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Any traditional Thanksgiving food you don't like/can't stand/won't eat?


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I actually don't love much about Thanksgiving food except the mashed potatoes, stuffing (in the bird), and gravy.  I'm meh on turkey.  I hate squash, yams, and pumpkin pie.  I'm like a Thanksgiving grinch, LOL, except that I never ever complain.  I just eat outrageous quantities of the stuff I love, a little turkey, and say I am too full of delicious food for dessert if no alternative to pumpkin pie is available.

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My mom's still holding onto the "traditional" t-giving, so we have to have pretty much all of it. As I've gotten older, I've started really disliking the boxed versions of stuff, but I'm not about to make scalloped potatoes from scratch. Bad biscuits are the worst! 


I love stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy and cranberry sauce (by itself) but can leave most of the rest of it.


This year I'm getting rockfish chowder, fancy gravy, and 7-apple-butter from the bakery/store here to have with other stuff: turkey breast, mash pot, stuffing, veggies.

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For me, it's more how the food is prepared.  You can take the same food and prepare it in the way I like it  (such as savory roasted sweet potatoes) or in the way I don't like it (mushy sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar), and that will make all the difference.  But well-prepared turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie -- it's all good!  The fresher and more natural, the better.

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Anything with giblets.


Mushy stuffing that is so wet, you can squeeze liquid out of it.  (firm bread stuffing is great) 


Green bean casserole with those funky onion things on top   :ack2:



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Ditto on the green bean casserole and the candied sweet potatoes with marshmallows.


Pumpkin and sweet potato pie I don't care much for but will eat a small slice to be polite.


My dad's oldest sister brings this Jell-o salad abomination with lime green Jell-o, fruits AND veggies, and cottage cheese in the middle to every single holiday gathering. If it were just Jell-o and fruit, it would be "meh" but the addition of the veggies and cottage cheese makes it completely disgusting.

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When we eat at my ILs, all the veggies are in a casserole. All heavy, with cheese or breadcrumbs or something on them. They are made from scratch and good , but all so heavy. Except possibly green beans which are cooked to death and mushy.


I always take a green salad and a plain veggie (usually just steamed, with a little EVOO or salted butter on it). 

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Ditto on the green bean casserole and the candied sweet potatoes with marshmallows.


Pumpkin and sweet potato pie I don't care much for but will eat a small slice to be polite.


My dad's oldest sister brings this Jell-o salad abomination with lime green Jell-o, fruits AND veggies, and cottage cheese in the middle to every single holiday gathering. If it were just Jell-o and fruit, it would be "meh" but the addition of the veggies and cottage cheese makes it completely disgusting.


Does anyone eat it?  My mom makes something with red jello that is so gross.  It has cottage cheese, walnuts, and marshmallows I think.......gross.  I haven't had it in YEARS, but I sure remember it.

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Anything with giblets.


Mushy stuffing that is so wet, you can squeeze liquid out of it.  (firm bread stuffing is great) 


Green bean casserole with those funky onion things on top   :ack2:


I hate giblets.....blech!


And yes to the mushy stuffing.


But I do like those funky onion things!  My casserole doesn't have them, but I really like them!

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For me, it's more how the food is prepared.  You can take the same food and prepare it in the way I like it  (such as savory roasted sweet potatoes) or in the way I don't like it (mushy sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar), and that will make all the difference.  But well-prepared turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie -- it's all good!  The fresher and more natural, the better.

This. I really don't like Stovetop or other boxed stuffing, gravy from a packet is blech, boxed mashed potatoes are also blech, and green bean casserole with gloppy soup is disgusting. 


However, I do like the homemade fresh versions of all of the above. My mom makes a green bean casserole with fresh green beans (or frozen), homemade mushroom cream sauce, and caramelized onions on the top. It really is delicious and makes the canned fried abomination all the more disgusting. 

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I don't like most of the "traditional" sides. No stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, etc. I do make mashed potatoes for those that like them, but otherwise we have a smoked turkey, canned cranberry sauce that everyone prefers to homemade, rolls and butter, green salad, and fresh fruit. Healthy stuff. And then some pie and cheesecake for dessert.

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Turkey.  I'll eat a little, but it makes me queasy.  


Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods, and I absolutely loathe them with marshmallows and pineapple.  I want to weep when cousin-in-law brings in a huge pan of that abomination -- how could she ruin so many lovely sweet potatoes, rendering them inedible?


However, this year we're staying home.  We'll make shrimp fajitas, and watch movies all day.  I might bake some sweet potatoes (and possibly mash them, then stick with refried black beans in a tortilla).  Dd has ordered a raw vegan apple pie for dessert.  Living the dream over here!

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Hmm, honestly surprised by all the comments, I couldn't imagine there being much not to like about Thanksgiving food! But, fried onions, casseroles and marshmallows have never been traditional for my family.


We have turkey, simple gravy made from the drippings, Bell's stuffing made with broth, celery and onions, mashed squash, mashed turnip, mashed potatoes and possibly mashed sweet potatoes, all seasoned with butter, salt and pepper. We do have store-bought rolls, but it's the only white bread we ear all year, so a bit of a treat. My mom used to make her own cranberry relish with orange zest, but my kids prefer the canned jellies type, so now she just buys that. Oh, and salad. Love feasting on all those goodies for days!

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Y'all can send me your leftovers! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top! (not made with canned yams though....just mashed sweet potatoes with some butter, topped with the marshmallows and put under the broiler). 


I used to LOVE green bean casserole (especially the fried onions!) but got sick after eating it when pregnant with my DD7 and now can't really enjoy it. It's only good going down, not coming up, lol. I blame my husband, he hates green beans so I figure having his DNA growing in me must have ruined them for me. 


LOVE moist stuffing. And will sneaks the bits that fell into the drippings in the pan....yum. and we put giblets in the stuffing :)


I don't like canned cranberry sauce, and since I'm the only one that likes homemade I just use gravy instead. Made from drippings, not from a jar/packet/whatever. 

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Southern style green beans. You know, the kind they cook the he!! out of in bacon grease. Dh's family can't have Thanksgiving without them. They call them Tennessee green beans.


Stuffing made with giblets. Fortunately it's not a tradition in either of our families but I've had it when having the holiday with friends and someone else brought the stuffing. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks giblets are gag worthy.


I don't hate pie but I'm not a fan. Ddil's mother prides herself on her pie (and the pie lovers love her pie so I'm sure she's good at it). Since dss married seven years ago his MIL has been in charge of pie and brings several kinds, including pumpkin. I always feel like I have to have a tiny slice so as not to insult her. I can just imagine the shock. "Pie? You don't like pie? How can that be? Everyone loves pie!" She's a lovely person and would likely understand but since I don't really hate pie I just have a tiny slice. She's so proud of her pies. :)

I love southern style green beans, but I married and gave birth to northerners so they never developed a taste for them. Dh and Dd only eat green beans that have been blanched then stir fried just before serving with a little oil and garlic . . .sometimes a pinch of crushed red pepper. They donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t taste anything like bacon :-(

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I love southern style green beans, but I married and gave birth to northerners so they never developed a taste for them. Dh and Dd only eat green beans that have been blanched then stir fried just before serving with a little oil and garlic . . .sometimes a pinch of crushed red pepper. They donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t taste anything like bacon :-(


Oh, you mean they taste like...green beans.  :lol:  My favorite way to eat them or broccoli is with a little coarse salt and olive oil and sometimes some red pepper flakes.


My family moved to Florida when I was 13 but some things never leave you. I think a taste for certain foods (or foods cooked a certain way) is one of those things.

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I can't do any candied yam w/ marshmallow type of dish. 


Cornbread stuffing doesn't appeal to me. 


DH grew up with and loves the green bean casserole. I had never tried it until a couple of years ago. I'll use frozen green beans instead of canned, a homemade sauce and I'll throw in the canned onions. I don't hate it, but it's not my favorite. 


I hate pecan pie.  :leaving:

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I love southern style green beans, but I married and gave birth to northerners so they never developed a taste for them.

You mean the kind with the pot likkuh? 

Sigh.  I had a roommate from Georgia whose mother came up to visit us in Vermont and organized us thoroughly.  She did a little cooking too.  That was good stuff; I should have taken notes.

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Stuffing with "stuff" in it.  I mean what the heck, Sausage? Clams? :ack2:   I don't even want a bunch of celery or if it's wet I'll fry it.  Anything to do with okra is just gross.  Green bean casserole had been, until last year, a big NO.  Then I made it for DSD with fresh green beans and I liked it (she didn't, apparently she likes the kind that turns to mush). Creamed corn :ack2:  :ack2:  :ack2: .



Also I don't like overcooked green beans a.k.a. Southern Style.  Instead I do the blanching thing then stir fry with bacon for a couple minutes so I end up with bacon-y tender crisp beans.

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My kids don't care between stove top and homemade so I just make stove top even though I prefer homemade.  It's just too much work to please one person and I do enjoy the stove top.  I don't really care about the rest of the meal, but I'm a picky eater.  I wouldn't eat the yams with the marshmallows if they were served.  I've heard of them, but never had them at a meal before.  Or the green bean casserole - heard of it, never seen it at a meal, wouldn't eat it.



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oh yeah, no stovetop. When I was still married to my ex his sister hosted one year, and did stove top. And cold baked beans. It was terrible. 



Cold baked beans or room temp, just out of the can?  We always ate the baked beans just out of the can.  Growing up, pre microwave, I guess we ate them cold in the summer and warmed in the winter.  Once we got a microwave, we'd take the refrigerator chill out of them, but I never like them warm.  Now when we have them I scoop my portion straight out of the can, and then heat the husband's. 

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Okay if you don't like Stove Top, then how do you make stuffing? We tried it before with the big bag of bread cubes, but the Stove Top was so much better. 


I've had Italian meals with stuffing with sausage or clams.  It was good.  But not something I'd ever do for just the three of us. 


So how do you make turkey stuffing? 

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Okay if you don't like Stove Top, then how do you make stuffing? We tried it before with the big bag of bread cubes, but the Stove Top was so much better.


I've had Italian meals with stuffing with sausage or clams. It was good. But not something I'd ever do for just the three of us.


So how do you make turkey stuffing?

I make cornbread and let it sit out, crumbled, to stale for a day or so. Chop onion and celery finely and saute in butter til soft. Mix into the cornbread with dried sage and some S&P. Add a beaten egg and some chx stock. Just enough to make it damp, not mush. Let it sit in the fridge, covered, overnight. Bake the next day on 350, til golden and springs back lightly. Or stuff into the bird and. cook there.


You can do it exactly the same with good white bread. Not cheapo sandwich bread, something with some chew to it.


My grandmother nade one with white bread, celery, onion, apples and raisins. I prefer cornbread dressing, but only if it is homemade.

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Okay if you don't like Stove Top, then how do you make stuffing? We tried it before with the big bag of bread cubes, but the Stove Top was so much better. 


I've had Italian meals with stuffing with sausage or clams.  It was good.  But not something I'd ever do for just the three of us. 


So how do you make turkey stuffing? 


I add one stick of butter to a bit dutch oven and melt it on the stove. Saute some chopped celery and onion in the butter until somewhat soft. Season with salt and pepper. Then, personally, I usually add in the giblets,chopped in small pieces, and fry them in the butter as well, but that's optional. Then add the stuffing (a bag of pepperidge farm  - always that brand) and toss, then the water that is called for (whatever the bag says). Or you can use broth instead of water. Shove it in the turkey and cook. Invariably some won't fit, so I put that in a loaf pan and cover with foil and throw it in the oven towards the end of the cooking time to warm up. I usually take some of the juices from the cooked turkey and mix them with that stuffing, and then mix that stuffing and the stuff that was in the bird all together. (the stuff cooked in the bird tastes way better)


It really isn't that hard. 

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Does anyone eat it? My mom makes something with red jello that is so gross. It has cottage cheese, walnuts, and marshmallows I think.......gross. I haven't had it in YEARS, but I sure remember it.

My dadĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s generation takes a small portion. When we were kids, my brothers and I were forced to as well but one of the perks of adulthood is being able to choose to skip it even if the polite thing would be to have some.



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I still mourn the years of my childhood that I thought I hated pecan pie. Pecans are my favorite nut and no one could understand why I didn't like pecan pie. And then I finally made it for Thanksgiving one year and when my pumpkin cheesecake failed, I finally tried it - and it was wonderful. OF course, I also put in about 3x or more of the called for pecans, lol. Pecan pie that is nothing but a thin topping of single layer pecans over al layer of sugar goo, not appealing.

Pumpkin pie is a love-hate relationship, I love it when it's cooked right and it's impossible to eat if the crust is soggy. 

I mostly love the dishes I make - sweet potato casserole with a pecan streusel topping, it's not very sweet beyond the natural sweetness of the potatoes, stuffing with sausage and pecans added (because clearly you must balance out all the bread with some fat and protein), or my family's verison of cranberry sauce: cranberry relish which is like some crazy jello dish but with fresh cranberries, other fruit, celery too (why?) and more pecans. .... Did I mention liking pecans? But those same dishes made by others are just 'eh, I'll eat it but won't take leftovers home'.

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Congealed salad seems to be a big one that people love or hate. My mom makes one with cranberries, celery, pineapple, pecans, in cranberry or cherry jello. I think it's good, and i look forward to it.

See, I don't mind jello salad, if the only additives are soft.  But calling it congealed would ruin it for me forever.

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