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do you use makeup everyday?


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I wear some light makeup every day:  tinted moisturizer, concealer, lip gloss and mascara on a regular day; and I add foundation, blush, lipstick and eyeliner on a special day.  I use subtle colors, so it all looks very natural.  It takes less than five minutes to apply (even for a special day) . . . which seems a small time investment for looking a lot younger and well-rested.  At 40, I am actually a lot older than most of the mothers of my kids' friends -- but my kids all assume I am younger, and most people are shocked to learn my age.  

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Every day! I would have to be sick in bed all day to not wear it. I don't always wear lipstick. That is what pushed it to special occasion or trying to look nice. I wear concealer, foundation, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara.


I am not a very fashion conscious or girly girl. I just started coloring my hair to cover grey st 42yo. I have never had a mani/pedi. I am likely in yoga pants and and oversized sweater. But I have to do my makeup to feel my best.


It's not heavy makeup but I definitely would feel self conscious without it.

Edited by teachermom2834
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I don't.  I only wear makeup if I'm going out somewhere special or have an appointment I want to look my best.  If it is a "normal" day, "regular" errands (think grocery store, piano) and homeschool, I just use a moisturizer. 


Even when I wear makeup, often it is just lipstick, eyebrow pencil, maybe mascara.  Foundation and blush is reserved for "special" things.  I never wear eyeshadow. 


After looking at some holiday pictures, I'm beginning to rethink that idea.  Some concealer everyday would go a long way to make me look less tired. Some foundation every day would even things out a bit.  Maybe wearing makeup just for "special" things is not the best idea.  Isn't everyday a special day of some sort?  Shouldn't one try to look their best for those she cares about? 


What says the Hive??




I wear mascara and eyeshadow and maybe the Burt's Bees tinted lip balm when I'm going somewhere.   Day to day - not generally.

And I almost never wear foundation - it settles in the wrinkles and I look my age. ;) :D

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I've inherited large pores so I wear some variation between moisturizer, clinique pore refining solution, mascara, eyeliner, natural eyeshadow and lip something to full face. Takes no effort, a few minutes really. I also have no problem running to the store if all I have on is moisturizer.

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Almost never and I've always been that way.  I generally just don't think of it.  When I'm working I may wear it in spurts - usually when I first start a job (and for the interview), then maybe if I have important meetings or something where I'll be in front of people.   Now, I may wear it to church if I think of it but usually not.


Dh knew when we got married that I never wore make-up.  He's fine with it and even prefers it.  He wanted a wife who was into camping, fishing, and getting her hands dirty more than one that was all make-up and manicures, and that's what he got.   :lol:


I have a cousin who is my age, has been married for over 20 years and for the first 10-15 years her husband had never seen her without makeup.  Including illness, childbirth, etc.  She gets up before him to put on make-up and do her hair.  I think that's a little extreme and it sounds exhausting.

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I used to not wear any makeup at all.  But then age has begun to catch up with me, while I'm perpetually tired from attending school full time and raising teens.  I rarely go out of the house without it now.  In fact, while Christmas shopping, I went out without one day and caught a glimpse of some haggard old lady in the mirror at Claire's.  I looked SOOOO grumpy and tired, when in fact I was having a really good day.  I decided that a little makeup was probably needed now..lol.  I wish I could just look older instead of exhausted, but it is what it is.  :glare:



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Almost never and I've always been that way.  I generally just don't think of it.  When I'm working I may wear it in spurts - usually when I first start a job (and for the interview), then maybe if I have important meetings or something where I'll be in front of people.   Now, I may wear it to church if I think of it but usually not.


Dh knew when we got married that I never wore make-up.  He's fine with it and even prefers it.  He wanted a wife who was into camping, fishing, and getting her hands dirty more than one that was all make-up and manicures, and that's what he got.   :lol:


I have a cousin who is my age, has been married for over 20 years and for the first 10-15 years her husband had never seen her without makeup.  Including illness, childbirth, etc.  She gets up before him to put on make-up and do her hair.  I think that's a little extreme and it sounds exhausting.


Oh wow, that does sound exhausting. Does her husband want her to wear makeup all the time?


My Dh doesn't care one way or the other if I wear makeup. In fact, you could ask him right now if I wear makeup most days and he probably wouldn't even know. He just doesn't notice stuff like that. (In his defense, I only wear minimal makeup and it looks pretty natural. It's not like I'm wearing bright purple eyeshadow and he doesn't notice.  :laugh: )

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If I'm leaving the house at all (except for going to the gym first thing in the morning - I'm doing good to be there at all, I don't worry about how I look! plus it would just get sweaty and gross anyway.) my bare minimum is foundation and lipstick.  I've never had good skin, so the foundation is a big deal to me.  I need it to hide redness and blotchiness, plus where I live, an extra layer of sunscreen is always a good thing.  


I have very fair skin but very dark hair, so I have dark enough lashes and brows that I can get by without much eye makeup.  But without lipstick or colored balm/gloss or something, my lips disappear!  So those two are my absolute necessities.  I probably should wear them even when I know I'm staying home all day, because honestly I really don't like passing by a mirror without at least those two things on my face!!!  :D  


If I want to feel particularly put-together, then I'll do one soft/natural shade of eye shadow with liner and mascara.  That's really the most I ever do.  I have hooded eyes, so there's really no point in doing elaborate eye shadow designs, because no one would see them anyway.  And my brows are prominent enough that I don't really feel that they need any further emphasis.  I very rarely bother with blush.  It has to be a black tie kind of thing before I put on blush.  I think maybe I never really mastered the application process, because I just don't feel that it does much for me, so I rarely bother.  Maybe if I'd learned the proper way to put it on I'd feel differently.  Who knows!  


I also try to look reasonably put-together regarding my clothes as well, but I just don't seem to have the fashion sense that a lot of women do.  I'm not trendy at all.  By the time I grow to like a new style, it's already on its way out.  :lol:  So I go for pretty simple looks, in the hopes that they won't look dated:  jeans or slacks with classic cuts like straight or boot, solid-colored tops/blouses, things like that.  Very simple.


So, I wouldn't put myself out there as an example of how to look.  Ha!  But I think I do ok (sort of?).



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Most days I wear mineral powder foundation, mascara, and lipstick. Three minutes. If I know I'll be home all day, I may or may not bother. I definitely don't feel I need to wear makeup to leave the house. Sometimes I go out without any at all, if I'm rushed or just don't feel like it. I enjoy putting on a little more if I'm going out in the evening; I add concealer, eyeshadow, and liner.


I do not feel that I need to "look my best" for the family or (almost) anyone else. They have a clean, dressed mother who loves, teaches, drives, emotionally suppports, cooks, blah blah blah. The only time I feel that I *must* wear makeup is for certain Very Importan Business Meetings. It's expected and while I don't care for that, I don't have the energy to fight it either.


I have a low maintenance haircut that I adore and I have my brows waxed and lashes tinted when I can. For me.

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I'm in the middle of a 30 day challenge with myself to wear makeup every day.  I like the way I look better with makeup.  When I pass the mirror in my hall, I don't think, "wow, you look so tired!"  :D  I notice whether people wear makeup, not in a bad way, but in a way like, man, I wish I could look that put together.


So I've been focusing on wearing clothes that make me feel good, styling my hair, and wearing makeup.  I like the way it makes me look and feel, so I think I'll keep doing that.

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No. Only when I go out of the house, which isn't every day. I don't wear much - some concealer, tinted moisturizer, and a little blush.


When I wear my contacts outside the house I wear mascara because I think my eyes look weird when they're not hidden behind glasses. That's what happens when you wear glasses for years - you look strange without them.  :lol:

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Sometimes a little. Really, though, I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm old enough that maybe wandering around looking like I went to amatuer hour at the make-up counter is less forgiveable. Yes, I've watched YouTube videos. No, that doesn't seem to help.



I made a long post, and yet forgot to mention this:  a big part of the reason I keep my makeup so simple is that I'm not very good at putting it on!  And makeup tutorials don't seem to help me either!

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I blame the hive for my being up way too late last night watching make-up tutorials! I found one who does redhead colors really well, so it was worth it. I mean, she was 12, but she had some good advice.


If my eyelashes and eyebrows weren't invisible I swear I could do everyday, natural make-up in one minute. I once pulled off full stage make-up in 15 minutes, but that's too stressful for me and I don't care to repeat the experience. I need time for a do-over in case my eyeliner goes rogue.

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Yes, I do full makeup every day. That includes: foundation, powder, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, blush, lipstick, and brows. I started wearing makeup in middle school. When I began and for many years it was for others. Now it's for myself. I like to look put together. I enjoy it. Some days it feels like maybe it's my only accomplishment, lol. It also helps me to combat depression, if that makes sense.

With all that being said, it takes me less than 10 minutes because it's just a habit.

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I blame the hive for my being up way too late last night watching make-up tutorials! I found one who does redhead colors really well, so it was worth it. I mean, she was 12, but she had some good advice.


If my eyelashes and eyebrows weren't invisible I swear I could do everyday, natural make-up in one minute. I once pulled off full stage make-up in 15 minutes, but that's too stressful for me and I don't care to repeat the experience. I need time for a do-over in case my eyeliner goes rogue.

Yeah, those 12 year old girls got it going on! I've learned so many hair and makeup tips from them, it's a bit embarrassing!

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I adore makeup, shoes, and all things fashion.  It is fun to try out new and different looks.  My current make-up goal is searching out long-wearing products that truly last all day.  




Dh knew when we got married that I never wore make-up.  He's fine with it and even prefers it.  He wanted a wife who was into camping, fishing, and getting her hands dirty more than one that was all make-up and manicures, and that's what he got.   :lol:


Using makeup doesn't mean that one can't go camping.  I am an excellent archer, can hook a fish with the best, and have hiked all over, regardless of how I look. Wearing makeup is a style choice, not a personality trait.

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I like Angie from Hot and Flashy. If I remember right, she's actually in her early 50's.


I also love Dominique Sachse. She is gorgeous and she's my age. I don't look nearly that good, though. :lol:


I just watched my first ever Youtube make-up tutorial - thank you! Dominique Sachse is wonderful. I love that she takes current trends and then adapts them for an older age group. And I love that she uses MAC products! Fun. 

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I wear mascara and eyeshadow and maybe the Burt's Bees tinted lip balm when I'm going somewhere.   Day to day - not generally.

And I almost never wear foundation - it settles in the wrinkles and I look my age. ;) :D


I wear Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation. It definitely does not settle into wrinkles. It is a nice, sheer coverage that you can build up to a medium coverage if you like. I apply with a damp beauty blender. You cannot see foundation on my skin at all. It just evens out my skintone. :)

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I've inherited large pores so I wear some variation between moisturizer, clinique pore refining solution, mascara, eyeliner, natural eyeshadow and lip something to full face. Takes no effort, a few minutes really. I also have no problem running to the store if all I have on is moisturizer.


Have you tried a pore minimizing primer? I don't happen to have large pores, but I've heard that there are some great pore minimizing primers. :)

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Then one should watch their weight and exercise, too.

That would go farther to looking one's best then slapping on some paint.



Well, I'm fat, ugly, and really tired looking with my super deep dark circles. So, I slap on a fresh coat of "paint" every day and find myself a little bit improved when I look in the mirror. Works for me. :D


Oh, and I do exercise...10K + steps per day! :)

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I always wear eyeliner. lip gloss, often lipstick. I wear a bit of light foundation and a bit of color on cheeks, eyes, etc when I want to look nice. 


I used to wear more color and no foundation. I have found that as I age, I like a toned down pallette (except lipstick. I like color on my lips). and a bit of more coverage. I've played a bit with contouring. I think concealer is next. I've never used it before. 


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I used to when I was in junior high and high school, but my first year of college I got pink eye really bad and had to throw it all out and buy new stuff.  This happened several times over the course of a year and started to get expensive to have to replace stuff every few months, so I gave up.  DH prefers me without makeup so that works for me.  I was thinking recently about trying out makeup again but then I wore some to a fancy dinner with DH and I hated the feel of it.  I will wear it on very rare occasions when I am having pictures taken or going out some place really special but otherwise I don't bother.


My DD isn't really into makeup.  She hated it for years, because she had to wear it to performances since she was really little.  In the last few months she is starting to express some interest in trying it out but she is feeling like she doesn't know what to do and I am not up on current makeup trends and can't help her. 

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For those of you who want to pick up the eye area without investing much time- simple trick- curl your eyelashes!!!!


Get yourself an eye lash curler for $5 at the local drug store, then heat  it with the hairdryer for ten seconds. Pay attention here and yes, I'm yelling: TEST IT WITH YOUR FINGER BEFORE PUTTING IT TO YOUR EYE!!!! Please. You want it warm, but not burn your eye lid off. When the temp is okay, crimp those babies. Hold it 10-15 second. The further down close the the eyelash base you can do it the better, but start in the middle if you're new to it. Warm it up again and repeat for other eye. All the better if you slap some mascara on afterwards. Now look and compare to before. You're welcome. :) 

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Then one should watch their weight and exercise, too.

That would go farther to looking one's best then slapping on some paint.


Totally agree.  Due to a spine injury, I have to watch my weight and exercise.  I'm supposed to do various stretches and strength exercises daily. 

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Well, I'm fat, ugly, and really tired looking with my super deep dark circles. So, I slap on a fresh coat of "paint" every day and find myself a little bit improved when I look in the mirror. Works for me. :D


Oh, and I do exercise...10K + steps per day! :)

I was responding to the OP's original post where she suggested one should try to look their "best".

I was hoping to infer that "best" is subjective.  One could go on and on about what is "best".

I generally feel fake is not best, but if it makes a person feel better about themselves what do I care?


Personally, it would take more than make-up to make me less tired looking.  Hope I did not offend anyone.

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I was responding to the OP's original post where she suggested one should try to look their "best".

I was hoping to infer that "best" is subjective.  One could go on and on about what is "best".

I generally feel fake is not best, but if it makes a person feel better about themselves what do I care?


Personally, it would take more than make-up to make me less tired looking.  Hope I did not offend anyone.


I agree that it is best when people on either side of the make up spectrum don't use subjective adjectives.  Do what's best for you!  Do what fits your time schedule and your budget and your lifestyle and your health and your marriage and . . . I could go on. . .   


I am very good at putting on make up according to some people in my past.  I wore it daily and liked it.  But as I said in a previous post, I don't wear it for health reasons.  Would make-up hide some of the facial swelling and rash and bags under my eyes?  Probably.  But chemicals and I don't mix.  Lots of natural foods and things in the environment and I don't mix, so it's not simply a matter of getting "natural" products.  I would be very hurt if someone were to judge my face and tell me that if only I wore make-up that I would look better because . . . well, they don't know all that information because I don't broadcast it.  (Unlike here where I do talk about some of those things under the guise of anonymity.)  And honestly, even if I didn't have health issues, it's really my choice and doesn't really matter in the long run. 


Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I don't think I even own any makeup now.


In the past, I sometimes wore makeup, but then the chemicals started irritating my eyes. Then I had a bout with RSI (repetitive stress injury) and decided that putting stuff on my face was something I could do without. Now I don't really care to spend money on the stuff.


I am also thankful that I live in a very academic community because the academics tend to not wear makeup and to dress down. I might do things differently if I lived somewhere else. Where I live, the upper middle class people dress down and don't wear much makeup but the poor people buy expensive clothes and dress up, as well as getting their hair and nails done. So dressing down identifies me as upper middle class.


I recently started wearing hoodies around the house because they are warm and not scratchy. I used to dress up more. I have worn slippers around the house forever because they are warm and don't get the floor dirty. :-)



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Yes. I "get ready" every day. I just don't feel like doing anything if I haven't showered and done something to look presentable. I don't use a ton of make-up. Foundation, powder, eyeliner and mascara. I'll add lipstick if I'm going out. I used to wear eye shadow for going out, but that was so infrequent that it got old and during a Kon-Mari fit I threw it all out and never replaced it.

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I don't.  I only wear makeup if I'm going out somewhere special or have an appointment I want to look my best.  If it is a "normal" day, "regular" errands (think grocery store, piano) and homeschool, I just use a moisturizer. 


Even when I wear makeup, often it is just lipstick, eyebrow pencil, maybe mascara.  Foundation and blush is reserved for "special" things.  I never wear eyeshadow. 


After looking at some holiday pictures, I'm beginning to rethink that idea.  Some concealer everyday would go a long way to make me look less tired. Some foundation every day would even things out a bit.  Maybe wearing makeup just for "special" things is not the best idea.  Isn't everyday a special day of some sort?  Shouldn't one try to look their best for those she cares about? 


What says the Hive??


No way! Repeat after me: People who care about me don't care what I LOOK like any more than I care what they look like! People who care about me want me to be genuinely happy, healthy, and enjoy our time together! People who care about me care about ME, and if the package I came in were to be suddenly damaged or parts lost, they would no sooner love me less than I would them!




I kind of wanted to get that off my chest, lol!


I will tell you one thing I've learned about appearances in my umpteen years floating on this rock around the giant ball of gas we call the sun. Young people always look good. Dang it, but ain't it the truth! There's a kind beauty in youth. I'm not talking sexy beauty, but just good old fashioned beautiful. Younger skin, thicker hair, brighter eyes, whatever. We're naturally drawn to it. We can't help it. We call it "beauty," but I think there's got to be a better word because here's the other thing I've learned about appearances.


Oops, two things I've learned.


The second one is that every human is beautiful. I mean, whoa. From the sweetest newborn babe to the grizzliest, toothless old lady with a gazillion wrinkles and eye flaps that practically droop to her nostrils. Humans are beautiful. Unique. Fascinating. Each one has a story that no one else could possibly tell. We are all connected in a real and intimate way. We are one family with lots of fascinating branches, and each branch has a gazillion variations that when you start to look at them carefully, you'll realize you're watching a fractle of humanity, and my God you could get lost in the beauty of each section, each individual.


Woops again, three things I've learned.


People invariably look better when they smile. I mean those genuine, eyes light up, you know they don't care what they look like, pure enjoyment-in-the-moment smile. Laughter is the ultimate beauty mark and it doesn't matter what else you've got on your face when you're laughing with people.


So here's what I've come to conclude as I get older.


Had I known then what I was going to end up looking like, I would have been a hell of a lot more bold with how I looked.


We're always getting older. There's no reason to not express yourself as you want right now.


When the person you love is at their most vulnerable and you realize you might lose them, you'll find you don't care what they look like. You'll realize their value is soooo much deeper than skin deep. You'll realize their beauty is in the shared experiences and hopeful future you both dream of.


*Others feel this way about you already.*


If you enjoy make-up, have fun! Be bold, keep in natural, be sloppy if you want. Do what YOU want because you don't owe anyone to look a certain way.


And wash your face at night because pimples suck no matter what age.


(edit for spelling)

Edited by Charlie
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I don't wear make-up around the house/around family. I do wear it when I'm going out and about though, even routine errands. I feel more confident and pretty with it. My biggest issue is under-eye circles, and I look a lot better covering those. But the rest of it makes me feel more put together too.

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I wear Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation. It definitely does not settle into wrinkles. It is a nice, sheer coverage that you can build up to a medium coverage if you like. I apply with a damp beauty blender. You cannot see foundation on my skin at all. It just evens out my skintone. :)

That's my favorite at Ulta too, in the lightest shade, and my favorite of the natural/organic brands is far and away Kjaer Weis. It goes on and looks just like skin but doesn't break me out or wipe off, and the coverage is solid but easy to apply just in the areas I need it.





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