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How many clothing items do you buy in a year?


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I like to keep my wardrobe pretty minimal and probably only buy about 25 items per year. I don't care about fashion and I work at home, so there is really no need for more than that. Plus, I buy high quality clothes that last forever -- one of my favorite coats was bought circa 1990.


The one thing I do get pretty regularly is new socks. I can't stand when socks get dingy looking!  

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Trying to think back:


I have actually bought quite a bit for me for the past year. I had gotten really, really light on clothes in the past few seasons and had to replace some things. I also discovered I like leggings and skirts more than jeans.


I bought:

2 skirts

2 dresses

2 pairs of leggings

1 lacy jacket thing

1 pair of workout capris

4 long sleeve t-shirts

1 (maybe 2) t-shirts

a pack of 4 pairs of no-show socks

1 pair of dress shoes

1 nightgown


Even counting the 4 pairs of socks as 8 items and the shoes as 2, I get only about 25 items. 


I added the following but didn't purchase: a sweatshirt (from our neighborhood staff), a t-shirt (from a 5K race), pajama pants (Christmas), a pair of slipper socks (birthday), swimsuit (gift), and a skirt (LuLaRoe online contest).


Now my kids! I just bought my middle daughter running shoes today - she needed all new shirts for winter, there were no hand-me-downs. My oldest wore a scoliosis brace for the last year, which necessitated all new clothing. She just came out of it, and now she will need all new clothes for the summer. My youngest doesn't actually grow much, and she requires nothing really except some shoes and underwear on occasion. 

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I'm well below average even if we count individual socks and shoes. ;)


I don't work, we're not church goers. I don't care about fashion and I can think of a thousand things I'd rather do than shop for clothes (no offense to those who do enjoy shopping--I do have plenty of hobbies I spend money on!).


I tend to dress in a uniform kind of way (changing for the seasons, of course) so I don't have to spend any time thinking about what to wear. As long as my clothes are comfortable and reasonably neat looking I'm happy.

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I probably buy that much for myself in a year. I like clothes and jewelry and shoes and scarves. And I also have two hobbies that are hard on clothing - I do long distance running (and go through 4-5 or of running shoes a year and we won't even talk about running socks!) and I garden. I tend to retire my regular wardrobe stuff into gardening clothes, if possible, to get a bit more wear out of them.

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Wow, I'm so impressed at how many of you remember exactly what you bought. I have no idea!


You ladies must be far more organized than I am!

I remember because it's not a lot or a regular thing and I don't have many clothes. If I were shopping often, I wouldn't remember. I don't recall specific things I buy all the time. Trust me, it's NOT a sign of any kickass level of organization. 😂 Edited by LucyStoner
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My guess would be under 30 for sure. Probably closer to 20 tops. In the past year off of the top of my head I can think of: 


a couple pairs of shorts on clearance at Walmart and one from Charlotte Russe shopping with my teens. 

2 new purses and a wallet and a couple of tote bags and two cooler bags. (I had a 31 party. It was a big splurge and wardrobe update for me. I don't know if you are counting accessories. But I skipped buying new athletic shoes in the fall like I usually do to do this party and buy the bags.) 

A sweater combo set.  Target clearance 

Walmart undershirt

1 pair of summer slacks and an undershirt at thrift store. Still haven't found a blouse I love for the pants, but adore them. 

A long sweater. Target clearance

black friday at Walmart: pack of undies, 2 pair leggings, sweatshirt, like 10 pairs of socks 

1 pair of yoga pants special at the grocery store no less.

1 pair of (new) boots at a thrift shop. Lucky find. 

We draw names in my extended family for Christmas and I got a new cooking pot I needed. Sometimes I get new pajamas or something. But not this year. 


That is all I can think of from about June 2016 through current March 2017.  I am sure I have picked up an item here or there that I am not remembering. But that is the most of it. I wear the same bathing suit for a couple of years. Don't need a new one yet.  Some of my summer tshirts that I wear often are a bit stretched out. I wouldn't mind picking up some new ones, just plain ones at Walmart for summer this year. 


I hang onto stuff way too long though. I plan on really sorting and throwing out a lot this summer. I like to do a few big decluttering projects over our summer break from homeschooling. 

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If every little baby onesie counts, I think it's definitely kids skewing the numbers.

I think I've bought DS six or seven pairs of shoes since last March. He keeps outgrowing them, and I try to keep it so he has two to three pairs that fit. And I had to replace all his shorts, pants, many shirts (got too short), both short- and long-sleeved; a coat, snow boots; he needs rain boots though I didn't buy them yet; he'd need undershirts if we lived somewhere colder, and new underwear if I hadn't bought ahead a size; I believe I bought him new mittens; I try to make sure he has two swimsuits that fit each summer (4 pieces, because of rash guards); and eight pairs of socks. And a suit for a church event, and a complete Cub Scout uniform. That gets him at least into the 60s by my estimate, and this is a kid who cares little for clothes.

For me and DH, ten or twenty items would be closer to normal, depending on the year.

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Wow, I'm so impressed at how many of you remember exactly what you bought. I have no idea!


You ladies must be far more organized than I am!

The reason I remember is because I see them everyday. My clothes take up a third of our closet and two drawers plus a couple little drawers for socks, underwear and slips. If I bought 63 items a year then there is no way I could remember.


I can't remember what I bought for my boys. It can be multiple times a year when I decide to buy them 3-4 pairs of pants because they outgrew them or they become trashed.

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Wow, I maybe buy two pairs of pants as they wear out and maybe a dress and a few tops? Two or three new bras and a pack of panties as the elastic goes? It goes higher when my size changes or I am bouncing around between maternity and normal clothes, but nowhere near 63.


My husband buys a pack of undies, a pack of socks, and maybe three pairs of pants yearly. I am trying to get him to toss out shirts from 2004 and he refuses, despite the holes. He grabs new dress shirts as needed but still not more than a few per year as they fall apart, but at least he doesn't hold onto those like he does his tee shirts ;)

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Wow, I'm so impressed at how many of you remember exactly what you bought. I have no idea!


You ladies must be far more organized than I am!


I was thinking the same thing! I do know that I'm planning to go through all of my clothes this weekend, get rid of some and then go shopping ;) My husband heard my plan and asked me to remember that I already  have 8 pairs of black shoes (casual sandals, semi-dressy sandals, dressy sandals, pumps for slacks, pumps for dress, low heel for slacks, flats for slacks, and a pair of black Toms). And yes, I do have other colors of shoes as well.........

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As far as I remember, I've bought:


Two pairs of jeans

One flannel shirt

Maybe five cheap t shirts

Three sweaters for work

Two casual sweaters

One shell with attached fleece

Two pairs of trainers

Three pairs of socks

Three leggings

Two exercise ts

Two midlayers

Two exercise under shirts

Walking trousers

Three sports bras


I make that 36 items.  This has been a big year as I was doing some renewing of my work wardrobe and I also took up running.  I'm assuming I forgot some things, so it's probably over 40 items.  I would think that 30 would be more normal.  I bought no shoes except trainers.

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If it includes underwear I can see it working out like that. I mean undies generally only last a year and you need like 10 pairs. Throw in stockings or whatever.


I think including underwear bags and shoes I'm on about 30 but I gained weight so stuff I had didn't fit. I was also given hand me downs otherwise it would be more.


I also agree on the quality issue. because our clothes budget has been smaller I've been buying more from target and Kmart and I end up needing to replace more often. Some stuff gets shorter and wider, other stuff the elastic is bad in. We had a month away and used the drier which killed the elastic in half the socks.


It also depends on your lifestyle. It's not the end of the world of I end up in an old hoodie and leggings because everything's in the wash but if I worked in an office I couldn't do that.

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I believe it. Most of the women I know outside of HSing circles have a subscription to Stitch Fix or one of the other outfit boxes companies. I think there are 4-5 items per box so that would be 48-60 per year right there.



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I've probably bought 20 this year, but the majority have been from thrift stores. I did splurge on a few career items as I'm trying to slowly build a professional wardrobe. 


I've found some great things at thrift stores, but then it can be hit or miss with how they work with other items in my wardrobe.After school is out, I plan a nice sorting or organizing. 



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I have a feeling that I am underestimating.  


And ruh-roh.  I just found MY STORE today.  And so you can up the count by three items.  


But OMGoodness, it is so perfect for me!!!!!!   The skirts have POCKETS.  The dresses are under $80 and they are well made!  They nip in at the waist but are generous with the fabric so the skirts swing when you walk.  


Shhhh.  I haven't told dh yet.




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I don't even *own* close to 63 items.  I don't know that I own 30 items, unless you could socks individually or something.


I own:

2 pairs of sweats

2 pairs of leggings

4 skirts

2 dresses

1 pair of corduroy pants

3 t-shirts

3 long-sleeved shirts

3 tank tops

a swimsuit

a coat

a sweatshirt

a jacket

a pair of boots

a pair of walking sandals

a pair of walking shoes


underthings & socks

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I have a feeling that I am underestimating.  


And ruh-roh.  I just found MY STORE today.  And so you can up the count by three items.  


But OMGoodness, it is so perfect for me!!!!!!   The skirts have POCKETS.  The dresses are under $80 and they are well made!  They nip in at the waist but are generous with the fabric so the skirts swing when you walk.  


Shhhh.  I haven't told dh yet.


do tell which store!  I love pockets in my skirts and I am looking for a third dress.

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do tell which store!  I love pockets in my skirts and I am looking for a third dress.

Locally owned.  Two stores, the one near my house just opening this week or so.  http://marketstreetshoes.com/events


The website looks a lot more "granola-y" than the clothes and shoes in the store do. Effie's Heart is the brand but I just looked on their site and none of the stuff I bought is on there.  But they are cute and trim/close-cut dresses with full skirts.  :0)

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When I worked in a suit, I probably hit that number if you add in my 52 pairs of stockings per year lol. I finally found a better quality brand that lasted longer but it was a fairly active job and I always snagged then on something.


Now I am not sure I even own 63 items of clothing. I might need to buy something close to that this year though (I hope!) After I have this baby and start moving toward a more comfortable size.

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Locally owned.  Two stores, the one near my house just opening this week or so.  http://marketstreetshoes.com/events


The website looks a lot more "granola-y" than the clothes and shoes in the store do. Effie's Heart is the brand but I just looked on their site and none of the stuff I bought is on there.  But they are cute and trim/close-cut dresses with full skirts.  :0)


great store!  Love the skirts.  I wish they had more in stock - the ones I really liked were out of my size.  You might like this lady's stuff too: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlueRidgeStitches?ref=search_shop_redirect


None of it is printed, all plain colors, but a similar style.  

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Wow, I'm so impressed at how many of you remember exactly what you bought. I have no idea!


You ladies must be far more organized than I am!

I literally went to my closet and counted. I buy clothing rarely enough that I can kind of pin purchases to dates/events. So, those two cardigans I know I bought x number of years ago in preparation for y event. Those two tops I ordered when Target had a sale last year. And so on.


I couldn't remember exactly what years I bought every single piece, but I could easily divide into bought a long time ago/bought since I went back to work, round up, then divide that by the number of years since my son graduated to get an average.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I literally went to my clost and counted. I buy clothing rarely enough that I can kind of pin purchases to dates/events. So, those two cardigans I know I bought x number of years ago in preparation for y event. Those two tops I ordered when Target had a sale last year. And so on.

I couldn't remembe exactly what years I bought every single piece, but I could easily divide into bought a long time ago/bought since I went back to work, round up, then divide that by the number of years since my son graduated to get an average.

You actually counted? That's some impressive dedication to this thread! :D

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Ironically I just saw that 10 item wardrobe ted talk. And realised that as per usual they weren't talking t shirts underwear or warm weather gear and when you worked out what they were talking about I already own less than 10 items. I hate all these preachy minimalists that have way more stuff than I do anyway telling me to throw out half my stuff!

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I'm going to admit I probably hit that number of items.


I buy walking/workout shoes a couple times a year. I also buy a decent pair of casual shoes for each season about once a year. So a winter clog and a sandal. These last for years so I have a decent collection.


I definitely buy socks at least once a year. As well as a sports bra, two-three regular bras, and a package of underwear.


Jeans- at least two pairs a year. This lately has been due to wildly fluctuating weight. Add a pair of dress pants and two to three summer capris. A couple pairs of yoga pants, workout capris.


Tops- I go through tons of t shirts. Strange stains and wear and tear. Basically replace a week's worth of ts twice a year. I buy a few new cardigans each year.


Dresses- Usually a winter dress and some summer dresses. Add tights and/or leggings.


Bathing suit- not every year. Would be a once a decade purchase if my size stayed the same. We are going to the beach this year and I actually purchased two.


Pajamas- never purchase. Old comfy clothes become pajamas but they are sometimes purchased for me at Christmas.


Purse- probably one a year.


I am embarrassed to buy so much compared to others on this board.


A couple of factors: my fluctuating size. I have been sizes 4-16 in the last 4 years. Also I buy cheap stuff. Summer dresses I pick up for $12 and wash and dry are not going to last. I don't expect them to. Same goes for tops. I buy them on sale with coupons at Kohls or Old Navy and then I wash and dry them without gentle care.


Just thought I should out myself as a big shopper in case others were feeling guilty about their clothing consumption :(

I'm the same but I'm not embarrassed and I don't feel guilty about it. 😜

I buy inexpensive clothes and it easily fits into my budget.

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Locally owned. Two stores, the one near my house just opening this week or so. http://marketstreetshoes.com/events


The website looks a lot more "granola-y" than the clothes and shoes in the store do. Effie's Heart is the brand but I just looked on their site and none of the stuff I bought is on there. But they are cute and trim/close-cut dresses with full skirts. :0)

MarketStreet: where my son proudly selected green patent leather Doc Martens for his starting kindergarten shoes. 😂

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I don't even *own* close to 63 items. I don't know that I own 30 items, unless you could socks individually or something.


I own:

2 pairs of sweats

2 pairs of leggings

4 skirts

2 dresses

1 pair of corduroy pants

3 t-shirts

3 long-sleeved shirts

3 tank tops

a swimsuit

a coat

a sweatshirt

a jacket

a pair of boots

a pair of walking sandals

a pair of walking shoes


underthings & socks

This is me too. I don't have a lot of clothes stashed and I buy to replace worn out items more than acquire looks.

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My initial response is that I couldn't possible buy that much, but I did the math and that's only about 5-6 items a month.  I just bought a pack of underwear, some socks, and a bra.  That gets me over ten items without counting the socks individually.  I may not hit 63 items, but someone who purchases two complete outfits each season plus a few odds and ends could easily get there without buying tons of clothes each month.  I hate to shop, and tend to wear things until they fall apart, but with underwear, a few new t-shirts in the summer, a decent PJ collection, and replacing things that are no longer decent, I probably have a higher number than I think I do.  I also dance 5 days a week, so that's a whole separate wardrobe of exercise clothing and costumes that I have to maintain for professional reasons even though I hate shopping.  I'm not even growing.  Growing kids would need even more than me!

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I have a lot of clothes, but I never wear most of them.  There are a fair number of items in my closet that still have the tags on, and they have been in there for decades.  I realize this is not ideal.  :P  But this is a 30-year accumulation, including hand-me-downs from friends who got fat.  :P  I've never been one to spend much on myself, but I've gone through seasons.  Different jobs with different dress codes.  And trying things I thought would work, but didn't.  :)  This is probably why I hardly ever buy anything for myself (other than replacements for worn out necessities).


Well, now my kids are growing up, and maybe they will soon be borrowing my old clothes.  So there might be some good in the fact that I keep stuff so long ....

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Well, it says "the average person" but I wonder if they are including kids in that.  If that's the case, I can see how a number can be that high.  My kids aren't going completely through two sizes, but their summer clothes won't fit year to year.  The clothes that DD8 wore last summer won't fit her this summer.  Some will get passed down to DD6, but about half are jut worn out.  



For some of his clothes, this is the 3rd year my 9.5yo's wearing them (just bought him a new raincoat yesterday - his previous one he'd gotten in K - he's in 4th now). And while some get worn out, my 6yo is getting a fair amount of hand-me-downs (although they're almost the same size now, so I might have to buy some extra clothes when they are actually the same size). Which I don't mind... there are some clothes I'm tired of looking at (especially ones with dumb prints my MIL bought for them - and bought the exact same one for each of them, so I'm staring at the same stupid shirt for 5 or so years straight). And summer camp shirts - there's only so many shirts I need with the name of their summer camp on them, but they get a new one each every summer. But anyhow, I'm not buying those, so those don't count in the 'count'. So, if I'm counting each individual sock separately, etc, I *might* end up buying 30 pieces of clothing per kid/year, but probably less, since the youngest mainly gets hand-me-downs.


As to myself, counting individual socks (not pairs), and underwear, I might end up having bought 25 things in the past year, because I bought a 6-pack of socks and a 6-pack. (or something) of underwear, and a couple of other things. 

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The more I think about this and read the responses (including my own), the more I think the 63-items number might be correct.


As an average.


I know of women who buy 63 items a month. They have those dry-cleaner motorized hanger racks in their closets that are bigger than the ground floor of my house. I worked with a woman who had so many clothes I never saw the same outfit twice (not my way but she was a hoot).


So to balance these people, which are relatively few in number, there are the rest of us, and if more of us buy 50 items a year than 63? I'm ok with it.


And I'm super excited to wear my new dress.

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I like to keep my wardrobe pretty minimal and probably only buy about 25 items per year. I don't care about fashion and I work at home, so there is really no need for more than that. Plus, I buy high quality clothes that last forever -- one of my favorite coats was bought circa 1990.


The one thing I do get pretty regularly is new socks. I can't stand when socks get dingy looking!  


Don't work from home exclusively but don't have to be dressed to the nines for work either. Even with socks and underwear, I don't think I have ever hit the 25-30 mark much less 63.


I do also have items from way back when...ahem...quite a bit older than 1990. ;)


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The more I think about this and read the responses (including my own), the more I think the 63-items number might be correct.


As an average.


I know of women who buy 63 items a month. They have those dry-cleaner motorized hanger racks in their closets that are bigger than the ground floor of my house. I worked with a woman who had so many clothes I never saw the same outfit twice (not my way but she was a hoot).


So to balance these people, which are relatively few in number, there are the rest of us, and if more of us buy 50 items a year than 63? I'm ok with it.


And I'm super excited to wear my new dress.


Are you actually counting every single sock, rather than 10 pairs? Now if I ever lost / gained a lot I suppose I would have to redo most of my clothes but other than that I have just discarded sacks of stuff that predated 1990 ( no joy per Konmari method ;) )and still have enough to be fully dressed every day even if I did no laundry that week.

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When I read the title of the thread, I started to think about how often everyone in my house goes through socks, and how frequently I pick up work out clothes that are on sale, but I don't think I come anywhere near 63 items/year on average.


Then again, maybe I'm wrong.  In the past 3 months, I'd estimate I've purchased:

A 6-pk of underwear

A 10-pk of socks

3 sports bras

2 work out pants

Probably 5 tanks

3 new tops

A pair of sneakers

I also won a pair of leggings in a raffle, and I purchased the raffle tickets.


I desperately need some new regular bras, and will need some new shorts for the summer.  Morbidly, my grandmother isn't doing well, so I'll probably need appropriate funeral attire because I don't think anything old fits.  Last year's summer shoes are worn out.  I will undoubtedly buy more socks and underwear.  If I continue my regular workouts, I hope I'll need new jeans.


I suppose I may exceed 63 this year, but I still don't think that's my average.  

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I also read recently that the average American woman spends $1800 per year on clothing. 



And, divided by 63 items, that's almost $30/item. Which makes for some really expensive socks, if we're doing the individual sock thing ($60 pairs of socks?).


So far my score for 2017 is one $40 shirt (because I completely went overboard), $1760 to go. That $1800 sure makes me feel better about the few times I splurge! 

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I also read recently that the average American woman spends $1800 per year on clothing. That's our entire household budget for clothing!


I went looking for a source for this piece of info, and everything I found suggests that $1,800 per year is the average for a "consumer unit," or household: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cesan.nr0.htm 


So, you guys may actually be about average.


Edited to add: Here's another, more recent stat comparing spending by men vs. spending by women on "clothing and accessories." If women average $75 per month, that's $900 per year.



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So far this year (I think this is all)

1 pair of nice pajamas (attending a "pajama party" lol)

3 short sleeves shirts

1 3/4 sleeve shirt (needed for a concert I was singing in)

1 pair of yoga pants

1 sports bra

1 scarf


Plus my DH got me two bracelets for Valentine's day and I got one other (does jewelry count?) And a pair of socks he brought me back from a trip...



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I have probably bought 30 items already this year.   2 pairs jeans, pajamas, 3 pack panties, 6 pack socks, 4 camis, a sweater, 8ish tops, 2 pairs knit capris, a pair of leggings, a dress, sports bras??  (I just went shopping yesterday, so some of this fresh in my brain)   I haven't even bought shoes yet this year!  

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Wow, I'm so impressed at how many of you remember exactly what you bought. I have no idea!


You ladies must be far more organized than I am!


I remember because the new stuff is the stuff I wear all the time.  Although I did forget - one Supernatural (tv show) hoodie, one 4-H club hoodie, one 4-H club long-sleeve t-shirt, one 4-H fleece jacket. 


I probably hit 63 if I go back to February of last year because we went to Disney on vacation, my brother works there so gets a discount AND the week we were there they had some employee special where he got an extra discount.  I'm pretty sure I bought at least 10 items of clothing just for me that week.  My 4-H fleece jacket that I bought was to replace the one I got in Disney (it was COLD one night).  Dh brought it on a business trip to China and left it on the back of a chair in the Shanghai airport.  Couldn't find that same one anywhere so I bought a 4-H one instead.


You know what, I also forgot about buying some clothes at Target when I had to go to Florida with my mother after my stepdad died.  Summer clothes weren't out yet where I live but we spent almost a month in Florida so I had to get a few things.


Okay, I think I hit that number in the past year.   :tongue_smilie:   Sad considering I HATE clothes shopping.

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