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Going to church with the flu would be wrong, right?


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That would be very unkind.  You are sick!  Stay home!  Won't somebody from the church come pray with you if you call and ask (and use hand sanitizer on their way out)?  And you can watch mass online for sure.  I know that won't be the same, but you have been so, so sick.


Take care of yourself, hon.

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Please don't go anywhere when you have anything contagious. You can go to the doctor and the hospital and the grocery store to get essentials if you have no one else to go.


Because you are showing consideration to the rest of us - the ones with normal immune systems and the ones with compromised immune systems. 


Please just stay home and rest on your way to getting better!

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I sympathize. I've been stuck at home with a nasty cold since Wednesday missing numerous activities, including an important congregational meeting calling for a vote and a farewell party for our minister. Better to rest and "do unto others...."  I hope you feel better soon!

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They think it is a flu like illness. I was negative for flu, but I wasn't swabbed until seven days after symptoms started, so they aren't confident about it not being flu.


I was on two meds that were high risk for severe, potentially fatal med reaction. And no definitive test for it and a lot of same symptoms as flu, so on the off chance, they took me off a med. But odds are 99% that it is flu like virus.

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Does your church stream? Can you send someone to stream it for you so that you can at least listen live? I like the FaceTime suggestion, and would there be any way that they could get the priest to come aside to chat with you over that if they waited until after the service? Or would he be willing to talk to you over a phone? 

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Make yourself a cup of hot tea and watch a service online.  Even if your church doesn't have that option, there are many churches that do!  Watch one you don't usually watch, in another city, that you've always been interested in.  That's what we do.  There is a pastor (in another city) who has authored lots of books that we really love.  When we don't go to church, we watch one of his sermons online.

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Going anywhere with the flu, aside from the doc and the pharmacy or maybe the grocery store for needed items feels wrong


Immune compromised people are everywhere. People like my son, or me, can die from flu complications. And even people who are not compromised don't want the flu! Lost work, income, school. Yuck.


Stop the spread. Let those germs die with you, and not replicate and move on to another.


I hope you feel better.


Is there an option for mass on tv?

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Please don't go. We had some people come to church right before Thanksgiving. They were sick. My family got sick right around Thanksgiving. We're still feeling the effects of it. I had to miss several weeks of church being sick myself or with sick kiddos. I hated missing church and different events but I didn't want to share the germs. But it's hard to miss church. I don't enjoy being stuck at home.

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Mild cold? I might not go to a crowded busy church, or to nonessential places, but groceries, doctor, important errands, even taking kids to their activities if they aren't sick -- I'd maybe do those.


Flu or fever or heavy coughing (aside from the tail end of cold sort of coughing)? Absolute essentials only. And not church. Too much close contact. Too wide a population.


I'm sorry you're sick, and I hope you feel better soon!

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I would be very upset if someone came to church sick.


My DH is sick and called in sick. He teaches Sunday School. This is his 5th day of being really sick. I cannot afford to take off 5 days of work. It is not a monetary thing, it is just that I started this job in August and want to not take time off yet as I feel I am still so new.

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When it comes to germs, sharing is not caring.  Plus, never mind infecting other people.  You really need rest yourself.

THIS! And really, Jesus WILL understand. I do understand your want to go but it truly is of benefit to NO ONE if you do. Besides, if you've invited Him into your heart, He's with you 100% of the time anyway, so talk with Him, one on one. Brew a special cup of tea or another special drink. Take a moment or two of quiet reflection with Him. THAT is what it's all about. He's willing to meet you anywhere. And the bonus is you can't get HIM sick! B-)

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Please stay home.


For years DH was immune-compromised because of ongoing treatments. And we'd go to church and cringe when ever we saw or heard someone that was sick. It was so bad with certain families who felt they had to be there that DH would drive himself, arrive late to sit with us, and then scoot out the back close to the end. 


During that period, colds always went into severe bronchitis.


Now he's not on that protocol, but he had surgery in November and more in January. He's just staying home all winter. He's too frail to take a chance. 

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I know you're not going, Terabith, but I just wanted to encourage you that you are doing the right thing. We've missed lessons, a baby shower, a family reunion, and church this week. I'm almost positive it's because someone came to an event when they were very ill last week.  :mad:


Hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:

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You can call and ask that communion be brought to you when you're ill, I believe.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


I wouldn't call, though, because then the person bringing Communion might get ill.


OP, it's okay. Don't feel badly. I've missed Mass before because of other people here being sick (like I had to care for them or watch the kids because dh was sick) and I hated it.


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I just wanted to come in to give virtual hugs and reassure you that you're doing the right thing by not going.

We missed Mass, too, because DS4's meltdowns were reaching epic-style and there is no safe way to get him out of the church quickly when he's having a bad day, considering the way he flails and lashes out.


ETA: I know someone upthread mentioned sending your spouse. Please, y'all, don't. If anyone in your house has anything suspect to the flu, just stay home. Everyone. 

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I am a greeter at our church and you wouldn't believe the amount of admissions by people saying they don't want to shake my hand because they're very sick -


they do shake my hand and tell me how they'e been dealing with intestinal and breathing illnesses and are probably contagious.


It's something I am very cautious of and wash diligently and try never put my hands or any food in my mouth at church.


I'm astounded at people in this regard.  I find it selfish and inconsiderate, but it happens everywhere - stores, co-ops, parties, etc.


We love them anyway but goodness, common sense is lacking regarding this issue.

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