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Wanna diagnose me?


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Don't you just love those people who turn to the internet for medical advice?   ;)


Well, my health has been steadily declining this past year.   I am having all sorts of seemingly unrelated symptoms. 


I have an appointment with a new doctor, but in the meantime, I could use some help advocating for my own health.   What tests should I ask for?  Should I go see a specialist?  If so, which one?    Could this be diet related?   


Issues I have been having:

I went from being fairly healthy to having the following random symptoms:


-severe joint pain all over my body that comes and goes.  (Every single finger joint, toe joint, wrist joint, ankle, knees, back.)    It was making it hard to walk for awhile, but then suddenly it is gone.


-sudden development of pretty severe eczema.  (So severe my skin was bleeding all over my body and I wasn't able to sleep the itching was so severe.)   I saw a dermatologist who prescribed a topical steroid and diagnosed it as eczema.   That keeps it under control, but I have "flares" of eczema every couple of weeks.   This is brand new this year.


-abnormally heavy and long menstruation.   When I say heavy, I mean ridiculous, can't leave the house, or even function heavy menstruation.  No products on the market can contain what I am dealing with.   I also suddenly started spotting very often.  (especially after I run.)    Before this year I have never even had cramps.  I have been super regular...I've NEVER spotted. Nothing.  Now suddenly *this*.  I saw an ob/gyn who has been giving me progesterone.    He ran some blood work and checked to make sure I wasn't nearing menopause.  (I'm not.)   He checked my thyroid levels and did a CBC.  Everything looked normal.  


-numbness and "pins and needles" in my hands and feet.  (This is the latest thing which has me sort of freaked out.) 


-hair loss. LOTS of hair coming out.   


-really bad light headedness and brain fog.   I sometimes worry that I shouldn't be driving.  I can't remember things that I should, etc.


-pretty severe fatigue....I drink probably 8 cups of coffee/tea just to get by.  (And I've always had high energy.)   Despite that, I can't keep my eyes open the entire day.   I feel grumpy and just very weak and sick.

Edited by TheAttachedMama
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I don't have any answers for you, but I hope it turns out to be something very minor. :grouphug:


Make sure you bring your list of symptoms with you when you go to the doctor. If you're anything like me, you'll think you'll remember everything, but then you'll get distracted by something the doctor says and you'll forget to mention something important. If you bring a written list, you can be sure you won't forget anything.

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Third for a rheumy.  :grouphug:

Also, I don't know if you've been taking ibuprofen for the pain at all, but when I was taking 2500mg a day because everything hurt so bad, I noticed a concerning amount of hair loss.  As soon as I stopped taking it, it stopped.

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Have you had your B12 checked and if so what is it?


Start taking a good multi- vitamin like from pure encapsulations plus high dose vitamin c as sodium ascorbate 1-3 grams/ or more/day.


Cut down on gluten until you figure it out.

If you might be celiac don't cut out gluten until they have done a blood test to rule it out. Otherwise the test won't be accurate.

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Mercury poisoning symptoms can include: hair loss, numbness and tingling, brain fog, and skin rashes. Nothing about joint pain or heavy periods though. When I was eating wayyy too much tuna my hair started falling out. http://www.arltma.com/Articles/MercuryToxDoc.htm


I also like the suggestion of asking about psoriatic arthritis: painful joints, skin rashes, . http://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/types/psoriatic-arthritis/symptoms.php


Keep trying different doctors until you get an answer. Menstrual symptoms may have a different cause than the rest, for instance.  I hope you feel better soon.

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Don't you just love those people who turn to the internet for medical advice?   ;)


Well, my health has been steadily declining this past year.   I am having all sorts of seemingly unrelated symptoms. 


I have an appointment with a new doctor, but in the meantime, I could use some help advocating for my own health.   What tests should I ask for?  Should I go see a specialist?  If so, which one?    Could this be diet related?   


Issues I have been having:

I went from being fairly healthy to having the following random symptoms:


-severe joint pain all over my body that comes and goes.  (Every single finger joint, toe joint, wrist joint, ankle, knees, back.)    It was making it hard to walk for awhile, but then suddenly it is gone.


-sudden development of pretty severe eczema.  (So severe my skin was bleeding all over my body and I wasn't able to sleep the itching was so severe.)   I saw a dermatologist who prescribed a topical steroid and diagnosed it as eczema.   That keeps it under control, but I have "flares" of eczema every couple of weeks.   This is brand new this year.


-abnormally heavy and long menstruation.   When I say heavy, I mean ridiculous, can't leave the house, or even function heavy menstruation.  No products on the market can contain what I am dealing with.   I also suddenly started spotting very often.  (especially after I run.)    Before this year I have never even had cramps.  I have been super regular...I've NEVER spotted. Nothing.  Now suddenly *this*.  I saw an ob/gyn who has been giving me progesterone.    He ran some blood work and checked to make sure I wasn't nearing menopause.  (I'm not.)   He checked my thyroid levels and did a CBC.  Everything looked normal.  


-numbness and "pins and needles" in my hands and feet.  (This is the latest thing which has me sort of freaked out.) 


-hair loss. LOTS of hair coming out.   


-really bad light headedness and brain fog.   I sometimes worry that I shouldn't be driving.  I can't remember things that I should, etc.


-pretty severe fatigue....I drink probably 8 cups of coffee/tea just to get by.  (And I've always had high energy.)   Despite that, I can't keep my eyes open the entire day.   I feel grumpy and just very weak and sick.


It's best to rule out the "easy" things first. :-)


The easy thing would be to have complete thyroid labs: Free T3, Free T4, TSH. TSH is actually the least important, but doctors are determined to do it. Any other thyroid labs are useless information. Your Free T3 should be in the upper fourth of your lab's ranges; Free T4 in the upper half; TSH in the lower fourth. When your levels are in these ranges, they are *optimal.* You want optimal, not normal. You would also want TPO, TgAB & TSI antibodies, and Vitamin D. And you should also have an ultrasound of your thyroid.


I know you said your doctor checked your thyroid levels, but if he did not do the Frees, then he does not know what your thyroid is doing. And if he refuses to do the Frees, and then tells you that they are normal when they are not in the ranges I listed, find a new doctor.


Check out this long and pathetic list of hypothyroid symptoms. Most of yours are on this list.


You might check into the Autoimmune Protocol. It begins with an elimination diet, and then you add in each food group to see which thing bothers you.  


And if you Facebook, check out the Hashimoto 411 page.

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Also, if you are successful in getting your doctor to order the labs you need, and your thyroid levels are not optimal, you'll have to start the battle to get the correct medication. You can read about it on the Stop the Thyroid Magic site that I posted above. And it can be a battle. :cursing:

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Don't you just love those people who turn to the internet for medical advice? ;)


Well, my health has been steadily declining this past year. I am having all sorts of seemingly unrelated symptoms.


I have an appointment with a new doctor, but in the meantime, I could use some help advocating for my own health. What tests should I ask for? Should I go see a specialist? If so, which one? Could this be diet related?


Issues I have been having:

I went from being fairly healthy to having the following random symptoms:


-severe joint pain all over my body that comes and goes. (Every single finger joint, toe joint, wrist joint, ankle, knees, back.) It was making it hard to walk for awhile, but then suddenly it is gone.


-sudden development of pretty severe eczema. (So severe my skin was bleeding all over my body and I wasn't able to sleep the itching was so severe.) I saw a dermatologist who prescribed a topical steroid and diagnosed it as eczema. That keeps it under control, but I have "flares" of eczema every couple of weeks. This is brand new this year.


-abnormally heavy and long menstruation. When I say heavy, I mean ridiculous, can't leave the house, or even function heavy menstruation. No products on the market can contain what I am dealing with. I also suddenly started spotting very often. (especially after I run.) Before this year I have never even had cramps. I have been super regular...I've NEVER spotted. Nothing. Now suddenly *this*. I saw an ob/gyn who has been giving me progesterone. He ran some blood work and checked to make sure I wasn't nearing menopause. (I'm not.) He checked my thyroid levels and did a CBC. Everything looked normal.


-numbness and "pins and needles" in my hands and feet. (This is the latest thing which has me sort of freaked out.)


-hair loss. LOTS of hair coming out.


-really bad light headedness and brain fog. I sometimes worry that I shouldn't be driving. I can't remember things that I should, etc.


-pretty severe fatigue....I drink probably 8 cups of coffee/tea just to get by. (And I've always had high energy.) Despite that, I can't keep my eyes open the entire day. I feel grumpy and just very weak and sick.

I haven't read any replies and I rarely post here. I'm mostly a lurker. But I had to reply. I have been dealing with systemic inflammation leading to many of the symptoms you have mentioned. It came to a head last December when I went in for a hysterectomy and the procedure was canceled because I had blood pressure of 220/160 out of nowhere. No history of high blood pressure. I ended up in the hospital for one week while they tried to get it under control. I was released from hospital on 3 meds they said I would be on for the rest of my life.


I couldn't accept that. So I did a ton of research and decided to start my own version of an anti-inflammatory diet. I cut out all grains and all sources of sugar. It's 7 months later. I'm off all meds and have lost 40 pounds. I no longer need a hysterectomy. My blood pressure issues are gone. My gum inflammation that the dentist cautioned about is gone.


I realize this is anecdotal. But it's real. I healed my issues through diet alone. I have PCOS and metabolic syndrome. I believe all my problems came from hyperinsulinemia leading to systemic inflammation. PM me if you want more info.

Edited by knittingmomof3
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I'm having similar issues. I'm fairly young (early-30's), at a healthy weight, etc. but started having issues like you're describing, plus heart palpitations. Due to a hysterectomy about 3 years ago, I haven't had any menstrual changes, obviously. 


I made an appoint with a rheumatologist... and with my OBGYN. It came to my attention that I'm at a higher risk of early-menopause because of the hysterectomy I had, and many of the symptoms I'm having (and you listed) can be attributed to menopause. 

Edited by AimeeM
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You sound like me a year ago.  I also had depression and anxiety.  Every single dr blamed my symptoms on that.  Even after I had a positive ANA(indicating lupus/scleroderma) AND a positive Lyme test!


I also felt like it took a year to progress.  My first symptom that got my attention was the rashes.  Feet, hands mostly.  I was prescribed steroids.  The next was the painful, crackling joints.  I had an ANA.  It was positive.  So, I saw a rhumy.  He is monitoring me.


I saw a ophthalmologist for my quickly deteriorating eyesight.  He said all was good.  I went from no g;asses to bifocals in less than a year.


I also have had severe cramps and NEVER before have.  Heavy, painful periods.  I am told that I must be moving toward menopause.?


I have numbness in my finger, toes, arms at random times.


I have all your symptoms except the hair loss.  I have seen specialist after specialist...

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I agree with looking into Lyme.


Pins and needles in hands and feet sounds like peripheral neuropathy. PN is usually caused by T2D, but Lyme can also cause it. And it can also cause neuropathy which is not peripheral, which means your internal organs.


I'm 99% certain I have Lyme-induced PN. I also have achy joints (but not swollen), and my digestive system is whacked. Brain fog, tiredness, yep.


Find a neurologist to run a nerve test. If you do have PN, and you're not T2D, then that should trigger investigating Lyme as the cause.


The skin issues could also be connected to Lyme. The lyme center I'm going to is run out the hospital dermatology department.

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Sounds like Lyme disease to me. The joint pain is a classic symptom. Lyme can affect every single system in your body. The brain fog and memory loss is also a red flag - neurological symptoms. Lyme can present itself as so many diseases, that it is way too often misdiagnosed. I would definitely get a Lyme disease test first to rule it out. It takes three days to week to come back, but if you're in a high risk area they could go ahead and start your antibiotics while you're waiting for results.

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There's a correlation between celiac disease and Hashimoto's (an auto-immune issue that's the primary cause of hypothyroidism). So I'd definitely test for those two. To me your symptoms are much more indicative of a thyroid issue than celiac, but that may be because I "see" a lot of myself in your symptoms.

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I agree with looking into Lyme.


Pins and needles in hands and feet sounds like peripheral neuropathy. PN is usually caused by T2D, but Lyme can also cause it. And it can also cause neuropathy which is not peripheral, which means your internal organs.


I'm 99% certain I have Lyme-induced PN. I also have achy joints (but not swollen), and my digestive system is whacked. Brain fog, tiredness, yep.


Find a neurologist to run a nerve test. If you do have PN, and you're not T2D, then that should trigger investigating Lyme as the cause.


The skin issues could also be connected to Lyme. The lyme center I'm going to is run out the hospital dermatology department.


The problems I am having have failed to be linked to Lyme.  I have a positive ELISA and western blot.  Still, the specialists do not connect the dots!  I am in the midwest. 


I had to cry and beg the ID dr to give me 4 weeks instead of 2 of Doxy.  He said it was complete overkill and shouidn't be doing that.  


I would LOVE to go to a Lyme center!!  I saw a "LLMD".  He was insane.  I felt so uncomfortable.  He did prescribe a whole lot of meds.  I am afraid to take them!  I hate taking meds at all.  And his choice of my med regime seemed so random.  Like, it popped into his head right then.  Show me research.  Show me something!  


So...I have a Lyme dx.  All my symptoms now must be something else.(Or so I've been told.) Stop reading the internet and self diagnosing.  I've also been told that.

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The problems I am having have failed to be linked to Lyme.  I have a positive ELISA and western blot.  Still, the specialists do not connect the dots!  I am in the midwest. 


I had to cry and beg the ID dr to give me 4 weeks instead of 2 of Doxy.  He said it was complete overkill and shouidn't be doing that.  


I would LOVE to go to a Lyme center!!  I saw a "LLMD".  He was insane.  I felt so uncomfortable.  He did prescribe a whole lot of meds.  I am afraid to take them!  I hate taking meds at all.  And his choice of my med regime seemed so random.  Like, it popped into his head right then.  Show me research.  Show me something!  


So...I have a Lyme dx.  All my symptoms now must be something else.(Or so I've been told.) Stop reading the internet and self diagnosing.  I've also been told that.



You're having neurological symptoms?








They link Lyme and peripheral neuropathy. But you have to exclude the other causes, because why Lyme causes PN isn't known.



I get the frustration. When I talk to doctors I detail all my symptoms and then wait anxiously for them to connect the dots on their own.  :glare:  It's so inefficient.

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There's a correlation between celiac disease and Hashimoto's (an auto-immune issue that's the primary cause of hypothyroidism). So I'd definitely test for those two. To me your symptoms are much more indicative of a thyroid issue than celiac, but that may be because I "see" a lot of myself in your symptoms.

Sounded a lot like thyroid to me too. Typically I think RA for joint pain but I've had that with negative tests for RA and have been told it can be associated with the thyroid. These auto-immune diseases often run together, so if you have one you are more likely to have more than one, especially if you are older(ie above 20yo) at the time of being diagnosed.


Based on the things I'm familiar with I'd test for:


Celiac (don't drop gluten)

thyroid panel-- make sure they include the antibody panels!!! to check for Hashimoto's

rheumatoid arthritis

hormone levels- if still ovulating need to be done 10 days post ovulation for accuracy (except testosterone because it is level throughout the cycle)

vitamins- d3, b12, iron panel


I'd look at testing for Lyme too but it is not some cut and dried thing. It is hard to get a dr. to do the right test, let alone be able to read and appropriately treat it and it is expensive. While I'd love to rule that out for myself from what I've seen friends go through I'm not convinced there is anyone local I could trust to do anything worthwhile about it even if I could get an actual diagnosis.

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Many things come to mind.  These are the blood tests I'd want to start with: full thyroid panel, full panel for iron (including saturation), celiac, b12, d, folate, rheumatoid panels, and lyme.  All can be done with your normal doctor and then they can refer you from there.

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