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Do your dc whistle and does it annoy you?


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My 6yo ds recently learned how to whistle and he's driving me nuts! I can't stand the sound of whistling. Am I alone here or is my brain broken? The sound crashes in on all my thoughts. I can ignore my dc singing all day but whistling is just so disruptive. Any agreement here?

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I cannot stand the sound of whistling (I do believe I have some level of misophonia). I find it physically painful to my ears.


Ds doesn't whistle but dh used to. I would leave the room so I wouldn't sound like I was nagging, but eventually I told him I just can't stand it. Thankfully he stopped whistling in my company. He knows it's not just him because if we're out somewhere and someone nearby is whistling (this usually happens in a store and it's usually a male) he sees me tense up. 



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No, nobody here is very good at whistling. So, if they do whistle, it's difficult for them, and thus very loud and obnoxious, and purposefully done. 


My DS does regularly hum his own theme song. There are plenty of loud siren sounds involved and he is occasionally told to go in the basement to play/hum/rescue people.

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Mine don't whistle, but I do have a child with tourettes and the vocal tics are nearly impossible for me to bear sometimes so I totally get what you are talking about. I know my child can't help the tics of course, but I can't make them not annoying for me to hear either and sometimes it truly feels like torture. Of course I don't let my poor kiddo know this I just secretly scream into a pillow when I'm alone to vent a little that way lol.

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Yes and yes! Although with two of mine it was more of a phase that took a few weeks to pass.


Their dad and grandpa (did) also whistle, under their breath though.


When my nephew started whistling, my sister was super excited. My husband responded, that’s great but tell me when he figures out how to stop.

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Well, I am a very fine and tuneful whistler and take offense to all your responses.

And right now I'm whistling Baby It's Cold Outside..... :lol:


It doesn't bother me when *I* whistle.   It's just other people putting their sound into my head when I'm trying to think that messes me all up.

Edited by Guinevere
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A few of mine do and it doesn't annoy me.  On the other hand, the only time I notice my dh whistling is when I'm annoyed with him!  And then I'm wondering..... does he only whistle when he knows I'm annoyed or does he always whistle and I just don't notice it until I'm annoyed about something else.  

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My DH and DS both whistle - A LOT. Neither of them realize they’re doing it most of the time. They whistle along with my piano students playing without even knowing they’re doing it (even Hanon exercises and scales!) They stop when I tell them they’re doing it. My DS learned to whistle at 2yo, in church, during the sermon. He hasn’t stopped since. I don’t usually mind but sometimes, after many hours a day, it gets old.

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My youngest started whistling at about 2 years. We suffered through 2 years of non-stop monotone whistling, and has since it's evolved to non-stop singing, whistling tunes, talking foot tapping, and arguing with his brothers. He needs to make noise. Fortunately, he sings really well, so I try to encourage that sound above the other options. ;)

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LOL funny you should mention this.  Just yesterday I was having this conversation with myself.


My kids whistle, but they are still learning how to make it sound good.  And I think I've gotten too old to happily tolerate that.


I remember when I was my kids' age and my granny was my age.  My granny had an absolute rule against whistling in her presence.  We all thought she was nuts.  Right now I'm trying very hard not to become my granny.

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Aww, this makes me a little sad (although I understand misophonia and I cannot STAND canned laughter on tv). My dad is an extremely musical whistler. Like, he can trill. It is one of the most satisfying and memorable sounds I can think of. And I don’t think many people know how to whistle so musically anymore. It is a dying musical art.


P.S. I whistle from time to time. I cannot whistle as musically as my dad, but I think musical whistling is pretty.

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I hate the shrill tone of whistling.

I can whistle musically, but I don't do it because I don't want to hear anyone else do it.


I once had a hearing test, and I hear very high tones that not all folks can perceive.  There is a dog whistle fence in our neighborhood, and when I am right next to it I can hear it, deep in my brain.  I don't know anyone else who can hear it at all.  So I think that that is why whistling drives me so crazy--I hear more of the high tones in it than most people do, and they drive me absolutely nuts.


When I'm around whistling I can't think about anything else.

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I had one who whistled.  It didn't bother me.  He still does it as an adult and it still doesn't bother me.  I kind of like it.


What does bother me is his latest thing.  When he's working on his physics and math homework (college), he plays the same CD over and over and over and ...  It's Scott Joplin's ragtime music.  Says it helps him concentrate on the difficult mathematical stuff.  Alrighty then .....  ;)

ear buds, mommy. ear buds.

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My now-college son is an unusually gifted whistler, and it drove me out.of.my.bonking.mind until I eventually managed to reframe it as an unusual gift, lol.  He just came home for the first time over Thanksgiving and I got a little misty-eyed hearing him whistle.



FWIW I found it helped my sanity to ask him to whistle a particular song.  Something about choosing the tune -- or maybe it was just the ability to vary the tune -- helped.

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I can handle someone whistling a few notes here and there, like a 'come hither' call.


Someone who whistles tunes, softly or loudly......Absolutely Annoying!!!!


I have a boss who used to whistle songs while he worked.  I (and my coworkers) Hated it and would find reasons to ask him questions to get him to stop whistling.  It wasn't even a conscious thought for him to whistle, it was just a very bad habit.  When it was really driving me nuts I would ask him to stop.  He wouldn't even be aware he was doing it, but I was secretly so irritated that the hairs on my arms would be standing up. I work in pharmacy, so I couldn't leave the room.  It would annoy us to the point of interfering with our concentration, which in our field is dangerous to our patients. 


Then, I had another boss start to pick up his habit......UGHHHHHH!   She said her g-ma was a whistler so she figured that is why she was picking up the habit so easily. She didn't want the habit, so asked us to tell her so she would stop.

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