair kills the beater bar in like half a room and I hate the smell of the vacuum running. Also I’m busy and lazy in equal parts.


oh I hear you on the beater + long hair evil combo and the mess.

But good vacuums and clean bags and filters really make a difference. If the vacuum is smelling, it either needs new filters, a full interior cleaning, or just needs to be hauled to the dump.


It's partly why I won't use vacuums which don't take bags - I find those start smelling quicker. I use bagged vac & I swap out the bags super frequently - like almost every time.  I clean and replace the filters (mine has a foam washable one & a disposable hepa one) really frequently too. 


And we have replaced our beater bar several times now. It doesn't work properly after being gunked up with hair a few too many times. 


Btw, seam rippers are great at cleaning hair off the bar....

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We have hardwood, and I have to sweep the kitchen and front entry daily. The rest maybe weekly, the upstairs less frequently (cough cough). I vacuum the front entry rug daily in winter especially, because of the salt and grit from our shoes.


We don't wear shoes in the house and we don't have pets so it's not too bad. Also I've noticed I have to clean MUCH less frequently now that DS isn't home all day--an added bonus! Lol

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Well there is a scheduled time twice a week - one for carpets and one for tiles. It needs more though. I also will spot vacuum during the evening tidy up. The kids have pet birds and they have to do the feeding chores but this often means spilt bird seed to be vacuumed up if we don't want mice.


Honestly I'd be looking for a Roomba for Christmas if you hate it that much.

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So it's on my kids chore lists ...


Main floor Tuesday

Stair cases and upstairs hall - Weds

Downstairs - Thursday

Bedrooms - Friday

Dining room and kitchen after dinner every day


I wouldn't say they do them all every week there's often something that makes us skip a day... but in theory the whole house is vacuumed each week. (Bathroom floors are part of cleaning the bathrooms on Mondays)



What's not on the list is my bedroom so it like never gets done.


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Once a week (area rugs and upholstered furniture), but my kids are old and hardly ever here so it's really just the dog now generating hairballs.  More when they were little.  I loathe vacuuming.  The noise, the noise!  I prefer sweeping x1000.




I didn't used to "get" why anyone would sweep. I saw it as very inefficient compared to vacuuming. I had (and still have) a big vac, a stick vac, a rechargeable handheld vac-why would I want to sweep? And then ever so slowly the noise started grating on me more and more. And more.  :w00t:  Now I don't even think of vacuuming if I can sweep or Swiffer instead. 

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