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Political signs? (not a political thread)


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I don't want this to be a political thread.  I have never in all my life seen such a lack of political signs.   I wonder if it is just my area?  Are there a normal amount of political signs in your area?  I see almost no signs, for either candidate.  I think it says something about the feelings surrounding this election.   :unsure:


ETA:  To be fair, I have no signs in my yard or on my car either.  

Edited by Attolia
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I think the hatred on either side is so strong that people are afraid to put out political signs. I have no intention of broadcasting my choice, because I don't want any sort of hanky-panky taking place. I also would never use a political bumper sticker -- and that is not just for this election. Why invite some wackadoodle to vandalize my vehicle?


That said, political signs are against our homeowners regulations. I did not vote in favor of that rule. :-) There's a part of me that wants to put a huge political sign inside my house, facing out my window.

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We are in a new area (to us), but so far we've only seen bumper stickers in our neighborhood, and very few. When we visit family, in a more rural area, we see a ton of signs for one particular candidate. We even saw signs on a business, which always surprises me - mixing politics and business never seems smart.


We never put signs up in our yard. Heck, I don't even buy clothes that have brand names on the front (Old Navy tshirts, stuff like that) because my kids and my body are not going to be advertisements. My feelings about signs in yards are slightly different, more complicated, but similar. Politics have been divisive in my family and area, and there are some people with whom I prefer a Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy. I don't want the kind of conversation that would ensue if we discussed politics. Maybe I'm a wimp, and it comes of being a fish out of water in an area, politically.

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I think the hatred on either side is so strong that people are afraid to put out political signs. I have no intention of broadcasting my choice, because I don't want any sort of hanky-panky taking place. I also would never use a political bumper sticker -- and that is not just for this election. Why invite some wackadoodle to vandalize my vehicle?

This is the reason I never have political signs as well. There are always crazies on either side, no need to paint a target on my home or vehicle for them.


Off-topic: does hanky-panky mean something different there? Here it's basically a cutesy (well, that's debatable) way to say s3x. I mean, I would be worried about random acts of vandalism or violence, but I can't picture anyone thinking, "Gosh I HATE that candidate, my SO and I should totally go get it on in that front yard." Now I'm wondering if I've been getting the subtext TOTALLY WRONG on American TV shows for a long time if the term comes up, lol.

Edited by SproutMamaK
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We have lots of local political signs.


There is a guy in town who has a collection of signs for a certain strange-haired candidate. He has a maze of wires around his display that he is always adding to. I guess people are stealing them? Honestly, his wire cage around the signs looks so crazy, it isn't doing the candidate any favors.

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Our local political office just opened (or maybe it's about to open--they've been getting it ready) so I wouldn't expect many signs yet. It seems very early for yard signs, I think. But bumper stickers...we have lots. The vast majority are for a candidate no longer in the race, and almost all the others are for his competitor in the same party. Exceptionally few are for the opposition.


There is a house nearby with a Perot sign in the front, and one for Bush/ Quayle. I'm curious if they will add others. Makes me giggle every time I drive by.

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we are just having our primary day,so there are signs up for that.


I live in a solid dem area of a solid dem state, so we never have many signs for the national election. We also have very few political ads for the national candidates on TV etc, It would be foolish for either side to waste resources here, when it's a foregone conclusion. It's an estimated 2-1 advantage for the dems in terms of registered voters, and that isn't counting independents who overwhelmingly break dem.  I feel real sympathy for people living in battleground states. It must be exhausting.


But we will have signs up for the local elections after the primaries are done, which is today. There is usually focus on downticket races and that isn't official until tomorrow.


In a typical presidential election year, as we get closer to the election I would expect to see a few signs for the national candidate that wouldn't be expected to win. The members of that party are few but fierce, lol.  They don't feel shy about expressing their views, that is for sure.  But, this year, given the unusually weak ground operation of the national party, I suspect that resources aren't being put into yard signs.


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Off-topic: does hanky-panky mean something different there? Here it's basically a cutesy (well, that's debatable) way to say s3x. I mean, I would be worried about random acts of vandalism or violence, but I can't picture anyone thinking, "Gosh I HATE that candidate, my SO and I should totally go get it on in that front yard." Now I'm wondering if I've been getting the subtext TOTALLY WRONG on American TV shows for a long time if the term comes up, lol.


I'm in the US, and I understand it the same way you do. I'm giggling at the idea of retaliatory sex on lawns with political signs, though. 


My area is light on signs too. Our neighbor across the street put up a Trump sign, and then our next door neighbor put up a Clinton sign. Those are the only presidential race signs I've seen, and I've been looking for them. 


There are tons of Bernie bumper stickers, though. 

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for the national elections, this has been a trend for a while, at least the past three elections.  I know I have read stories about it in the past few.  I don't think national parties see yard signs as a great use of resources, so there isn't much $$ put into them.  They used to give them away for free, but now they ask for a donation, if the offices even have them. Or maybe they only give them away in a swing state?


My neighbor is a yard sign fanatic. She has had all kinds of signs over the years. Any issue going on, she will put a sign in her yard.  It's actually a very handy way to know what is going on, lol.  But I have noticed that for quite a while she hasn't had any signs up. Not even for Bernie or anything.  If she doesn't have them, they aren't available, at least locally.

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This is the reason I never have political signs as well. There are always crazies on either side, no need to paint a target on my home or vehicle for them.


Off-topic: does hanky-panky mean something different there? Here it's basically a cutesy (well, that's debatable) way to say s3x. I mean, I would be worried about random acts of vandalism or violence, but I can't picture anyone thinking, "Gosh I HATE that candidate, my SO and I should totally go get it on in that front yard." Now I'm wondering if I've been getting the subtext TOTALLY WRONG on American TV shows for a long time if the term comes up, lol.

Hanky panky can also mean 'causing mischief'.  It is used to describe someone being sly and causing trouble. Kind of like minor vandalism, but only if no one knew who did it. 


ETA: online definition



  1. behavior, in particular sexual or legally dubious behavior, considered improper but not seriously so



Edited by Tap
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I think the hatred on either side is so strong that people are afraid to put out political signs. I have no intention of broadcasting my choice, because I don't want any sort of hanky-panky taking place. I also would never use a political bumper sticker -- and that is not just for this election. Why invite some wackadoodle to vandalize my vehicle?


That said, political signs are against our homeowners regulations. I did not vote in favor of that rule. :-) There's a part of me that wants to put a huge political sign inside my house, facing out my window.

I have a sticker on my car and it's going to stay there. But when I walk to my car late at night after work I wonder whether I will find any scratches..it will either be my bumper sticker or my atrocious parking skills. We'll never know! ;)
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In my area of the PNW, i see more bumper stickers that are against a candidate, than pro one of the other.  LOL  I think that is a common theme this year.  It isn't necessarily who the public is for.....but more who they are against.  There were a lot of bumper stickers for Bernie Sanders after he had a rally here, but those are going away now that he is out. 


Here, if they are in a public area that gets mowed, temporary yard signs get removed by public works dept and held for the party to pick them up. Only signs that are on wood supports are left in place. 


No private yard signs yet, but I assume they are coming. I hate all of the debris piled up everywhere for political signage for any election. If I had my own city, it wouldn't be allowed LOL 

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I've seen one yard full of various ads for a particular candidate, some appear homemade. Recently bumper stickers for that candidate have been appearing on pick up trucks. I've also seen two bumper stickers for "Giant Meteor 2016"



Edited by Onceuponatime
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We are not seeing much here, however that is not that unusual. We are planning on taking a drive the weekend before the election this year just to see what we see. 4 years ago I had to drive through an area up for grabs and I was seeing signs for one candidate more then the other, by a lot. I was shocked when the area didn't go for that person. 

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Our house is at the end of a long road, with literally no traffic, so a sign would be wasted in our yard, and we avoid posting political anything on our commercial property, so we don't have places to put up signs . . . so we never do signs personally . . . 


But I've definitely noticed that there are very few signs up in our area this election cycle. 

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We have a primary today. Only the upstart sent out a mailing, and he sent 2. Generally we are ignored due to district boundaries.


I am getting phone calls re US President and I have seen a few yard signs. Kind of surprised, since the candidate most likely to win the state has ignored it. Usually we dont see signs un til after the primary.

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I'm glad you posted this! I thought it was just our area. We had a ton of signs during primary seasons but very little since. Maybe the occasional bumper sticker. And eventhough it's early, we usually see signs everywhere by this time of an election cycle.

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We have a lot of local ones here and one huge Trump sign, but that's it. I have a good friend who is a grassroots political organizer and she says signs do not translate into votes. If fact, she says all they do is boost the morale of the candidate. Other than that she doesn't like them, they cost too much, are too much trouble to move around, and, again, they don't get votes. So maybe more political organizers are feeling that way and it's showing?

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I have not seen many Presidential political signs at all this election. Same goes for bumper stickers/car magnets. A few for each candidate.... probably slightly more for Trump (I'm in a very Republican area), but nowhere near what I've seen in past elections.

I didn't realize it until you mentioned it but I've seen no bumper stickers for either candidate. Lots of Obama stickers and lots of Carson stickers because he had a big rally here but that's it. Interesting times.

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Hanky panky can also mean 'causing mischief'.  It is used to describe someone being sly and causing trouble. Kind of like minor vandalism, but only if no one knew who did it. 


ETA: online definition



  1. behavior, in particular sexual or legally dubious behavior, considered improper but not seriously so


I genuinely had no idea! I always thought it was specifically a reference to kids sneaking around to have sex. Although I don't recall ever actually hearing someone use it in real life, lol, I'll have to keep that in mind if it comes up again.


Back on-topic: do people feel like they saw MORE lawn signs during the primaries? I feel like there wasn't as big of a stigma attached to supporting Rubio or Sanders as to supporting Clinton or Trump.

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I would never put a political sign in my yard for a presidential candidate.  The point of a simple sign is to raise name awareness, and everyone already knows who is running for president.  I don't think they *persuade* anyone.   


However, I will for a local or state candidate or for one of our federal senators because our federal (auto-correct wrote "feral") senators have been in office for so many terms that I'm not sure their opponents ever get any ink.  


Research has shown that name familiarity has a noticeable impact on a voter's choice.  I would suspect the impact is lessened in VoteByMail, because you can sit there with your voter's guide and the internet and look stuff up.  

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I think the hatred on either side is so strong that people are afraid to put out political signs. I have no intention of broadcasting my choice, because I don't want any sort of hanky-panky taking place. I also would never use a political bumper sticker -- and that is not just for this election. Why invite some wackadoodle to vandalize my vehicle?


That said, political signs are against our homeowners regulations. I did not vote in favor of that rule. :-) There's a part of me that wants to put a huge political sign inside my house, facing out my window.


I agree with the vehicle thing. Too many crazies out there. Our HOA regulations allow for political signs but only 30 days before the election (can't ban them via federal law).


I have only seen signs for 1 candidate and usually those yards have multiple of that person's signs.

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